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New Year 2022

Another opportunity, a new year and new moon in Capricorn. The year of clarity. Ambition, drive motivation can be an issue at this time. Many planets reversing course that once was retrograde. The dark moon, deep unconscious is still very much vital and active for the soul searchers. Relationships may be strained as many on their soul path are letting go, ascending and casting off their anchors of doubt, insecurity, neediness, a bit list of constraints.

Whenever one is on their path there will always arise some opposition. it is just the nature of opposition in the dualistic minds construct of electricity, energy. Movement of quick energy, a quickening, ripening is occurring. for some it is the quick moving Uranus, Jupiter or Saturn type energies from lower body, unconscious, stuck, stagnant energies. They need to move and can be moved now as the planets of correspondences are in place to assist this task.

Anything that once was can now be transformed. This is looking into Pandora’s box itself. The abyss for others but deep shadow movement of energy is the magic here. It is an ongoing thing but this is the opportune time to let it go with less effort than usual. ” the gods are with us “. The gods being the sun, stars, moon and planets. The light of clear understanding is upon you like a sunny day in mid winter snow. Your purpose is revealed in a language unique to your perception and higher understanding. It is wholeness, total picture, 20:20 vision, bliss of the beloved, pure love.

The energy that guides the mystic like a muse, music of Salome energy as the veils are removed. By the way those veils are the clouds, coverings, layers that are removed, taken away, transformed by the light, power of what once called the goddess in the ancient temples. See the movie the Red tent that gives you some idea. The dance represented just that unveiling the chakras. (hvel in Nordic terminology As does he twirling of Sufi mystics. Both and many more creative expressions of symbolic representations of the gods, the planets as they move, twirl in their courses. This is how it was done and now most dualistic people that operate at base lower chakra levels, overcompensate their lower chakras. Thus creating instability and many issues around fear as their basement platform is shattered, flooded, in disrepair. This is where the vital energy resides, awakened badly it is chaos.

The lord or lady of chaos is like a wild beast of your own imagining you have to understand to control and manipulate. you can call it any name you desire, some call it positive, negative. Others Adam and Eve, up and down.Depends on your logos or system of differentiation. January 2022 is an opportune time to rethink strategies what one wants in place, to achieve what? Make the future happen how you want it to happen, or manifest. Imagine you have the opportunity to make your own world be. this is the power many have locked into. A passport to a new life; that you can unlock your inner potential through life changing exercise.

Rosicrucian alchemical practices for developing clairvoyant faculties are enlightening. Motivation manifesting, When one learns to breathe in perception and breathe out the concept. Seeing and recognizing the spirit within. Spirit is viewed as trapped in matter. It’s essence becomes you as you breathe in and breathe out from the ” mind of god within ” This is solve et coagula an alchemical process, that unlocks your inner potential.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)