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Clothing Care

Recycle, transform already existing items you may have. You will find here an array of lovingly realized items. From recycled fabric, transformed from many things into a functional “new” item. Did you know that fast, cheap, disposable clothing is arming the environment and people on the planet. Many companies have been found guilty of dumping or destroying unsold stock as well as products customers returned. Fast fashion is in the mainstream fashion industry that fit the current trend and appeal to ego brand conscious consumers. They are not made to last ensuring the consumer buys more. It is a cycle of extraction of raw materials or man made fabrication that deplete the land and erode the soil, production usually in sweat shops that employ minors, consumption and discarding in landfills or dumpsters.

Green washing water fact, It takes 2,700Litres of water to make a single cotton t-shirt. That is enough water for a person to stay hydrated for two and a half years. 20-25% donated clothing is resold locally in thrift stores and some are recycled to places like India major recycle industries are in place and provides jobs for local women mainly.

Prioritize and use discrimination when shopping for new items. Quality rather than quantity. Are the items made well, quality of fabric, the hand work stitching. If need be can it be repaired in future , does it come with any warranty, learn laundry codes. Learn how to wash, mend your clothing rather than throw it away, especially if it is good fabric! Is is made from sustainable material, cotton, linen, hemp, does it have non toxic dyes, support local small scale producers.

Shop second hand, recycled on line, websites, consignment stores, social medias buy and sell. Ethical, fashion alternatives like this site it is all part of mindfulness. Your impact, energetic footprints you leave can harm others . Everyone’s total impact on the planet can be lessened with a little more thought and loving kindness to all things, even our clothes. An extension of your self!
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)