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Origins Of Ancient Wisdom

The origins if ancient wisdom is within the awakened heart and mind. It is her story revealed in a clear pattern of events viewed through nature itself. This is a snippet from the perpetual lamp of wisdom a metaphysical book written by the divine alchemist and guardians of light; Chouli El-Talysch and Elan Panterra. Gifted from the original word of mouth to this current era to this scribe. This book will be made available for viewing to all. Wisdom in motion like the wind as it blows through the leaves of time on a tree.

The heroines path is veiled in illusion, fabricated by historical, paternal biases unconscious/ conscious to the unenlightened. Indeed her story is quite different, following a template etched out by male/ female patriarchy system that has long been of no worth in this current era perpetuated by fear base patterns. Male is equivalent to form not gender in this sense. It is a pattern of the heroes journey. The removal, eradication of anything threatening the status quo or established norm is significantly observed in the attempts to establish any idea, philosophy, culture and religion is at the heart of this, a belief system, education.

I chose religion to elucidate this point as it is ripe in how gender dominance has been established and perpetuated to the point that feminine gender attributes, characteristics are mere shadows of formed unconscious / conscious biases embedded in the psyche, intuition of all. Marginalized,dehumanized a vital source of light that breath, energy that sustains all and ALL. The hermetics ALL, cosmic consciousness, Pavan, nature itself misunderstood and projected as ‘male patriarchy’ to be found throughout the globe. Entitled, fear based, dominance, governance of the human system. Observe how one interacts, uses, abuses, manipulates, chooses, reflect on the basic elements one is comprised of, nature itself. This indicates ones relationship with nature, ones self and others.

Jean Genet quote “If we behave like those on the other side, then we are the other side. Instead of changing the world, all we’ll achieve is a reflection of the one we want to destroy” THE ORIGINAL POET OUTLAWS ON INSTAGRAM. Linked in profile for Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson, The Ophiuchus Oracles group page for Yvonne Moonflower Thompson on Facebook. This quote along with many others from many sources illustrates and has been suggested as a basis for anti semitism of which I am profoundly aware of the repercussions of such mentality. It applies aptly to any thought, idea, philosophy that emerges from the creative mind and is in the process of integration is shut down, removed, eradicated. Akin to the eradication of anything pagan or not within the currently accepted dogma, doctrine, pantheon of religiosity, company policy and procedures.

This mental and emotional perspective has taken eons to be established from it’s conception and clearly decoded by intuition and cognitive psychology which is the scientific study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity and reasoning. The development of the brain and the frontal cortex functionality is of issue here. Other aspects of the brain health and the given milestones of development along with the somatosensory system have been hijacked to the time when one can truly and clearly say in esoteric terminology awake. The education system, belief system instigated by parents, peers, establishments, corporations for the major part lacks in developing and maintaining the homeostasis of all the human systems. The Endocannabinoid system (ECS) is there to maintain homeostasis. All humans are comprised of many systems fueled by different energies; the basic elements named earth, wind, fire, water, ether. Nature harmonizes, balances, heals itself naturally as everyone has the potential to do and be.

Ones education be it soft / hard skills develops a support system above mental, emotional and below the chakras, light bodies a foundation and cornerstone. Often has to be realigned, correct the trajectory of energy, cleared, balanced to restablish a new foundation, better mindset, clear vision. Dialectics, NLP, Yoga, Kriya, meditation , emotional freedom techniques are some of the esoteric technology and scientific tools available. Mal adaptive behavior and thinking processing is challenging for those with no blue print or pattern as clearly observed in traumatized individuals, adopted children, stolen and foundling children. Recruited into a dynamic that is most chaotic, almost against the grain of their original fabrication. That is to say how one is born into a world and where you are placed. The quote ” Bloom where you are planted ” is often said. The acorn of Aristotle analogy elucidates this to some degree. Despite limited prospects, removal from original parental influences, ( this can be a positive fortuitous circumstance for some), unfulfilled expectations, lack of opportunity and lack of nurturing environment. Ancient memory can serve one very well indeed, one can thrive, be alive, be fruitful and garner the divine gifts available to all for ALL.

The longest journey is from the heart to the brain, the heroines journey. Chandrayaan-3 ( Chandra means moon in Hindu culture) historic landing on the moon from India August 23 2023. Vikram Lander named after the father of the Indian space program. October 2023 ” Chandrayaan-3 programmed to perform its functions.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Seasonal Living

Seasonal living, cycles and wheels of change.Living in harmony with nature and the seasons is a way of leading a more balanced and fulfilled life. By matching your lifestyle with natures cycles and understanding its power one can thrive and live.The wheel of the year and seasons are energetic markers, times of significance and powerful energies. Learn to use the energy of the world around you to achieve balance, health, happiness, strength and prosperity. All that glitters is not gold.

Seasons mark the change in what we call time, which is an illusion unto itself. This affects one’s feelings, moods. Planets change and this influences one’s emotions, especially the moon of which there are many. When the Sumerian moon king Alahlu fell from the sky things changed. Tiamat and Niburi planets experienced great disruption, the primal waters (represent feelings, emotions) and chaos ensued, initiated seasons of change as things transformed and the great alchemy proceeded. The food one eats causes change, the music one hears changes the vibration of water it self, the hormones in the body change. As one breathes be it prana, chi or other inhalants the brain changes. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra boosts immunity and enhance lung capacity. The words of this mantra meaning, we worship ( as in respect )THE 3 EYED ONE ( third eye pineal gland on physical level)who is fragrant and nourishes all like the fruit falls off from the bondage of the stem may we be liberated from death, from mortality. (The pineal gland and pituatry excrete essences called the milk and honey elaborated on by Santos Bonacci in his Holy science information on You tube; this is the fruit that falls off from the bondage of the stem) MEDUSSA is the all seeing eye cultivated by personal gnosis in a garden of pomegranates. ( Medussa a gorgon in greek mythos associated with the three norns of norse mythology, who pass the all seeing eye between them at the base of the world tree and three fates in Greek pantheon. All mystic reference to the pineal, pituatry functions of the brain in the holy science)

Each season is associated with different attributes. Ones body type is an indication how seasons may affect your being. Adrenal body types are stocky, muscular. Gonad types are feminine qualities with wide hips, small breasts. Pituatry type are plump body, small hands and feet. Thyroid type have slim, slender body with heavier thighs. Each type has a particular taste preference, weight distribution and hormonal balance. There are many systems of body typing this is just one. Most have seasonal and elemental correspondences . Here is the Chinese system.

Spring the wood element, organs liver and gall bladder. Spring is a season of growth, new beginnings, of hope, clearing stagnant energies, weaving hopes and dreams into your life. Summer fire element, heart and small intestine are noted. A season of development, of passion, setting the self free, bringing new energies into your house, honoring the sun. Autumn metal element, lungs and large intestine indicated. Late summer earth element, stomach, spleen and pancreas are indicators. Autumn is a season of balance, the final harvest, of fulfillment, correcting the flow of energy in your house, within the self.learning pranayama how to breath. Winter water element, bladder and kidneys are prominent here. Winter is a season of reflection, a time of contemplation, of dreams, learning to act out, manifest your will.

Ancient wisdom from Epictetus 15 AD-135 AD “Learn the will of nature. Study it, pay attention to it and then make it your own. Another quote from anonymous “If you desire a Rose respect the thorns” “How strange that nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude Emily Dickinson” “The difference between a flower and a weed is a judgment” “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn- Ralph Waldo Emerson” “Talking to plants is one way of talking directly to spirit- Rosemary Gladstar”

The Ayurvedic medicine system has only three body types called Pitta, Kapha and Vata. A person is a combination of these one being more predominant at certain seasons depending on lifestyle choices. These three body types are called the Prakruti. Kapha corresponds to spring, earth and water. More thick set, heavy shoulders and hips, tendency to store energy and fat. Pitta associated with summer a combination of fire and water. Medium height, size and weight, experiences an even flow of energy. Vata corresponds to winter a combination of ether and air element. Naturally slim with narrow shoulders, hips and experiences an erratic flow of energy.

The wheel of love is always in motion. It is always changing and you are drawn around is cycle of growing and learning. To love deeply is to accept that each moment you share in love is transitory, and the next will bring something new. Love charms and amulets can help you flow around that cycle, help you give and forgive, love and be loved. The movie “The love letter” part of “One step beyond” a series with several episodes. This one involves time traveling, love, set in 1950s and also a Hallmark made for tv movie 1998. Similar to the movie “Somewhere in time.”
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Gateway To Self Discovery

Blaise Pascal french philosopher ” All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone ” Pascal’s wisdom on solitude remains as pertinent today as it was centuries ago. Solitude and loneliness are often misunderstood and misconstrued.

Solitude is a voluntary state, a chosen withdrawal from social interactions for self reflection or relaxation. Solitude can be empowering, not isolating. Loneliness is a sense of social isolation, even in the presence of others, an involuntary and often painful experience.

Solitude has numerous psychological benefits, it allows for mental rest and respite from social interactions, sensory overload, facilitates stress relief and emotional regulation. Overall positive impact on psychological well -being and personal growth.

Embracing solitude is not just an act of self care, it is an act of living. Basking in the essence of solitude is not about shunning social interaction but rather striking an healthy balance between the external and our internal worlds. In the serenity of solitude one can harness thoughts, emotions and the energy to become more resilient, creative, productive and fundamentally more attuned to one’s self, more mindful. MINDFULNESS is a sense of living in the present, it has been associated with improved mental health.

Other benefits include self reflection, relaxation, increased energy and focus. A robust mental constitution, self awareness leading to more informed choices thus enhancing overall life satisfaction. Embrace solitude the sanjavani mantra can assist on the journey.

Society may often misinterpret the pursuit of solitude as an aberration, it is a gateway to self discovery, creativity, inner peace and a satisfying life. Making time for solitude in our daily life need not be complex. These key moments of solitude is a personal sanctuary, oasis for rejuvenation, self discovery amidst every day chaos. In this chaotic, often super charged, fast paced, hyper- connected era, the overstimulated ‘minds ‘ are traumatized. In the sanctuary of one’s being away from outside worlds noise, uninterrupted by social distractions, social obligations and expectations; one can achieve a state of flow within tapping into one’s innate power source. Productivity peaks contributing significantly to less procrastination, completing tasks and achieving goals with higher efficiency and quality. ( Higher Power music by Coldplay )

Embracing solitude provides opportunity to confront, process emotions leading to healthier coping mechanisms and resilience in adversity. Spin, weave your own fate, this will help chart your desired life course. More information use the contact information provided on this site
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Pot Of Gold

Searching for the pot of gold at the rainbow bridge of emotions and feelings some are adrift on a sea of decadence, others in the land of confusion and doubt, others are encompassed in fear and paranoia. Some dwell in the land of the fae. Feelings, emotions show up in your demeanor, personality and every organ in the body. Your aura, the energetic bubble around you is a filter for the senses. Heyoke empaths the highly sensitive persons aura is finely tuned and highly aware. The Alexithymia personality is their demeanor. This term of phrase is associated with autism spectrum disorder and psychological narcissistic patterning, borderline personality disorders ( BPD ) in the DSM -5. It is not classified as a mental disorder but a personality trait.

Many seek peace, harmony, balance, abundant lifestyle. In reference to the Elder futhark rune Othala which symbolizes the energy of the homeland, inheritance, ancestors and can bring greater peace. The crystal Fluorite assists peace, enhances mental clarity. Clarity of mind is absolute for the search of the pot of gold, the alchemists goal. Mind is the total harmonious functioning of the body brain entire. The human body has many systems, bodies the physical is the outer shell, the aura in tact affords protection and is like a finely tuned GPS system.

Othala invites you to identify, find out what is your inheritance, gifts, skills inherited, or cultivated yourself. It symbolizes permanent or immobile wealth, accumilated by yourself and ancestors over generations. Enlightenment, liberation or transcendence from self, Moksha is a continual movement towards “paradise “. Paradise is the land of milk and honey for some, everyone has their version. ( the land of milk and honey in the Holy science is the pituatry / pineal gland in the brain they secrete a milky and honey type substance as part of the alchemical, ascension process of energy. Symbolized in religiosity with Jesus / light on a cross, pine cones motifs, mushrooms, mitre shaped hats and symbols pertinent to the individual religious and secret society orders.

Paradise is an alignment of the inner compass toward heaven on earth, individual and family risen above cultural and spiritual inheritances. Some inherit skeletons in the closet energy, that journey is more demanding, the shadows often appear dark as you peer into the abyss and it focuses on you to establish a new fundamental. You are that new fundamental, it starts with you.

YEW or Eihwaz is the rune of the yew tree. These trees were planted in grave yards anciently. They and the rune symbolize the timeless, eternity, death mysteries, immortality, Yggdrasil ( world tree ) or kundalini, the chakras ( hvel ). The vertical axis of the human spine, axis mundi of the world itself. Pyrite is a crystal that brings, prosperity, abundance, promotes fearlessness and confidence in pursuing new goals. Chakra yoga for mental balance and mental clarity assists this endeavor. The movement toward enlightenment, endurance, initiation into wisdom of the world tree ( body brain dynamics and chakras ), spiritual vision, liberation from fear of death are many of it’s qualities. There can be confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness even death. The human spine, the verical axis excluding the pelvic region has 24 vertebrae, the number of Eihwaz in the Elder futhark runes.

The fear of death is one of the greatest inhibitors of human kinds potential for total freedom of mind and spirit. Eihwaz gives you the power to recall your past lives ( whilst in this bodily state or those of your ancestors energy that has contributed to your being and energy from others they interacted with ) Lucid dreaming and the power to invoke that energy ( of the dead or underworld ) appears to be dark but not evil exercises. When you understand THE HOLY SCIENCE well documented by Santos Bonnacci on you tube and move past the corrupted historical and religious symbolism, understand what dark is and have the presence of clarity of mind. You can take hold of that pot of gold.

Siddhi Vinayaka Mantra by Mahakatha Meditation. The secret ganesha mantra, Vinayaka is the ancient goddess aspect of this ganesh energy. ( You tube ) to manifest your dreams and desires.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Naga Mudra

Using the divine feminine energy mindfully can be a challenge for many. The initial obstacle is surpassing the dualistic tendency to genderize. Then the duality that dichotomy can be confusing especially to the polarized.When ego is about to crash or fallen already as Narcissus in Greek mythological tales, all hell breaks loose. Pandora opened her box ( heart ) and found hope to her solution, Persephone went underground as her jewels were taken from her, Athena raped as a young girl turned into a Medusa according to the myths and legends. It has been said the light chases the darkness away. Light has many angles, some call angels even though some may be bright lifting one’s vibrational frequency can dissipate light of a lower vibration. All fear based energy, anxiety, doubts, depression can flee away, it takes work, it can be perceived as magic as the body, brain dynamic is a marvelous work and a wonder, magical. Persephone reclaims her jewels ( chakras ), Salome danced to activate her chakras for divination purposes. Most people can do some form of yoga and this mudra is a form of yoga.

When we have a deeper understanding or insight into a problem, issue, challenge on the chosen path, this assists one overcoming the obstacle ( Ganesh deity and Hanuman aspect of the ALL life source )to progress and fulfill the purpose of our life. ( Life energy can often get stuck or be insufficient to meet the needs ) The Naga Mudra can be successfully used to solve every day problems. The perpetual lamp of truth continues to burn on the altar of wisdom. Sitting with a straight spine, visualize a blazing flame in the pelvic floor. Inhale and allow the flame, strength and heat to rise up the spine to heart, head and clarity with each inhale you are taller as the fire grows. Exhale maintain your strong tall form.

The Stars and goddesses have been given many names in different cultures according to their understanding. She is an aspect of the Hermetic ALL, the kundalini reduced to shiva / shakti dualistic dichotomy for exoteric understanding. The Persian called source MEHR, reduced to MITHRA with Ahura Mazda / Angra Mainyu dichotomy of good / Evil. The Elyon / Elyona ( The Powerful Ones ) of Masorete Jewish scholar scribes gave them different names from the original Sumerian scribes of the Anunnaki; as many philosophies concerning life force energy have been reduced to for ease of understanding.

The Stars and goddesses stories, myths, legends are stemming from an age old Sumerian tale of Tiamat / Nibiru catastrophe that has infiltrated many cultures, civilizations and origins stories. These origins and practices are perpetuated in Shamanism, paganism, global indigenous cultures, Yogic practices and some divine feminine practices. They emphasize acquiring strength to challenge ridicule and walk away from broken promises, lies, abandonment, opening the heart, self love and appreciation, resilience and fortitude.

” Let me not be bullied away from my chosen star path”. This strength comes from the navel point in yoga fire breathing. The wheel pose opens the spine, facilitating life force energy flow, strengthens the lower back, abdominal muscles and thighs. Aids in metabolism and balancing calcium / magnesium minerals. SHE, The ALL was no consort, SHE is the great I AM, LIGHT beyond any concept of dualism.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Tibetan Rites

The Tibetan rites are a practice to assist the ascension process. The ascension is a name given to what was considered occult ( hidden from every day lay man’s view or understanding ) or sacred and part of the ultimate secret of longevity. This sacred secret will be expounded upon elsewhere. The rites number six but normally only five are shared as the practice of celibacy is a key component in the effective operation and performance of one’s internal energy system.The rites are simple, effective and energetic and have been proven to counter balance the ageing process at all levels. The seven energy vortexes or chakras are activated, balanced and harmonized with mindful regular practice. If too weak , slow or fast the exercises strengthen and optimizes them accordingly; to allow the life force, chi, prana to flow through the chakras which are linked to hormonal flow, the internal organs and meridians more efficiently. They are called the fountain of youth as they rejuvenate, recharge and refresh the brain and bodies functionality.

The rites are usually performed 13X each. Start at one and build gradually, this applies even to those accustomed to physical exercise. Rite one spinning stimulates the chakra bodies as one spins left to right, which can become stagnant, spinning slowly. It free up the energy to flow.Improves organ functionality and the cerebral spinal fluid flows better.

Rite two stimulates the navel center of power, improves flexibility in the spine and opens up the zeal chakra in the neck area as one breathes rhythmically so the energy can be shunted upward and accessed in Rite three.

Rite three done properly with mindfulness sends the energy from practicing Rite two further up the ladder of ascension ( Jacobs ladder in the Bible ). It balances the pituatry and pineal glands in the head ( the land of milk and honey in the Bible ) as they are activated to secrete their essences. These essences in turn flow back down the spine as part of the flow of the life force continues. This exercise is to be done gently, rhythmically with gentle tilt of the head forward and back. Avoid excessive arching in the back and avoid throwing the head backwards too far. The chest, lungs heart are opened to allow the energy from the solar plexus to rise.

Rite four has a similar energetic flow to Rite two the energy is shunted deeply into the upper chakras and integrated in Rite five. Sitting to bridge be mindful of how the breath is used.

Rite five is where integrated upper and lower energies flow harmoniously. The exercise will look familiar to yoga lovers upward facing and downward dog asanas. Some call triangle pose. All the muscles in the body are used here the organs are all stimulated and downward dog stimulates calcium, magnesium balance and aids digestive processing.

When executing these Rites it is good to rest in between each rite to allow the energy to be assimilated. Dizziness can occur as you are clearing the cerebral spinal fluid that flows around the brain tissue inside of the skull, down the spine and up the front of the spine. This is the ascension process of the life force energy. The golden oil, christos, halo seen in medieval pictures is just that. It is part of making the philosophers’ stone. It brings clarity, wisdom and a superior aid to manifesting from a higher consciousness.

The Tibetan rites have been shown to increase health of body and brain and pro ported to be part of the secret of longevity. The longest healthy living peoples on the earth are said to be on a Greek island called Ikara. However the telomeres which control DNA length and the actual enzyme telemorase respond to vibrational tones and frequencies that empower it’s action. When prospecting for gold, higher awareness these exercises and other practices can enhance that endeavour. A toxic lipid molecule called ceramides clogs up arteries, organs, responsible for belly fat and many dis – eases like diabetes, dementia, brain fog, heart attacks, inflammation issues is abundant in such cases. To flush these ceramides out the system is the goal of weight loss. In individuals regardless of age who retain the glow of youth and ageless bodies, sharp minds and clear perspective the ceramides are greatly reduced if non existent. The Ikarian eating habits does affect your outlook in a positive way, exercise is effective done mindfully and the DNA of the Ikarians which is part of many Basque peoples has a profound impact on one’s life force energy.

The five rites are helpful in stretching stiff muscles and lubricating the joints but their primary purpose and benefit is to normalize the speed of the spinning vortexes. The slower vortexes would cause that part of the body to deteriorate and thus none of them are in harmony. The faster spinning ones would cause nervousness, anxiety, exhaustion. It is the abnormal condition of the vortexes that produces abnormal health, deterioration and old age. Those who find it difficult to spin around, omit #1 rite and perform the others for a few months until the body corrects itself then the rite can be performed.

Great way to enhance the detoxification process is to perform Pranayama, alternate nostril breathing and Shiva Shambo mantra as outlined by Sadhguru on you tube. Pranayama is part of the secrets to accelerated growth, body healing, DNA regeneration and boosts immune system. Prana, chi is part of the energy that sustains life, it is undivided, the electricity running through the whole universe, of which you are a drop in that vast ocean with all it’s gifts in miniature, undivided, complete, whole.

Staying young forever, regenerate your telomeres, remove negative energy. Music by idykicMelody on youtube.

Sanjavani Mantra for magical healing by Dhyaanguru Dr. Nipun Aggarwal ( You tube )

OM Mantra @ 432hz by Meditative mind ( You tube )

5 Tibetan Rites. The Proper and safe way by Tim Vander Vliet ( You tube )

The Seer of Moyle at the Ophiuchus Oracles face book group page for Yvonne Moonflower Thompson has further insights on the Tibetan Rites. See contact details on this site for any further interest on this or any subject, product.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Nothing rests, everything moves,everything vibrates. ( The Kybalion ) The third Hermetic principle. The man who lit the world Nikola Tesla understood and implemented vibration. To understand the universe be it internally or external to self think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Mantras are keys used with understanding unlock, open you to grasp the solution to your inner questioning. Information is useful for survival but experience ( Gnostic )becomes true for you. There is an unspeakable wisdom that is silent behind all mantras as symbolized in OM ( A-U-M ). Where there is vibration there is sound.

The symbol for OM carries the divine code 3-6-9 which holds the key to the universe as noted by Tesla. If you knew the magnificence of the 3-6-9 then you would have the key to the universe. Galileo ” the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics ” Most people live in the 3dimension and understanding the theory of dimensions, frequency, vibration, energy one can accomplish what appears to many as miracles, magic, superhuman. The Hermetic teachings are that not only is everything in constant movement and vibration, but the differences between the various manifestations of the universal power are due entirely to the varying rate and mode of vibrations. The ALL or source energy manifests a constant vibration of such infinite degree of intensity and rapid motion that it is considered at rest. At one end of the pole of vibration, the gross matter at the other end of the pole with varying degrees millions upon billions different rates and modes of vibration.

The power s manifested by adepts, masters, some gurus simply use one law against another one principle against other principles. Accomplishing their results by changing the vibrations of material objects or forms of energy; there by performing ” miracles “. A Hermetic said ” He who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the scepter of power ” ( Sadhguru on you tube The power of Shiva Shambo mantra where he reveals the secret of his knowledge )

Understanding the numeric universe, Vortex mathematics, quantum physics, string theory, time clock, geometry, science of light, sound ( mantra ) and the numerous dimensions can assist one in manifesting a desirable outcome to any perceivable issue. There is a flux field, energy spiral in 3D held in the 4D quantum field, non physical. The vibration 3-6-9 holds the holds the vibration equivalence of the 4D in the physical 3Dimension. Atoms also follow this 3-6-9 formula being 99.99% empty space, non physical, invisible energy of quantum fields. Time itself follows the 3-6-9 code, look at the time clock 12 , 3, 6, 9. There is a constant oscillation between 3-6-9. It is also the basis of geometry and how DNA in the body is constructed from 3 basic sub units. Three appear throughout body, brain, history as in the Holy Trifector, trinity and Tesla’s energy- frequency- vibration. Nikola Tesla said The relationship between numbers is merely random or man made they are elementary particles of which everything is composed. Vibration will do anything. That is why soldiers marching break step when crossing bridges. Buildings, towers have collapsed due to vibrations beyond the capacity of the structure to maintain it’s form. It is how matter can appear to vanish.

The kundalini energy is coiled 3X at the base of the spine, this is called compactification and it appears in melanin, pineal gland and as a tiny dot. Assigned zero dimension as is the 10Dimension and beyond. Also called GOD as this is the dimension of infinite power with capabilities to control time and space and everything in the infinite universe, no limitations. The reason we can not see, sense higher dimensions is due to compactification; higher dimensions are curled up, in on themselves ( Plotinius thousand of years ago in his Enneads treatise )String theory suggests from the atoms reference point go to microscopic level the theory is validated. One can detect, see fractal patterns the basis for any material structure. As above so below, string theory assigns the 11Dimension as the Zero dimension also. The theory has limitations.

All dimensions are made of infinitely small vibrating loops called strings. Even sub atomic particles each having it’s own unique characteristics this causes the particles to vibrate in a manner which strings vibrate and can be detected, monitored. Frequency of vibration of the string is responsible for the mass of the particle. The size of a string as been estimated as 10^-33cm, unimaginable small. What the strings are made of and from whence they come is still baffling scientists. They are not unlike the spindles formed when cells are in cell division.

Alpha waves in the human brain are between6Hz and 8Hz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6Hz and 8Hz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain’s alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6Hz and 8Hz. That is why Sufi’s twirl not to just get in a trance and access higher dimensions, it is a detox, healing meditation. The Tibetan rite #1 speeds up the chakras to clear stagnant energy to better convey the life force energy. Our entire biological system, brain and earth itself all work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind. ( adapted from 5th dimensional powers and Nikola Tesla quotes )
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Good Samaritan Act and Law

Before words were written information was transmitted orally in communities that held a commonality and way of living. The Good Samaritan is a parable in the holy bible and with all stories, parables were given to teach a certain aspect of living. Luke chapter 10 verses 25 – 37 is where the parable can be found. It is a continuation of the greatest commandment stated in the book of Mark and Matthew, Love thy neighbor as thyself. In chaotic times of , fear, loss, pain, trauma; often a peoples morals, integrity and any common sense escape them. This effect is seen when the foundation of any being is shattered, broken, taken from them as in times of war, neglect, abuse, death, continuous unrelenting stress. ( )

The good Samaritan is a label often used to describe someone acting selflessly to benefit others, even a total stranger. Samaritans are one of the world’s oldest and smallest religious groups and their songs are among the most ancient in the world ( ). The good Samaritan law covers citizens, medical professionals, any volunteer giving aid to an injured person in an emergency. It offers legal protection in the form of exemption from lawsuits and liability, acting as a safeguard to those who help another in a real emergency, life-or-death situation.

The good Samaritan laws were written to encourage bystanders to get involved in these and other emergency situations without fear that they will be sued if their actions inadvertently contribute to a persons injury or death. Historically Samaritans were concentrated in Samaria from the Hebrew semetic root of the word Somerin meaning ” to watch’ guard “. The qualities or values now called soft skills of a Good Samaritan to help others imbibe them are similar to the Society Of Friends. Honesty, Integrity, Selflessness, Compassion, Kindness, Tolerance, Moral courage, upholding dignity, supporting the potential in everyone.

The Society Of Friends arose in the 17th c England and is still dedicated to living under the ” inward light or direct inward apprehension of god “. This is Gnosis as they seek religious truth via the inner experience ( Gnosis ) and place reliance on conscience as the basis of morality. Every day is sacred. Spiritual insight often called medium ship these days, testimonies tend to unite the friends or Quakers by another name worldwide. They spring from deep experience and have been reaffirmed by successive generations. The beliefs or testimonies are Integrity, equality, simplicity, community, stewardship of the earth and peace. Actively working for peace and opposing war they have no clergy, creed or great towers of hierarchy. The God within them is a cornerstone of faith and practice.

How one defines God is a basis of contention in any rigidly controlled hierarchical establishments. Quakers believe there is something of God in everybody and each human being is of unique worth. Each person is valued equally and they oppose anything that may harm or threaten them. Courage is not the absence of fear or despair but the strength to conquer them. In the parable the thieves represent hostile forces in the world, the priest who passes the man in need represents the law at that time, the Levite represents the prophets. The Samaritan represents Christ. Christ in Gnostic terms is the light. ( See Elohim by 5thKind You tube for great illumination on The bible by Paul Wallis and Mauro Biglino translator of ancient biblical texts )

The parable of the Samaritan woman at the well having the dialogue with Jesus about how to attain eternal life. The Good Samaritan parable reflect Jesus’s attitude toward the marginalized, the foreigner. The Jews and Samaritans were enemies at the time of writing or the actual event. The Samaritans were viewed as half breeds by the Jews. This is a ancient story written hundreds of years after the fact and the names of these contrary sects, groups were given hundred of years later when written. Jesus or the one who wrote of the parable used dialectic reasoning to resolve a challenge by a lawyer concerning the Jewish scriptures which had not been set in stone then; as we have now. ( written by the Masoretes scholars ) He told the parable of The Good Samaritan. The woman at the well is an example of love, truth, redemption and acceptance of self and the good news. She was given the name Photini and made a saint venerated by the Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox churches and the Cathars belief state that they identify her as the Samaritan woman at the well written in John 4:7-30, John 8:2-11 in the Holy Bible ).

The man from the earth, The man from earth part 2 Holocene ( You tube movie ) What if god was one of us ( song by Alanis Morisette )
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Atargatis the Aramaic mermaid is symbolic of the energies of the land and of the sea. Sign for the constellation Ophiuchus and Phoenician traders. Many years ago the fertility of the land was of great concern; so it is today. As is also the fertility of our lives. Anciently assured by ritual, people ate seasonally. As is well known most food is intensively farmed and peoples fertility is on a decline. The seasons of the earth give us a natural rhythm by which we can lead our lives. Rhythm is one of the hermetic principles listed and expounded in the Kybalion.

1. The Principle of Mentalism.

2. The Principle of Correspondence.

3. The Principle of Vibration.

4. The Principle of Polarity.

5. The Principle of Rhythm.

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect.

7. The Principle of Gender.

Everything is dual, everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites, like and unlike are the same, opposites are identical in nature but different in degree, extremes meet, all truths are half truths, all paradoxes may be reconciled. ( The Kybalion ) This is the Principle of Polarity and using dialectic measures all paradoxes can be reconciled. Thesis / anti thesis are resolved into a new form embodying both, a new thesis is produced, manifested.

Everything flows out and in, everything has its tides, all things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything, the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left, rhythm compensates. ( The Kybalion ) The Hermetist using appropriate formulas and methods learned how to escape the effects in themselves to a certain degree; instead of being used by it. ( The Principle of Rhythm and the law of Compensation )

Developing self mastery one can neutralize the rhythmic swing of the pendulum which would carry one to the other pole. This is done more or less unconsciously the mastery of self one does this consciously, by the use of the Will to attain poise, mental firmness. Quite unbelievable to the masses who swing back and forth like a pendulum. Adrift on a sea of decadence.

Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity and reasoning. Hermetic philosophy summarized in The Kybalion by The Three Initiates is part of the master key that can reconcile divergent views along with Dialectic psychology and Analytical thinking. There have always been a few initiates in each generation, in various lands of the earth and sea who kept the sacred flame of hermetic teaching a light. Tending the altar of truth upon which was kept alight The Perpetual Lamp of Wisdom. A labor of love which the poets, like Rumi, alchemists like Zarathustra call the light. Others call The Beloved. Sacred energy in alchemist, poet terminology are pearls of great wisdom, reserved for the elected, initiates, who recognize their value, ready for the truth. Hence the saying of casting pearls before swines this is not wisdom to do so.

Thus the lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding. ( The Kybalion ) Picture from Goddesses book by Sue Jennings.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Treasury Of Light

The power of dialectics is key to accessing the treasury of light. Dialectic theory, philosophy and thinking was employed by Plato, Hegel, Marx, Kant and the stoics originally Diogenes Sinope and maligned as cynics. Acting out of self motive incongruous to those at that time for their expression of questioning the status quo. Nietzsche and counter cultural rebels labelled hippies liked Diogenes. This led to those who aligned themselves with paradoxes of many kinds, having no solution but played on the fact of the dialectic impass or Aporia; so well used by Plato in his Socratic dialogues.

The absence of something is a thing in itself, like Zero. Zero was a concept demonized and associated with non existence. It seemed to contradict the concept of god and hence was rejected even the Sumerians had no concept of zero. Zero is important in understanding dialectic thinking and behavior. It is at that point the impass it can turn the tide of emotions, feelings, thinking. The middle path. A path many can not conceive of. Zenos paradox a Greek story elucidates this. A paradox is something that contradicts itself, or at least seems to contradict itself in some way. there are many paradox and understanding dialectics is very beneficial to resolve these.

Dialectic basic meaning through the art of speaking, talking through, across, that which is attained through speech as in dialogue, discourse, reason. The objective of dialectic conversation is an objective or personal truth that can be grasped together. A thesis generates an antithesis which in turn can bring a solution, new form where both are valid and accepted, a new thesis or synthesis and the pattern continues. Dialectics involves two things that seem like opposites that have nothing in common. However these two things are both true and valid at the same time.Happy / sad are both feelings of the whole ( synthesis ). In a dialogue people may enter with different or conflicting opinions but through discussion they can come to a truth, synthesis or resolution.

Balancing dialectic dilemmas is the role of a therapist, guiding you to walk the middle path. The middle analogy for the dialectic thinking rather than black / white extreme thinking. Avoiding this extreme thinking where people get stuck, polarized, limited, self denial, self indulgent, us versus them thinking is the dilemma.Mindfulness is another vital key in resolution. The therapist helps the ” client ” bring together seemingly opposites throughout therapy reconciling the conflict within themselves and their relationships. Bringing together opposites in considering what is being left out. A familiar picture of a vase / two faces combination, some see the vase some see the two faces. Identifying when a client or self gets fixed on one end or in argument immovable on a point of contention, this is where the therapist helps shift the unbalanced scale to see the big picture or the opposite perspective. Change to acceptance the mid point or impass is where the Zero of both – and lies. A transition point.

Dialectic dilemmas are behavioral patterns that are recognized and well noted in therapy, common in BPD. The client fluctuates between two ends of each dilemma like hot / cold, live / die simply put. The emotions can be under regulated or over regulated by the therapist, who identifies the dialectic dilemma and one learns to think more dialectic ally, work on validation and acceptance, learn techniques to help you make changes in behavior, diet, ways to self motivate towards the desired change.

This is done in philosophy. The dilemma situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives especially, equally undesirable ones is distressing as emotional attachment to one side ( divorces are emotionally demanding ) or invalidating the other side, unable to see other view point, black / white thinking, feeling anger born from frustration and powerlessness, rigid thinking, ” I am right demands “are signs of a dilemma. Paternal, blind belief in religiosity, Bullies, people who do not allow you to express your opinion, dictators, Stockholme syndrome victim issues , PTSD and other traumas. Dialectic thinking when you can look at both sides and integrate the whole picture uses the wiser mind that all can develop. It brings flexibility, integration, One realizes opinions are not facts, they are different not right or wrong. Explore your options and be flexible as there are many ways to solve a problem. Observe fully practicing looking at other points of view not just either / or / both. some people feel more than one emotion, energy at one time as many empaths do and people with DID dissociative identity disorder and it is not out of order. Congratulate your self for your sensitivity, validate and be your sovereign self. Avoid blame, finger pointing judgements; rephrase the energy to describe, express your feeling from that sovereign self using ” I am disappointed…..”

Expression this way or the way you can best convey it makes you adaptive, more resilient, confident, calmer, less reactive, in control and develops emotional intelligence instead of dissonance, Better relationships with self and others with fewer arguments. Marx & Engel viewed their world and environment in terms of active, interactive, constantly developing and constant processes. A few words from the parable of the sower by Butler.

All that you touch, you change. All that you change, changes you. The only lasting truth is change.

The astral doorway to the treasury of light is being open to sovereign self. When we are shut down, unable to express, thoughts, words, emotions, the energy of multi dimensional vibrations, cosmic codes embodied in crystals like Selenite, Trigonic quartz, Auralite, Azezulite, Anandalite, Ajoite and the golden healer can open the pathway, maintain the open portals. Binural beats, music of a certain frequency, singing, mantras, affirmations are all tools for ascension. For the stuck energy to ascend through the open crown chakras and vice versa for the cosmic universe to be received by you. The Zeal chakra, Alta major or mouth of the source your inner ” god / dess ” in the base of the skull at back of the neck is vital for conducting this energy. It is an anchor for multi dimensional energy structure known as the light body. Opening this chakra activates metaphysical & intuitive sight enabling vision of the bigger picture. The goal of Dialectics. It supports energies of the higher aspects of the heart. The heart being a portal of ascension to the soul. The soul stores codes, blue prints for this sovereign self, pureness of the divine some call Akasha one meaning is hidden records. A cosmic book to guide through all perceived dimensions and realms of the hero journey. The hero is you. Joseph Campbell did fine work on this and also Micheal Tsarion with his path of the fool series. Zeal chakra healing music by iNNATE and many others on you tube.

This is all conditional that one does the shadow work, look into your soul, understand what chakras are and do something about their condition; and the other energy systems in the body brain dynamic, understand the brain, bring out the best in your self, Sufi twirling is part of a practice to aid in this it clears, chakras, helps correct the spin direction, Tibetan rites exercises spinning speeds up the chakras, The exercises in Tibetan modality are done in opposite way to the Sufi method. Chakra yoga for mental balance and clarity offered by Corlunas is of great value to any on the path of light. The mysteries of heaven and earth will no longer be a mystery.

The eye is forever open to light issuing from the perpetual lamp of truth contained in the sanctuary wherein the treasury of light is. Afloat on the sea of decadence, the oil in the perpetual lamp of truth flows unceasingly.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)