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To kill a mocking bird the selkie sang her song of the sea. The seer of moyle , born on a dark moon in the winter snows of night. A daughter of the 6 of cups had the eye of Medussa and Melusine. Medussa is the all seeing eye cultivated by personal gnosis in the garden of pomegranates. In that garden is a tree at the base of which sat the three Norns. The sirens of medieval alchemists used the symbol of melusine the double fish tail mermaid as a symbol for a crucial stage in self transformation of the base calcified energies into gold of the now termed higher, sovereign self. The three Norns represent past, present and future. The Selkie lore is present in many cultures and given many names peculiar to the environment. These sea or seal beings are intertwined with tales of dragons which represent fire and air elements. Faeries representing earth and air as that is their domain. Mermaids represent the element of water and earth.

c The moon is symbolic and controls the ebb and flow of the tides of the seas, oceans, feelings and emotion which include the human hormonal system. A magician, alchemist,psychiatrist to be truly powerful must learn the secrets of water, the sea and the magic it holds ( water crystals Dr. Masaru Emoto) and the power to differentiate the states of water, salt, fresh, ice, snow, clouds, from lakes, streams etc; as water is intrinsically linked to feelings, emotions and holds memory. Symbolic of one’s aura.The Gaelic word for seal is Roanne. Roane is a land mass off the shore of Ireland. Ireland has many myths and legends of sea people/folk. The legend of the selkie is told in the animated movie “Song of the sea”. Selkie wear their seal skins / identity to travel through the sea most gentle of sea beings, removing or shedding their seal skin in the moonlight on northern shores revealing their human form. They live beneath the sea in giant air bubble as they are air breathing beings. Their undersea sanctuary houses male and female selkie. There is an ancient ballad “The great selkie of Sule Skerry” that expounds this fascinating being. The old Sumerians believed dolphins, King of fishes, also named arrow of the sea was linked to the goddess Astarte, Ishtar. There are hieroglyphs of Ouannes people who came from the sea unto land with correspondences with the fabled Atlantis.

Be it a selkie, roanne, mermaid or other sea beings of the sea they have been attributed different qualities according to the cultural perspectives. However take care when dealing with sea folk, as you are dealing with emotions, feelings. As all who come from the sea the form and narrative changes with the environment. This is apparent in the Russian perspective of the Rusalka, sea maidens. The sea peoples in Phoenician and Egyptian history are not well known and history has yet to discover their origins of the sea people.

Dolphins symbolize power of swiftness, guides souls to the other or underworld, keepers of the sacred breath of life, teaching humans the softer skills much in demand in this age of 2024, eloquence, freedom, balance, harmony, respect, breathing to release intense emotions to achieve this inner harmony, it is part of yoga enlightenment. A practice in chakra yoga to draw down power from the universe is akin to the power of circling fish that build energy used in water magic. Tales of Spanish water maidens executing such magic to change the future.

The sea horse of HIPPOCAMPUS is the large variety of sea horse. Ridden to swiftly traverse through the seas, used as an astral steed to move through other planes of existence seeking knowledge in dealing with emotional problems. The tale of Manannan mac Lir a Celtic giant in the land when giants were abundant on the earth. He harnessed a winged sea pegasus to his chariot. Winged sea horses can help when a person needs to escape dangerous seas or limiting emotional patterned problems. There are many chariots attributed to Giants, Gods in folk lore, myths legends and the Holy Bible as in the Ezekial, Enoch visions of the Ruach and the powerful ones, watchers, Elohim. (5thkind.TV)

The HIPPOCAMPUS in the brain is part of the limbic system and necessary for dreaming. Sleep deprivation perturbs hippocampal plasticity. Specific disruptions in molecular signalling by sleep deprivation impair what is called LTP, as well as behavioral phenotypes observed in reduced hippocampal volumes in cushing’s disease, PTSD, MDD, stockholme syndrome. These do have the capacity to recover. Damages can be caused by a number of factors, head trauma, ischemia, haemorrhagic stress, acute seizures, status epilepticus encephalitis, brain tumor, drug withdrawal, exposure to chronic unpredictable stress, Alzheimers disease, severe alcohol abuse. Alzheimers disease has a build up of two proteins called amyloid (plaques) and TAU that damage nerve cells in the hippocampus and spreads to other parts of the brain. Damages prevent short term memories being moved into long term memory.

Regarding memory the hippocampus helps humans process and retrieve two types of memory. Declarative or explicit memory and spatial relationships. Declarative memory are related to facts and events. Examples can include learning how to memorize speeches or lines in a play. Spatial memories involve pathways or routes. This impacts one’s emotional behavior. It’s largest job or function is to hold short term memories and transfer them to long term storage in the brain. In emotional processing of anxiety and avoidance behaviors any damages to the hippocampus can cause amnesia. This prevents people from forming new memories and remembering past experiences. It remembers their order in a series of events not the items themselves in an event. Sequencing of events that compose unique episodes. Problems storing memories, difficulty recalling long term memories, spatial disorientation, getting lost in familiar places (time loops, time traveling, astral traveling, black holes phenomena are all part of this ) Loosing and misplacing items.

Lieing is to be considered here. Declarative or explicit memory means the person has lost the ability to consciously recall and remember both factual and personal experiences. This has been documented in cases of drug overuse eg. THC in cannabis, stagnant cell build up in the brain and body and brain cancers, extreme alcohol abuse, jokingly called “brain farts “by ignorant people. The history of such a person to be labelled as such is vital to be understood and in context of their environment. All angles have to be explored cognitive psychology is a useful tool. Some people are very vulnerable to metabolic stress be it lifestyle or genetic. The CA1 region of the hippocampus has been observed in acute neurological disorders as ischemia, limbic encephalitis, hypoglycaemic encephalopathy, multiple sclerosis, transient global amnesia, black out and Ehlers Dandlos syndrome and P.O.T.S and epilepsy.

Good news is anti depressants have been found to stimulate production of new brain cells (neurogenesis) and gradually rebuild the structure of the hippocampus in depressed individuals. Memory impaired patients with MTL (medial temporal lobe) damage, the structures involved in formation of long term memories are independent and working memories are independent of the MTL structures. Alcohol in over abundant usage interferes with memory formation by altering nerve cell communication and steroid formation especially in the hippocampus. Abstinence of alcohol for 6 to 12 months effects a healing.

Meditations on the hippocampus with the water, sea folk, bring hope, optimism. Water folk in arid, desert regions can teach you how to improvise using what is around you ( the brain does this naturally) Those who live in oases have great shape shifting abilities, having human like form, build little house close to water and willow trees.Strong family identity and orientation. They love children. The water element correspondence to the subconscious mind and the tarot suit of cups. Water covers the full range of human emotions from love to hate. Water, ice, snow, steam, clouds, fresh, salty, sour. To disrupt or break the flow, to kill a mocking bird, of negative currents find the pressure point. An individual, a sequence in an event, an emotion, a decision for a change to occur.

This is part of the perpetual lamp of wisdom, a treatise integrating science, spirituality, intuitive gnosis. Many of the wisdom insights at this site constitute the opus magus of the SEER OF MOYLE See contact details on this site for a life changing experience.
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