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The Valley Of The Quest

When going on a quest, search, journey, wanderings be it in brain or body. It is customary to plan, seek guidance and protection which some do in prayer, meditation, blessings, rituals. If you fail to plan you plan to fail! Whatever the quest is their is a mixture of feelings, emotions underlying the potential adventure. The shaman , seers, mystic matured in their craft can be of great value on any quest. Seeing what potentially lies ahead of the wanderer prior to the journey. Astral projection, lucid dreaming is a journey of the mind as is contemplation and mantra. A mindful yoga practice is a journey too. Others wander the mind (body-brain dynamic) using cognitive enhancements like Ayahuasca, cannabis, any drug, alcohol, sexual liasons, food, even victimized victims play their card of misery that craves company to sustain it’s presence. A journey of escapism, which they are just running away from self-awareness.

The quest demands courage or the absence of fear, preparations are vital in such a pursuit or one can be left t wondering and wandering aimlessly (the prodigal son in the holy bible) prey for the many types of opportunists; from narcissists to scammers and hackers. Many people do not hold space for themselves and thus life is unbalanced, they are over worked, physical and mental fatigued, their spirit soul, subtle energy bodies are worn down, the immune system is hanging by a thin thread. The mind, brain-body dynamic is clouded, muddled, they can not think for themselves and default to others, groups, religion,step programs anything to escape the inner journey. A journey only they can do to satiate those compelling thoughts, feelings,anxiety attacks, issues that constantly emerge and demand your personal attention.

Anandaphasia, inner voice, self talk, listen to the language of the Field within, and external to self. Know what the field is, understanding the holographic consciousness will enhance the way you perceive and interact with your personal life force energy within and external to self. In metaphysical terminology learn how to activate the 12-D Meharic shield and the meditation for energy protection and psychic defense / psychic first aid. This gives protection from negative interference, strengthens and grows the light body. Many people who pray can more effectively realize the prayer when executed using the language of light. When speaking with the divine matrix use language it understands; the feelings of the HEART is the key. The heart sees deeper than the eye. It creates electro -magnetic waves to bring the solution to you. Ask without hidden motive and BE SURROUNDED by your answer/ BE ENVELOPED by what you desire that your gladness be full. This is the power of emotions to manifest ones desires in direct reciprocation with the divine / universe/ THE FIELD. (gospel of Thomas with original Aramaic translated into English verse 48, 106)

Wisdom has been defined by the prophet Muhammad as follows; Do what you should do when you should do it. Refuse to do what you should not do. When it is not clear, wait until you are sure. (Essential Sufism chapter 6 on Wisdom by Fadiman & Frager All wisdom can be stated in two lines- Khawwas; What is done for you-allow it to be done. What you must do yourself-make sure you do it.

19th July 2024 5D earth split shift occurred, initiated by the opening of metaphysical portals, gates from the 15th July 2024. This shift precipitates the holographic consciousness. A new pattern formation during this ongoing collective resonance. Every time you choose to view, act, respond differently with the FIELD; a change occurs affecting the whole. What is perceived as reality is a holographic pattern. Demonstrated in quantum studies via the DOUBLE SLIT experiment as the field is a true holographic system each point of the whole contains information about the whole and every other part of the whole. These are fractals, they are one’s stem cells located near the heart and The Homunculus contains all the patterns, blueprint for every cell in the body entire. Fractals are repeating patterns found in nature on different scales, from snowflakes to the neurons. The fractals constitute the holographic patterns that occur in the field. There are basis “rules” that allow this energy matter to function as it does . It underlines all creation process, the manifesting process and connects all things. There are features used in the Excel format when making spread sheet changes in one cell selected that affects the whole.

Introducing anything into the body, brain causes an energetic shift. eg. Eating food, mutations / trauma, GMO, medicine,light, drugs, sexual congress. Almost anything used for self , emotional regulation and appropriate techniques eg energy work, crystals, mantra, essential oils, music, dance cause energetic shift. . The idea of an atom is now considered to be a pulsating field of probability and as a person is made of atoms which is mostly “empty” space. This concept is used to allow healing according to one’s perspective. The pulsating field looks solid at molecular, physical level . Using information from the double slit experiment when quantum energy that is the pulsating field expressed as waves of energy on observation the pattern collapses into a particle in the field and seen.

Perception forms the template for the energy shift to occur, it influences the blueprint, pattern of events as atoms emerge from the field towards change, transformation. This concept is used in healing as one is to hold a positive sense of self, it is used in healing past trauma that impact present day emotions and events. Memories and experiences of the past can be effectively shift present day trauma or underlying energetic issues that constantly demand attention. Many bury in escapism, abuse of drugs of various kinds, alcohol in excess, a host of ways to escape looking within, sit down and analyze the self, be silent in ones space in time. Shadow work or Moon shadows, heavily influenced by the full moon phase. Communication with one’s own earlier self, past life regression, hypnosis works because TIME IS HOLOGRAPHIC, THE FIELD IS HOLOGRAPHIC. The information one desires to access, or on the quest is stored as patterns, fractal patterns. One’s DNA is THE FIELD along with the MERKABAH the energetic powerhouse symbolized in the Dharmachakra mudra. This energetic nexus of divine energy keeps the wheels turning, on a grander scale keeps the planets in their orbits.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)