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Nothing rests, everything moves,everything vibrates. ( The Kybalion ) The third Hermetic principle. The man who lit the world Nikola Tesla understood and implemented vibration. To understand the universe be it internally or external to self think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Mantras are keys used with understanding unlock, open you to grasp the solution to your inner questioning. Information is useful for survival but experience ( Gnostic )becomes true for you. There is an unspeakable wisdom that is silent behind all mantras as symbolized in OM ( A-U-M ). Where there is vibration there is sound.

The symbol for OM carries the divine code 3-6-9 which holds the key to the universe as noted by Tesla. If you knew the magnificence of the 3-6-9 then you would have the key to the universe. Galileo ” the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics ” Most people live in the 3dimension and understanding the theory of dimensions, frequency, vibration, energy one can accomplish what appears to many as miracles, magic, superhuman. The Hermetic teachings are that not only is everything in constant movement and vibration, but the differences between the various manifestations of the universal power are due entirely to the varying rate and mode of vibrations. The ALL or source energy manifests a constant vibration of such infinite degree of intensity and rapid motion that it is considered at rest. At one end of the pole of vibration, the gross matter at the other end of the pole with varying degrees millions upon billions different rates and modes of vibration.

The power s manifested by adepts, masters, some gurus simply use one law against another one principle against other principles. Accomplishing their results by changing the vibrations of material objects or forms of energy; there by performing ” miracles “. A Hermetic said ” He who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the scepter of power ” ( Sadhguru on you tube The power of Shiva Shambo mantra where he reveals the secret of his knowledge )

Understanding the numeric universe, Vortex mathematics, quantum physics, string theory, time clock, geometry, science of light, sound ( mantra ) and the numerous dimensions can assist one in manifesting a desirable outcome to any perceivable issue. There is a flux field, energy spiral in 3D held in the 4D quantum field, non physical. The vibration 3-6-9 holds the holds the vibration equivalence of the 4D in the physical 3Dimension. Atoms also follow this 3-6-9 formula being 99.99% empty space, non physical, invisible energy of quantum fields. Time itself follows the 3-6-9 code, look at the time clock 12 , 3, 6, 9. There is a constant oscillation between 3-6-9. It is also the basis of geometry and how DNA in the body is constructed from 3 basic sub units. Three appear throughout body, brain, history as in the Holy Trifector, trinity and Tesla’s energy- frequency- vibration. Nikola Tesla said The relationship between numbers is merely random or man made they are elementary particles of which everything is composed. Vibration will do anything. That is why soldiers marching break step when crossing bridges. Buildings, towers have collapsed due to vibrations beyond the capacity of the structure to maintain it’s form. It is how matter can appear to vanish.

The kundalini energy is coiled 3X at the base of the spine, this is called compactification and it appears in melanin, pineal gland and as a tiny dot. Assigned zero dimension as is the 10Dimension and beyond. Also called GOD as this is the dimension of infinite power with capabilities to control time and space and everything in the infinite universe, no limitations. The reason we can not see, sense higher dimensions is due to compactification; higher dimensions are curled up, in on themselves ( Plotinius thousand of years ago in his Enneads treatise )String theory suggests from the atoms reference point go to microscopic level the theory is validated. One can detect, see fractal patterns the basis for any material structure. As above so below, string theory assigns the 11Dimension as the Zero dimension also. The theory has limitations.

All dimensions are made of infinitely small vibrating loops called strings. Even sub atomic particles each having it’s own unique characteristics this causes the particles to vibrate in a manner which strings vibrate and can be detected, monitored. Frequency of vibration of the string is responsible for the mass of the particle. The size of a string as been estimated as 10^-33cm, unimaginable small. What the strings are made of and from whence they come is still baffling scientists. They are not unlike the spindles formed when cells are in cell division.

Alpha waves in the human brain are between6Hz and 8Hz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6Hz and 8Hz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain’s alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6Hz and 8Hz. That is why Sufi’s twirl not to just get in a trance and access higher dimensions, it is a detox, healing meditation. The Tibetan rite #1 speeds up the chakras to clear stagnant energy to better convey the life force energy. Our entire biological system, brain and earth itself all work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind. ( adapted from 5th dimensional powers and Nikola Tesla quotes )
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