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Origins Of Ancient Wisdom

The origins if ancient wisdom is within the awakened heart and mind. It is her story revealed in a clear pattern of events viewed through nature itself. This is a snippet from the perpetual lamp of wisdom a metaphysical book written by the divine alchemist and guardians of light; Chouli El-Talysch and Elan Panterra. Gifted from the original word of mouth to this current era to this scribe. This book will be made available for viewing to all. Wisdom in motion like the wind as it blows through the leaves of time on a tree.

The heroines path is veiled in illusion, fabricated by historical, paternal biases unconscious/ conscious to the unenlightened. Indeed her story is quite different, following a template etched out by male/ female patriarchy system that has long been of no worth in this current era perpetuated by fear base patterns. Male is equivalent to form not gender in this sense. It is a pattern of the heroes journey. The removal, eradication of anything threatening the status quo or established norm is significantly observed in the attempts to establish any idea, philosophy, culture and religion is at the heart of this, a belief system, education.

I chose religion to elucidate this point as it is ripe in how gender dominance has been established and perpetuated to the point that feminine gender attributes, characteristics are mere shadows of formed unconscious / conscious biases embedded in the psyche, intuition of all. Marginalized,dehumanized a vital source of light that breath, energy that sustains all and ALL. The hermetics ALL, cosmic consciousness, Pavan, nature itself misunderstood and projected as ‘male patriarchy’ to be found throughout the globe. Entitled, fear based, dominance, governance of the human system. Observe how one interacts, uses, abuses, manipulates, chooses, reflect on the basic elements one is comprised of, nature itself. This indicates ones relationship with nature, ones self and others.

Jean Genet quote “If we behave like those on the other side, then we are the other side. Instead of changing the world, all we’ll achieve is a reflection of the one we want to destroy” THE ORIGINAL POET OUTLAWS ON INSTAGRAM. Linked in profile for Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson, The Ophiuchus Oracles group page for Yvonne Moonflower Thompson on Facebook. This quote along with many others from many sources illustrates and has been suggested as a basis for anti semitism of which I am profoundly aware of the repercussions of such mentality. It applies aptly to any thought, idea, philosophy that emerges from the creative mind and is in the process of integration is shut down, removed, eradicated. Akin to the eradication of anything pagan or not within the currently accepted dogma, doctrine, pantheon of religiosity, company policy and procedures.

This mental and emotional perspective has taken eons to be established from it’s conception and clearly decoded by intuition and cognitive psychology which is the scientific study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity and reasoning. The development of the brain and the frontal cortex functionality is of issue here. Other aspects of the brain health and the given milestones of development along with the somatosensory system have been hijacked to the time when one can truly and clearly say in esoteric terminology awake. The education system, belief system instigated by parents, peers, establishments, corporations for the major part lacks in developing and maintaining the homeostasis of all the human systems. The Endocannabinoid system (ECS) is there to maintain homeostasis. All humans are comprised of many systems fueled by different energies; the basic elements named earth, wind, fire, water, ether. Nature harmonizes, balances, heals itself naturally as everyone has the potential to do and be.

Ones education be it soft / hard skills develops a support system above mental, emotional and below the chakras, light bodies a foundation and cornerstone. Often has to be realigned, correct the trajectory of energy, cleared, balanced to restablish a new foundation, better mindset, clear vision. Dialectics, NLP, Yoga, Kriya, meditation , emotional freedom techniques are some of the esoteric technology and scientific tools available. Mal adaptive behavior and thinking processing is challenging for those with no blue print or pattern as clearly observed in traumatized individuals, adopted children, stolen and foundling children. Recruited into a dynamic that is most chaotic, almost against the grain of their original fabrication. That is to say how one is born into a world and where you are placed. The quote ” Bloom where you are planted ” is often said. The acorn of Aristotle analogy elucidates this to some degree. Despite limited prospects, removal from original parental influences, ( this can be a positive fortuitous circumstance for some), unfulfilled expectations, lack of opportunity and lack of nurturing environment. Ancient memory can serve one very well indeed, one can thrive, be alive, be fruitful and garner the divine gifts available to all for ALL.

The longest journey is from the heart to the brain, the heroines journey. Chandrayaan-3 ( Chandra means moon in Hindu culture) historic landing on the moon from India August 23 2023. Vikram Lander named after the father of the Indian space program. October 2023 ” Chandrayaan-3 programmed to perform its functions.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)