
Metaphysical books, hand bound, all original content and drawings by Moonflower. Available through Corlunas as hard copy or on a PDF format. A Heroines journey through time and space from beyond the now. Based on personal gnostic experience of a baby whose mother died in child birth and father assassinated before she was born. Having no template, symbols, belief system and mores she had to self identify with the energy of the environment and people around her. Following their template for development she realized despite the false impressions given to her and learning what symbols, archetypes meant she eventfully actualized her self. As her inner dialogue and hidden potentialities developed and clarity grew as the masks, veils dispersed; through self understanding, self love and self acceptance. The cosmic universe reciprocated her longings and yearnings to be she. The seer of Moyle aka Moonflower, cognitive psychologist and naturopath.

Masks, veils, cosmetic make up or make overs are transformative tools. Masks cover, hide many things just like feelings can be masked. Energy is always in motion, emotions. ” The mask ie, the ad hoc adopted attitude. I have called the persona which was the name for the masks worn in antiquity ” C.G. Jung archetypes and collective unconscious also by C.G.Jung ” We like to imagine that something which we do not understand does not help us in any way “in regards to the Trickster archetype.

The Perpetual Lamp Of Wisdom is another handy work in process that elucidates many metaphysical , occult, mystic phenomena and esoteric wisdom. All wisdom insights found here at Corlunas and the Ophiuchus oracles are condensed forms extant in The Perpetual Lamp Of Wisdom. Shibumei as is, no longer available some aspects are incorporated into The Perpetual Lamp Of Wisdom.