Opals and Emeralds


Three opals and two emeralds

Opals come in many colors from white, pink, black, beige, blue, yellow, brown, orange, red, green and purple. Colors are produced from the diffraction of light in the crystalline structure. Great for creativity, inspiration, imagination and memory. physically good for the kidneys, eyes, vision and circulation. Aids in detox, and inhibitions.

Emeralds are a green gem variety of Beryl. Brings vitality, good for memory, patience and honesty. Physical level it is good for growth, balance, eyesight and fertility, kidneys, liver, bones, bile ducts, heart. Helps asthma, blood pressure, inflammation, jaundice, viral and bacterial infections having antiseptic qualities.

Incorporating gem elixirs into your crystal healing regime can assist in modulating your life force energy. See post on Crystal healing. Opals average size ~ 3 cm X 3cm. Emeralds ~3 cm – 4cm long.

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Opals and Emeralds

1. Opal, 2. Opal, 3. Opal, 4. Emerald, 5. Emerald