Assorted Ceramic Pomanders



Vintage ceramic pomanders.

Hang them in the closet to keep clothing fresh. Put salt in and use as a metaphysical cleansing devise. Any potpourri can be used, lavender is always a good fragrant choice. Dimensions are  noted by height and circumference.

Top row left to right.

1. Cherry blossoms 8cmH X 22.50cm. 2. Three Rose cluster 9cmH X 22cm. Made in Japan. 3. Yellow flowers 11cmH X 23cm. 4. Single rose 8cmH X 22cm. 5. Bouquet 9.50cmH X 21cm. 6. Yellow, pink, lilac bouquet 9.0cmH X 22cm. 7. Yellow flowers 8cmH X 21cm.  8. Yellow basket. Made in Japan 11c H X 22cm at widest point.

Second row down.

9.Lavender flowers. 8cmH X  23.50cm. 10. Rose. Made in Japan 7cmH X 20cm. 11. White flower thimble shape 6.5cmH X 15cm. 12. Bluebells. Large thimble shape. Made in Scotland. 8cmH X 23cm. 13. White pine cone shape. 9cmH X 19cm no plug in bottom. 14. Yellow girl. 11cmH X 22cm. Made in Japan.

Teal bird row.

15. Teal bird 5cmH X 15cm.16. Violets blue ribbon 8.50cmH X 24cm. 17. White ball 10cmH X 27cm. 18. Gold cherubs 10cmH X 25cm. 19. Blue floral top honeycomb surface, blue ribbon. Made in Japan. 10cmH X 25cm. 20.Swirl, ridged ceramic with 3 rose cluster. 9cmH X 23.50cm. 21. Holly hobby 1.5cmH X 5cm. 22. Swirl ceramic floral bouquet. Made in Japan 9cmH X 24cm. 23. Pink ribbon floral bouquet. Made in Japan. 8cmH X 21cm. 24.Four holes, pink flower 7cmH X 20cm. 25. PINK. Floral. Made in Devon England.  7cmH X 19cm. 26. Small blue flowers with silver cord. 7cmH X 20cm. 27. Turquoise bird 9cmH to its beak X 8cm.

Front row.

28. Heart shape with floral bouquet. 7cmLength X 7cm width. 29. Roundish white ceramic with pink flower and butterfly on the side. 8cmH X 22cm. 30. Rectangle with tulip flower. 8cm Length X 5.50cm width. 31. Heart shape with blue ribbon and blue bouquet. 8cm Long X 9cm wide. 32. The fox. Date on bottom 1990. Base 36cm circumference X height to ears 6cm.

Additional information

Weight 0.30 kg
Assorted Ceramic Pomanders

1.cherry blossom, 10. Rose japan, 11.White flower thimble shape, 12.Blue bells large thimble shape, 13. Whte pine cone no plug, 14. Yellow girl, 15. Teal bird, 16. violets blue ribbon, 17. White ball, 18. golden cherubs, 19. Blue floral top honeycomb surface, 2. three rose cluster, 20. Riged, swirl, three rose cluster, 21. Holly hobby, 22. ceramic swirl small florals, 23. Pink ribbon floral Japan, 24. Four holes pink flower, 25.PINK, 26.Small blue flowers, 27. Turquoise bird, 28. Heart lilac ribbon, 29. Roundish pink flower and butterfly, 3. Yellow flower, 30. Rectangle tulips, 31. Heart blue ribbon and blue bouquet, 32. Fox, 4.single rose, 5. Bouquet, 6. Yellow,pink,lilac bouquet, of yellow, 8. yellow basket, 9.Lavender flower