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The Vagus nerve and well being

It’s name means wanderer as it starts in the front of the head and descends like tree roots down the front of the body innervating all the organs and nourishes them with the life force energy. The nerve makes sure all organs are functioning well. It has been proposed that it mediates diverse physiological functions and responses. Vagus nerve degeneration is quite widespread and linked to many illnesses and anomalies in bodily function. Cervical instability and ligament laxity in the neck are prime contributors to loss in vagal tone. The vagus nerve is a defender, protector of the body against all enemies as quoted by Dr. Ross Hauser MD. Along with the condition of the four sinuses, the vagus nerve and the brain body dynamic shows considerable capacity to overcome any issues and it is reversible. As it has been shown the etiology of almost all diseases dead end at the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve functionality is tested using heart rate variability (HRV). Low HRV indicates the vagus nerve system is low. High HRV indicates High vagal tone and more tolerant to it’s stressors. The Vagus nerve connects to the immune system, the central nervous system and endocrine system. Indirectly regulates body temperature, heart rate and function (Stimulation of the nerve can alter cardiovascular autonomic control in healthy humans), decrease blood pressure, satiation, inflammation, stomach acidity, blood sugar regulation, bile release and production, water and sodium balance, saliva and tear production, pupil dilation, and auricular issues.

When doctors don’t know what your issue is the vagus nerve, blocked sinuses, light sensitivity are worth investigating. Cervical instability signs may include; dizziness, drop / fainting attacks, gastro-paresis, extreme sensitivity to light, touch and sound, blurry vision, nausea, vertigo, depression, brain fog, tinnitus,headache, severe neck pain, swallowing, speech difficulties, itchy eyes, grinding, clicking sounds emanating from the jaw, shoulder aches, tired, sore muscles, back ache, lack of mobility. All on a scale from mild to extreme.

Stressors include diet, environment, financial, genetic, infections, metals (heavy, nickel, tin, aluminum), radiation, relationships, past emotional traumas, loud noises, infections, pollutants and chemicals. Poor vagal tone will show itself as chronic lymph disease, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, dementia, diabetes, colitis, chronic fatigue, lack of motivation, Central sensitivity syndromes, sick building syndrome, balance issues, The nervous system is on alert. The autonomic nervous system ( ANS ) sympathetic system is high and parasympathetic low. The improved vagal tone has been shown to inhibit primitive part of the brain and the frontal cerebral cortex improves. The hyper arousal response of the primitive brain decreases. Thus one is more able to handle conflict better, less inflamed and less overweight with proper exercise.

Effects of vagus nerve degeneration can be lessened, reversed given time and some doctors are using prolotherapy to address issues. A holistic provider can determine the issue sources and prognosis. The common denominator in many cases of severe pain syndromes is the vagus nerve and to resolve it go to a specialist or help your self once diagnosed properly as proper diagnosis makes for a treatment plan that is more effective. Yin Yoga, restorative yoga postures, meditation and other forms of energy body work like Qui gong, meditation and proper breathing. All have been successful in improving HRV and increasing vagal tone.

Tissue, organ affected and the effect of Vagus nerve degeneration list. Not fully comprehensive.

Brain Depression, mental illness, decreased alertness, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease

Carotid body Increased heart rate

Ear Sound sensitivity, poor tearing, dizziness, Meniere’s disease

Eyes Blurry vision, Light sensitivity

Intestines Irritated bowels, bloody stools, malnutrition, poor digestion, leaky gut

Peripheral nerves Hyper arousal of sensory system, extreme pain when touched

Pituitary gland Endocrinopathy, low hormonal levels, diabetes insipidus

Salivary glands Decreased saliva and tears

Spleen Mast cell activation syndrome, itching, immune deficiency

Stomach Bloating, nausea, poor appetite

Sweat glands Poor temperature regulation

Sympathetic nerves Anxiety, stress feelings, O.C.D, hyperactivity

Vocal chords Hoarseness, choking, difficulty breathing

What you can do for your self or contact me here. 10 minute daily exercises that can lift the loneliness, depression and or maintain brain body system optimally. See vagus nerve activation on YouTube by Brain education TV or vagus nerve massage, yoga for brain exercises, look UP instead of constant looking down on phones, computer screens and key boards. Think ergonomically. Things to avoid: Weight of head in front of cervical spine, stretching of posterior ligament complex, Increased force on atlanto – axial ( C1 C2 ) joint, Lengthening, stretching of neck vagus nerve, avoid increased tension in brain stem. Often in yoga practice which has a heavy emphasis on lengthening the spine which includes the neck, cervical area. This is not addressed but a competent and informed mature in the practice yoga teacher can modify poses, kriyas to address any issues that may be part of vagus nerve condition. Brace the neck, vagus nerve stimulation, essential oils, lifestyle diet changes, to name a few self help strategies under the guidance of a holistic practitioner (contact for Dr.

Interested in learning more or have an issue that requires addressing? Consultations in clinical mindfulness and other modalities available through Corlunas. Contact us here.

Picture courtesy of Arbela Didier
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Ophiuchus Oracles

The Zodiac as known from a western viewpoint has been arranged in a circle of 12 houses or sun signs. However there are many types of astrological configurations, calendars used. Ophiuchus is one of many constellations and according to ancient Chaldean history, the modern astrology is quite different and no comparison to the ancient sun, moon, star gazers maps. What is used these days is not complete nonsense but has some semblance of the actual motions of the planets, stars, or heavenly bodies. The heavenly bodies are all located in the skull of peoples, part of the ultimate human secret. A knowledge that is much talked of now as the information has been deciphered by many who sought answers to age old questions concerning what it is to e human being rather than a human doing.

Ophiuchus is the “mind” or governor of the 12 house western zodiac. Aries the head, Taurus the neck and so it continues relating the human body to the heavenly body formation. Ophiuchus or snake bearer has been associated with many icons such as King Arthur and the round table of knights. It is associated with information, government of the human kingdom. Ibn’Arabi mystic philosopher’s book Divine governance of the human kingdom and other alchemist philosophers wrote of this in a language now mostly obscured by modern languages, present day rhetoric and social ignorance.

Most people read and have been told to read and accept the bible and other holy works as absolute literature. However this is misleading as it was written in a language most have no basis for understanding despite the many worldwide translations of al chemical, spirit matter to the base level of physical material level. Most can not grasp the original intent and meaning. This is a gross example of “lost, ignorant language disseminated like propaganda to the ignorant masses who just do not think for themselves and rely on appointed others to enlighten them. The 5th Kind.TV has clarified this book and the mainframe is works of “The Powerful Ones”. You can find them on you tube.

Many people use a moon calendar. The moon is associated with water, love and Venus is associated with love itself. Love of the beloved however one envisions the beloved. When the feminine principle was “lost”, usurped and named as hidden. The meaning of occult. This is when the heavenly bodies were rearranged to fit that timed period. It is nothing to do with gender, it is how energy moves. Ophiuchus moves like a snake and it flows like Venus through the sun signs. It is impacted greatly by mercury itself if it is retrograde, transitioning or moving in a forward direction. It is not a linear or circular flow emanating from a singular point. Rather a convergence of energies like a shuttle that picks up energy as it moves. The weavers, spinners of wool into yarn have a crude rudimentary process that image empowers the action of the energetic flow. The Norns in Celtic culture are symbolic of this weaving process of energy.

It is not just matter, it is thought, light, sound energy on all levels even molecular, DNA level of processing. The constellation Ophiuchus was once part of the Hydra constellation, from whence the myth and legend of Melucine, Medussa arises, the three Norns and the lady of necessity of Norse culture. The Greek fates are all part of the mystery. This all stems back to ancient pre- Sumarian, Mesopotamian civilization recorded on clay tablets of a much older chronicle involving planets Tiamat / Nibiru in a great cataclysm. The aftermath of a great celestial battle that is still ongoing. In the records of the Yuga, Vedic, Naga culture of Harrapa, Mohan Daro and ancient Persian historical periods. The Persian empire covered a vast portion of the earth and now as the earth is very much different than it was. The Hierophant is the tarot card for this constellation. The bearer of wisdom, the snake, the kundalini technology, Sequencing of the DNA genome and manipulation. Dragons were once thought of as snakes, their nature is quite different.

The quiet warriors of light who have shared their wisdom in their own unique way. Some appear as anonymous, nothing attributed to them passing into other reality realms with no issue. Others have no names in historical references to events perceived as magical, supernatural, often marked as genius. Here are a few the others remain anonymous; Pamela Colman Smith, Roslyn Franklin, Hassan Didier, Zruvan Mohan, Abra’il Didot, Ophelia Mokoshe, Niamh Maguire. Nicola Tesla is well known for advocating Energy, Frequency, Vibration, he knew the sacredness of 3-6-9 vibration called A-U-M symbol OM. A guardian of light. The Hermetists have a symbol of The Perpetual Lamp of Wisdom forever burning on the Alter of Truth in The Treasury of The Heart.

The Ophiuchus oracles can be read on My Facebook page Yvonne Moonflower Thompson. You are welcome to friend me to read the oracle postings on that page. The Magnus Opus of this mystic is being formulated and will be made available for purchase.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Seidr Sukhavati

Welcome to the place of new beginnings the home of internal bliss ( Ananda ). I am your guide the Seer of Moyle of ancient ways for lifting your vibrational living self, beyond the limitations that encumber a vital lifestyle. Your skill set will be enhanced if the tools are used wisely. A seidr is an old name for a seer,mystic, shaman, magician. This is a sanctuary of wisdom for intelligent, constructive and life transforming information and insights. Mysticism, consultations and vocational pursuits are offered here. Using good thoughts, good words and good deeds to consciously craft and mindfully manifest your sovereign self that when integrated assists you in attaining an abundant lifestyle.

When one is safe, you relax and can be opened up to positive life changing possibilities. The Ophiuchus oracle on my Facebook page Yvonne Moonflower Thompson is such a tool and a niche for civilized expression of inner emotions. It assists, enhances cognitive fluidity functioning. As opposed to cognitive dissonance and emotional discord. Ophiuchus is a constellation represented by the Hierophant tarot card and the gemstone blue topaz. Ophiuchus is The snake bearer and head of the zodiac. It is all about information. It travels into each sun sign spending two weeks in each much like the moon. It is not a linear path.

I see through you. I can see you through. Through you I see. Thou art for the future, for the future though art. The future of your heart can be a heart full future.

There are three coaching methodologies used to bring out your best self. 1. Short term coaching. 2. Crisis coaching. 3. Long term coaching. Ultimately it is using your life force energy appropriately to manifest your chosen life style and maintaining the quality of both. Desire and demand for change is essential, having a vision of that and i help you put a plan, process together to achieve the desired change or goal to be achieved. Resistance is a stumbling block. Resistance is manifest many ways including ignorance, monks’ pride, gas lighting and one’s belief system, fear even love itself and its misunderstanding and misinterpretations can be a stumbling block.

D x V x P > R = C

D = Desire and demand for change. Dissatisfaction with the status quo. V = Vision for the change. P = Plan and process for achieving the change. R = Resistance to change. C = Change the learner most desires, the goal to be achieved.

Using analytical methods, analytical and continental philosophy to identify a problem, issue or topic I assist you to develop solutions or deepen your understanding of the problem, issue or topic. Approaching every setback and failure as an opportunity to learn. Incorporating past learning to solve present problems, issues. Getting to the heart of the matter and finding the logical solution; improving one’s decision making so being – in-the-world ( Dasein ) can be a blissful experience. The value and complexity of any state currently experienced can be clarified by this process.

  1. The past, descriptive, explaining what happened.
  2. Diagnostic, explains why it happened.
  3. The future, predictive, forecasts what might happen.
  4. Prescriptive, outcome, recommending an action based on the forecast.

Vocational pursuits includes but not limited to skills, talents you can develop to provide, sustain self and loved ones. Learn to cook, sew, knit, crochet, how to care for clothing, developing patience, compassion, empathy , It can be anything you are interested in, passionate about developing or improving. See some of the posts here it may stimulate your curiosity.

Master the self, get out of your own way, challenge those emotions and any long standing issues. All can be resolved, transformed and re framed, refocus and grow, re orientate your mirror neurons aka wings so you can fly beyond the maddening chaotic crowds and limiting social consciousness. Mercury retrograde aspect is a good time to do such things allow us to be your guide to personal transformation. One on one in person, what’s app, and zoom are available for coaching and consultations.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Alchemy of the Spirit

The alchemist, transmutes energy, emotions and empaths (Often labelled as negative energy sponge, sacrificial lamb of emotional baggage). Unnecessary fears and past experiences are baggage not effective for traveling through life, physically, through the inner world or even through time and space. The difference is applying understanding of the universal laws and hermetic principles in the Kybalion to the emotional body.

Seven notable steps include; Calcination, Dissolution,Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation and Coagulation.

  1. CALCINATION When you start to see the tricks,illusions, misleading beliefs, harmful habits of your and others egos, the crack in the universe some call it, the trickster loki at work. You can begin to find out what lies beneath the glossy veneer. The unwanted and unnecessary are burnt to ashes. the process of breaking down parts of ourselves that are in the way of our own happiness. Ego, self doubt, stubbornness, self sabotaging behavior, pride, arrogance, outmoded beliefs.
  2. DISSOLUTION Intense emotions bring about intense crying. The gradual or even sudden breaking up of the formulated sense of self (exercise loosening self image, sepia homeopathic helps here). Ceasing to identify strongly with the ego form to make space for higher self energy. There is an awareness of spiritual maturity developing and emotional intelligence. The inability to take responsibility for our own faults, avoidance of traumatized memories and other deeply embedded inner tensions as they arise to the surface cause many to become aware, of how one’s behavior might be affecting others.
  3. SEPARATION Deep thinking and understanding. This process of allowing buried thoughts and conditions to surface (pirates treasure, these thoughts are your hidden potential gold, unaddressed steal your life force away) so that we can become conscious of them. It involves isolating and identifying sources of pain, discomfort, fear within so healing can occur. Become aware of our own authentic feeling or that of others if counseling, parenting. Experience the anger, frustration, disappointments; rather than reverting back to old habits and duty of forgiving and forgetting because it is the ” comfortable/ right “thing to do (K2 tapping is needed there at the very least).
  4. Empaths may want to use the hook up and zip up technique used in qui gong and energy medicine) Other life hacks for empaths whatever type you are on the Myers Briggs scale include: awareness of type of light around you that can cause headaches, dizziness, st-robing effects of LED, C.F.L bulbs. Get negative ion generators like Himalyan salt lamps that have a microbial effect and stabilize the mood. Influence serotonin levels in the brain. Air purifiers and PH your drinking water.
  5. Philips make a light therapy lamp with blue light emission for alleviating Winter blues and decreased,lack of sunlight. Energy medicine, qui gong daily routine to keep energy aligned, grounded and moving in the appropriate direction. Grounding mats and earthing sheets for beds are available for those with electro – sensitivity. Reduce cell phone, wi-fi emissions. House plants are air cleaners, organic copper and crystals are useful. All these things can help keep energy moving in appropriate direction and prevent, alleviate hadaches, muddled thinking and behavior, manic / depression cycles, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia and anxiety reduced as toxins are reduced.
  6. CONJUNCTION This stage one can begin the desired path. A stage of inner growth, inviting the light to illuminate the darkness so understanding, acceptance, unconditioned self love can grow. It provides the inner space to truly accept all aspects, parts of the authentic self. All unconscious thoughts, feelings simmer, bubble up to the surface into the light of conscious awareness. In sufi mysticism “Wakil” sees you through the dark times. A comforting presence especially in the dark night of the soul.
  7. CBD oil. Has been shown to successfully coat the brain in the endocannabinoid, cell receptor system. An essential terpene found in the body. Offering protection and optimum functionality once integrated and absorbed into the system. See post on terpenes.
  8. FERMENTATION The old begins to die and the new light is glimpsed. The beginning stages of the rebirth process. The living energy is aroused to heal and vivify (raising of Lazarus by the light personified as Jesus a common name anciently). Consciousness emerges from the darkness. The refined self, like the death of a grape becomes birth of new wine. Water into wine parable. Mere tales of the ancient alchemist.
  9. DISTILLATION Further purification after facing a series of hardships. Finding ways to thrive and live from a place of inner peace, daily routines cultivated to maintain the bliss found even in mundane circumstances. Inner illumination, enlightenment. Miracles of the blessed to obtain this stage.
  10. COAGULATION Becoming whole again. When you have freed the mind ( brain and mind are different entities ) Attaining moksha, liberation, freedom and consciousness, soul connects with spirit. The altar major in the head or Zeal chakra ( called mouth of god ) and soul star chakra 6 inches above head ( this is considered the mind is a gateway for physical, non physical integration ) are fully functional heaven and earth connected to the earth star chakras in the feet. This is the coagulation, the great marriage of religion. The physical universe is a reflection of the spiritual reality, there is no separation from mind. The divine mind or Ein Sof Ohr in kabbalah, limitless light, a series of contractions and expansions called the Sephirot on the tree of life in Jewish mysticism. Brain healing music Serotonin release happiness 1,000HZ fully restore cerebral neurons.

These are the stages of spiritual, soul alchemy for one to obtain the philosophers stone, gold. It is a dynamic process and the processes are ongoing. Their is no clear line of demarcation it is beyond a feeling. there is a relationship between kundalini, life force energy, kabbalah and alchemy and all the ancient ways.

For more information and consultations please contact Corlunas at the information on this website.

Image source unsure.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Yoga for the Brain

Physical activity and mental acuity are intrinsically connected. The brain is constantly developing especially noted in childhood studies but this is not limited to children. The brain has flexible, adaptive potential often underestimated and overlooked. Becoming stagnant and dysfunctional due to self limiting belief systems and academic, social ignorance. Nothing is set in stone, it is a unique organ that can recreate in the face of challenges and the power within can be unleashed for whole brain learning and healthy psychological development. Thus transforming the human condition. A condition unique to each individual therefore several strategies are employed to accomplish each individuals goal. It is a spiritual alchemy. As all things are light, thought matter energy to some degree.

All physical activity, movement will wake up the brain. the empowering exercises enhances flexibility, hand eye coordination, stimulate brain regions and pathways the unfortunately are becoming atrophy in children steeped in technology. Young adults and baby boomers hooked into social media content. They are loosing the ability to process , the instinct and intuition to deal with life and any challenges. It is a natural process to learn through play and movement. It builds motor neurons, fine and large motor skills and thought forms. New associations in memory are created by experimentation, thus new equilibrium and awareness of imbalances. When at an impasse, lack motivation, energy to move through stress, injury, anxiety or other means. Sensorimotor learning can provide the impetus or restore the drive to move.

Yoga for the brain assists you in the physical skills of learning, re learning after trauma, illness, shock, temporary disability of any kind. A Self actualization and aesthetic appreciation of the perception of beauty, art,dance, sensory emotional values all play their part in this alchemy process.. Self regulation, self care and direction, initiative and social interaction, confidence. symbolic thinking decoding the meaning of words and images that they represent (Sabian mysteries is useful here). Provide a creative context. For example, a theme for learning through movement and interaction with others.

Energy meridian exercises to center and align assist in organizing, planning, lining things up.

Deepening attitudes to relax, calm, emotionally,physically stabilize; for sharing, cooperating, sensory memory, self referencing system (yoga nidra, Tibetan kum nye),

Focus uses lengthening exercises to release old stagnant tension energy. For better self expression and understanding and ability to take the initiative. Spatial questioning where am I? Communication uses left / right.

Mid line movements to encourage sensorimotor coordination, information processing, reading, writing, speaking and listening. Learn what is it? (kaoshikii, yoga meridian exercises) are essential in freeing your spiritual self which is trapped within you, a view taken by early gnostics and Cathars. not religion based these practices free the unrefined parts of the self, free from core wounds and beliefs that prevent you living in bliss; and other self destructive behaviors and personality structures, soul loss.

Example of one of the many exercises in yoga for the brain is the adaptation of warrior pose. It is grounding and addresses the ileopsoas muscles for stability and coordination of lower back, hips and legs. It provides the flexibility for balance, directional focus when moving and whole body coordination. The muscles tighten due to excessive sitting, sacrum becomes locked, breath shortens, vision impaired. Great for those spending long time at desks, driving vehicles, machine work, computers. Yin Yoga exercises can be quite challenging also address this physical issue. What appears to be a physical issue is not truly as it seems, it is differentiating states of energy revealing itself.

Improved concentration and attention. Better balance and coordination, ease in seated position. Deeper respiration and increased energy. Front and back of body moving in a unified whole. Poise, enhanced self perception and clearer boundaries. Uses crossing the vertical mid-line of body, spatial and peripheral awareness, increased visual, auditory, tactile and kinesthetic attention. When our energy is not flowing in the appropriate direction one can experience pain, dullness of mind and a myriad of issues. It can become stagnant and energy runs backwards causing chronic issues if not addressed properly even a simple thing like clearing the four sinuses can improve with proper breathing technique. Tapping K2 meridian point where all the energies meet can reverse the flow into the appropriate direction. In Chinese medicine Water up, Fire down philosophy can help a fiery, hot temper and headache.

One of the most powerful things one can do for themselves is learn how to convert, transmute the negative energy from pain suffered into constructive actions. The inner alchemy of transmuting the inner elements of the past to a substance that can become and nourish the sovereign, higher self. It involves willingness to let go of redundant, primitive, outmoded qualities and embracing where you are now, accept that change is required to live your life in vitality.

Moving can improve the flow of life force energy through the body. Coupled with essential nutrients, CBD oil to protect the brain matter, and wholesome eating plans your life force energy will enhance your being.

For more details on this, yoga medicine, yoga tune ups, consultations. Contact Corlunas at the information provided on the about page.

Picture from Sumerian archives.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Metaphysical and Occult (hidden as in sacred often protected and thus secret) are sometimes misconstrued. The masses call it magic, sorcery, even tantric which actually means technique. It is the work of the alchemist, the sage or wise ones and the tools they use to manipulate the universal energy and other sources of energy like the life force energy. Deconstructed to the elements earth, wind fire and water. All have essence, spirit, angles of light or angels association, Kundalini of the ancient vedas is part of it. That also is systematized into the chakras. Given colour associations according to the angle of light and vibration frequency. There are numerous chakras in and around the body and the earth globe itself. It can be seen, but more often felt, yet it is beyond a feeling. Often called intuition. The third eye, clear active, whole pineal gland is important and essential in metaphysical matters.

Even the countries and hemispheres, continents have chakra associations.Gemstones and semi precious stones, incense all have a vibration frequency, salt, light, are all included in this universal metaphysical system. Understanding the universal laws that govern the life force on this planet earth is a good place for the curious to start. Many countries and cultures, tribes past, present have put their interpretations in symbols and books of wisdom for those they viewed as future. Some maintained an oral tradition. It is from these marvelous works and wondrous insights the rune came, Vedas, Gathas, Magnus Opum of alchemist tradition, hermetic tradition gave the Kyballion, the bible not to be read literally as it is by mainstream ( of many authors of light ), the quran from angel Gabriel (plagiarized from the sabian mandean priests ) Earth chronicles of the Sumerians before those from the heavens fell (Annunaki, watchers) later made Mandean / Zurvanites. The list is short as there are many works out there.

Chakras technology and conducting the life force energy in a way in which one can access their source of power. Unleashing the positive power within; using that power with wisdom is the main concern at this site. To empower the individual in a way conducive to their own well being. In a way that they do not deceive them self and no one is able to deceive them. (Yazna 43:6)

Consultations and contact information are available to interested individuals and groups. This is not about religion or ethnicity as it tends to limit openness and access to the universal life force energy.

Picture courtesy of Yari Mac Lir
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Nutritional Counseling, Yoga tune-ups

Our subconscious patterns can often be detrimental to our well being. Those ingrained patterns that have become habit, lifestyle and often stagnant stemming positive productive growth in many areas of life. Sometimes it is linked to our belief system. the choices of food, drink is linked to that patterning be it cultural or otherwise. Attending to the inner environment can greatly assist anyone who is in need of change and a clearer perspective, energy to move forward with life.

Nutritional counseling offers a guide to living in harmony with nature and the seasons, natural health and well being. Find out who you are as to nutritional type (Ayurveda system) and what you need to bring balance to your unique life. Pamper your body mind and soul. Practical advice to maintain good health, food, diet and recipes for your individual success. Seasonal living strategies.Cleansing, detox therapies and weaving your hopes and dreams into your life. Positive thinking and meditation to help you maintain your new balance. As a cannabis sommelier Corlunas can assist one improve and balance deficient indigenous Endocannabinoid system, through informed supplementation and home remedies and exercises. eg. Learn to breath make sure all 4 sets of sinuses are open a common ailment for many.

Develop awareness and improve your body posture. Know your body clock and how to deal with ageing naturally. Ayurveda Rasayana is the nutritional aspect, one limb of the yoga ladder. Many yoga’s depending on what needs are to be addressed. Yoga nidra addresses relaxation as does Tibetan Kum Nye a gentle restorative type of yoga. Yoga has been given many definitions in the west basically meaning union. Corlunas focus on the gentle transformative side of yoga to bring inner balance, union, harmony to body, mind and so your soul can thrive in your body. Your temple, vehicle whilst on this earth plain. Then as desired you can astral travel, project and manifest your own unique present and future; using these timeless techniques.

Picture courtesy of Magyar Zruvan (Hungarian Gypsy King)
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Natural First Aid Kit

Basic Essentials

Plasters in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Small, medium and large sterile gauze dressing.

At least two sterile eye dressings.

Triangular bandages, two.*

Crepe rolled bandages.

Medical tape, alternatively safety pins.

Disposable sterile gloves.

CPR pocket mask.


Splint soft.*




Wound cleaning solution. e.g. Saline, antiseptic solution, hydrogen peroxide, witch hazel.*

Antibiotic cream or ointment.*

Antiseptic wipes.


Smelling salts.*

Soap of some kind.*

Pain relievers, ointment, spray, liniment.*

Reusable cloth*

Additional Natural Essentials.

Herbal Tinctures

Plantain is anti inflammatory anti bacterial.

Catnip tincture assists digestive upset and aids sleep.

Lobelia assists breathing difficulties.

Motherwort for anxiety.

Pure Essential Oils.*

Lavender oil is antibacterial, antiseptic, relaxing and calming. Assists anxiety.

Neem oil antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial.

Tea tree oil antibacterial. Stings, bites, wound cleaning.

Eucalyptus oil assists with nasal, breathing issues.

Bergamot, orange oil is uplifting aroma.

Flower Remedies.*

The flower essences carry the vibration energetic signature of the flower. Very useful for sensitive individuals, but in any case it addresses the emotional, mental state of the one involved. Children, Adults, Pets and plants can all benefit.

Forget me not is useful in cases of grief, loss, disappointment.

Bach flower star of Bethlehem assists trauma

Beech helps you clarify things.

Chicory assists manipulative individuals to be less so.

Aloe Vera gel or plant. Calamine lotion. Natural decongestant balm like “Vicks”.*


Supplies minerals needed when depleted through stress, lack of water intake and excessive sweating. Keeps muscles functioning. Alternatively use mineral salts* or lemon juice; Hot tea also supplies minerals.

* These item are available at in the alchemist apothecary.


The above information is for educational purposes. If currently under prescribed medications, please consider contacting your physician, other health professional or doctor before using your selected tinctures or anything for internal consumption, and topical essential oils. Many tinctures, oils, products on the market not evaluated by FDA. Hence this note. It has been shown some pharmaceuticals have contraindications with certain herbs. Current information and legislature has not specified anything regarding Flower Essences.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Natural Folk Remedies

Many common ailments can be prevented and cured by items in the kitchen and garden. Here are just a few tried and tested remedies from various sources. Some of which can be used in a natural first aid kit for home or on the go. Natures first aid kit products can be purchased in the alchemist apothecary at


Mold bags of frozen peas around the body part pre wrapped in a tea towel to prevent ice burns.


Aloe Vera is simple to grow on a windowsill for easy access. Simply apply the leaves’ inner cooling gel directly to the area.


Infuse cider vinegar with sprigs of thyme or rosemary and apply to the area.


Mash papaya and apply directly to clean wound.


Smooth on tomato juice.


Smear olive oil around the sprain. Apply whisked egg yolk. Wrap in cotton wool and bandage immediately.


Hold a piece of fresh bread over a cut, apply mild pressure and wait for the bleeding to cease.


Immediately sprinkle granulated sugar on it. Sugar absorbs the heat.


Crush 10g (1/3 oz) raisins with 10g (1/3oz) freshly sliced ginger. Mix with 200ml (7fl oz) water.

Let it stand for an hour, then boil to reduce by ¾. Drink once or twice a day till fever reduces.


Add1/2 peeled onion to a jar of honey, close lid tightly and leave for three days. Take a teaspoon every few hours when you have a sore throat. Use a fresh clean, dry spoon, water in honey makes it rancid!


Make chicken soup include onions, sage and garlic. They are immune boosters. Have a bowl or cup twice a day during your cold.


Add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper to a cup of apple cider vinegar. Simmer for 15 minutes. Cool it to hand hot and soak a cloth in it. Wring out excess liquid and hold cloth on affected area.


Sprinkle a teaspoon of turmeric into a bowl of boiling water and stir. Breathe in the steam for a few minutes.


The day before you fly, eat high protein meals (pulses,fish,meat) for breakfast and lunch. A carbohydrate meal with pasta and or rice for dinner. The protein in the meals stimulate the body to produce catecholamines, which mirror the body’s naturally “awake” daytime state.


Finish meals with 125ml(4fl oz) fresh pineapple juice to prevent indigestion.


Process carrot, beetroot, gooseberries, a pinch of fresh garlic in juicer or liquidizer.


Mix a teaspoon each of rosemary, dried mint and fennel seeds with 2-3 cups of boiling water. Steep for 15-20 minutes, cool, cover. Stores in fridge for 3-5 days.


Drink 150ml (5fl oz) celery juice before each meal.


Vanilla extract rubbed on gums can help. Alternatively clove oil, or nestle a clove in the tooth area.


Mix together 2 tablespoons plain yogurt,1/2 tablespoon honey,1/2 tablespoon lemon juice. Add the contents of 3x vitamin E capsules. Apply to face, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off.


Place some fresh thyme in a bowl and add boiling water. Cover head with towel and breath in the fumes. CAUTION DO NOT PUT FACE TO CLOSE TO THE BOWL TO AVOID SCALDING!


Wrap ice in a tea towel and apply to area for 10 minutes.


Drink100ml (31/2fl oz) beetroot juice twice a day to relieve symptoms.


Cut a ripe fig in half and hold it between your cheek and sore gum for 10 minutes.


Soak feet in a basin of warm water with ½ cup of salt, Epsom salt is best has more minerals; dissolved in it. Can add a few drops of peppermint oil to stimulate blood flow. Afterwards massage with damp salt, removes any hard skin and stimulates blood flow.


Extract juice from 2 cloves of garlic by crushing in pestle and mortar. Drink a spoonful every day.


Sunflower seeds and alfalfa can help.


Spritz eyes wit water. Put thick slices of raw potato on eye lids. Leave on for 10 minutes. Reduce sugar intake.


Chew thoroughly on a celery stick. Alternatively a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.


Fill a sock with a cup of uncooked rice, tie a knot in the end. Heat in microwave for 30-60 seconds on medium heat. Apply for 5-10 minutes. Alternatively wear a silk scarf also good for whiplash.


Add a teaspoon dried sage to a cup of boiling water, steep for 5 minutes. Drink several times a day. Also good for hot menopausal flashes.


Add a teaspoon of honey to a late night herbal tea like Valerian or warmed milk to ensure restful sleep. Turmeric (1/4teaspoon) can be added to the warm milk.


Try fresh watermelon juice. Aim for 2 glasses a day while it lasts.Get some fresh air.


Have a few raw cashew nuts, or slightly warmed each day. Get some fresh air.


Mix equal amounts of carrot and lemon juice. Take a tablespoon daily.


Have half a turkey and lettuce sandwich with wholemeal bread within an hour of bedtime. High levels of tryptophan increases the serotonin. Pumpkin seeds also is a sleep aid.


Spend two days on the BRAT DIET; Bananas, rice, apples (lightly cooked) and toast.


Put a handful of basil leaves in a teapot and pour boiling water over it, steep for 10 minutes. Drink a cup 2-3 times a day to ease depression.


Okra or lady’s finger and spinach. Eat lightly cooked or steamed and pulped. Alternatively natural yogurt loaded with probiotics.


A couple sips of olive oil coats the inside of the mouth, before going to rest.

Even though these remedies can be quite subtle in nature, their impact can be quite profound. Remembrance of our original nature is key to well being, inner power and manifesting a desired life style.


Woman’s weekly UK. 1001 Home remedies by Esme Floyd, Carlton books.

Other great books.

1. Home made. Best made. Readers digest books. ISBN 0-88850-625-2

2. Kitchen cures. Readers digest books. ISBN 978-1-60052-330-8

3. Herb bible. Oceana books. ISBN 978-1-84573-524-1

4. Hands on healing remedies. Stoney books. ISBN 978-1-61212-006-5

5. Home hints and tips. DK publishers. ISBN 0-7894-9279-7

6. 1,001 Old time household hints. Sky horse publishing. ISBN 13-978-1-61608-176-1

7. Clean sweep by Alison Haynes. Bay book publishing. ISBN 1-74045-235-6

8. Good housekeeping, Stain Rescue. Heart books Sterling publishing. ISBN 13; 978-1-58816-478-0

If you can not find these wonderful books for the topic you are researching.

I will compile the information into a PDF.

Alternatively, zoom consultations can be beneficial.

Eg: Nutrition, Yoga therapy, Metaphysical consultations CBT, PTSD (Inner conflicts eg.trauma, anxiety, phobias.)

All consultations, information dissemination are transacted safely, secured via paypal, e- transfer.

Picture from Al jazeera.

(Must be over 18 years of old, no criminal record. Please advice if under pharmaceutical medication of any sort)
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Clothing Care

Recycle, transform already existing items you may have. You will find here an array of lovingly realized items. From recycled fabric, transformed from many things into a functional “new” item. Did you know that fast, cheap, disposable clothing is arming the environment and people on the planet. Many companies have been found guilty of dumping or destroying unsold stock as well as products customers returned. Fast fashion is in the mainstream fashion industry that fit the current trend and appeal to ego brand conscious consumers. They are not made to last ensuring the consumer buys more. It is a cycle of extraction of raw materials or man made fabrication that deplete the land and erode the soil, production usually in sweat shops that employ minors, consumption and discarding in landfills or dumpsters.

Green washing water fact, It takes 2,700Litres of water to make a single cotton t-shirt. That is enough water for a person to stay hydrated for two and a half years. 20-25% donated clothing is resold locally in thrift stores and some are recycled to places like India major recycle industries are in place and provides jobs for local women mainly.

Prioritize and use discrimination when shopping for new items. Quality rather than quantity. Are the items made well, quality of fabric, the hand work stitching. If need be can it be repaired in future , does it come with any warranty, learn laundry codes. Learn how to wash, mend your clothing rather than throw it away, especially if it is good fabric! Is is made from sustainable material, cotton, linen, hemp, does it have non toxic dyes, support local small scale producers.

Shop second hand, recycled on line, websites, consignment stores, social medias buy and sell. Ethical, fashion alternatives like this site it is all part of mindfulness. Your impact, energetic footprints you leave can harm others . Everyone’s total impact on the planet can be lessened with a little more thought and loving kindness to all things, even our clothes. An extension of your self!
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)