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Auto communication, inner speech, internal discourse, inner experience, internal monologue, self talk are all alternative names for the inner voice or intrapersonal communication. It is the process of communicating with oneself, allowing individuals to reflect on their thoughts, feelings and behavior. This process done mindfully aids self awareness, self affirmations, self conceptualizing, self esteem, self love, perception, expectations and personal growth.It includes self talk, acts of imagination, visualization, recall and memory. Interpersonal communication involves two or more individuals. Ananduralia is lack of a inner voice in your mind, no auditory sensation of inner communication. What makes a communication intra and not inter is self conceptual ( / Wikipedia )

Intrapersonal communication is used to clarify ideas or analyzing a situation, reflecting on or appreciating something. These expectations are future orientated messages dealing with long term roles called life scripts. Drawbacks include risks of negative self talk which can lead to issues like self esteem, depression as described in intrapersonal communication studies. Intrapersonal skills include self confidence, resilience, optimism and focus. Barriers or obstacles that prevent us sending and receiving information effectively include preconceptions, over identification with those and others ego traits and behaviors with a propensity to multiple personality disorders now named dissociative identity. Education, experiences, culture, values all impact the process and can create inner conflict which when projected externally can destroy relationships.

People with intrapersonal intelligence understand their own thoughts, emotions and experiences being great at spotting patterns in their life and others. They have the ability to connect current feelings to past events, understanding why they are the way they are in the now of any situation. To develop intrapersonal skills regular participation in self reflection and introspection is vital for ones well being to understand personal motivation, one’s strength and weakness. ( The Hermit tarot card and The Hanged man tarot card ) Intrapersonal conflict an anxiety arises when one’s goals, values or roles diverge. Uncertainty about what is expected, wanted or how to feel about a situation. This leaves one feeling inadequate, emotional stressed, memory is impacted and brain – body dynamics are overcompensated. Solitary intrapersonal individuals , heyoke empaths, HSP, and traumatized individuals require plenty of space, silence and their time to resolve their inner conflict. Away from the maddening crowds and chaos of over stimulation.These issues unresolved accumulate energetically in the tail bone below the first chakra , called the mulhadara chakra. In the joints as lactic acid. All bodily functions are compromised and depression, anxiety, self defeating behaviors, escapism are external signs. The mermaid, merman are like these energies that lie at the bottom of the sea. Growing with every obsessing, over identification of the oft ruminated issue, painful existence that has no voice it is fibromyalgia.

Wrong inferences occur when one fails to distinguish between what actually exists and what we had assumed to exist, leading to gossip, rumor spreading, false accusations, over identifying with someone else ego (Empaths prone to this) going contrary to ones best knowledge. Intrapersonal factors are many from personality, cognitions affect problem behaviors, biogenetics, demographics, bonding, biopsychosocial models of drug use and abuse have their own premise for diagnosis. Intrapersonal intelligence is used by many Philospher Decartes used his awareness to formulate his own theory. This is now one of the basic theories of human existence. He coined the phrase ” I think therefore I am “

Intrapersonal communication is important for strong mental health. Understanding oneself to address your inner problems is vital for well being ( ) The process in four phases includes Sensation. Perception, Memory, Thought. The characteristics of intrapersonal communication include, Independant individuals, self disclosure that is revealing personal thoughts, feelings and reflections. Rationality, personal choice, it is constant and inescapable. Einstein had high intrapersonal intelligence, self motivated, introverted, spent lots of time alone, worked independently.

There are many forms of yoga the practice of which can bring a transformation ones energy. Health, wealth, peace of mind is happiness. It aids intrapersonal communication. Ayurveda and yoga are sister sciences. Ayurveda is the traditional natural healing system of India encompasses ancient philosophy based on deep understanding of the eternal truths about the human body, mind and spirit. There are eight branches of Ayurveda symbolized by the lotus flower of eight petals representing the eight branches of Ayurveda.

1.Kayachikitsa – internal medicine. 2.Salya tantra – surgery. 3.Salakya tantra -treatment of the ears, nose, throat, eyes and teeth. 4. Agada tantra – toxicology, study of poisons. 5.Bhuta vidya – Psychiatry, treatment of mental disease. 6.Bala tantra– Gynaecology, obstetrics and paediatrics. 7. Rasayana tantra – Science of rejuvenation. 8.Vajikarana tantra – aphrodisiacs to increase potency and life force.

From the Ayurvedic perspective the universe is a manifestation of supreme intelligence called Purusha, which evolves and expresses itself in matter in order to explore certain aspects within itself. The universe providing the experience for consciousness. Ayurveda is a practice along with yoga to bring one back to the knowledge of spirit or Purusha, The awareness is opened and realization that one is more than a physical body; one can connect to their true nature or essence. Or remain in the current state of degeneration which is inherent in the manifest world caught up in the wheels of samsara ( Buddhist concept misunderstood and related as karma )

As noted by William Shakespeare “Know thyself and to thyself be true”.

To learn more of the chakras and remembering past lives visit Astral Doorway on you tube. Great content, clearly explained. Alternatively upcoming posts on chakras at this site.
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