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This is the stage where one goes through the ongoing process of self realization. The distillation process is yet another phase of purification of the bodily faculties. Towards the alchemists gold, self individuation and actualization. The base substances that make the self, the appearance are the salt, the earth, the issue to be transformed. The issue the substance the input into the vessel of the alchemists flask is heated. This determines the outcome. What is put into the world, what one will find in the flask after the distillation process. The base input is it love or fear? That determines the quality of the stone achieved, if any at all.

The substance is heated there is no air. The vapors condense, impurities remain as you retain ignorance, confusions and contradictions. Distillation is to remove these contradictions and inner conflict. Freedom from anarchy, external control and inner / outer slavery. Transmuted the outcome is behaving in wisdom or foolishness. Foolishness requires further purification. Everyone can actualize themselves in truth, given the procedures and protocols or discovered through meditation and contemplation. Here in lies the wisdom of the alchemist dialectic axiom ” Solve et Coagula ” The answer to any seemingly unanswerable question. The grand questions in life eg. Who am I ? can be satisfied, truth obtained, stone formed. The solution to any question lies within itself, and the question itself. The individuated person.

During chemical distillation mercury is recaptured. Mercury represents spirit, mind. Part of the trinity of sulfur / soul, mercury / spirit, Salt / earth, body to produce the ” Mother Stone “. The mind is not the brain and vice versa. The mind is being formed the brain is one of the vessels in the dynamic distillation process. The process of distillation reduces all solid bodies in a person’s experience into their elemental water, hence the tears, crying in people especially at menopause when hormones transforming. This also includes the males gender. Meditation allows is part of the energy fueling the process to continue. Whilst distillation can reveal the desired outcome. It is one of four noted levels of awakening. Sodapana ( Buddhist tradition ) The body is a hologram of one’s own projection. One reveals the essential innermost nature. The first matter Prima material is called ” man ” him / her self. The philosopher’s stone. Solve et Coagula is thus satisfied.

The life force, liquid gold, a semi crystalline conducting fluid flows around the skull down the spine and upward continually. Cerebral spinal fluid. The physical changes in the ” Fire “, fire is what it is as it is distilled and purified one can observe changes in the body. The metabolism changes, a healthier appetite for better quality food. Cleaner supportive environments including acquaintances, uplifting and empowering conversation. As one drinks and eats of the “Elixir of life “. These lifestyle changes one put’s into place to allow the sovereign self to thrive. No longer diluted in distractions and illusions of a baser nature; one may find the self ostracized by former acquaintances and their pleasures that no longer enhance, support or allow the sovereign self to be. This is the dross left behind. That is where remains belong. Leave the past where it is, especially if it is a hill of detritus.

Alchemy practices have been noted from around ~3000BC and earlier. Distillation means to drip down. The alchemist used this art chemically to make pigments for paints and dyes for fabric, refine metals like copper for jewelry, essential oils for perfumes, tinctures, wine, beer. Flowers for skin care eg. Rose water. Many remedies from this ancient practice were formulated from the forerunners of industrialization practices. Alchemists’ included Marie prophetessa, created the Bain- Marie double boiler, Cleopatra of Egypt, Melhhua of Mesopotamia, Zozimos of Panopolis, Zoroaster created the alembic used in distillation. Their aim was to obtain the sulfur, mercury and salt in it’s purest form not to make alcohol or gold itself. These fundamental elements were further used to refine other elements meaning to ” color them gold ” Arsenic now known to be poisonous at a certain level was used in alchemy; as evidenced in Egypt with the ” god ” PTAH. A god of craftsmen. and equally partnered with SESHET goddess of medicine and mistress of the house of books. Taught writing to Ptah usually depicted in green. Color of arsenic. Ptah and Seshet are like the anima/ animus. Adam / Eve energy system, Ida / Pingala system, Ying / Yang system. Arsenic of < 7% was added to copper to make it stronger and is called arsenic copper. this practice has continued in metallurgy. The English Edwardian / Victorian era abused Arsenic and many millions of people reaped the consequences of death by poison.

The white rose of the fool tarot card. A English Tudor rose, peculiar to Yorkshire in UK is a symbol of distillation and the ” Mother Stone “. The famous Rider Waite tarot deck was drawn by Pamela Colman Smith a grandmother of this writer. Purple clover flower essence and Scleranthus flower essence combined help with the inner distillation of emotions. Dissolving the blocking entities, old worn out paradigms as one agitates the ” kundalini ” / Life force or fire, meditation and stimulates the ” little grey cells ” ( Hercule Poirot ). Thus one can Rise like the phoenix, Go beyond a feeling to one’s personal GOLD / GOAL.

Flower essences can be purchased at the shop in the alchemist apothecary. Along with other useful items to assist you on your journey.

NEXT: Coagulation.
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