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At this stage one has sorted out the essential parts of self that one would like to integrate into the new, real you. One has to call upon the will to be and do. This stage is often called digestion. A recombination of saved elements into new substances , a sacred marriage of make and female principles, a new system. A new and lesser stone. The final stage of coagulation is the stone. Once made it has to be maintained. That is when it takes all you have to hold onto that new found self. One experiences an increase in confidence and integrity, a calmer approach to life as you come to truly know thyself. Symbolically it is the union of sun and moon. The very essence of Hatha yoga. A balance of the spiritual and material aspects of self. The marriage of the inner king ( Spirit, intuition, god consciousness and the feminine aspect called soul, mind , emotions will, self consciousness, the inner queen and how we relate to others )

All this is above and below is the earth, symbolic alchemy salt, physiology and world consciousness. All ideas coming from the mind or spirit. The soul is the activating cause of everything. It equates to the prima materia of alchemy. The one thing. Everything is related through the mind, mercury. The bridge is mercury. The messenger of the ” gods “. The prima materia is expressed as three principles. Soul / sulfur being the first, Spirit / mind / mercury the second, Salt / body the third. Forming a trinity. The lesser stone is further purified in the next ongoing dynamic of alchemy. Self love is a must and in doing so one can withstand the onslaught of the external world. ( Bible of Mitra presented on you tube has concrete insight on maintaining this new found integrity, self ).

One can achieve this perfection / divine mind in this earth bound life time without a guru, or savior despite religious fervor. “god is within you “. Thus one needs to know what that means for each individual and it is not taught in traditional schools or places of worship. In fact one will find knowing the true nature of self and what god is will broaden, deepen and clarify some of the perpetuated tenants of religious systems. The alchemy formula Solve et Coagulum. Dissolve the body coagulate spirit essence back into that body. Science defined as E = MC squared. It is the miracle of making water into wine. ( 5thKind.TV on Youtube excellent source for newly discovered meaning of the Holy Bible names, places )

Alchemy is the understanding of the relationship between consciousness and matter. A language that is now corrupted and partially lost because people have separated themselves from the fundamental laws of the universe / nature. A language that was widely understood up until the 1600 / 1700 when ill intended individuals misinterpreted ; what scripts were left to the world from a massive burning of books from earlier times. Part of the global ” witch hunt ” instigated by fear by those in falsely perceived power positions.

Egyptian Akenaten was a trail blazer for a new belief system less tied to the conventional beliefs at the time in Egypt. In Eastern tradition we have male principle Shiva and feminine principle Shakti, Sun and Moon in conjunction. Many rituals from many disciplines can cultivate this true you as signified by the quintessence when all four elements come together. In doing so one starts to clearly perceive spirit / mind, essence in all things. This is the zodiac sign of Taurus and the meaning of life, value of life. The bull tends to be unscrupulous in their objectives, overly possessive, less kind to others prior to this partial self transformation. One can see how dialectic reasoning has been used in this stage and other philosophies even yoga and the trinity concept of religion. ( see the post on this site )

Maintaining the stone requires further purification. Jungian Alchemy reveals four stages: 1. Nigredo / Shadow work involved. 2. Albedo / illumination and establishing a dialogue between conscious and unconscious. 3. Citrinas / can trigger ” dark night of the soul “. 4. Rubedo / Seat of transformation and has correspondences to conjunction. There are many resources in the library / online presence to dive in deeper and empower the new self or remind the self that need a little pick me up!

When one is exhausted most of cognitive energy. Try Oak flower essence it strengthen the mind process. Purple or red clover flower essence strengthens self awareness so one can think in calm, steady way from a center of truth, amplifies intentions and softens rebounds in life. Mixed with scleranthus flower essence it makes clear your path. Distances you from the ” collective noise ” so you can determine what is / is not yours. Lilac flower essence helps align one’s spirit and nourish it with more positive thoughts. Flower essences made from organic local flowers are sold at the alchemists apothecary shop at


RA – Sun energy / MA – Moon energy / DA – Earth energy / SA – Infinite energy / JIO – Affectionate. The nature of the universe is user friendly. Breathe like words spoken subtle impressions on the ether, water crystals images by Dr Masaru Emoto all make an impression.

NEXT: Fermentation
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)