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The Treasury Of Light

The power of dialectics is key to accessing the treasury of light. Dialectic theory, philosophy and thinking was employed by Plato, Hegel, Marx, Kant and the stoics originally Diogenes Sinope and maligned as cynics. Acting out of self motive incongruous to those at that time for their expression of questioning the status quo. Nietzsche and counter cultural rebels labelled hippies liked Diogenes. This led to those who aligned themselves with paradoxes of many kinds, having no solution but played on the fact of the dialectic impass or Aporia; so well used by Plato in his Socratic dialogues.

The absence of something is a thing in itself, like Zero. Zero was a concept demonized and associated with non existence. It seemed to contradict the concept of god and hence was rejected even the Sumerians had no concept of zero. Zero is important in understanding dialectic thinking and behavior. It is at that point the impass it can turn the tide of emotions, feelings, thinking. The middle path. A path many can not conceive of. Zenos paradox a Greek story elucidates this. A paradox is something that contradicts itself, or at least seems to contradict itself in some way. there are many paradox and understanding dialectics is very beneficial to resolve these.

Dialectic basic meaning through the art of speaking, talking through, across, that which is attained through speech as in dialogue, discourse, reason. The objective of dialectic conversation is an objective or personal truth that can be grasped together. A thesis generates an antithesis which in turn can bring a solution, new form where both are valid and accepted, a new thesis or synthesis and the pattern continues. Dialectics involves two things that seem like opposites that have nothing in common. However these two things are both true and valid at the same time.Happy / sad are both feelings of the whole ( synthesis ). In a dialogue people may enter with different or conflicting opinions but through discussion they can come to a truth, synthesis or resolution.

Balancing dialectic dilemmas is the role of a therapist, guiding you to walk the middle path. The middle analogy for the dialectic thinking rather than black / white extreme thinking. Avoiding this extreme thinking where people get stuck, polarized, limited, self denial, self indulgent, us versus them thinking is the dilemma.Mindfulness is another vital key in resolution. The therapist helps the ” client ” bring together seemingly opposites throughout therapy reconciling the conflict within themselves and their relationships. Bringing together opposites in considering what is being left out. A familiar picture of a vase / two faces combination, some see the vase some see the two faces. Identifying when a client or self gets fixed on one end or in argument immovable on a point of contention, this is where the therapist helps shift the unbalanced scale to see the big picture or the opposite perspective. Change to acceptance the mid point or impass is where the Zero of both – and lies. A transition point.

Dialectic dilemmas are behavioral patterns that are recognized and well noted in therapy, common in BPD. The client fluctuates between two ends of each dilemma like hot / cold, live / die simply put. The emotions can be under regulated or over regulated by the therapist, who identifies the dialectic dilemma and one learns to think more dialectic ally, work on validation and acceptance, learn techniques to help you make changes in behavior, diet, ways to self motivate towards the desired change.

This is done in philosophy. The dilemma situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives especially, equally undesirable ones is distressing as emotional attachment to one side ( divorces are emotionally demanding ) or invalidating the other side, unable to see other view point, black / white thinking, feeling anger born from frustration and powerlessness, rigid thinking, ” I am right demands “are signs of a dilemma. Paternal, blind belief in religiosity, Bullies, people who do not allow you to express your opinion, dictators, Stockholme syndrome victim issues , PTSD and other traumas. Dialectic thinking when you can look at both sides and integrate the whole picture uses the wiser mind that all can develop. It brings flexibility, integration, One realizes opinions are not facts, they are different not right or wrong. Explore your options and be flexible as there are many ways to solve a problem. Observe fully practicing looking at other points of view not just either / or / both. some people feel more than one emotion, energy at one time as many empaths do and people with DID dissociative identity disorder and it is not out of order. Congratulate your self for your sensitivity, validate and be your sovereign self. Avoid blame, finger pointing judgements; rephrase the energy to describe, express your feeling from that sovereign self using ” I am disappointed…..”

Expression this way or the way you can best convey it makes you adaptive, more resilient, confident, calmer, less reactive, in control and develops emotional intelligence instead of dissonance, Better relationships with self and others with fewer arguments. Marx & Engel viewed their world and environment in terms of active, interactive, constantly developing and constant processes. A few words from the parable of the sower by Butler.

All that you touch, you change. All that you change, changes you. The only lasting truth is change.

The astral doorway to the treasury of light is being open to sovereign self. When we are shut down, unable to express, thoughts, words, emotions, the energy of multi dimensional vibrations, cosmic codes embodied in crystals like Selenite, Trigonic quartz, Auralite, Azezulite, Anandalite, Ajoite and the golden healer can open the pathway, maintain the open portals. Binural beats, music of a certain frequency, singing, mantras, affirmations are all tools for ascension. For the stuck energy to ascend through the open crown chakras and vice versa for the cosmic universe to be received by you. The Zeal chakra, Alta major or mouth of the source your inner ” god / dess ” in the base of the skull at back of the neck is vital for conducting this energy. It is an anchor for multi dimensional energy structure known as the light body. Opening this chakra activates metaphysical & intuitive sight enabling vision of the bigger picture. The goal of Dialectics. It supports energies of the higher aspects of the heart. The heart being a portal of ascension to the soul. The soul stores codes, blue prints for this sovereign self, pureness of the divine some call Akasha one meaning is hidden records. A cosmic book to guide through all perceived dimensions and realms of the hero journey. The hero is you. Joseph Campbell did fine work on this and also Micheal Tsarion with his path of the fool series. Zeal chakra healing music by iNNATE and many others on you tube.

This is all conditional that one does the shadow work, look into your soul, understand what chakras are and do something about their condition; and the other energy systems in the body brain dynamic, understand the brain, bring out the best in your self, Sufi twirling is part of a practice to aid in this it clears, chakras, helps correct the spin direction, Tibetan rites exercises spinning speeds up the chakras, The exercises in Tibetan modality are done in opposite way to the Sufi method. Chakra yoga for mental balance and clarity offered by Corlunas is of great value to any on the path of light. The mysteries of heaven and earth will no longer be a mystery.

The eye is forever open to light issuing from the perpetual lamp of truth contained in the sanctuary wherein the treasury of light is. Afloat on the sea of decadence, the oil in the perpetual lamp of truth flows unceasingly.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)