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At this stage one has sorted out the essential parts of self that one would like to integrate into the new, real you. One has to call upon the will to be and do. This stage is often called digestion. A recombination of saved elements into new substances , a sacred marriage of make and female principles, a new system. A new and lesser stone. The final stage of coagulation is the stone. Once made it has to be maintained. That is when it takes all you have to hold onto that new found self. One experiences an increase in confidence and integrity, a calmer approach to life as you come to truly know thyself. Symbolically it is the union of sun and moon. The very essence of Hatha yoga. A balance of the spiritual and material aspects of self. The marriage of the inner king ( Spirit, intuition, god consciousness and the feminine aspect called soul, mind , emotions will, self consciousness, the inner queen and how we relate to others )

All this is above and below is the earth, symbolic alchemy salt, physiology and world consciousness. All ideas coming from the mind or spirit. The soul is the activating cause of everything. It equates to the prima materia of alchemy. The one thing. Everything is related through the mind, mercury. The bridge is mercury. The messenger of the ” gods “. The prima materia is expressed as three principles. Soul / sulfur being the first, Spirit / mind / mercury the second, Salt / body the third. Forming a trinity. The lesser stone is further purified in the next ongoing dynamic of alchemy. Self love is a must and in doing so one can withstand the onslaught of the external world. ( Bible of Mitra presented on you tube has concrete insight on maintaining this new found integrity, self ).

One can achieve this perfection / divine mind in this earth bound life time without a guru, or savior despite religious fervor. “god is within you “. Thus one needs to know what that means for each individual and it is not taught in traditional schools or places of worship. In fact one will find knowing the true nature of self and what god is will broaden, deepen and clarify some of the perpetuated tenants of religious systems. The alchemy formula Solve et Coagulum. Dissolve the body coagulate spirit essence back into that body. Science defined as E = MC squared. It is the miracle of making water into wine. ( 5thKind.TV on Youtube excellent source for newly discovered meaning of the Holy Bible names, places )

Alchemy is the understanding of the relationship between consciousness and matter. A language that is now corrupted and partially lost because people have separated themselves from the fundamental laws of the universe / nature. A language that was widely understood up until the 1600 / 1700 when ill intended individuals misinterpreted ; what scripts were left to the world from a massive burning of books from earlier times. Part of the global ” witch hunt ” instigated by fear by those in falsely perceived power positions.

Egyptian Akenaten was a trail blazer for a new belief system less tied to the conventional beliefs at the time in Egypt. In Eastern tradition we have male principle Shiva and feminine principle Shakti, Sun and Moon in conjunction. Many rituals from many disciplines can cultivate this true you as signified by the quintessence when all four elements come together. In doing so one starts to clearly perceive spirit / mind, essence in all things. This is the zodiac sign of Taurus and the meaning of life, value of life. The bull tends to be unscrupulous in their objectives, overly possessive, less kind to others prior to this partial self transformation. One can see how dialectic reasoning has been used in this stage and other philosophies even yoga and the trinity concept of religion. ( see the post on this site )

Maintaining the stone requires further purification. Jungian Alchemy reveals four stages: 1. Nigredo / Shadow work involved. 2. Albedo / illumination and establishing a dialogue between conscious and unconscious. 3. Citrinas / can trigger ” dark night of the soul “. 4. Rubedo / Seat of transformation and has correspondences to conjunction. There are many resources in the library / online presence to dive in deeper and empower the new self or remind the self that need a little pick me up!

When one is exhausted most of cognitive energy. Try Oak flower essence it strengthen the mind process. Purple or red clover flower essence strengthens self awareness so one can think in calm, steady way from a center of truth, amplifies intentions and softens rebounds in life. Mixed with scleranthus flower essence it makes clear your path. Distances you from the ” collective noise ” so you can determine what is / is not yours. Lilac flower essence helps align one’s spirit and nourish it with more positive thoughts. Flower essences made from organic local flowers are sold at the alchemists apothecary shop at


RA – Sun energy / MA – Moon energy / DA – Earth energy / SA – Infinite energy / JIO – Affectionate. The nature of the universe is user friendly. Breathe like words spoken subtle impressions on the ether, water crystals images by Dr Masaru Emoto all make an impression.

NEXT: Fermentation
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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This is where one gets the opportunity to confront the true self, part of the mining for gold, extracting the personal essence. Realizing the components of the self and filtering, sifting, purifying the desired parts. The final marriage, unity and manifestation of that self occurs in totality at the last stage of coagulation. It is in bio energy parlance the meeting of the anti matter self. Polarities of matter/ anti matter come together. The concept of “black Holes ” which is a operative mechanism in all systems within and outside of self, in the cosmos. Black holes have an infinite, undifferentiated center that is bright, light not dark as old theories propagated in the theories initial conception. ( Dr. Manjir Samanta-Loughton books ” Punk Science and ” The Genius Groove ” updated conceptualizations ) Alchemy symbol of black crow with three feet is active here, even though it is present in the previous stages. Denotes sulfur,Mercury, salt. The three manifestations of the sun: dawn, mid day, dusk. These three elements are attributed to how Hermes became thrice great.

The alchemist employs the separation chemically and it also occurs psychologically. There is a complete refurbishing of belief system, break down of personality and illusions of the unconscious mind. This allows one to become aware of opposites within and without and can be separated from the contaminating, unwanted unconscious complexes and elements. This identifying, containing, regulating and uniting is part of creating consciousness. Allows more life essence to flow once integrated. Then the loss, pain, issues that got one on the journey of self transformation can be dealt with in the next stage. The body has a wisdom and innate capacity to heal itself. The nervous system supports he awakening and quells the chemical storms ( hormones, diet you eat, liquid you drink ) as we can register as feelings, emotions. Severe anxiety, not grounded, don’t feel good, adrenaline overload from worry, even from animal products. These energies do little good if any for the fragmented body psyche dynamic. This is the Air element and Scorpio stage. Proper deep breathing is crucial here to activate and harness the chi,prana, life force for self transformation. Until one can accomplish embryonic / Primordial breathing. A sensation of breathing in contact with pranic force. Breathing with the universe or reciprocation of it’s breath energy, essence. A sacred, secret power of heaven above and sacred secret power of earth moving below.

Those not in separation stage are controlling, over assertive, uncompromising, most driven by fear, anger and frustrations, cruel in their projections on others and can be violent. These are the things separation can do for those projecting such issues. Learning to control the breath is essential. Scorpios are known as the beautiful people in the astrological zodiac. Courage, daring, will power and have potential to make major world, life changes in self and others. Empathic and often descend into the underworld / within to bring back useful information and insights. ( Persephone’s of many different names underworld journey is common to many mystic philosophies, Melusine, ” Constantine ” the movie ) Their lifelong search is for spiritual transformation and in that process no matter which sign you are introspection is required, self control and persistence. However in that pursuit not to the point where one tramples on other’s feeling.

The Air element or esoteric wind, divine will, thoughts from the “one mind “, spirit, (Enlil of Mesopotamia )are refreshers to the traumatized personality.

Brings fresh insight and meaning to life or life now has a meaning. Materialism is often de emphasized and world of spirit embraced. Meditation, prayer, breathing exercises, near death experiences, hypnotic states ( psychedelics / DMT ) promote separation and bring forward the better virtues. Breaking through the illusion ( of Hindu concept of Maya ), symbolic tools used are swords for intellect or mind, knives to cut away, scissors, surgery / operations, decapitation ( Goddess Kali and death ), divorce, apocalypse, scenes and night mares of mutilation. Develop second attention like shamans and this will assist you and Impatiens flower remedy, Crab apple flower remedy, St. John’s wort, Yarrow tincture, Sepia for the tears and put self in a safe environment for heart opening techniques. The Aramaic prayer. Breath in holy spirit, breath out heavenly kingdom ( See Lars Muhl books Gateway to heaven and The law of light also on you tube )

The alchemists apothecary at sells flower remedies and accessories for meditation, relaxation, yoga or whatever discipline yo choose to transform the self.

Next: Conjunction. Picture of Pandora opening the box, what did she find when all the demons were let go ? Hope.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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This is about letting go. It can be a scary self examination as one is dealing with Ego and attachments, memory. It is opening Pandoras’ box the monsters fly out but hope remains; once they are gone. It can perceived in many ways. After the fire of menopause, a traumatic event, the deepest repressed levels of subconscious. It reveals what we try most to conceal, our true self, even our soul. Bringing this self into a clearer reality by removing ego projections of own and other ego. ( others ego more so in the separation phase ) These stages are a dynamic interplay of forces and simultaneous and continuous process. Not just a one off. First identify what no longer serves you, what you hold on to like old outworn clothes or belief systems. People holding you back, the no sayers who undermine you and limit your capacity for your desired success. Self sabotaging words and behaviors, “narcissistic ” control, tiredness, fear, anxiety, wishful thinking and lack of doing, following the path of another. Prior to dissolution a person is greedy, judgmental, excessive and yet selfish and have an quite un – grounded optimism in social settings that can be very damaging; especially to more empathic, sensitive people.

This is the water element at play here and all that water is represented in symbology. The moon, feminine qualities, feelings, emotions. Stagnant waters of the ego. Psychological depression, paranormal phenomenon, Crying although embarrassing for most dissolves the crystalline build up of those repressed entities. Unexplained synchronicity and strong spiritual experiences are all part of awakening from traumas. The kundalini life force energy shifts and assists in the purification process. Here the primal / animal brain is in force. The Cerebral spinal fluid is involved in this process as are all systems in the body. The body is a chariot when properly aligned to breath, prana, life force, is a powerful vehicle for manifesting the true self. From this powerful position the fragmented body / psyche is grounded with life force energy flowing through all systems and not leaking out, loosing energy or feeling in pain and dis – eased. You have more resilience, stronger boundaries. This comes from the ” god space” within. ( Lars Muhl gate way to heaven / Law of light books are helpful to read at this stage The Aramaic breath meditation hits the mark. Also Conscious.TV on you tube )

When thoughts, words and deeds are aligned they hit the mark every time. Manifestation has a successful outcome. Know thyself and to thine own self be true ( shakespeare ) for the greatest battle is in the mind. Often mistaken for the brain. This is the power and it involves work only you can do. It is being, showing kindness, self love, discovering self and being is creating your mind. Tapping into your personal essence, life force and directing it in the direction you desire. The life force has no gender, it is chi, ki, prana, kundalini and moves through us all. Flows through us in a beneficial way when we clear all systems of inclusions that hinder and warp it’s journey, flow or passage. This cognitive fluidity becomes cognitive dissonance, perceived psychologically as personality disorders, patterns of thinking that effect and affect behavior. Know thy self, find out what is going on inside of self as it manifests outside of self in your every day world. Find out what meta data, correspondences, triggers you hold onto and armor the true, sovereign, higher and better version of your self. Let go of procrastination and inhibitors to your own self transformation.

Meditations, mantras, persistent prayers, deep breathing exercises,Cognitive behavior therapy, certain types of yoga. Learn about Kundalini and how to awaken the shakti within, to raise it properly . It is like dealing with nuclear energy and has be done correctly at right time and sacred safe space. Then the Pineal gland/ ” third eye ” can secrete the ambrosia, amruta or oil of christos in a beneficial way. This enhances your resilience, confidence and fortitude. ( Sadhguru You tube wonderful teacher ). This is your inner compass and guide, gateway to heaven from where your aligned energy can manifest to success. You never walk alone, even if you are by yourself. ( Liverpool football club song ” Walk on, Walk on with hope in your heart …..and you’ll never be alone! ) Martin luther king speech ” I have a dream ” Luke 11:9 Never give up, Yasna 43:6 ” though who no one can deceive “( Zoroastrian Gatha ). Do not deceive thyself or allow others to do so. Do not let sentimentality spoil your own inner judgement. Judgement is often used deprecatingly, one has to use one’s own faculties and it is more a question of inner integrity an how to discriminate. ( Separation stage helps with that ). Think and act for and from the self, the better self you desire to be. ( look at “imposter syndrome”)

Honeysuckle, Scleranthus, olive, Beech, water violet, Star of Bethlehem flower remedies are great assists at this stage. Damiana for nerves, Essential fatty acids 3-6-9 tonic for nerves myelin sheath. Sage, black cohosh, vitamin flush free supplements for the raging fire of menopause or calcination. Both occur in any gender. Lilac oil brings peace, Lavender oil for relaxation can aid sleep, rest. Plexus bioenergy therapy a healing modality helps with multi dimensional awareness, a gift often perceived as a curse!

The alchemists apothecary at sells flower remedies that may be useful at some stage of your personal transformation. Picture from Ancient enigmas.

Next: Separation
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Alchemy Of Self Transformation

There are seven notable steps in the alchemy process. I will list them and explain each step and how it works in the transformation of self.

  1. Calcination.
  2. Dissolution.
  3. Separation.
  4. Conjunction.
  5. Fermentation.
  6. Distillation.
  7. Coagulation.

This wisdom is attributed to Thoth, Hermes, Mercury. Written on the Emerald Tablet or The tablet of destiny of the Sumerians. There is a great affinity to the Chakra system often used in the asanas and kriya of yoga and meditation practices. These Chakras are realms, worlds from which we can manifest our sovereign or higher self. They are located on the front and back of the body as energy bodies. It involves doing the work, no one else can do it for you. So we can regain our clear, transparent crystal core, and ” inner power and integral strength”.

It becomes a thing of wonder, magical almost. The universe inside and external to self reciprocate in such a manner; it is unbelievable to the unenlightened, the unaware and those trapped in fear, disconnected to nature and their true inner self. Ready to make your inner gold manifest?

Contact us here or continue to read and share these insights with another.

Picture courtesy of Arbela Didot.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Philosophers Soap Box

The Philosophers soap box is here to empower all peoples on their on their life journey. Everything starts with the self. Knowing and embracing all aspects of self. Knowing thyself and being true to that is very empowering. Everyone is more than a given name or the projected stereotypes often placed upon one self.

The journey to the sovereign self is different for everyone yet there are many commonalities that all have to experience at some part of their journey. It is often triggered by an event be it in the past as in birth. Everyone experiences birth trauma who is born on planet earth. Other events assist in the process of self actualization, self transformation as all who desire to go embrace the higher vibration of the sovereign self.

Yet that is not the finale. Just another beginning, another step of progression. Continue to cast off what no longer serves you or holds you back. Continue to maintain your new found self and sovereign awareness. This self vibrates on a higher frequency akin to love 432hz and higher. The lower vibrations of discord

and fear based behaviors, attitudes resonate at frequencies that cause dis – ease in the self. 440hz was considered” normal “. It is dissipated information that is propagated by people who are party to fear based manipulation; for their own hollow ends. Courage is not the absence of fear. It requires unconditional love to look within one’s self and do something positively productive about issues that arise.

The very fact of looking within will reveal what requires your attention. The resolution is also there. However choose mindfully who is to guide you when at those crossroads. Honor, confidence and discretion is part of our code of conduct; if you choose to let us be your guide.

Picture of hands authors own.

Products to assist the process can be found in The Alchemists Apothecary store.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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This is the first noted step in the alchemy of personal transformation. It is literally burning off the dross. Towards refining, of the base elements in life.

Alchemists often used symbolic language to disguise the sacred and secret methods of transforming the elements. At this stage you meet the fire breathing dragon that drinks the water! I have met many a person with mean dragon tendencies but it is not of that kind spoke of here. Dragons and snakes have the same meaning.

Calcination is not a easy process. It is a purification on many levels. Calcination of the ego and conscious thoughts are dissolved in the waters of the Id and subconscious mind. ( Dennis William Hauck )A purging of the soul by using the fire, heat inner fire to drive off water / emotion and other volatile compounds. These are thought forms and attachments, correspondences. All have to pass through the fires until they can identify with the transpersonal self or philosopher’s stone. Once the ego and all that is not relevant is burned away, the stone reveals itself. The ego is said by alchemist / philosophers to be a parasite on one’s life force. It is artificial and has no life of it’s own.

Often people suppress their life force or individual essence in favor of ego. Their energy is put into superficial thing and they reduce the power of their life force. They exist in a spiritual drought. The chakras become compensated especially at this stage of the process; the root and sacral chakra. The chakra system is a symbolic system of energy / light wheels in and outside body. They connect to bodily organs and their state is determined by the dynamics of the chakras. and the life force kundalini energy that is coiled three times like a snake at the base of the spine. Normally only 7 are considered as it is quite complicated. The 7 stages of alchemy are connected with the chakra concept and the creation / Genesis of the world in religion, philosophy and alchemy symbology.

Before subjection to the fires of calcination a person is with weak or no boundaries, traumatized by whatever means, broken root, sacral chakra, family loss, low self esteem to name a few symptoms. They are full of rage, anger, libido issues. Through the fire everyone benefits in their presence and they have an endearing humility and people feel safe in their presence with a sense of knowing they are not being deceived by their ego, if any is left at all!

This stage of calcination is attributed to the zodiac constellation of Aries, an oxidation process. The head / mind and the quest for truth. The creative capacity of the imagination or” inner Star “coined by Paracelsus. Not to be confused with fantasy. The great work or Opus Magnum of self transformation can be divided into 4 phases according to the colors produced. Blackening (nigredo), Whitening (albedo), Yellowing (Citrintas),Reddening (rubedo). These are the former lower astronomy. The first stage calcination produces a Lapis a desiccated pile of white ash, used for the next purification stage. These stages are on going in life; as awareness grows you will be able to detect how they are inter playing in your own life journey.

  1. Calcination: oxidation, Aries. 2. Congelatio: Crystallization, Taurus. 3. Fixatio: Fixation, Gemini. 4. Solutio: Dissolution, Melting, Cancer. 5. Digestio: Dismemberment, Leo. 6. Distillatio: Separation of solid from liquid, Virgo. 7. Sublimatio: Refinement through sublimation, Libra. 8. Separatio: Separation / division, Scorpio. 9. Ceratio: Fixing in a waxy state, Sagittarius. 10. Fermentatio: Fermentation, Capricorn. 11. Multiplicatio: Multiplication, Aquarius. 12. Projectio: Scattering of the lapis on the base metals in the form of dust, Pisces. (Alexander Roob)

There are Flower Essences that can assist you at this stage. They work on the emotional level. Agrimony, Impatience, Scleranthos, Larch, Elm and Pine. Star of Bethlehem, Bach’s Rescue Remedy ( for anxiety, panic attacks, stress situations ) Yarrow, Lilac.

NEXT: Dissolution / Letting go ( Honey suckle flower essence ) Picture from Al Jazeera.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)