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The Pot Of Gold

Searching for the pot of gold at the rainbow bridge of emotions and feelings some are adrift on a sea of decadence, others in the land of confusion and doubt, others are encompassed in fear and paranoia. Some dwell in the land of the fae. Feelings, emotions show up in your demeanor, personality and every organ in the body. Your aura, the energetic bubble around you is a filter for the senses. Heyoke empaths the highly sensitive persons aura is finely tuned and highly aware. The Alexithymia personality is their demeanor. This term of phrase is associated with autism spectrum disorder and psychological narcissistic patterning, borderline personality disorders ( BPD ) in the DSM -5. It is not classified as a mental disorder but a personality trait.

Many seek peace, harmony, balance, abundant lifestyle. In reference to the Elder futhark rune Othala which symbolizes the energy of the homeland, inheritance, ancestors and can bring greater peace. The crystal Fluorite assists peace, enhances mental clarity. Clarity of mind is absolute for the search of the pot of gold, the alchemists goal. Mind is the total harmonious functioning of the body brain entire. The human body has many systems, bodies the physical is the outer shell, the aura in tact affords protection and is like a finely tuned GPS system.

Othala invites you to identify, find out what is your inheritance, gifts, skills inherited, or cultivated yourself. It symbolizes permanent or immobile wealth, accumilated by yourself and ancestors over generations. Enlightenment, liberation or transcendence from self, Moksha is a continual movement towards “paradise “. Paradise is the land of milk and honey for some, everyone has their version. ( the land of milk and honey in the Holy science is the pituatry / pineal gland in the brain they secrete a milky and honey type substance as part of the alchemical, ascension process of energy. Symbolized in religiosity with Jesus / light on a cross, pine cones motifs, mushrooms, mitre shaped hats and symbols pertinent to the individual religious and secret society orders.

Paradise is an alignment of the inner compass toward heaven on earth, individual and family risen above cultural and spiritual inheritances. Some inherit skeletons in the closet energy, that journey is more demanding, the shadows often appear dark as you peer into the abyss and it focuses on you to establish a new fundamental. You are that new fundamental, it starts with you.

YEW or Eihwaz is the rune of the yew tree. These trees were planted in grave yards anciently. They and the rune symbolize the timeless, eternity, death mysteries, immortality, Yggdrasil ( world tree ) or kundalini, the chakras ( hvel ). The vertical axis of the human spine, axis mundi of the world itself. Pyrite is a crystal that brings, prosperity, abundance, promotes fearlessness and confidence in pursuing new goals. Chakra yoga for mental balance and mental clarity assists this endeavor. The movement toward enlightenment, endurance, initiation into wisdom of the world tree ( body brain dynamics and chakras ), spiritual vision, liberation from fear of death are many of it’s qualities. There can be confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness even death. The human spine, the verical axis excluding the pelvic region has 24 vertebrae, the number of Eihwaz in the Elder futhark runes.

The fear of death is one of the greatest inhibitors of human kinds potential for total freedom of mind and spirit. Eihwaz gives you the power to recall your past lives ( whilst in this bodily state or those of your ancestors energy that has contributed to your being and energy from others they interacted with ) Lucid dreaming and the power to invoke that energy ( of the dead or underworld ) appears to be dark but not evil exercises. When you understand THE HOLY SCIENCE well documented by Santos Bonnacci on you tube and move past the corrupted historical and religious symbolism, understand what dark is and have the presence of clarity of mind. You can take hold of that pot of gold.

Siddhi Vinayaka Mantra by Mahakatha Meditation. The secret ganesha mantra, Vinayaka is the ancient goddess aspect of this ganesh energy. ( You tube ) to manifest your dreams and desires.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)