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Peace On Earth

Winter a time and season when peace on earth is oft said. When one has the life force flowing harmoniously that peace is there. Clearly observed in nature as the earth rests covered often in a blanket of snow, some trees drop their leaves, stillness prevails as the earth sleeps. Sleep is like preparing for the afterlife, if you fail to plan you have planned to fail. Sleep is a problem for many., learning to sleep is a skill many have to develop. The mechanics of which are well documented. We can be sleep, rest and be awake that is aware when the body – brain dynamic ( the mind ) is at peace, free from disturbances, distractions, worries, fear, concerns that impact the process of sleep.

The impact of stress on the body- brain dynamic that is one’s mind correlates with the quality of sleep. The impact of stress on the thyroid gland which plays a part in metabolism and is linked to the adrenal glands which produces adrenaline ( the fight or flight hormones ). Stress slows down your metabolism. This stress can occur any where especially in a toxic work place. This toxicity can be the stress itself or from others whose actions eg. bullying, work overload, harsh winter weather, personal issues not attended to and left buried deep in the psyche, muscle tissue in a myriad of places where one buries procrastinated feelings; all contribute to the miserable Monday morning feeling.

The Bach flower remedy Agrimony can assist with this Monday morning feeling. Anxiety, depression, chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, age, gender, substance abuse contribute to sleep disturbances to name a few. Persistent insomnia carries risks like increased cardiac events, decreased immunity, diabetes, obesity, asthma and seizures. The Endocannabinoid system ( ECS ) is responsible for regulating sleep as well as many other functions ( see post on this site ). Equilibrium within the ECS means better sleep. The quality of sleep matters it can hit the body and one’s wallet equally as hard. Melatonin produced from the pineal gland is responsible for the circadian rhythm of when one sleeps and awake and energy levels. For most it is highest at night and lowest in mornings.

Many are turning to CBD and CBN as an effective treatment for sleep disorders with little or no side effects. CBD is a successful sleep aid because it restores your natural sleep cycle which often falls out of synchronicity with busy scheduled lifestyles and overwhelming, overuse of electricity and unnatural lighting. Learning to lean into the bodies natural abilities and defenses to support mental health and the life force energy that flows through the universe is a boon. CBD relaxes helping one drift into normal, healthy sleep, releases the sleep chemical adenosine which suppresses the brain’s arousal system. Depending on the dosage taken, when it is taken and the state of the brain-body dynamic and the hormonal makeup of the receptors in the brain-body; the integration of the cannabinoid into one’s system is affected. Everyone is different internally and the benefits accordingly.

Before considering a CBD regime look to one’s sleep hygiene, pre – sleep habits, sleep – wake cycle, all sleep related complaints and how these impact one during the day. For some CBD can take an hour or two to feel benefits lasting 3 to 4 hours and can affect one longer than intended causing grogginess in the morning. These are guidelines, parameters but used mindfully, thoughtfully, do research looking before you leap into such a regime it can protect from the disruptions of restlessness and insomnia. Thus one can have peace on earth.

Some food for thought here consciousness, memory, feelings. the light body, the haminga, doppelganger, emotions are energy in motion, shadows, nightmares all thrive in the energetic environment that can feed them.Hence communities, groups, sanctuaries, homes, cultures for all kinds of issues, overeating, drug abuse, harassment. All set an energetic tone, vibration some more conducive to aid sleep than others. ” Know thyself and to that sacred self be true” Amelia Lanier / aka William Shakespeare.

Awake and know what fuels your sacred existence. Awake is more than merely having arisen from sleep or rest. WOKE is used much like many words past and now the vocabulary of human beings is being shortened, like their telomeres that govern the length of DNA molecules; replaced like their life span due to heavy hitters like overuse of cell phones, damage from cell phone overuse, being drenched in the fine rain of media indulgence that soaks through the human system. Replacement of natural brain -body functionality, rise in insomnia and other sleep deprivation routines. The waning ability to write, articulate with the replacement of this human function by technology and AI.

Powerful Problem Crusher Mantra by Matakatha Meditation Mantra / you tube. Well moon slow release sleep patches, selenium mineral assists sleep, soothing Solfeggio frequencies, Binural beats, mantras, warm bath, shower, lavender oil, Valerian tea, CBD teas, CBN formulas, quality food, many products to assist sleep, Yoga for relaxation.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)