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The Two Trees

Trees are symbolic beings that figure in all creation stories, myths,legends , Sumerian culture, Ask and Embla in Nordic mythology and the tarot cards to name a few. Often reduced to poles, columns, Mokosh standing stone or petrified wood and Hermes ancient stone pillar. The Sephirot contains in it’s mystical tradition three pillars. The vagus nerve in the human body is another representation of these vital two trees.

The Sephirot are described in the kabbalah as emanations, manifestations of the light (Ohr) of the infinite (Ein Sof) or God. The God spot is a locality in the human skull that houses the brain. These emanations allow the infinite to manifest in the physical and metaphysical universe. The chakra system of kundalini energy used in many yogic traditions as complimentary associations and correspondences. Narayana also called Vishnu being the eternal principle and avatar of Krishna. (Ashtakshara, moola, Narayana mantra will evoke the powers that flow from mind (Mt Meru where he resides) to wherever the life force is directed according the condition of the trees.

There are many types of kabbalah traditions, Jewish, Lurianic, Cordovean, Medieval and Hermetic. Just like the chakra system the Sephirot describe the spiritual life of man, breaking down the physiological processes that constitute their paradigm for understanding all things. The soul of man and the divine flowing in harmony. All the Sephirot are given male attributes except Binah and Malkuth which are given Female attributes.

The central column headed by Kether the crown. The pillar of mildness is given the Hebrew letter ALEPH or the breath. The air element and is neutral, akin to the spinal column in the human body. The balancing force of opposite male / female tendencies. In yoga tradition the shushumna, central axis or axis mundi else where.

The left column headed by Binah, the pillar of severity, water element and female attributes. The right column headed by chokmah, the pillar of mercy, fire element and male attributes. Represents spiritual forces. The base of the tree Malkuth is the womb and transforming element, like a cauldron. In yoga kundalini resides here. this is also the place where the three weavers of fates or destiny the Norns, Grays of Greek mythology carry out their work. Under the watchful eye of the lady of necessity. In Norse Gaelic tradition they sit at the base of the world tree Yggdrasil and cross roads of the realms within that tree universe.

When the Vagus nerve is damaged, stressed or immature in it’s growth. It is frayed and can not feed the whole body that innervates with life force energy. It is like breaking off a branch, disconnected the limb of a tree. It has plasticity similar to the brain tissue and nerves when over stressed, fed the wrong nutrients or neglected dis ease, illness is incurred. A lot of magnesium is lost through stress, trauma. The internal organs deteriorate and there is imbalance, harmony is wanting as the life force is trying to replenish and restore the imbalances. The brain and body connection has to be realigned so manifestation, can occur and flow freely.The emanations can show up as blocked, broken, stagnant chakra energy, energy flowing in a contrary direction. Clearly seen in the aura, mood , low energy levels, clouded thinking and reflected in the behavior of such a one striving with such imbalances. The vagus nerve can regenerate itself in time with mindful self care and understanding.

Transformation of one’s path is vital in leading an abundant life. Not necessarily financial success although this is the icing on many people’s cake. A mark of success is a measure the individual places upon it. Pure sound attracts positive energy. That energy is the life force emanating, manifesting in many ways. It can be generated and consumed within ones self and externally in the nutrients and breath, prana of yoga tradition. It is a powerful force at everyone’s disposal . There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

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