Laundry Detergent


Laundry detergent powdered.

Ingredients sodium bicarbonate, plant based soap, borax and rosemary oil. Sulphite free, concentrated product.

Only a small scoop required for the wash load; around 100 washes depending on wash load and frequency. Contents ~600g  due to some settling of contents during shipping and scooping method this may vary slightly.

Tried and tested at local farmers markets and it has proven to be better than Nellie’s and other laundry powders on the alternative market.. Shipped in large zip plastic bag sealed with tape and outer packaging. You can put into a large mason jar or any container of your choice.

Keep out of reach of small children. Not for internal consumption.  If any irritation arises follow standard first aid procedures, for eyes rinse with clean water for 10mins.

Additional information

Weight 0.60 kg
Dimensions 27 × 27 cm