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Thoughts create your reality. Quantum physics has now proved what many have realized through the process of alchemy. The process they may have not been known to them but it occurs naturally. The process is fueled by intention, desire, the thought. ( What the bleep do we know? a book and on you tube will help one understand the quantum mechanics of the observer effect and singularity ) This is the final and lasting fusion of spirit and soul. Lasting when one activates the stone formed and nurtures it continually like a plant. Here the world tarot card, judgement tarot card and sun symbols are pertinent symbols of one’s progress. The coagulate, the stone, the refined material is what will impact the world. The world card reveals a woman at the center with a green garland of protection and success. Meaning a man must see himself in the woman to understand the world, and a woman must see herself in the world to understand herself.

We all have the best guides within us if only we would listen. French alchemist Francois Trojani states ” the opposing forces of light and darkness come together in the marriage of heaven and hell, the higher marriage to produce the androgyny, the stone ” This is the Norse Rune DEGAZ and the MEGIN a force innately imbued in it. all the stages of alchemy are perfectly represented in the making of Cold pressed Soap. The outcome using the appropriate ingredients manifests the stone, the soap, your initial desire soap. That can further be utilized to consecrate the stone formed, the astral stone, the star or stellar stone. Invigorating mind and body to a living body, the living stone with the ability to manifest itself on different levels. This is the MEGIN, a doppelganger to some, The immortal soul joining with the spirit above forms this” Gold ” body. The mystery begins as this transcendent body to alchemist is an idealized state of consciousness that combines thought and feeling. Zoroaster advised ” If your meditation prolongs itself you can unite all these symbols ” Traveling wherever thou will some alchemist are not bound by body, space or time. This is astral travel. Coagulation is often called MULTIPLICATION. ( Corpus Hermeticum )

Forming the philosophers stone is not the end. It has to be nourished, cared for for the second stone to thrive and be of use to one’s self. It is caring for the tools one has. Washing, drying, polishing etc. A coagulated person is confident, a super em path. Has a unique presence often seen as unconventional with strong opinions and very creative. Some attribute this to the Aquarius zodiac sign and their virtues / vices. Yet that determination is not purely accurate. Starting with the head of the zodiac Aries to Aquarius it is a possibility but lacking the insight of Spirit or Ophiuchus the snake bearer; the virtues / vices aforementioned are seen in a different light of over standing and clarity can be enjoyed!

These stages of alchemy are dynamic, continuously in their operation on many levels. From the smallest cell to the gross matter. Meditation within, observation of the inner environment will reveal to one the stages one is currently and has previously experienced in some degree or totality. Opening up windows and doors of opportunity to the next stage of one’s self transformation. These synchronized opportunities occur sometimes without our awareness. Once one is more aware, clear and have desire to improve one’s circumstances at whatever level that may be. The door is opened like the heart opens to receive the light of unconditional love, the life force with no gender, clearly transparent but one recognizes” it “and ” it ” recognizes one, you, true self.

Flower essences, essential oils, hand crafted soap and other branded soaps can be bought in the shop, alchemist apothecary section.

For further information and how to apply these wisdom teachings in your life.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)