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The Valley Of Knowledge & The Valley Of Detachment

Know thyself and to that self be true. Words attributed to William Shakespeare upon deeper investigation the writer of those words was Amelia Lanier. Any journey to know thyself is what is called shadow work nowadays. On this soul journey in the valley of knowledge some are often blinded by the light. A light that according to their present state of perception can be observed in their behaviour ; a pattern of conduct as the light can reveal many wondrous things within oneself and others. Many confuse the light / message and carrier of light thereby traumatizing themselves. Much confusion in the various perspectives on the interpretation of light, energy makes this journey no shallow means. Knowing how the brain works is an underworld journey as is a visit to the shaman, psychologist, pastor, priest or sage.

The underworld has many names in many cultures. Hell in christian religiosity, The Du at in Jewish mysticism, Xibalba in Mayan culture, Dilmun, Maat, Valhalla, the deep subconscious in Jungian philosophy, Dante actualized his version in the divine comedy, Chitta in Hindu Ayurveda tradition is where one has stored, suppressed information apparent in the functionality of the muscles, joints, tissues and even bones. Pandora’s box is another analogy. To find out where one buries their energy that they have dismissed, “forgotten about” look to ones body type as everyone is different and store these energies in different areas of one’s being. Cultivating the inner dialogue, information the body is communicating, conveying knowledge for ones personal well being. Neglecting the body and brain is detrimental in every way conceivable, this is part of being blinded by ones own emotions. Not understanding feelings emotions and unable to discipline the self and sit in silence with oneself. Resisting that further compounds those energies and robs one of life / light enhancing life force.

The lack of misunderstanding is in part due to the underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex and other key areas involved in brain development. Brain injuries at any age is also a contributing factor, the environment one grows in; see Aristotle’s acorn analogy, self actualization and self realization. Some information be it belief systems or not only serve well for a while and one has to detach from it to progress in the direction best suited to thrive as a human being with good thoughts, good words, good deeds.Or whatever philosophy one chooses to incorporate in life. Detachment from toxic people, environments like work places, habits, food can be daunting but necessary to continue in a harmonious way with oneself. Therefore one has to know thyself and contrary to that think, do, be the self one desires to be and not what parents, religious leaders, social media tells yo who and what you ought to be and do.

The constant onslaught from those aforementioned “guides” leaders can be overwhelming, confusing, frustrating as this external reference (meta data) is compromised by their own egotistical interpretation and belief systems that may not serve ones current purpose and growing / waning sensibilities. Thus frustration as the brain can not yet compute it in its current state; ones own internal reference system has to be developed, integrated and maintained on a regular basis. The internal fires are compromised by escapist tactics, food,sex,drugs,alcohol,derogatory speech, unconscious / conscious biases, neglect, false compassion,lack of empathy, entitled attitudes, narcissistic behaviour, gas lighting, cloaking, many subtle and grandiose ways to accomplish self destruction, detachment.

These energy attachments that consume and dismiss, bury deep in psyche, body parts and even project onto others are the inner battle of demons. Resisting the traumatic past enhances it’s life span as it still vibrates at the frequency one feeds it. As one is still trying to understand as one transforms the fires that feed it then one can understand those feelings in a chaotic state it keeps confusion masking it’s message. It is a personalized message only the one it is intended for can decipher. A cognitive psychologist can help one clear the path to some extent. Consumed with one’s own pain, misery, demons, mishap, shame, darkness many names for those things that can bind and secrete in places. This is food with no essence, licking each others wounds misery deserves and does seek out company. Sometimes one has to be ones own doctor, guru, psychologist, inner detective or whatever label one wears.

In the valley of detachment stoicism is useful here. ” Their is no value in dichotomy of old / new free to act / not act” where schisms, doubts, conflicts, going against the grain, or against the knowledge, information, acts or pledge of secrecy.Regarding secrecy and divulging information this act of doing so is detrimental to the brain and body entire. It does not bring relief psychologically or otherwise, keeping such energies further aggravates a volatile system, entrenching the energies deeper into muscles, joints, sinews and the finest, delicate of tissues. The little understood fibromyalgia id due to this “secrecy, don’t tell any one advice” especially in regards to traumas, rape, any abuse, even disciplinary meetings in the workplace boardroom.

To know thyself is a journey it takes as long as one is putting in the appropriate effort. The human is a electromagnetic entity of many subtle systems seen and unseen of great value to understanding is the process of The Chrism, Golden oil, the chakra system. The aura that surrounds all humans is due to the state of the harmonious dynamic interaction of these numerous energetic bodies is magnetic. The magnetic field or the FIELD is one’s DNA vibrancy. One’s DNA changes with environment internal and external, even the food one consumes! See other posts at this site. Determine what self one would like to actualize, realize as that self is determined by how one interacts with the FIELD.

Further reading , viewing that covers many topics related to this post include:

The lost book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin

Annunaki the movie by Annunaki ancient mystery You Tube.

The conference of the birds by Attar many renditions on You Tube. In the Persian book of Kings The Shahanameh.

Revelations in Holy Bible

Hercule Poirot by Agatha Christie (TV series on You Tube)

Sherlock Holmes books / You Tube.

To kill a mocking bird by Harper Lee or on DVD

Go set a watchman book by Harper Lee ( Isaiah 21:6)

Touched by an angel TV series.

King Solomon ( the soul of man) consulted” the witch of Endor ” to obtain knowledge concerning two women and parentage of a baby.

The Vision of Enoch in Holy Bible

The God Seed book by Kelly Marie Kerr

The Holy Science Santos Bonnacci You Tube.

The Hierophant tarot card

How to control the energy field by philosophical Essence / You Tube

Rumi Episode one.

Yunnus Emre: Journey of love (many episodes

The power of myth by Joseph Campbell

Zoroastrian philosophy “Good thoughts, Good words, Good deeds

“Sufism philosophy on turning away from the nafs, self, ego. Annihilation of those energies that cling to worldly things.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Valley Of Love

The principle ingredient of life is LOVE. Akin to an ongoing state of atunement with what considers god to be, that truth and deep level of inner knowledge, marifah / gnosis. The heart sees deeper than the eye. In the Sufi circle where love leads your soul (altar of Nishapur) I will always lean my heart as close to your soul as I can ( Hafiz Persian Sufi Philosopher) The philosopher poet Rumi is always quoted when love is mentioned. Be not misunderstood as this is not a physical / sexual love, It is THE LOVE OF THE BELOVED.

Sometimes we feel the divine presence, the beloved, god, energy that flows from above to below and below to above. The cerebral spinal fluid flow is analagous to this cosmic energy. Love is the divine presence and the FIELD, symbolized as part of the angelic presence in religiosity. More often than not indirectly as an opening of the heart, a burst of joy, an expansion of feelings of deep compassion. It is also experienced in sorrow, loss and “spiritual experiences”

The heart is the treasury in which divine mysteries are stored. Seek the purpose of both the worlds through the heart for that is the point of it (Lahiji) What ever one wishes to know well, love is essential, be it any field of study, or the self. Study without love leads to a shallow, superficial understanding. Real mastery comes from love. When the eyes of the heart open, one can see the inner realities hidden behind the outer forms of the word; one can hear truth. All hearts are temples and to open ones heart is to allow in this divine presence.

As ones heart opens, one becomes more in touch with wisdom, love, joy and inspiration from the divine spark within. All wisdom is already within us, all love is already within as is all joy. Yet they are hidden until the heart opens. Many are afraid to love, give or receive and express it. Disappointed not only by romantic loves, but friends, family and oneself; one has loved. Afraid to open up and love again. Many fear love because it can transform anyone as love and the beloved become one. The ego is afraid of loosing control and even more afraid of dissolving, finding reason after reason for refusing to let go, refusing to let oneself love fully. Loving fully means many things to many people. This one has to determine for oneself.

“Dear friend, your heart is a polished mirror. You must wipe it clean of the veil of dust that has gathered upon it, because it is destined to reflect the light of divine secrets. (al-Ghazzali)” Enheduanna is a scribe from 2285BCE From the Sumerian temple hymns, she is called ” The lady of the largest heart” and aside from all the literature she made. She was “the sorcerer “recorded in The holy bible in the book of Soloman (The soul of man) as the witch of Endor. The heart is a thousand stringed instrument that can only be tuned with love (HAFIZ Persian philosopher poet)

The heart is an electro-magnetic and center of ones being. A source of light, love and quantum field of infinite possibilities. Love is the source of power behind the quantum field. To be conscious, present in ones body to explore pure presence, ones core of being meditation and breath work is key. as one is on a journey meeting the moon shadows, dark side of ones self. The dark night of the soul, the abyss, the underworld, are other words all conveying the same thing. When you understand what MIND is, the heart brain and how to align to the higher self, divine presence, god to many; manifesting becomes a natural process and magical to the unenlightened. Surrender, shed limited beliefs, let go of self imposed limitations and outmoded beliefs, restrictions.

This transformed self perception and true expansive self is intrinsic to the opening of ones heart. Focused intent with clarity of purpose makes a more conscious connection with the quantum field (world womb) where things develop, this environment, the quantum field is crucial for development, manifesting desires for the vision to take shape this reciprocation occurs in the 5D or fifth dimension. Be clear in what one desires / ask and you shall receive is the parlance of holy bible. The FIELD, Love is the divine presence that surrounds us as the “christos oil, golden oil, sacred secretion” The only atunement one has to seek is this deep spiritual connection of heart-brain with the field. No one else can do this for anyone, it is akin to the Simon wanting the power Jesus had demonstrated, offered money but it can not be bought. Be aware of those who offer endless atunements, codes, inductions to whatever they are peddling!

Emotions are profound messages and part of ones evolution and the language of the inner self. They illuminate ones journey. They can be viewed as angels, guides, gurus to some. Emotions are fuel that can power ones intentions for a desired outcome. Emotions have to be processed regularly as they can become too overwhelming, internal blocks to the life force flow can occur, emotions pushed aside, buried cause physical ailments. Emotions processed incorrectly can destruction to the heart -brain coherence system, the trauma incurred is not desirable for well being. The practice of mindfulness or careful consideration with awareness aids in the processing of emotions. It can any form. Talk, journaling, connect with nature as the nature world rejuvenates it has unlimited prana, chi, ki, life force. It allows one to atune to the authentic self, realign ones energy, Deep breathing in this divine presence opens the self to its grounding cosmic presence, relieving overwhelming, negative energies, de – stress, ignite ones creativity and channel it into a daily routine where the life force flows, cognitive fluidity is enhanced. This simple exercise in nature is like self cloning, self enhancement on many levels of perspective.

Thoroughly ground one self in higher dimensions so every cell in self resonates at this “higher”, vibrant frequency. It is a journey of self transformation, determination, focus and joyful effort align with the unique, creative self that one is becoming. Relinquish the urge to control outcomes. Trust the natural flow of ones own “ascension process”. Embrace wisdom of divine timing which is a delicate dance, ebb and flow of cosmic tides. Allow yourself the time to develop, integrate. Trust and accept you have taken inspired actions and a balance of the flow of synchronicities will be. Love is the serene spirit. Even Enoch went on celestial journeys. Some questions in the valley of Love. What is my relationship with solitude? Do i take time out for myself, away from the noise of the outer world?

The seven / 7 Essene mirrors as pertaining to relationships is apt here as the relationship with self and that with the Field is applicable. They show you a pattern of behaviour, pattern of judgement in the moment. Much work has been brought forward by Gregg Braden can be viewed on You tube. Also named The seven Essene mysteries of self.

Mystery of first mirror- the mirror of the moment

Mystery of second mirror- mirror of that which is judged

Mystery of third mirror- mirror of that which is lost,given away, taken away

Mystery of fourth mirror- mirror of most forgotten love

Mystery of fifth mirror- Mirror of mother / father. The most powerful pattern.

Mystery of sixth mirror- mirror of the quest into the darkness

Mystery of seventh mirror- mirror of self perception

These mirrors or patterns are another work in itself and will be illuminated in another post.

References (picture from the Sufi Tarot)

Warrior nuns (movie)

Touched by an angel (TV series)

The Sufi tarot by Ayeda Husain

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibrain (book)

The secret language of love By Megan Tresidder

Love charms by Laura J Watts (book)

Essential Sufism by James Fadiman & Robert Frager

The Big Fisherman movie by new media company in English (You Tube)

Seven signs you are an angel inside a human body by Dolores Cannon

The Shahanameh of Ferdowsi ( Congress of the birds and the Zimurgh the 7 valleys)The Persian book of the kings.

Something phenomenal can happen when you turn 33-Sadhgurus wisdom (Shemaroo spiritual life You Tube)
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Valley Of The Quest

When going on a quest, search, journey, wanderings be it in brain or body. It is customary to plan, seek guidance and protection which some do in prayer, meditation, blessings, rituals. If you fail to plan you plan to fail! Whatever the quest is their is a mixture of feelings, emotions underlying the potential adventure. The shaman , seers, mystic matured in their craft can be of great value on any quest. Seeing what potentially lies ahead of the wanderer prior to the journey. Astral projection, lucid dreaming is a journey of the mind as is contemplation and mantra. A mindful yoga practice is a journey too. Others wander the mind (body-brain dynamic) using cognitive enhancements like Ayahuasca, cannabis, any drug, alcohol, sexual liasons, food, even victimized victims play their card of misery that craves company to sustain it’s presence. A journey of escapism, which they are just running away from self-awareness.

The quest demands courage or the absence of fear, preparations are vital in such a pursuit or one can be left t wondering and wandering aimlessly (the prodigal son in the holy bible) prey for the many types of opportunists; from narcissists to scammers and hackers. Many people do not hold space for themselves and thus life is unbalanced, they are over worked, physical and mental fatigued, their spirit soul, subtle energy bodies are worn down, the immune system is hanging by a thin thread. The mind, brain-body dynamic is clouded, muddled, they can not think for themselves and default to others, groups, religion,step programs anything to escape the inner journey. A journey only they can do to satiate those compelling thoughts, feelings,anxiety attacks, issues that constantly emerge and demand your personal attention.

Anandaphasia, inner voice, self talk, listen to the language of the Field within, and external to self. Know what the field is, understanding the holographic consciousness will enhance the way you perceive and interact with your personal life force energy within and external to self. In metaphysical terminology learn how to activate the 12-D Meharic shield and the meditation for energy protection and psychic defense / psychic first aid. This gives protection from negative interference, strengthens and grows the light body. Many people who pray can more effectively realize the prayer when executed using the language of light. When speaking with the divine matrix use language it understands; the feelings of the HEART is the key. The heart sees deeper than the eye. It creates electro -magnetic waves to bring the solution to you. Ask without hidden motive and BE SURROUNDED by your answer/ BE ENVELOPED by what you desire that your gladness be full. This is the power of emotions to manifest ones desires in direct reciprocation with the divine / universe/ THE FIELD. (gospel of Thomas with original Aramaic translated into English verse 48, 106)

Wisdom has been defined by the prophet Muhammad as follows; Do what you should do when you should do it. Refuse to do what you should not do. When it is not clear, wait until you are sure. (Essential Sufism chapter 6 on Wisdom by Fadiman & Frager All wisdom can be stated in two lines- Khawwas; What is done for you-allow it to be done. What you must do yourself-make sure you do it.

19th July 2024 5D earth split shift occurred, initiated by the opening of metaphysical portals, gates from the 15th July 2024. This shift precipitates the holographic consciousness. A new pattern formation during this ongoing collective resonance. Every time you choose to view, act, respond differently with the FIELD; a change occurs affecting the whole. What is perceived as reality is a holographic pattern. Demonstrated in quantum studies via the DOUBLE SLIT experiment as the field is a true holographic system each point of the whole contains information about the whole and every other part of the whole. These are fractals, they are one’s stem cells located near the heart and The Homunculus contains all the patterns, blueprint for every cell in the body entire. Fractals are repeating patterns found in nature on different scales, from snowflakes to the neurons. The fractals constitute the holographic patterns that occur in the field. There are basis “rules” that allow this energy matter to function as it does . It underlines all creation process, the manifesting process and connects all things. There are features used in the Excel format when making spread sheet changes in one cell selected that affects the whole.

Introducing anything into the body, brain causes an energetic shift. eg. Eating food, mutations / trauma, GMO, medicine,light, drugs, sexual congress. Almost anything used for self , emotional regulation and appropriate techniques eg energy work, crystals, mantra, essential oils, music, dance cause energetic shift. . The idea of an atom is now considered to be a pulsating field of probability and as a person is made of atoms which is mostly “empty” space. This concept is used to allow healing according to one’s perspective. The pulsating field looks solid at molecular, physical level . Using information from the double slit experiment when quantum energy that is the pulsating field expressed as waves of energy on observation the pattern collapses into a particle in the field and seen.

Perception forms the template for the energy shift to occur, it influences the blueprint, pattern of events as atoms emerge from the field towards change, transformation. This concept is used in healing as one is to hold a positive sense of self, it is used in healing past trauma that impact present day emotions and events. Memories and experiences of the past can be effectively shift present day trauma or underlying energetic issues that constantly demand attention. Many bury in escapism, abuse of drugs of various kinds, alcohol in excess, a host of ways to escape looking within, sit down and analyze the self, be silent in ones space in time. Shadow work or Moon shadows, heavily influenced by the full moon phase. Communication with one’s own earlier self, past life regression, hypnosis works because TIME IS HOLOGRAPHIC, THE FIELD IS HOLOGRAPHIC. The information one desires to access, or on the quest is stored as patterns, fractal patterns. One’s DNA is THE FIELD along with the MERKABAH the energetic powerhouse symbolized in the Dharmachakra mudra. This energetic nexus of divine energy keeps the wheels turning, on a grander scale keeps the planets in their orbits.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The zimurgh or king of the birds and in many cultures called by different names. Akin to the phoenix. In Persian mythology the mythical Sufi story of the conference of the birds by Farid-ud-din Attars, is a human centered narrative, poem of enlightenment. The Zimurgh is a metaphor for god. In the conference of the birds Hoope leads many birds to find the legendary Zimurgh. Of no gender the bird has lived for a very long time 1,700 years is quoted. The bird gendered as She possessed the knowledge of all ages hence the hierophant correlation.

She rested in the Hom tree of life which stands in the middle of the world sea. All healing plants, seeds deposited on it. When the Zimurgh took flight a thousand shoots grew from the tree. This excerpt can be found in the story of Zal and Zimurgh. When she landed the thousand shoots broke open and dropped. Carried over by the wind or breath when referring to the sacred secretion analogy. Taking roots to become every type of plant that ever is to cure all the illnesses of mankind.

There are many adventures along the way with the flock of birds going through 7 stages or 7 challenges designated the as 7 valleys. These stages are akin to the 7 chakras and the story on contemplation is linked to the raising of the sacred seed and ones’ Merkaba diamond. Many of the parables of jesus come from this text.

The valley of the quest.

The valley of love. Equated to fire, emotions, reason and smoke.

The valley of knowledge. A symbol of man of stones is here.

The valley of detachment. Stoicism is useful here. There is no value in dichotomy of old/new, free to act/not act.

The valley of unity. Everything is renounced and unified.

The valley of wonderment or bewilderment and stupefaction

The valley of poverty and anihilation

Thirty birds arrive at the Zimurghs’ hiding place., the quest started with more. The Zimurgh is the union between earth and sky, the messenger, mediator between the two. When one discovers the Merkaba or hierophant in some esoteric teachings, a symbol of great strength, fertility and purity. Hom and Zimurgh share many similarities. Hom the essence of divinity sometimes represented as a bird and messenger in Kurdish folk tales. A snake tried to eat Zimurgh’s offspring whilst she was away, a hero kills the snake and Zimurgh gives 3 feathers to the hero and tells him that he can summon her whenever he wants by burning them. This part of the story during the Islam – muslim conquest became Three Feathers and Rudaba. In the Arabian nights stories Estangiyar killed the mother of birds Simurgh.

There is a divergence in the tales ending. Zimurgh flies with the hero to a distant land, feeds him milk and pieces of sheep’s fat ( remember the time period, setting ~977-1010CE Afghanistan, Jalikastan, Persia was much more global then now it is considered to be Iran, Albruz mountains )

The conference of the birds is a fascinating look at enlightenment and the process of becoming. The original symbolic meaning has not too well understood by those unfamiliar with middle-far east poetry culture. Aligned with your souls essence, strengthens ones inner core, stress is relieved, emotional regulation is easier, and the other ‘birds’ of joy, sadness, anger, disgust, fear to name a few and however you render them, animate them as; are within the subconscious realm. Listening to ones own inner voice (ANAPHALASIA) is part of ones power to achieve mastery over the lower self, ego in the valley of knowledge and the valley of detachment. The conference of the birds can be found in SHAHNAMEH the Persian book of kings and a great testament to the power of poetry.

Other references to follow your dreams, inner voice in modern day animation.

1930s Upton and Mary Sinclair. ( Craig mental radio on You tube. Received thoughts out of nowhere, remote suggestion and telepathy, called mental radios for influencing events )

The movie INSIDE OUT part 1 and part 2.

IF about imaginary friends.

The secret of NIMH 1982 movie. Nimh in 1978 was involved with parapsychological research, dreams along with the Munroe institute USA to alter consciousness using hemi-sync technique to transcend time-space. Awarded a grant from Maimonides organization showed the environment as an effect on e.s.p ( article by Micheal Persinger Psychic activity when environment calm geomagnetic activity)

Learn to speak with your higher self by Law of insights You tube.

Song Freebird by Lynard Skynard band.

Wreckers by Empress movie on You tube with Benedict Cumberbatch ad Clair Fay.

Dr. Strange 2016 movie

Dreams are real by metaphysical on You tube.

Quantum jumping guided hypnosis by Youniverse

14 Weird signs you are going into crystalline based body. by law of insights on You tube.

God design book by Kelly Marie Kerr

The holy science Santos Bonnaci.

Men in Black 1997 movie

The Matrix movies 1999

My friend Totoro (anima movie)
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Auto communication, inner speech, internal discourse, inner experience, internal monologue, self talk are all alternative names for the inner voice or intrapersonal communication. It is the process of communicating with oneself, allowing individuals to reflect on their thoughts, feelings and behavior. This process done mindfully aids self awareness, self affirmations, self conceptualizing, self esteem, self love, perception, expectations and personal growth.It includes self talk, acts of imagination, visualization, recall and memory. Interpersonal communication involves two or more individuals. Ananduralia is lack of a inner voice in your mind, no auditory sensation of inner communication. What makes a communication intra and not inter is self conceptual ( / Wikipedia )

Intrapersonal communication is used to clarify ideas or analyzing a situation, reflecting on or appreciating something. These expectations are future orientated messages dealing with long term roles called life scripts. Drawbacks include risks of negative self talk which can lead to issues like self esteem, depression as described in intrapersonal communication studies. Intrapersonal skills include self confidence, resilience, optimism and focus. Barriers or obstacles that prevent us sending and receiving information effectively include preconceptions, over identification with those and others ego traits and behaviors with a propensity to multiple personality disorders now named dissociative identity. Education, experiences, culture, values all impact the process and can create inner conflict which when projected externally can destroy relationships.

People with intrapersonal intelligence understand their own thoughts, emotions and experiences being great at spotting patterns in their life and others. They have the ability to connect current feelings to past events, understanding why they are the way they are in the now of any situation. To develop intrapersonal skills regular participation in self reflection and introspection is vital for ones well being to understand personal motivation, one’s strength and weakness. ( The Hermit tarot card and The Hanged man tarot card ) Intrapersonal conflict an anxiety arises when one’s goals, values or roles diverge. Uncertainty about what is expected, wanted or how to feel about a situation. This leaves one feeling inadequate, emotional stressed, memory is impacted and brain – body dynamics are overcompensated. Solitary intrapersonal individuals , heyoke empaths, HSP, and traumatized individuals require plenty of space, silence and their time to resolve their inner conflict. Away from the maddening crowds and chaos of over stimulation.These issues unresolved accumulate energetically in the tail bone below the first chakra , called the mulhadara chakra. In the joints as lactic acid. All bodily functions are compromised and depression, anxiety, self defeating behaviors, escapism are external signs. The mermaid, merman are like these energies that lie at the bottom of the sea. Growing with every obsessing, over identification of the oft ruminated issue, painful existence that has no voice it is fibromyalgia.

Wrong inferences occur when one fails to distinguish between what actually exists and what we had assumed to exist, leading to gossip, rumor spreading, false accusations, over identifying with someone else ego (Empaths prone to this) going contrary to ones best knowledge. Intrapersonal factors are many from personality, cognitions affect problem behaviors, biogenetics, demographics, bonding, biopsychosocial models of drug use and abuse have their own premise for diagnosis. Intrapersonal intelligence is used by many Philospher Decartes used his awareness to formulate his own theory. This is now one of the basic theories of human existence. He coined the phrase ” I think therefore I am “

Intrapersonal communication is important for strong mental health. Understanding oneself to address your inner problems is vital for well being ( ) The process in four phases includes Sensation. Perception, Memory, Thought. The characteristics of intrapersonal communication include, Independant individuals, self disclosure that is revealing personal thoughts, feelings and reflections. Rationality, personal choice, it is constant and inescapable. Einstein had high intrapersonal intelligence, self motivated, introverted, spent lots of time alone, worked independently.

There are many forms of yoga the practice of which can bring a transformation ones energy. Health, wealth, peace of mind is happiness. It aids intrapersonal communication. Ayurveda and yoga are sister sciences. Ayurveda is the traditional natural healing system of India encompasses ancient philosophy based on deep understanding of the eternal truths about the human body, mind and spirit. There are eight branches of Ayurveda symbolized by the lotus flower of eight petals representing the eight branches of Ayurveda.

1.Kayachikitsa – internal medicine. 2.Salya tantra – surgery. 3.Salakya tantra -treatment of the ears, nose, throat, eyes and teeth. 4. Agada tantra – toxicology, study of poisons. 5.Bhuta vidya – Psychiatry, treatment of mental disease. 6.Bala tantra– Gynaecology, obstetrics and paediatrics. 7. Rasayana tantra – Science of rejuvenation. 8.Vajikarana tantra – aphrodisiacs to increase potency and life force.

From the Ayurvedic perspective the universe is a manifestation of supreme intelligence called Purusha, which evolves and expresses itself in matter in order to explore certain aspects within itself. The universe providing the experience for consciousness. Ayurveda is a practice along with yoga to bring one back to the knowledge of spirit or Purusha, The awareness is opened and realization that one is more than a physical body; one can connect to their true nature or essence. Or remain in the current state of degeneration which is inherent in the manifest world caught up in the wheels of samsara ( Buddhist concept misunderstood and related as karma )

As noted by William Shakespeare “Know thyself and to thyself be true”.

To learn more of the chakras and remembering past lives visit Astral Doorway on you tube. Great content, clearly explained. Alternatively upcoming posts on chakras at this site.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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To kill a mocking bird the selkie sang her song of the sea. The seer of moyle , born on a dark moon in the winter snows of night. A daughter of the 6 of cups had the eye of Medussa and Melusine. Medussa is the all seeing eye cultivated by personal gnosis in the garden of pomegranates. In that garden is a tree at the base of which sat the three Norns. The sirens of medieval alchemists used the symbol of melusine the double fish tail mermaid as a symbol for a crucial stage in self transformation of the base calcified energies into gold of the now termed higher, sovereign self. The three Norns represent past, present and future. The Selkie lore is present in many cultures and given many names peculiar to the environment. These sea or seal beings are intertwined with tales of dragons which represent fire and air elements. Faeries representing earth and air as that is their domain. Mermaids represent the element of water and earth.

c The moon is symbolic and controls the ebb and flow of the tides of the seas, oceans, feelings and emotion which include the human hormonal system. A magician, alchemist,psychiatrist to be truly powerful must learn the secrets of water, the sea and the magic it holds ( water crystals Dr. Masaru Emoto) and the power to differentiate the states of water, salt, fresh, ice, snow, clouds, from lakes, streams etc; as water is intrinsically linked to feelings, emotions and holds memory. Symbolic of one’s aura.The Gaelic word for seal is Roanne. Roane is a land mass off the shore of Ireland. Ireland has many myths and legends of sea people/folk. The legend of the selkie is told in the animated movie “Song of the sea”. Selkie wear their seal skins / identity to travel through the sea most gentle of sea beings, removing or shedding their seal skin in the moonlight on northern shores revealing their human form. They live beneath the sea in giant air bubble as they are air breathing beings. Their undersea sanctuary houses male and female selkie. There is an ancient ballad “The great selkie of Sule Skerry” that expounds this fascinating being. The old Sumerians believed dolphins, King of fishes, also named arrow of the sea was linked to the goddess Astarte, Ishtar. There are hieroglyphs of Ouannes people who came from the sea unto land with correspondences with the fabled Atlantis.

Be it a selkie, roanne, mermaid or other sea beings of the sea they have been attributed different qualities according to the cultural perspectives. However take care when dealing with sea folk, as you are dealing with emotions, feelings. As all who come from the sea the form and narrative changes with the environment. This is apparent in the Russian perspective of the Rusalka, sea maidens. The sea peoples in Phoenician and Egyptian history are not well known and history has yet to discover their origins of the sea people.

Dolphins symbolize power of swiftness, guides souls to the other or underworld, keepers of the sacred breath of life, teaching humans the softer skills much in demand in this age of 2024, eloquence, freedom, balance, harmony, respect, breathing to release intense emotions to achieve this inner harmony, it is part of yoga enlightenment. A practice in chakra yoga to draw down power from the universe is akin to the power of circling fish that build energy used in water magic. Tales of Spanish water maidens executing such magic to change the future.

The sea horse of HIPPOCAMPUS is the large variety of sea horse. Ridden to swiftly traverse through the seas, used as an astral steed to move through other planes of existence seeking knowledge in dealing with emotional problems. The tale of Manannan mac Lir a Celtic giant in the land when giants were abundant on the earth. He harnessed a winged sea pegasus to his chariot. Winged sea horses can help when a person needs to escape dangerous seas or limiting emotional patterned problems. There are many chariots attributed to Giants, Gods in folk lore, myths legends and the Holy Bible as in the Ezekial, Enoch visions of the Ruach and the powerful ones, watchers, Elohim. (5thkind.TV)

The HIPPOCAMPUS in the brain is part of the limbic system and necessary for dreaming. Sleep deprivation perturbs hippocampal plasticity. Specific disruptions in molecular signalling by sleep deprivation impair what is called LTP, as well as behavioral phenotypes observed in reduced hippocampal volumes in cushing’s disease, PTSD, MDD, stockholme syndrome. These do have the capacity to recover. Damages can be caused by a number of factors, head trauma, ischemia, haemorrhagic stress, acute seizures, status epilepticus encephalitis, brain tumor, drug withdrawal, exposure to chronic unpredictable stress, Alzheimers disease, severe alcohol abuse. Alzheimers disease has a build up of two proteins called amyloid (plaques) and TAU that damage nerve cells in the hippocampus and spreads to other parts of the brain. Damages prevent short term memories being moved into long term memory.

Regarding memory the hippocampus helps humans process and retrieve two types of memory. Declarative or explicit memory and spatial relationships. Declarative memory are related to facts and events. Examples can include learning how to memorize speeches or lines in a play. Spatial memories involve pathways or routes. This impacts one’s emotional behavior. It’s largest job or function is to hold short term memories and transfer them to long term storage in the brain. In emotional processing of anxiety and avoidance behaviors any damages to the hippocampus can cause amnesia. This prevents people from forming new memories and remembering past experiences. It remembers their order in a series of events not the items themselves in an event. Sequencing of events that compose unique episodes. Problems storing memories, difficulty recalling long term memories, spatial disorientation, getting lost in familiar places (time loops, time traveling, astral traveling, black holes phenomena are all part of this ) Loosing and misplacing items.

Lieing is to be considered here. Declarative or explicit memory means the person has lost the ability to consciously recall and remember both factual and personal experiences. This has been documented in cases of drug overuse eg. THC in cannabis, stagnant cell build up in the brain and body and brain cancers, extreme alcohol abuse, jokingly called “brain farts “by ignorant people. The history of such a person to be labelled as such is vital to be understood and in context of their environment. All angles have to be explored cognitive psychology is a useful tool. Some people are very vulnerable to metabolic stress be it lifestyle or genetic. The CA1 region of the hippocampus has been observed in acute neurological disorders as ischemia, limbic encephalitis, hypoglycaemic encephalopathy, multiple sclerosis, transient global amnesia, black out and Ehlers Dandlos syndrome and P.O.T.S and epilepsy.

Good news is anti depressants have been found to stimulate production of new brain cells (neurogenesis) and gradually rebuild the structure of the hippocampus in depressed individuals. Memory impaired patients with MTL (medial temporal lobe) damage, the structures involved in formation of long term memories are independent and working memories are independent of the MTL structures. Alcohol in over abundant usage interferes with memory formation by altering nerve cell communication and steroid formation especially in the hippocampus. Abstinence of alcohol for 6 to 12 months effects a healing.

Meditations on the hippocampus with the water, sea folk, bring hope, optimism. Water folk in arid, desert regions can teach you how to improvise using what is around you ( the brain does this naturally) Those who live in oases have great shape shifting abilities, having human like form, build little house close to water and willow trees.Strong family identity and orientation. They love children. The water element correspondence to the subconscious mind and the tarot suit of cups. Water covers the full range of human emotions from love to hate. Water, ice, snow, steam, clouds, fresh, salty, sour. To disrupt or break the flow, to kill a mocking bird, of negative currents find the pressure point. An individual, a sequence in an event, an emotion, a decision for a change to occur.

This is part of the perpetual lamp of wisdom, a treatise integrating science, spirituality, intuitive gnosis. Many of the wisdom insights at this site constitute the opus magus of the SEER OF MOYLE See contact details on this site for a life changing experience.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Golden Bowl

The golden bowl has bezels of wisdom, above and below. Rumi heard the song of the beloved as the golden bowls made in Tabriz part of the home land when on his journey to self realization. A journey of love of the divine, the joy of being, a passion beyond even the mundane lust for the element gold itself. Gold is often seen as a sign of success, but not all gold glitters like the element gold. In reference to gold here it is to the yellow, golden chakra the second chakra that houses the golden elixir from the flow of the CSF, cerebral spinal fluid. This chakra is part of the reproductive energy journey on it’s ascent upward to the crown chakra. The golden vessel or wheel, bowl is maintained in religiosity via the fear based warnings and repercussions concerned with chastity.

This chakra is fundamental for well being and is part of the ladder of lights the chakra system and the organs, meridians the innervate and feed the whole soma – sensory system. The physical body and brain is a dynamic ever changing system that is inextricably linked to the cosmological system. The magnetic quality in the air, the ether, the Field nurtures, sustains the physical,mental, emotional presence or corporeal embodiment. Seen and detected in the health of the aura of a being. There is a telepathy, it is called soul technology by some. Telepathy is not a voice in the head. It is an alignment of frequencies between two souls, being, chakras are living being and part of ones being that informs, in order to communicate with each other. Nikola Tesla frequency, vibration is energy.

What one puts into , feeds the body, brain and the many systems that comprise a person shows up in the aura and there are other subtler markers. The story of Stone soup and the little red hen are stories with deeper meaning saying just that. The pied piper of Hamelin by Robert Browning is another story conveying that subtle meaning that many can not grasp on first reading of such tales. A broken, traumatized bowl like a broken agreement or dis union with self, damage to the internal system, rape, bullying, compromised second chakra, over used and ritual cutting and circumcision, separation from source has dire consequences and malfunctioning of the system causes chaos in every sphere of life, chakra imbalances, slowing down of chakras that actually spin, vibrate and produce sound. Blocked chakras, reverse spinning, cognitive dissonance, learning, memory, emotional dis regulation and more are frozen in time, nightmares abound, psychological immaturity, DID and other dissociative disorders occur.

Extra cognitive events, conversion and outer body experiences, have been well documented and sanctioned by various religious establishments. The ones involved sainted, made prophets, muses and divine. However they are not the exception as there are many more present and in past history / her story who developed such capacities, virtues and were able to manifest such accomplishments and still do.

The origins of this manifestation stems from contact with other beings in other dimensions the veiled ordinary unenlightened person can not yet envision or sense in the present traumatized uninformed stagnant state of their life force energy. ( UFOs and religion Diana Pasulka on you tube interesting information. Dr. Micheal P. Masters “Neotony Theory”. Paul Hynek , Vermanas in Vedic culture, Ruach, Time travel, Ezekiel’ vision, St Joseph the divine of Cupertino, St Francis of Asisi, Quantum fields, Evil supernatural human trafficking, 5thKind.TV, Seba Hassamayim script and studies in parapsychology are all references to enhance your awareness of the golden bowl )

A Simulacrum is taking something from “spirit realm” into the physical realm. It is not supposed to be in the physical. It applies to ideas,energy, entity, ghosts, objects and studying the watchers, the powerful ones, mighty ones of old, the Annunaki and their creation of one race called the Ada mites,hued men and women, also in the Enuma Elish, Babylonian, Sumerian tales of origins of so may species with being later called the daughters of Eve or daughters of Adam. Nephilim, giants and many creatures, being that were de programmed, or taken up like Enoch, a Adamite and descendant of The Adamite progenitor.

The golden bowl is a analogy and symbol depicted in the World Tarot card. It is the transformative sephirot Malkuth. The Tarot card portrays a snake called the Oroborous said to be both male/ female,self impregnating, self feeding, immortal and complete. The mythic image for both god and nature. Four symbols preside over the realms of water, fire, air and earth reflect potentialities which await development in the new personality. The golden staff are connected with the magic wand of Hermes. The reborn personality can create more potently in the realms of feeling, imagination, mind and matter. The World card represents the end of a cycle or chapter in life, accomplishment, approaching personal and cosmic consciousness, awakening, change of position,recognition of an achievement and worldly success.

In a reverse card it can bring frustration, martyrdom for a cause or worldly worries., fear of death,separation, disillusionment, weakness, possible loss of worldly goods, sloth, stubbornness refusal to learn the lessons of life. In love and relationships the World card means for a man must see himself in the woman to understand the world, for a woman she must see herself in the world to understand herself. Each person is endowed with all four elements. What you make of them is your personal contribution, your participation in the world. For success and happiness don’t just ask your self what you want from the universe. Stop and think what the universe has given you and what it is asking you to do.

Duniya, the world card of The Sufi Tarot by Ayeda Husain is a coming home card signifying a return to one’s true nature or higher self after a long journey. A bridge between our earthly existence and spirituality. A celebration of success in having allowed outer circumstances to lead you to a sacred place within yourself.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Desire for change often life demands it. Sending symbols, red flags, archetypes, reapers, reoccurring dreams and nightmares and experiences so one can level up to true, authentic self. It is indeed a daunting process many try to escape looking within. Emotions require attention they are feelings, energy in motion. The human doing is well adapted at masking the persona and trickster archetypes so named by C.G.Jung. Masks, veils, cosmetic make up and make overs are tools for transformation. The inner change and emergence of consciousness that brings clarity and abundance is a sign, symbol of the process. Yoga is part of emotional regulation as emotional and mental stress are seeds of potential destruction.

The foundation for success in one’s desire is built from a upward from a physical ,mental,spiritual / purpose, financial success or desire, the goal is achieved. It takes resilience, passion, purpose to harness one’s inner power. Observe a flock of birds flying together. They are all leaders with one purpose, all on the same team such is the human being. Reiterated in The Holy Bible in different words referring to one as a temple with one’s eye single to the glory of God. This is not a god as aeons of time has perpetuated in holy books and religiosity. It is the god within generating, organizing, destroying, neither male or female. Know thyself a grand work by Santos Bonacci regarding the governance of the human system. From this work understanding of the dynamic brain – body – heart system can be grasped.

A vision for the change one desires, the goal to be achieved and a plan to achieve it. Resistance to the change can come from external sources and within self when thrown into doubt, confusion by the trickster archetype. Failing to plan one plans to fail. The trickster a deceptive image, chameleon, believing in the opposite, mistaking the mask for the face and right from wrong, The strength of the weak, confusion. A skilled manipulator who easily outwits others through superior wit and cunning. Adapting, seeing through a situation, turning the tables. The tricked can become the trickster. Taking a chance, gambling that may pay off.

“We like to imagine that something which we do not understand does not help us in any way. But this is not always so”C.G.Jung There are neurons in the brain and body mainly in the gut that tell us when something one does is wrong or done wrongly, went wrong or going in a different direction. Part of the inner dialogue and linked to the quality of intuition. Emotional discord /dissonance ensues as one is betraying the self, not listening to what is called the still small voice that brings indigenous wisdom. The cells in the entire body transform given time, space, nourishment, love proper environment to develop. See Aristotle acorn analogy. Damage to these neurons during child development with out proper environment for change is a crucial point as these cells devour energy to maintain the status quo, homeostasis of the entire body. Draining the Endocanabinoid system (ECS) which assists homeostasis. One of the reasons recreational users of cannabis are always seeking the high as these talking neurons are in a deficient state, battered, bruised, broken functionality. These are many other types of cells, neurons that impact the ECS system and it is shown that CBD, CBN and the mother of all canabinoids CBGA struggle silently to transform the damage and insufficiency of this dynamic system. There is continual Research globally in this area in regards to neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Two organs that support a single neural network heart – brain, the spinal cord.

To achieve success however one views success in any endeavor requires the shift in perspective, shift in consciousness. The emerging consciousness integrates and clarity is revealed as one journeys through the resistance, build resilience, know thyself, face the shadows and the reaper, look within. “ The mask ie, the ad hoc adopted attitude. I have called the persona which was the name for the masks worn by actors in antiquity” C.G.Jung .Over identification with the mask, exalted ideas of self importance, extreme dedication and super efficiency and people who become nothing more than the roles they play, become their dis – ease, fear of dropping the mask. Rigid people cut off from their own humanity, the dictator, fanatic, the empty shell are all tools of a powerful transformational force handled mindfully.

This is a condensed work and the other wisdom insights, the Ophiuchus oracles group on face book for Yvonne Moonflower Thompson from a treatise The Perpetual Lamp Of Truth by Arbil Panterra Zruvan Didier and Aimah Didier aka Moonflower The Seer of Moyle.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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“The Cure For Pain Is In The Pain”….Rumi

Pain can be caused by many things, triggers that activate such responses stem from who we think we are, our old conditioned patterns and our ways of being. Relationship to self, others, the environment within and external to self. Attitude to work, money, lifestyle there are many factors. To be free we have to look deeply at ourselves. At a certain point without doing this nothing truly new can come into being and there is a perpetuation of the same old patterns revamped with a different facade. Only when we really work through and complete the old can we be available to the new and it to us in a dynamic reciprocation.

Be not afraid to look within as this is a place from which you can grow. Meet ourselves that is the many aspects of what is perceived as self. Only you can define it, as one sorts the wheat from chaff, ones own feelings, emotions from others imposed or otherwise absorbed like a sponge. If we resist this endeavor of meeting the self or what we perceive as self on all levels of what one understand as self, being; whatever we are trying and one must try, attempt to transcend to access peace, harmony, even self love, confidence, clarity of understanding. Be it through meditation, mindfulness a buzz word many use and do not understand. Yoga, Tai chi are moving meditations, almost anything one does can be a meditation, done consciously with good thoughts, good words good deeds. This pattern from Zoroastrians is a viable template to being in a flow state.

Resistance to doing the inner work, looking at the shadow self, neglected inner child, the reluctant hero or heroine afraid to rise and is the continual victim of ones inner emotions born from trauma,misunderstandings, warped empathy, over kindness, neglect, abuse, anxiety, immaturity in brain development. Frozen in time born fears. The things that ail you will keep surfacing, presenting in a different manner as fear as many faces that require attention. Mental hygiene is crucial for a harmonious lifestyle and well being of all.

To be free from entrapment in this unconscious loop of resistance and spiritual by passing, constantly hurting self, others and falling at what is experienced as a set back, seeing a empty / half empty glass or consumed with playing the victim, bored card, entitled card, loneliness and all associated fears. Learn to see the light in the dark, understand ones self, All can rise like the lotus from the mud. The phoenix is born from the flames to be the best version of what is perceived as self. To radiate, shine and be sovereign.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Peace On Earth

Winter a time and season when peace on earth is oft said. When one has the life force flowing harmoniously that peace is there. Clearly observed in nature as the earth rests covered often in a blanket of snow, some trees drop their leaves, stillness prevails as the earth sleeps. Sleep is like preparing for the afterlife, if you fail to plan you have planned to fail. Sleep is a problem for many., learning to sleep is a skill many have to develop. The mechanics of which are well documented. We can be sleep, rest and be awake that is aware when the body – brain dynamic ( the mind ) is at peace, free from disturbances, distractions, worries, fear, concerns that impact the process of sleep.

The impact of stress on the body- brain dynamic that is one’s mind correlates with the quality of sleep. The impact of stress on the thyroid gland which plays a part in metabolism and is linked to the adrenal glands which produces adrenaline ( the fight or flight hormones ). Stress slows down your metabolism. This stress can occur any where especially in a toxic work place. This toxicity can be the stress itself or from others whose actions eg. bullying, work overload, harsh winter weather, personal issues not attended to and left buried deep in the psyche, muscle tissue in a myriad of places where one buries procrastinated feelings; all contribute to the miserable Monday morning feeling.

The Bach flower remedy Agrimony can assist with this Monday morning feeling. Anxiety, depression, chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, age, gender, substance abuse contribute to sleep disturbances to name a few. Persistent insomnia carries risks like increased cardiac events, decreased immunity, diabetes, obesity, asthma and seizures. The Endocannabinoid system ( ECS ) is responsible for regulating sleep as well as many other functions ( see post on this site ). Equilibrium within the ECS means better sleep. The quality of sleep matters it can hit the body and one’s wallet equally as hard. Melatonin produced from the pineal gland is responsible for the circadian rhythm of when one sleeps and awake and energy levels. For most it is highest at night and lowest in mornings.

Many are turning to CBD and CBN as an effective treatment for sleep disorders with little or no side effects. CBD is a successful sleep aid because it restores your natural sleep cycle which often falls out of synchronicity with busy scheduled lifestyles and overwhelming, overuse of electricity and unnatural lighting. Learning to lean into the bodies natural abilities and defenses to support mental health and the life force energy that flows through the universe is a boon. CBD relaxes helping one drift into normal, healthy sleep, releases the sleep chemical adenosine which suppresses the brain’s arousal system. Depending on the dosage taken, when it is taken and the state of the brain-body dynamic and the hormonal makeup of the receptors in the brain-body; the integration of the cannabinoid into one’s system is affected. Everyone is different internally and the benefits accordingly.

Before considering a CBD regime look to one’s sleep hygiene, pre – sleep habits, sleep – wake cycle, all sleep related complaints and how these impact one during the day. For some CBD can take an hour or two to feel benefits lasting 3 to 4 hours and can affect one longer than intended causing grogginess in the morning. These are guidelines, parameters but used mindfully, thoughtfully, do research looking before you leap into such a regime it can protect from the disruptions of restlessness and insomnia. Thus one can have peace on earth.

Some food for thought here consciousness, memory, feelings. the light body, the haminga, doppelganger, emotions are energy in motion, shadows, nightmares all thrive in the energetic environment that can feed them.Hence communities, groups, sanctuaries, homes, cultures for all kinds of issues, overeating, drug abuse, harassment. All set an energetic tone, vibration some more conducive to aid sleep than others. ” Know thyself and to that sacred self be true” Amelia Lanier / aka William Shakespeare.

Awake and know what fuels your sacred existence. Awake is more than merely having arisen from sleep or rest. WOKE is used much like many words past and now the vocabulary of human beings is being shortened, like their telomeres that govern the length of DNA molecules; replaced like their life span due to heavy hitters like overuse of cell phones, damage from cell phone overuse, being drenched in the fine rain of media indulgence that soaks through the human system. Replacement of natural brain -body functionality, rise in insomnia and other sleep deprivation routines. The waning ability to write, articulate with the replacement of this human function by technology and AI.

Powerful Problem Crusher Mantra by Matakatha Meditation Mantra / you tube. Well moon slow release sleep patches, selenium mineral assists sleep, soothing Solfeggio frequencies, Binural beats, mantras, warm bath, shower, lavender oil, Valerian tea, CBD teas, CBN formulas, quality food, many products to assist sleep, Yoga for relaxation.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)