Child Worsted Cotton Jackets


Indispensable child jacket for those cooler days when an extra layer is required.

Average size length 25 cm X width 24cm. Made in cotton and worsted blend yarn.

1. Cotton. Peach with green trim. length 24cm X width 24 cm. 2. Worsted blend. Navy blue with lilac trim. 3. Cotton Plant green, black trim. 4. Worsted blend. Lilac with navy blue trim. 5. Worsted blend. Navy blue with white buttons. Length 26cm X width 19 cm. 6. Worsted. Emerald green. Length 22 cm X 28 cm.7.  Worsted blend Navy blue cerise buttons Length 25 cm X width 21 cm.

Hand or machine wash in tepid water and mild detergent. Vinegar rinse to maintain fiber content and wool dryer balls in the dryer to speed up drying time and keeps fibers flexible. ( detergent, dryer balls sold in the apothecary )

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Additional information

Weight 0.40 kg
Dimensions 25 × 24 cm
Child Worsted Cotton Jackets

1. Peach cotton, 2. Worsted navy blue lilac trim, 3. Cotton plant green, 4. Worsted lilac navy trim, 5. Navy blue white buttons, 6. Emerald green, 7.Navy blue cerise buttons