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Transcending Duality

Contemporary western culture is dualistic; everything is dichotomized into good or bad, right or wrong, friend or enemy, this or that. To dichotomize is to divide, and competition usually follows. It necessitates making constant judgements that creates trouble in society as well as in individual life. ( Ryozo Ogura )

If one wishes a life of peace and harmony, duality must be transcended and the world of oneness attained. Oneness does not mean sameness. Each one is unique and absolute. Each one has it’s own beauty and value and should not be compared. Peace and freedom exist only in the world of oneness, the absolute world. ZEN stresses the transcending of duality in koans.

The alchemists ” Solve et Coagula ” is akin to a zen koan. As is the hermetic, sages axiom ” As above so below ” as they studied the universe rhythm. The planes of correspondence show it’s effects through the ether above and below that plane called the ether. Beyond the cognitive consciousness perceived by the physical eye. In the infinite mind of the all, all can be perceived as time is not.

Time like gravity keeps one in a conditioned state. It is a perpetuated illusion. A state that is constantly manipulated by those who perpetuate the system of affairs. It is part of their organization strategy to maintain control on a failing system. In the world of Tarot they are the crumbling tower, the devil’s advocate card. Refurbishing the crumbling system by constant manipulation of the minds of innocent, fearful,unaware and unthinking fledglings. These feed and support their systematic organization. Reminiscent of La revolution in the 1700s. The people fought to destabilize the power of kings, nobles those who willingly perpetuated that system in that time.

Their innocence betrayed, people traumatized and in fear. The entitled sought to quell a revolution of the mind. “History is a set of lies agreed upon”. Napoleon Bonaparte 1789 the old regime transformed into the Republic . It’s platform is Laicite akin to secularism; which has a broad range of meanings. Laicite advocated liberty of conscience, egality and separation of religious organizations from the state. Many European countries have laicite in their constitutional rites of the country.

The story of Ireland is the epitome of transcending duality. Sigmund Freud said “The one race/Irish are impervious to psychoanalysis” History is always written by the victors. Joseph Campbell has interesting insight on matters symbolic and wrote the introduction to Jung’s complete works. Sabian mysteries by James Burgess incorporates new symbolism and Sufi tradition techniques , illuminating consciousness in another perspective.

Her story is entirely different! As seen and experienced in myths and legends and recent 2020 2021 coming out of kundalini yoga devotees, yoginis and ananda marga female followers who have on the death of their founders thrown off the veil of deception and abuse. Finding within themselves integrity, courage to speak out and use the fire energy to re create themselves free from fear!.

Beyond the mist a book by Peter ‘ o ‘ Conner about Irish mythology and psychology will assist anyone in understanding why people think, act the way they do. The universal themes, archetypal patterns and conflicts that have afflicted mankind through the ages can be understood through this book.

Often when transcending duality it is not linear but takes a twist in time. The most noteworthy event is when the serpent eats it’s own tail. In part it is karma if one understands that karma is making things happen, manifesting not what goes around comes around as the general populace misunderstand the definition. Samsara goes around continually that is closer to the ill defined and much misunderstood word karma.

The self is made of many bodies in yoga parlance ten can be identified and subdivided. The shadow side associated with ego and subconscious collective and individually is often underrated and maligned. It can be a powerful ally. Transcending transforming the shadow aspects of self, integration and acceptance are part of the alchemical processing within. The laws of human nature a book by Robert Greene is very informative and can help self ,others and leaders in the field of psychology, cognitive behaviour therapy ( CBT ) and so does regular yoga practices incorporated into a mindful lifestyle.

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Picture courtesy of Arbela Didot ( Healing touch therapist / UK )
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