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The Perpetual Lamp Of Wisdom

After the cataclysm harmony reigned with objective observation. Mother earths representative Ixchel listened even though Winter, darkness was abroad in the land. Tootles lost his marbles expediting the dark night of his soul as he dwelt in the outer regions of the now cold, snow covered forest. Persephone had lost her jewels, taken from her. Whilst all around was in chaos she remained calm under the mountain of pressure, went within her underworld to find a solution. Tootles reacting to his circumstances raged, rampaging through the dark forest consulting anyone who crossed his path. In his mental emotional rusty cage he was lost.

Loss, betrayal, abuse, trauma are often challenging to deal with. It is the Mehr, Medussa and many others story regardless of gender hand in hand with the Matilda effect. Observed in the myriad walks of life, work place, religious establishments, corporations, cultures, groups, home and family environment. Loss is perceived differently by all peoples but the fundamental operating system the autonomic nervous system which is sub divided into the sympathetic nervous system ( SNS ) and parasympathetic nervous system ( PNS ) governs most of the bodily functions. The vital vagus nerve is part of the PNS which deals with rest and digest. The SNS is responsible for flight and fight. The vagus nerve integrity is crucial for well being and functionality, extends throughout the brain and body. The homunculus the somatosensory organ in the head has the map to all the sensory cells throughout the brain and body. It has a still small voice. Many natural health practices including deep abdominal breathing used in yoga can stimulate activity in the PNS. Neuro linguistic programming ( NLP )can help re frame existing issues. Emotional freedom technique or tapping it is called by some is beneficial. Bach Flower and other flower remedies, crystal elixirs are aids for mental and emotional well being.

Tootles yearned for his release from his rusty caged, hellish existence resorted to a Diogenes stereotype existence.Some people take power wherever they can scavenge it, even directly out of your own hands. When the aura is weak it is east to obtain the energy one seeks for whatever purpose. Narcissists and those who exhibit these traits can be quite cunning offering sweet words like share, we are all one, it says so in holy books, obey, i am the boss, i own you, sly remarks to lure you away into their own inner night mare.

Turned to stone from the remarks of wizards and witches he had consulted as they along with Galiana moorish princess suggested chop off his head as he was suffering from multiple personality disorder. Information overloaded his homunculus or little man was triggered into a cascade of traumatic reactions. He came upon Persephone sitting, calm in her meditation. She had just consulted the runes held by The Three Norns. Urd represents the past, Verdandi the present or now in the moment and skuld the most feared as she represented the future. The future seemed bleak to him in his misery.

The light from Persephone’s world was most endearing and together The Three Norns unraveled the inner chaos and fiery anger consuming him in his mystery. It was no mystery to them. Medussa had bequeathed the all seeing eye to them, a lesser light to bring clarity to the poor unfortunate soul Tootles. He had very little power on tap they had the solution. Once what was salt of the earth had lost it’s savor.

In the words from The kybalion there have always been a few initiates in each generation. In the various lands of the earth, who kept alive the sacred flame of the Hermetic Teachings, and such have always been willing to use their lamps to relight the lesser lamps of the outside world. When the light of truth grow dim, and clouded by reason of neglect, and when the wicks became clogged with foreign matter, there are always a few to tend faithfully the altar of truth, upon which was kept alight THE PERPETUAL LAMP OF WISDOM.

The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding. They dismissed him with their diagnosis. Anxiety is handled with Bach Rescue Remedy, Trauma with Bach Star of Bethlehem. If you have no Star of Bethlehem a combination of Rock Rose, Aspen and Mimulus. A formula of Rock Rose Clematis, Impatience and Cherry Plum assists anxiety. Pine, Sweet Chestnut and Forget me not are also a good solution.

This is an excerpt form a long treatise by the author concerning Multiple personality disorder now renamed dissociative identity disorder ( DID ) using symbolic archetypes in mythology, legend and scientific findings to convey a perspective on a much maligned state of ” mind “. Mindfulness has many definitions and is expressed in many ways. The treatise explores this, the Ophanim, Spirit or more precisely translated Ruach, holy science through cognitive psychology; the study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, problem solving, creativity and reasoning.
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)