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Seasonal Living

Seasonal living, cycles and wheels of change.Living in harmony with nature and the seasons is a way of leading a more balanced and fulfilled life. By matching your lifestyle with natures cycles and understanding its power one can thrive and live.The wheel of the year and seasons are energetic markers, times of significance and powerful energies. Learn to use the energy of the world around you to achieve balance, health, happiness, strength and prosperity. All that glitters is not gold.

Seasons mark the change in what we call time, which is an illusion unto itself. This affects one’s feelings, moods. Planets change and this influences one’s emotions, especially the moon of which there are many. When the Sumerian moon king Alahlu fell from the sky things changed. Tiamat and Niburi planets experienced great disruption, the primal waters (represent feelings, emotions) and chaos ensued, initiated seasons of change as things transformed and the great alchemy proceeded. The food one eats causes change, the music one hears changes the vibration of water it self, the hormones in the body change. As one breathes be it prana, chi or other inhalants the brain changes. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra boosts immunity and enhance lung capacity. The words of this mantra meaning, we worship ( as in respect )THE 3 EYED ONE ( third eye pineal gland on physical level)who is fragrant and nourishes all like the fruit falls off from the bondage of the stem may we be liberated from death, from mortality. (The pineal gland and pituatry excrete essences called the milk and honey elaborated on by Santos Bonacci in his Holy science information on You tube; this is the fruit that falls off from the bondage of the stem) MEDUSSA is the all seeing eye cultivated by personal gnosis in a garden of pomegranates. ( Medussa a gorgon in greek mythos associated with the three norns of norse mythology, who pass the all seeing eye between them at the base of the world tree and three fates in Greek pantheon. All mystic reference to the pineal, pituatry functions of the brain in the holy science)

Each season is associated with different attributes. Ones body type is an indication how seasons may affect your being. Adrenal body types are stocky, muscular. Gonad types are feminine qualities with wide hips, small breasts. Pituatry type are plump body, small hands and feet. Thyroid type have slim, slender body with heavier thighs. Each type has a particular taste preference, weight distribution and hormonal balance. There are many systems of body typing this is just one. Most have seasonal and elemental correspondences . Here is the Chinese system.

Spring the wood element, organs liver and gall bladder. Spring is a season of growth, new beginnings, of hope, clearing stagnant energies, weaving hopes and dreams into your life. Summer fire element, heart and small intestine are noted. A season of development, of passion, setting the self free, bringing new energies into your house, honoring the sun. Autumn metal element, lungs and large intestine indicated. Late summer earth element, stomach, spleen and pancreas are indicators. Autumn is a season of balance, the final harvest, of fulfillment, correcting the flow of energy in your house, within the self.learning pranayama how to breath. Winter water element, bladder and kidneys are prominent here. Winter is a season of reflection, a time of contemplation, of dreams, learning to act out, manifest your will.

Ancient wisdom from Epictetus 15 AD-135 AD “Learn the will of nature. Study it, pay attention to it and then make it your own. Another quote from anonymous “If you desire a Rose respect the thorns” “How strange that nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude Emily Dickinson” “The difference between a flower and a weed is a judgment” “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn- Ralph Waldo Emerson” “Talking to plants is one way of talking directly to spirit- Rosemary Gladstar”

The Ayurvedic medicine system has only three body types called Pitta, Kapha and Vata. A person is a combination of these one being more predominant at certain seasons depending on lifestyle choices. These three body types are called the Prakruti. Kapha corresponds to spring, earth and water. More thick set, heavy shoulders and hips, tendency to store energy and fat. Pitta associated with summer a combination of fire and water. Medium height, size and weight, experiences an even flow of energy. Vata corresponds to winter a combination of ether and air element. Naturally slim with narrow shoulders, hips and experiences an erratic flow of energy.

The wheel of love is always in motion. It is always changing and you are drawn around is cycle of growing and learning. To love deeply is to accept that each moment you share in love is transitory, and the next will bring something new. Love charms and amulets can help you flow around that cycle, help you give and forgive, love and be loved. The movie “The love letter” part of “One step beyond” a series with several episodes. This one involves time traveling, love, set in 1950s and also a Hallmark made for tv movie 1998. Similar to the movie “Somewhere in time.”
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)