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Tibetan Rites

The Tibetan rites are a practice to assist the ascension process. The ascension is a name given to what was considered occult ( hidden from every day lay man’s view or understanding ) or sacred and part of the ultimate secret of longevity. This sacred secret will be expounded upon elsewhere. The rites number six but normally only five are shared as the practice of celibacy is a key component in the effective operation and performance of one’s internal energy system.The rites are simple, effective and energetic and have been proven to counter balance the ageing process at all levels. The seven energy vortexes or chakras are activated, balanced and harmonized with mindful regular practice. If too weak , slow or fast the exercises strengthen and optimizes them accordingly; to allow the life force, chi, prana to flow through the chakras which are linked to hormonal flow, the internal organs and meridians more efficiently. They are called the fountain of youth as they rejuvenate, recharge and refresh the brain and bodies functionality.

The rites are usually performed 13X each. Start at one and build gradually, this applies even to those accustomed to physical exercise. Rite one spinning stimulates the chakra bodies as one spins left to right, which can become stagnant, spinning slowly. It free up the energy to flow.Improves organ functionality and the cerebral spinal fluid flows better.

Rite two stimulates the navel center of power, improves flexibility in the spine and opens up the zeal chakra in the neck area as one breathes rhythmically so the energy can be shunted upward and accessed in Rite three.

Rite three done properly with mindfulness sends the energy from practicing Rite two further up the ladder of ascension ( Jacobs ladder in the Bible ). It balances the pituatry and pineal glands in the head ( the land of milk and honey in the Bible ) as they are activated to secrete their essences. These essences in turn flow back down the spine as part of the flow of the life force continues. This exercise is to be done gently, rhythmically with gentle tilt of the head forward and back. Avoid excessive arching in the back and avoid throwing the head backwards too far. The chest, lungs heart are opened to allow the energy from the solar plexus to rise.

Rite four has a similar energetic flow to Rite two the energy is shunted deeply into the upper chakras and integrated in Rite five. Sitting to bridge be mindful of how the breath is used.

Rite five is where integrated upper and lower energies flow harmoniously. The exercise will look familiar to yoga lovers upward facing and downward dog asanas. Some call triangle pose. All the muscles in the body are used here the organs are all stimulated and downward dog stimulates calcium, magnesium balance and aids digestive processing.

When executing these Rites it is good to rest in between each rite to allow the energy to be assimilated. Dizziness can occur as you are clearing the cerebral spinal fluid that flows around the brain tissue inside of the skull, down the spine and up the front of the spine. This is the ascension process of the life force energy. The golden oil, christos, halo seen in medieval pictures is just that. It is part of making the philosophers’ stone. It brings clarity, wisdom and a superior aid to manifesting from a higher consciousness.

The Tibetan rites have been shown to increase health of body and brain and pro ported to be part of the secret of longevity. The longest healthy living peoples on the earth are said to be on a Greek island called Ikara. However the telomeres which control DNA length and the actual enzyme telemorase respond to vibrational tones and frequencies that empower it’s action. When prospecting for gold, higher awareness these exercises and other practices can enhance that endeavour. A toxic lipid molecule called ceramides clogs up arteries, organs, responsible for belly fat and many dis – eases like diabetes, dementia, brain fog, heart attacks, inflammation issues is abundant in such cases. To flush these ceramides out the system is the goal of weight loss. In individuals regardless of age who retain the glow of youth and ageless bodies, sharp minds and clear perspective the ceramides are greatly reduced if non existent. The Ikarian eating habits does affect your outlook in a positive way, exercise is effective done mindfully and the DNA of the Ikarians which is part of many Basque peoples has a profound impact on one’s life force energy.

The five rites are helpful in stretching stiff muscles and lubricating the joints but their primary purpose and benefit is to normalize the speed of the spinning vortexes. The slower vortexes would cause that part of the body to deteriorate and thus none of them are in harmony. The faster spinning ones would cause nervousness, anxiety, exhaustion. It is the abnormal condition of the vortexes that produces abnormal health, deterioration and old age. Those who find it difficult to spin around, omit #1 rite and perform the others for a few months until the body corrects itself then the rite can be performed.

Great way to enhance the detoxification process is to perform Pranayama, alternate nostril breathing and Shiva Shambo mantra as outlined by Sadhguru on you tube. Pranayama is part of the secrets to accelerated growth, body healing, DNA regeneration and boosts immune system. Prana, chi is part of the energy that sustains life, it is undivided, the electricity running through the whole universe, of which you are a drop in that vast ocean with all it’s gifts in miniature, undivided, complete, whole.

Staying young forever, regenerate your telomeres, remove negative energy. Music by idykicMelody on youtube.

Sanjavani Mantra for magical healing by Dhyaanguru Dr. Nipun Aggarwal ( You tube )

OM Mantra @ 432hz by Meditative mind ( You tube )

5 Tibetan Rites. The Proper and safe way by Tim Vander Vliet ( You tube )

The Seer of Moyle at the Ophiuchus Oracles face book group page for Yvonne Moonflower Thompson has further insights on the Tibetan Rites. See contact details on this site for any further interest on this or any subject, product.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)