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The Wonders of Kaoshikii

A meditative dance set to the mantra Baba Nam Kevalam. Helps you lovingly realize your self. It builds the bliss body, as perspective is sharpened. There are many bodies in yoga philosophy, usually 10 are mentioned. Meaning bliss, love is all, everything is love. Baba is like a wise parental figure of no gender although often given form as male! It is energy personified, your innate energy personified being actualized! The movement provides a mirror of self reflection. A place where you can be by your self and tap into your own mind. Allows you to listen to the inner workings of self. Many issues can arise just energy that needs attention for your own well being. Ultimately you can access information for the benefit of others.

It is the looking glass. As you strengthen, clarify your subtle body you begin to understand things beyond the obvious and not obvious to most! You become masterful, calm , with great finesse. A super power indeed. It helps develop the neutral mind the corpus collossum. Balances, clears and strengthens the cerebral cortex. All Organs are cleared, strengthened and balanced from a deep subconscious level. The hormones of the body are balanced.

Regular practice will maintain this blissful status along with nourishing your body and brain with appropriate life giving food, get into the nature out doors, read good books that stimulate the little grey cells. Lessen interaction with social media especially those that coax you into interactions that could appeal to lower magnetic chakra energy system. There are many chakras usually 7 are mentioned and commonly worked with. It weakens and can deplete those chakras especially the sacral chakra. The upper ones and lower have to compensate for this ” weakness of the flesh”.

More on chakras, Ayurveda in another post.

Alignment with the moon energies, increase musculature strength, skeletal integrity, the Ayurvedic ojas are replenished. All kinds of ojas. Superior ojas govern heart functioning, Para ojas become part of the aura. It is like shiva/shakti, ying/yang can be bliss, joy, happiness or a step up from the base physical experience. Detox and PH naturally, focus manifesting abilities as navel and other centers are aligned with source energy, release tension build up in muscles, Meridians are cleaned and Gunas activated. Intense excercise for releasing PTSD issues. All part of self love and psychological first aid, caring for the self. If a person does not care for their self, it is difficult to care for others as your body is not conveying good light energy. Lack of self care on any level is correlated with awareness and self perception and chakra imbalances to say the least.

There are many renditions of this on you tube. I have provided a schematic for you for the steps.

Diagram courtesy of Ananda Marga Liverpool UK.

Contact me through the e-mail provided for this site if you have any concerns about this and desire to know more.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)