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Natural First Aid Kit

Basic Essentials

Plasters in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Small, medium and large sterile gauze dressing.

At least two sterile eye dressings.

Triangular bandages, two.*

Crepe rolled bandages.

Medical tape, alternatively safety pins.

Disposable sterile gloves.

CPR pocket mask.


Splint soft.*




Wound cleaning solution. e.g. Saline, antiseptic solution, hydrogen peroxide, witch hazel.*

Antibiotic cream or ointment.*

Antiseptic wipes.


Smelling salts.*

Soap of some kind.*

Pain relievers, ointment, spray, liniment.*

Reusable cloth*

Additional Natural Essentials.

Herbal Tinctures

Plantain is anti inflammatory anti bacterial.

Catnip tincture assists digestive upset and aids sleep.

Lobelia assists breathing difficulties.

Motherwort for anxiety.

Pure Essential Oils.*

Lavender oil is antibacterial, antiseptic, relaxing and calming. Assists anxiety.

Neem oil antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial.

Tea tree oil antibacterial. Stings, bites, wound cleaning.

Eucalyptus oil assists with nasal, breathing issues.

Bergamot, orange oil is uplifting aroma.

Flower Remedies.*

The flower essences carry the vibration energetic signature of the flower. Very useful for sensitive individuals, but in any case it addresses the emotional, mental state of the one involved. Children, Adults, Pets and plants can all benefit.

Forget me not is useful in cases of grief, loss, disappointment.

Bach flower star of Bethlehem assists trauma

Beech helps you clarify things.

Chicory assists manipulative individuals to be less so.

Aloe Vera gel or plant. Calamine lotion. Natural decongestant balm like “Vicks”.*


Supplies minerals needed when depleted through stress, lack of water intake and excessive sweating. Keeps muscles functioning. Alternatively use mineral salts* or lemon juice; Hot tea also supplies minerals.

* These item are available at in the alchemist apothecary.


The above information is for educational purposes. If currently under prescribed medications, please consider contacting your physician, other health professional or doctor before using your selected tinctures or anything for internal consumption, and topical essential oils. Many tinctures, oils, products on the market not evaluated by FDA. Hence this note. It has been shown some pharmaceuticals have contraindications with certain herbs. Current information and legislature has not specified anything regarding Flower Essences.
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