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This is where one gets the opportunity to confront the true self, part of the mining for gold, extracting the personal essence. Realizing the components of the self and filtering, sifting, purifying the desired parts. The final marriage, unity and manifestation of that self occurs in totality at the last stage of coagulation. It is in bio energy parlance the meeting of the anti matter self. Polarities of matter/ anti matter come together. The concept of “black Holes ” which is a operative mechanism in all systems within and outside of self, in the cosmos. Black holes have an infinite, undifferentiated center that is bright, light not dark as old theories propagated in the theories initial conception. ( Dr. Manjir Samanta-Loughton books ” Punk Science and ” The Genius Groove ” updated conceptualizations ) Alchemy symbol of black crow with three feet is active here, even though it is present in the previous stages. Denotes sulfur,Mercury, salt. The three manifestations of the sun: dawn, mid day, dusk. These three elements are attributed to how Hermes became thrice great.

The alchemist employs the separation chemically and it also occurs psychologically. There is a complete refurbishing of belief system, break down of personality and illusions of the unconscious mind. This allows one to become aware of opposites within and without and can be separated from the contaminating, unwanted unconscious complexes and elements. This identifying, containing, regulating and uniting is part of creating consciousness. Allows more life essence to flow once integrated. Then the loss, pain, issues that got one on the journey of self transformation can be dealt with in the next stage. The body has a wisdom and innate capacity to heal itself. The nervous system supports he awakening and quells the chemical storms ( hormones, diet you eat, liquid you drink ) as we can register as feelings, emotions. Severe anxiety, not grounded, don’t feel good, adrenaline overload from worry, even from animal products. These energies do little good if any for the fragmented body psyche dynamic. This is the Air element and Scorpio stage. Proper deep breathing is crucial here to activate and harness the chi,prana, life force for self transformation. Until one can accomplish embryonic / Primordial breathing. A sensation of breathing in contact with pranic force. Breathing with the universe or reciprocation of it’s breath energy, essence. A sacred, secret power of heaven above and sacred secret power of earth moving below.

Those not in separation stage are controlling, over assertive, uncompromising, most driven by fear, anger and frustrations, cruel in their projections on others and can be violent. These are the things separation can do for those projecting such issues. Learning to control the breath is essential. Scorpios are known as the beautiful people in the astrological zodiac. Courage, daring, will power and have potential to make major world, life changes in self and others. Empathic and often descend into the underworld / within to bring back useful information and insights. ( Persephone’s of many different names underworld journey is common to many mystic philosophies, Melusine, ” Constantine ” the movie ) Their lifelong search is for spiritual transformation and in that process no matter which sign you are introspection is required, self control and persistence. However in that pursuit not to the point where one tramples on other’s feeling.

The Air element or esoteric wind, divine will, thoughts from the “one mind “, spirit, (Enlil of Mesopotamia )are refreshers to the traumatized personality.

Brings fresh insight and meaning to life or life now has a meaning. Materialism is often de emphasized and world of spirit embraced. Meditation, prayer, breathing exercises, near death experiences, hypnotic states ( psychedelics / DMT ) promote separation and bring forward the better virtues. Breaking through the illusion ( of Hindu concept of Maya ), symbolic tools used are swords for intellect or mind, knives to cut away, scissors, surgery / operations, decapitation ( Goddess Kali and death ), divorce, apocalypse, scenes and night mares of mutilation. Develop second attention like shamans and this will assist you and Impatiens flower remedy, Crab apple flower remedy, St. John’s wort, Yarrow tincture, Sepia for the tears and put self in a safe environment for heart opening techniques. The Aramaic prayer. Breath in holy spirit, breath out heavenly kingdom ( See Lars Muhl books Gateway to heaven and The law of light also on you tube )

The alchemists apothecary at sells flower remedies and accessories for meditation, relaxation, yoga or whatever discipline yo choose to transform the self.

Next: Conjunction. Picture of Pandora opening the box, what did she find when all the demons were let go ? Hope.
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)