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The Alchemy Of Self Transformation

There are seven notable steps in the alchemy process. I will list them and explain each step and how it works in the transformation of self.

  1. Calcination.
  2. Dissolution.
  3. Separation.
  4. Conjunction.
  5. Fermentation.
  6. Distillation.
  7. Coagulation.

This wisdom is attributed to Thoth, Hermes, Mercury. Written on the Emerald Tablet or The tablet of destiny of the Sumerians. There is a great affinity to the Chakra system often used in the asanas and kriya of yoga and meditation practices. These Chakras are realms, worlds from which we can manifest our sovereign or higher self. They are located on the front and back of the body as energy bodies. It involves doing the work, no one else can do it for you. So we can regain our clear, transparent crystal core, and ” inner power and integral strength”.

It becomes a thing of wonder, magical almost. The universe inside and external to self reciprocate in such a manner; it is unbelievable to the unenlightened, the unaware and those trapped in fear, disconnected to nature and their true inner self. Ready to make your inner gold manifest?

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Picture courtesy of Arbela Didot.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)