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Desire for change often life demands it. Sending symbols, red flags, archetypes, reapers, reoccurring dreams and nightmares and experiences so one can level up to true, authentic self. It is indeed a daunting process many try to escape looking within. Emotions require attention they are feelings, energy in motion. The human doing is well adapted at masking the persona and trickster archetypes so named by C.G.Jung. Masks, veils, cosmetic make up and make overs are tools for transformation. The inner change and emergence of consciousness that brings clarity and abundance is a sign, symbol of the process. Yoga is part of emotional regulation as emotional and mental stress are seeds of potential destruction.

The foundation for success in one’s desire is built from a upward from a physical ,mental,spiritual / purpose, financial success or desire, the goal is achieved. It takes resilience, passion, purpose to harness one’s inner power. Observe a flock of birds flying together. They are all leaders with one purpose, all on the same team such is the human being. Reiterated in The Holy Bible in different words referring to one as a temple with one’s eye single to the glory of God. This is not a god as aeons of time has perpetuated in holy books and religiosity. It is the god within generating, organizing, destroying, neither male or female. Know thyself a grand work by Santos Bonacci regarding the governance of the human system. From this work understanding of the dynamic brain – body – heart system can be grasped.

A vision for the change one desires, the goal to be achieved and a plan to achieve it. Resistance to the change can come from external sources and within self when thrown into doubt, confusion by the trickster archetype. Failing to plan one plans to fail. The trickster a deceptive image, chameleon, believing in the opposite, mistaking the mask for the face and right from wrong, The strength of the weak, confusion. A skilled manipulator who easily outwits others through superior wit and cunning. Adapting, seeing through a situation, turning the tables. The tricked can become the trickster. Taking a chance, gambling that may pay off.

“We like to imagine that something which we do not understand does not help us in any way. But this is not always so”C.G.Jung There are neurons in the brain and body mainly in the gut that tell us when something one does is wrong or done wrongly, went wrong or going in a different direction. Part of the inner dialogue and linked to the quality of intuition. Emotional discord /dissonance ensues as one is betraying the self, not listening to what is called the still small voice that brings indigenous wisdom. The cells in the entire body transform given time, space, nourishment, love proper environment to develop. See Aristotle acorn analogy. Damage to these neurons during child development with out proper environment for change is a crucial point as these cells devour energy to maintain the status quo, homeostasis of the entire body. Draining the Endocanabinoid system (ECS) which assists homeostasis. One of the reasons recreational users of cannabis are always seeking the high as these talking neurons are in a deficient state, battered, bruised, broken functionality. These are many other types of cells, neurons that impact the ECS system and it is shown that CBD, CBN and the mother of all canabinoids CBGA struggle silently to transform the damage and insufficiency of this dynamic system. There is continual Research globally in this area in regards to neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Two organs that support a single neural network heart – brain, the spinal cord.

To achieve success however one views success in any endeavor requires the shift in perspective, shift in consciousness. The emerging consciousness integrates and clarity is revealed as one journeys through the resistance, build resilience, know thyself, face the shadows and the reaper, look within. “ The mask ie, the ad hoc adopted attitude. I have called the persona which was the name for the masks worn by actors in antiquity” C.G.Jung .Over identification with the mask, exalted ideas of self importance, extreme dedication and super efficiency and people who become nothing more than the roles they play, become their dis – ease, fear of dropping the mask. Rigid people cut off from their own humanity, the dictator, fanatic, the empty shell are all tools of a powerful transformational force handled mindfully.

This is a condensed work and the other wisdom insights, the Ophiuchus oracles group on face book for Yvonne Moonflower Thompson from a treatise The Perpetual Lamp Of Truth by Arbil Panterra Zruvan Didier and Aimah Didier aka Moonflower The Seer of Moyle.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)