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The Wonders of Kaoshikii

A meditative dance set to the mantra Baba Nam Kevalam. Helps you lovingly realize your self. It builds the bliss body, as perspective is sharpened. There are many bodies in yoga philosophy, usually 10 are mentioned. Meaning bliss, love is all, everything is love. Baba is like a wise parental figure of no gender although often given form as male! It is energy personified, your innate energy personified being actualized! The movement provides a mirror of self reflection. A place where you can be by your self and tap into your own mind. Allows you to listen to the inner workings of self. Many issues can arise just energy that needs attention for your own well being. Ultimately you can access information for the benefit of others.

It is the looking glass. As you strengthen, clarify your subtle body you begin to understand things beyond the obvious and not obvious to most! You become masterful, calm , with great finesse. A super power indeed. It helps develop the neutral mind the corpus collossum. Balances, clears and strengthens the cerebral cortex. All Organs are cleared, strengthened and balanced from a deep subconscious level. The hormones of the body are balanced.

Regular practice will maintain this blissful status along with nourishing your body and brain with appropriate life giving food, get into the nature out doors, read good books that stimulate the little grey cells. Lessen interaction with social media especially those that coax you into interactions that could appeal to lower magnetic chakra energy system. There are many chakras usually 7 are mentioned and commonly worked with. It weakens and can deplete those chakras especially the sacral chakra. The upper ones and lower have to compensate for this ” weakness of the flesh”.

More on chakras, Ayurveda in another post.

Alignment with the moon energies, increase musculature strength, skeletal integrity, the Ayurvedic ojas are replenished. All kinds of ojas. Superior ojas govern heart functioning, Para ojas become part of the aura. It is like shiva/shakti, ying/yang can be bliss, joy, happiness or a step up from the base physical experience. Detox and PH naturally, focus manifesting abilities as navel and other centers are aligned with source energy, release tension build up in muscles, Meridians are cleaned and Gunas activated. Intense excercise for releasing PTSD issues. All part of self love and psychological first aid, caring for the self. If a person does not care for their self, it is difficult to care for others as your body is not conveying good light energy. Lack of self care on any level is correlated with awareness and self perception and chakra imbalances to say the least.

There are many renditions of this on you tube. I have provided a schematic for you for the steps.

Diagram courtesy of Ananda Marga Liverpool UK.

Contact me through the e-mail provided for this site if you have any concerns about this and desire to know more.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Terpenes And Pure Essential Oils.

Essential oils are potent and natural healing assists. Cold pressed or steam distillation made both processes capture the essence of the flower or plant used. All plants, flowers have what are called TERPENES. Terpenes are aromatic micro molecules that give the plant an essence , fragrance, specific quality. The Cannabis plant has terpenes that are psychoactive especially those with THC. The CBD, CBG, CBN are cannabinoids there are hundreds of them and it’s precursors are non psychoactive. This is what is manipulated in the cannabis industry to improve the mood, relax and more. The different strains of cannabis can be basically categorized into Sativa and Indica. There are hybrids from each category being made in grow labs under controlled conditions to yield these molecules. Both THC and CBD are found in both strains in different quantities depending on growth factor environment. Terpenes used in food, cosmetic health and beauty industry as essential oils. Linalool, limonene is from lavender, citrus plants and incorporated into many other products. Foods, spices also contain terpenes and phyto nutrients from plants. Terpenes in the products or the cannabis is why you favor a particular type of product or cannabis. Be it in a gummy, chocolate or scented hand cream. All these molecules are skillfully combined to make the product seen on shop, dispensary shelves.

Here is a list of some essential oils sold here and a short list of terpenes used in the cannabis industry. They can be smoked, vaped, eaten as in chocolates, chews, used topically in creams and oils.

Limonene found in lemons and citrus fruits. Optimum vaping temperature 176 c / 349f. Linalool found in lavender plants, has a sweet, relaxing, floral aroma. Optimum vaping temperature 178c / 338f. Myrcene found in mangoes a heavy contributor to couch lock, optimum vaping temperature 168c/ 334 f. Humelene, Pinene from pine trees, Ocimene, Caryophylene, Terpinolene.

Used mindfully with understanding of the terpene profile and how they work can benefit most individuals. A sativa strain called Amnesia Haze is a sativa beneficial for energy improvement, relaxing and improving one’s temperament, used by many in the world, shamans (Ayhuasca),yogis, gurus, anciently by sages, alchemists globally. The indica and sativa psychoactive THC works in the direction of a persons kundalini flow. In some people it works opposite to the given criteria, this can only be determined by personal usage and knowing one’s self. On occasion the cannabis products appear not to have an effect because the receptor sites in the endocannabinoid system in the body are saturated. one has to allow them to dissipate. Detox your system by laying off the stimulants and change up and change down the cannabis products previously used to get into the state of body awareness. It is all alchemy.

Hemani brand are 30ml size. Essential oils are a valuable part of a home first aid kit to prevent common ailments. Remember to dilute essential oils in a carrier oil before usage.

Amla: gooseberry is good for troubled skin. can be used with fullers earth multani and rosewater to make a mask to improve skin texture, deal with acne. In the hair it address dandruff and stimulates hair growth. Oil can be added to blank creams and lotions.

Carrot: Anti inflammatory, anti septic, anti bacterial and anti fungal. Removes toxic build up and repairs sun damaged skin. Can use to condition the hair, making it shiny, smooth and softer to touch. 5drops carrot oil and helichrysum oil, 2oz of carrot infused oil. Apply nightly reduces fine wrinkles and lines. lightens age spots by flushing out excess oil that holds toxins. 1 cup carrot juice with 1TB curd, gram flour and lemon juice. Apply mask for 1/2 hour. Wash off with lukewarm water or rosewater.

Cucumber: Contains Oleic acid which is anti oxidant assists in slowing down the aging process. Strengthens the integrity of cells, prevents fine lines and wrinkles, helps heal eczema,psoriasis, rosacea and acne. Fresh cucumber slices on eyes known to lighten dark patches, flush out kidneys and it’s stones.

Fenugreek: The oil restores luster to hair. Powerful anti oxidant and anti inflammatory helps dandruff, scalp irritation and acne issues. The mucilage content in the oil replenishes the hair and assists in de-tangling. Fresh seeds improve breast milk expression, can decrease risk of diabetes, decrease heart and blood pressure conditions, improve weight loss with drinking fenugreek seed water.

Hanzal: Cress seed oil contains analgesic, anti inflammatory, insecticidal, fungicidal. Assists with joint, rheumatic ailments

Hibiscus: Anti oxidant properties. Often used in hair to stimulate dormant hair follicles. Anti aging, anti wrinkle face oil. Intense moisture boost. Leaves skin soft, smooth and decreases wrinkle.

Sandalwood: Anti bacterial, improves alertness, manage anxiety, support wound healing, guard against skin cancer and soothes sunburn. Breaks down dead skin to improve cell turn over.(AHA). Fights bacteria, natural surfactants used in powder form with multanimetti, rosewater mixed to a paste. This makes a natural home remedy for skin and hair care. Sandalwood oil also aids physical and mental disorders, anxiety, bronchitis, diarrhea, fatigue, fever, gall bladder issues, high blood pressure, insomnia, liver, low libido, sore throat and urinary tract issues.

Thyme: Anti bacterial, anti viral, camitive, diaphoretic. Supports healing throughout the body; used in oral health in mouth washes and can be used internally as an antiseptic expels mucus from body.(Kapha quality). Acne, alopecia areata, respiratory tract infections, food preservation, heart dis ease and breast cancer have been shown to benefit from thyme oil usage.

Pomegranate: Anti inflammatory, anti oxidant, anti septic, anti apoptotic, anti aging and anti cancer due to high amount of punicic acid and PNG content. Assists in cases of obesity type 2 diabetes, improves gut health and digestion.

Vanilla: Anti oxidant properties helps boost libido, relieves PMS and neutralizes free radicals and reverses skin damage caused by free radicals. Rejuvenates the skin at molecular level by improving production of collagen and elastin. Lessens risk of various diseases. Vanilla oil is different from vanilla extract which is the vanilla bean extracted in alcohol.

Walnut: Anti oxidant rich in omega 3 (alpha linoleic acid). Great for the skin, reduces inflammation. Lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol levels and improves blood sugar control.

Neem: Contains fatty acids is anti oxidant, anti microbial and anti viral. It is extremely potent. Helps fight skin infections; acne, age and dark spots, warts, blemishes and moles. Use as a toner, in a cream and soap.Can be used in the hair and treats dandruff. Also useful on plants as an insecticide. Not recommended for internal use especially in children as issues may arise due to their sensitive and delicate natures.

Kalonji, Black Seed Oil: Nigella sativa is an anti oxidant that can assist in cases of colic, gas, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoids and respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis. Been shown to lower cholesterol and alleviate inflammation, blood sugar regulation. Make sure it comes in a box with it’s instructions for use.

Rose: The queen of oils.” Bulgarian rose oil is more expensive than gold”. Sweet scent reduces anxiety, stress, depression and pain. Can lift the libido, protects against harmful bacteria and fungi. Very moisturizing and the oil when applied to scars is most beneficial. Psoriasis and dermatitis are also soothed. Add to creams, massage oils. Use in soap and flower water toners.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Natural Home Remedies

Most common ailments can be alleviated using ingredients most people have in their kitchen cupboard. Allergies have become commonplace due to added ingredients in many products made for consumer consumption. Some are a convenience but often bring the inconvenience of allergic reactions. An allergy is a damaging immune response by the body to a substance it sees as harmful and over reacts to it. That substance is called an allergen. Some allergies are due to inherent DNA which has been modified over time and family generations. This is quite rare and often psycho -somatic. Extended usage of some commercial products over time (even generations) has led to a build up of added constituents. These become toxic to the mind-body systems. The DNA can show modification and manifests in all manner of diseases, allergies, mental and emotional aberrations and rare immunity.


TYPE 1: Immediate hypersensitivity reactions involve (IgE) Immunoglobulin E. A mediated release of histamine and other mediators from mast cells and basophils. eg. systemic and localized anaphylaxis, rhino conjunctivitis ( asthma ). Tomato allergy is type 1. Hypersensitivity extends to nightshades like potatoes, tobacco, eggplant. Cross reactions to latex. Strawberries, citrus, oranges; which often imitate eczema. Digestive and respiratory problems can occur. Coughing, diarrhea, nausea, runny stuffy nose, sneezing, stomach pain, vomiting, wheezing, tingling lips, itchy throat, gas, heartburn.

TYPE 2: Cytotoxic reactions Ag-Ab complexes are involved leading to cell lysis or extracellular tissue damage. The antigen is directed against antigen on cells. Eg. circulatory red blood cells or basement membrane. The difference between a normal infectious immune response and type 1 hypersensitivity, is with type 1 the antibody is IgE instead of IgA, IgG or IgM. During sensitization the IgE antibodies bind to FceRI receptors on surface of tissue mast cells and blood basophils. ( IgG plays a role in breast milk compatibility when wet nursing )

TYPE 3: Immune complex reactions. Immune tissue disorder, tissue damage caused by activation of the complement in response to antigen-antibody. Immune complexes are deposited in tissues.

TYPE 4: Cell mediated reaction. Delayed hypersensitivity. Memory response. Antibody dependent. Autoimmune disease, receptor mediated, antibodies produced with the property of stimulating specific cell targets. Eg. Graves disease caused by antibodies that stimulate the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor, leading to over activity of the thyroid gland.


Nickel in cell phones, cheap costume jewelry. Dust mote, heat, cold, additives in laundry products and food, fabric, lanolin in wool, almost anything and even water allergy is called aquagenic urticaria and people develop hives in contact with it ( rare ). Nightshades. Aloe vera same family as onions and garlic ( rare ) Cow milk protein, eggs, tree nuts, shell fish, wheat, soy, fish. Vitamin E side effects nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, headache, rash, fatigue, weakness, blurry vision, female ovaries problems, male testes problems. Pollen, fur, moulds As soon as you suspect an allergic reaction /rash. Avoid contact, apply a cool compress or shower can help a fiery rash, soak it, use anti itch cream if available. ( calamine lotion )


A group of plants the Solanaceae that bloom at night. Includes artichokes, blueberries, egg plants, pimentos, peppers, white and green potatoes, tomatoes, tomatillos, huckleberries, goji berries, okra, peas, petunia, henbone, jimsonweed, paprika, belladonna, black nightshade ( solanum nigrum )some mushrooms, squashes, tobacco. The nicotine is an alkaloid present in nightshade vegetables can worsen inflammation in some people. Note cucumbers, okra, peas and squashes are less “yin” than the other nightshades and intolerance are caused by glyco alkaloids.

Sweet potatoes, beets, parsnips, butternut squash not nightshades. Chilli, cayenne, black and white pepper, tumeric, cumin, cloves, ginger, onion, garlic and it’s powder included. Ginger is anti inflammatory and raw honey contains propolis both can boost the immune system. Lemon, orange juice can also boost be aware if you do have this type 1 allergy!


Vasculitis: Avoid processed foods, grain fed meat. Omega 3, oily fish like salmon, mackerel, trout and sardines are beneficial and for auto immune disease. Flax seed, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, garlic, tart berries. Tumeric eases arthritis, joint pain.

Uncontrolled nerve damage pain: A stabbing pain in middle of night. Chronic prickling, tingling or burning feeling all day. Gingko biloboa, gotu kola, arnica, mineral salts for your zodiac type, omega3,6,9. Evening primrose oil. Some over the counter pain killers can help ask your caregiver, pharmacist. Nerve tingling often indicates regeneration, young axions in process of growing; it is different from pressure on the nerves. Nerve healing returning to normal the sensations of weakness, numbness, tingling and burning are common.

Allergy to medications: Anti histamines relieve mild symptoms of rashy hives and itching. Over counter bronchodialators Eg. reduce asthma like symptoms, moderate wheezing or coughing. Corticosteroids applied to skin, given by mouth or intravenously. Suppress immune system to reduce inflammation. Epinephrine by injection can treat anaphylaxis. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR HEALTH PRACTITIONER, DOCTOR, PHARMACIST WHEN USING OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION. THIS ARTICLE IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION AND NOT FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES WHERE SUCH MEDICATIONS ARE INVOLVED!

Allergic reactions begin to dissipate in a few hours when the allergen is removed completely. Commonly 1-2 days depending on the individual and severity of the issue!


Wear loose clothing made of natural fabric like cotton. linen. Use humidifier to keep surroundings humid and prevent skin drying out. Keep nails trimmed. Shower daily. Keep stress levels under control. Limit/avoid intake of caffeine and alcohol. Go nightshade free. Drink lot’s of water to keep hydrated. Keep skin moisturized with good moisturizers. Check for allergic reactions to foods Eg: milk, eggs, peanuts, fish, mushrooms and avoid them. Heat, cold, wool (lanolin) sensitivities. Sensitivity lasts for weeks, sudden onset with no explanation, severe, affects whole body, tiredness, weight loss, fever, turns into infection or scarring. Does not improve after self care.

Jock itch: tinea craris is a stinging rash in the groin, buttocks and thigh area. A type of yeast infection that can be contagious. Ring worm may be present. Warmth build up, sweat, skin friction in the area, can lead to abscesses and cellulitis ( rare ), discoloration of the skin and genitals. Avoid tight lycra underwear, tight pants and use better hygiene.


Many of the remedies can be found in the kitchen cupboard. A must for a natural first aid kit. Many items mentioned can be found in the alchemists apothecary natural first aid kit.

OLIVE OIL: Rich in vitamin E, antioxidants, promotes healing and skin renewal. Honey and olive oil can be mixed together and applied to a rash. COCONUT OIL: For jock itch 1/4 C coconut oil, 1/4 C Neem oil, 2Tb Apple cider vinegar, 10d Lavender oil, 10d Myrrh oil, 5d Tea tree oil. External application 2X a day.

VINEGAR: Fights bacteria that cause allergies. Dab on cotton wool ball for 10 minutes 3X a day. Also great for sun burn relief and PH anything. relieves heart burn!

BAKING SODA: Useful in drying skin rashes, relieving itching and inflammation. 1 part baking sods, 3 parts water apply to affected area once a day for 15minutes. Alternatively use baking soda and coconut oil 2X a day for 5 minutes.

OATMEAL: 2C Oatmeal,1C Epsom salt, up to 12drops Lavender optional. Soak in bath tub of warm water for ~20 minutes. Epsom salt is hygroscopic in nature, absorbing excess moisture from affected area, anti-fungal and lavender is antiseptic. Oatmeal soothes itching and calms irritated skin.

Consultations available online regarding natural first aid, psychological first-aid, caring for others. Preventative first aid, CPR, AED for information only not a work place certification. Contact for details.

Picture courtesy of Arbela Didot
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Transcending Duality

Contemporary western culture is dualistic; everything is dichotomized into good or bad, right or wrong, friend or enemy, this or that. To dichotomize is to divide, and competition usually follows. It necessitates making constant judgements that creates trouble in society as well as in individual life. ( Ryozo Ogura )

If one wishes a life of peace and harmony, duality must be transcended and the world of oneness attained. Oneness does not mean sameness. Each one is unique and absolute. Each one has it’s own beauty and value and should not be compared. Peace and freedom exist only in the world of oneness, the absolute world. ZEN stresses the transcending of duality in koans.

The alchemists ” Solve et Coagula ” is akin to a zen koan. As is the hermetic, sages axiom ” As above so below ” as they studied the universe rhythm. The planes of correspondence show it’s effects through the ether above and below that plane called the ether. Beyond the cognitive consciousness perceived by the physical eye. In the infinite mind of the all, all can be perceived as time is not.

Time like gravity keeps one in a conditioned state. It is a perpetuated illusion. A state that is constantly manipulated by those who perpetuate the system of affairs. It is part of their organization strategy to maintain control on a failing system. In the world of Tarot they are the crumbling tower, the devil’s advocate card. Refurbishing the crumbling system by constant manipulation of the minds of innocent, fearful,unaware and unthinking fledglings. These feed and support their systematic organization. Reminiscent of La revolution in the 1700s. The people fought to destabilize the power of kings, nobles those who willingly perpetuated that system in that time.

Their innocence betrayed, people traumatized and in fear. The entitled sought to quell a revolution of the mind. “History is a set of lies agreed upon”. Napoleon Bonaparte 1789 the old regime transformed into the Republic . It’s platform is Laicite akin to secularism; which has a broad range of meanings. Laicite advocated liberty of conscience, egality and separation of religious organizations from the state. Many European countries have laicite in their constitutional rites of the country.

The story of Ireland is the epitome of transcending duality. Sigmund Freud said “The one race/Irish are impervious to psychoanalysis” History is always written by the victors. Joseph Campbell has interesting insight on matters symbolic and wrote the introduction to Jung’s complete works. Sabian mysteries by James Burgess incorporates new symbolism and Sufi tradition techniques , illuminating consciousness in another perspective.

Her story is entirely different! As seen and experienced in myths and legends and recent 2020 2021 coming out of kundalini yoga devotees, yoginis and ananda marga female followers who have on the death of their founders thrown off the veil of deception and abuse. Finding within themselves integrity, courage to speak out and use the fire energy to re create themselves free from fear!.

Beyond the mist a book by Peter ‘ o ‘ Conner about Irish mythology and psychology will assist anyone in understanding why people think, act the way they do. The universal themes, archetypal patterns and conflicts that have afflicted mankind through the ages can be understood through this book.

Often when transcending duality it is not linear but takes a twist in time. The most noteworthy event is when the serpent eats it’s own tail. In part it is karma if one understands that karma is making things happen, manifesting not what goes around comes around as the general populace misunderstand the definition. Samsara goes around continually that is closer to the ill defined and much misunderstood word karma.

The self is made of many bodies in yoga parlance ten can be identified and subdivided. The shadow side associated with ego and subconscious collective and individually is often underrated and maligned. It can be a powerful ally. Transcending transforming the shadow aspects of self, integration and acceptance are part of the alchemical processing within. The laws of human nature a book by Robert Greene is very informative and can help self ,others and leaders in the field of psychology, cognitive behaviour therapy ( CBT ) and so does regular yoga practices incorporated into a mindful lifestyle.

Discover a tool kit for changing your behaviour and living a better life. Built on the foundation of cognitive behaviour therapy and neuroscience you can overcome, transform the subconscious patterns that drive you.Out smart yourself by brain based strategies to a better you.

Consultations available through this website. Contact information on the about page.

Picture courtesy of Arbela Didot ( Healing touch therapist / UK )
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Energy Medicine From Flowers

Energy medicine has been available to humanity for eons. Since the early days of Alchemists~3000BC evidence has been discovered. It is mindful medicine for divine support. Smooth transitioning forward with the higher, clearer vibrations for this 21stC. Under different names and guises the mind – body medicine targets and assists in clarification, balancing of perspective, emotions and mental concerns.Gentle enough for children, more mature , animals and plants. Flower essences carry the signature vibration or quality of the flower itself. It’s spiritual essence called the MEGIN. Each flower has it’s own vibration and thus healing properties.

These flower essences are lovingly handcrafted from organic, local flowers; using homeopathic and Dr. R Bach techniques.Formulated for the higher vibration of the 21st C, incorporating the balanced energies of the sun and the moon. They address the core of any issue producing balance, awareness and clarity of perspective. Assist in physical recuperation.

Dosage: One can not overdose on flower essences. Place about four ( 4 drops ) drops into a water bottle with water/juice and sip through the day. Do this for about a week. Depending on your initial state it may be transmuted in a few days. It is not a one shot cure all, yet they are very effective on many levels. There is a consulting service to assist lifestyle improvement and self transmutation using the flower essences. Please contact our professional advisor ( certified nutritional herbalist / Registered Bach Flower practitioner / teacher ) at

The Corlunas Flower Essences

Bleeding Heart : A heart shaped, pink to red flower. Opens the pathway to the heart via the Mun Dao / Dan Tien / Triple warmer meridian channel. Alleviates depression, boredom and allows you to feel. Dissolves the back log of emotional blocks. Assists with some frigid forms associated with deep heart issues. Once removed and the heart blocks dissipated, one’s ability to love self and others more unconditionally is made aware. Along with self acceptance this flower essence connects you to your source of well being, or what will bring those qualities to be. Great remedy for issues around death, patterns of imbalances, entangled relationships, fear based relationships even with the self, grieving, abortion, miscarriages, neediness, possessiveness, codependency, narcissistic involvement.

Bluebell: Blue bell shaped flower helps release murky thoughts, ease depression bringing inner light, clarity, beauty, space to breath when in mental darkness. Assists in facing the shadow side in the dark night of the soul. Thaws frozen feelings now emotions that keep the body locked in unhealthy self limiting patterns. Gently guides through trauma issues, providing third eye / intuitive solutions and promotes the lung meridian better functioning. Therefore self expression is possible through the throat chakra filter, shyness is alleviated, ambiguity, resistance to change, depression, being tongue tied lessens and confidence gained by strengthening the will. ( Hanuman Chalisa and Ganesh Mantra enhances the vibrations effectiveness of this flower essence )

Cinquefoil: The yellow flower can be seen growing wild along hedgerows. Commonly called St. John’s Wort, the flower essence assists with communication with the higher self. Connecting lower and higher chakras by releasing fear and aggregations stored in lower sacral chakra system. This chakra is often compensated, tired, lethargic, over used in most. Cleanses the energy field of imprints / vulnerabilities which attract negative, depleting energy and personalities to a person. Releases residual emotional knots usually formed in traumatic childhood that have accumulated in the sacral chakra. ( Fear, shame, shunning, living in impaired family dynamics, Stockholme syndrome, witnessing death and fear of death, cut off from family / birth family at an early age. This is especially helpful essence for sensitive, dreamy children, children and adults who have had profound traumatic / hard to explainable experiences. They are less playful children / closed off adults, abandonment issues / divorce / broken relationships, multiple personality issues, long standing unhelpful patterns, restrictions, restraints, social / sexual / body inhibitions.

These deep issues take time to resolve and it is not a one shot cure all. It has to be approached in steps, degrees using hermetic principles. This and other flowers can transmute these deeply entrenched emotions. Bringing clarity, trust for one’s self and others in a nourishing way. inner creativity, stability and integrity is revitalized. The female / male balance is restored and energy levels harmonized and balanced. Other therapies can greatly assist the transmutation eg: Past life regression, hypnosis ( conversational and quantum hypnosis training ) Great mother meditation, Gayatri mantra, Laxmi mantra for health and therefore wealth are very beneficial

Clover: For those easily influenced by group energy, group thought this is a wonderful flower remedy. It addresses the root chakra at the base of the spinal column; especially when has been uprooted, traumatized and un grounded. The foundation is gently restored and the chakra pathway cleared beyond the heart chakra.Providing the reassurance, safety and energetic provisions at all times. Especially when one is called upon to adapt with grace and confidence in trying circumstances. Helps you stand your ground. Remain true to your identity. Calm, centered and steady presence. Assists when dealing with cognitive dissonance, cluster B personalities, narcissistic energies. It overtime and regular usage cleanses, balances the psychic properties of the individual. Calms the emotional body and diffuses any chain reaction into their electrical system. Cleans and activates the pranic tube. Similar properties with the purple clover which acts on a deeper level for a more thorough clean up of the cognitive zones. This flower essence is required when feelings of financial insecurity and the stress associated with it, where there is intolerance, blaming, bullying or being bullied / judgemental attitudes, doom, death, fear, family concerns, panic, paranoia, public speaking issues and when one is required to speak one’s truth, panic / mass hysteria. Adopted children thrive well with this flower essence.

Crab apple: A white blossom from the crab apple tree. Assists healing from karmic issues, abuse by releasing energy stored in the psychic system. Energetic lesions left there from parents, caregivers. Infuses awareness of one’s own feelings giving a fresh original sense of true self. Purity, self acceptance, self worth and self love are made known. A great cleanser, separating one’s own emotions and feelings from others. Part of the internal alchemy. This flower essence is often required when there is obsessive, compulsive behavior towards cleanliness or lack of self care, slothfulness, self berating, ” negative self attitudes “, draining of life force energy, lack of motivation, mild depression, recovering from grief and loss, chronic escapism. It cleanses the murky aura.

Chrysanthemum: These flowers come in many colors. The white flower was used for this batch of flower essence. Bringing light in dark times our personal winter. Assists the way forward, shows one where their talents are when lost in unknowing what to do. Gives fresh, clear perspective and vigor to pursue one’s dreams. Soothes grief / loss healthily whilst one can go through the necessary grieving process without being sucked into the infinite abyss of misery. The yellow flower has the male / fire energy. The nordic ancestral rune OTHALA is active here.

Daisy: This is a remembrance of simplicity of harmony, purity, clarity and balance of male / female energy. The great potential of innocence. Releases feelings of stress and being overwhelmed by complexity. Restores one’s inherent natural ability to heal thyself and fortifies the immune system, strengthens the magnetic field by stripping away what is no longer necessary. Allowing one to be in the natural vibrational state. Helps gather scattered bits of energetic information and assemble them into a better, greater whole. Air/ feminine energy and balanced sun / moon energy access the soul’s inner wisdom.

Dandelion: This is grounding and energizing. Clears energetic patterns of addictive behaviour eg. alcoholism, chemical sensitivities anything embedded in liver and gall bladder. Supports the release and detox of emotional and physical imbalances that feed hormonal imbalances eg. menopausal hot flashes. Increase in clarity, focus and stamina. Encourages a healthy acceptance of one’s needs and wants as an individual. Sluggish in body, tightness in muscles, fluid retention are addressed with this essence. Vibration of all 4 elements, sun, moon, yin, yang balanced.

Elder Flower: Helpful for children in their darkest of times! Stimulates recovery process by building joy, energy and resilience. Emotional decongestant; stagnant, heavy emotional states are relieved. Replaced with peace and optimism. A sense of beauty and youthfulness is instilled. Relaxes desire for perfection and stimulates natural powers of regeneration and renewal.

Hyacinth: Many colors of hyacinth but all have basic quality of integration and transformation. Helps bind many aspects of psyche back into a unified whole, so the individual may thrive rather than be deprived. Transforms emotional darkness into light of soul understanding. Resurrection of forces of the soul, balances key qualities like calmness. Integration of spiritual and earthly qualities and development of inner hearing. Great to take any time you are lacking anything. Appetite, job, money, determination, passion, self confidence.

Lavender: Calm, soothing energy for sensitive souls whose nerves have been overstimulated. (aventurine crystal is good too) . Allows you to feel unconditional love and assists strengthening self belief. Repetitive, over thinking, over active mind that is emotionally charged with strong emotional attachment (abuse, trauma) is relieved. Strengthens personal boundaries.

Poppy: Female fire energy quality. Sexuality, confidence, wisdom and boundless creativity. It ignites intuition and awareness of dreams, imagination. Assists clairvoyant capacities ” the cup of gold”, “oil of christos”, in brain near pituatry. Helps relieve the sense of powerless, hopeless, anger and depression that may accompany physical or emotional birth trauma. What ever we are giving birth to even ideas. Encourages your soul to feel at home in your body and resonate with grounding earth energies. Deepens connection with nature. The self absorbed,lacking compassion or empathy. these wounded souls can benefit from poppy.

Passion Flower: Passion flower is bright and expansive, crown chakra opening; connects you to higher selves and inner divine. Also the heart chakra is assisted and reveals that the safety net, guardian being is ever present. Draws you close to the force of forgiveness and sets one free from feeling of condemnation or having been crucified. The spiritual body is strengthened with an increasing ability to experience and understand visionary states (message it is conveying). Promotes greater atunement with “christ consciousness”

Lilac: Transforming flower essence. Helps us loosen up and free ourselves from clinging to things being a certain way. Our attachments to people , places and outcomes are transformed. Embrace change and have the ” non attachment feeling “. Soul is rejuvenated, neurological regeneration as memory forces are stimulated that connect soul with joy and life force. Aligns chakras with each other so they can more fully receive and embody healing energy from spiritual dimensions. Gracefully assists us to raise the frequency of our energy fields. Energy stuck in the lower chakras like fear of living, consumed with our own struggle and inner stories create imbalances. Soul amnesia and inability to integrate or be nourished by past experiences of the soul. Especially in childhood, sadness, depression, and sense of burden. Feelings of isolation, alienation and abandonment impacts this state. Reduced sensory experiences as the precursor of dysfunction and brain disease.

Sage: Associated with wisdom. Promotes closer alignment between spiritual and mental bodies. Aids those who are tired, over emotional, frayed and enriched with time alone. Calming and restorative, a clearing essence brings a clear and non judgemental eye. Reveals what may be truly hidden from consciousness. Helps require new resolve, insight regarding dysfunctional patterns and habits that stymie true life purpose. Combined with black eyed susan and chestnut bud flower essences, these qualities are strengthened. Wisdom derived from experience, ability to assess and understand life process from a higher perspective. Imbalances present as ill fated, undeserved attitude and inability to perceive higher purpose or meaning in life.

Thistle: This is the flower essence of movement. Like wands in the tarot deck. Eases family discord that feels painful, unbearable with no solution in sight. It assists in conveying the energy into a positive, lighter direction. Moving stagnant , lethargic energy out of emotional, mental field. Bringing assertive, decisive energy to imbalances. Eg, weak willed. The 4th and 6th chakras are at play here. Highly sensitive, excess yin, lacking courage and assertiveness. Excessively attuned to larger world events and 6th chakra too open.

Violet: Sensitive and highly perceptive , gentle and self reliant people can benefit from this essence, often called water violet. Comfort and contentment with oneself. Self liberation, self expression and individuation. Balances the forces of reception of inner beauty and new found personal will. Prevents aloofness and tendency to withdraw from others and self (ghosting the self). Assists in a warmer relationship with self and others. Maintaining one’s wisdom and dignity, calmness and serenity.

Yarrow: Helps maintain boundaries between what is you and another energetically. It helps you feel safe, contained but not caged. Protective from electronic and other radiation. Develops a luminous and strong auric field. Compassion and inclusive sensitivity. Psychic forces are refined and flexible. Imbalances show as easily depleted, geopathic stress, extreme vulnerability to others and environment, overly absorbent of negative energy influence, psychic toxicity.

Forget me not: Grieving is associated with this essence. Remembrance and relationships. Love that transends death. Lifts you to a higher dimension to deal with emotions without getting lost or over indulging in watery emotions. Resolves isolation, separation feelings. Helps promote greater clarity and stimulate recall and retention of information.

Trishakti: This essence is a blend of 7 organic essences with selenite crystal. Assists in acessing the deeper dimensions of “consciousness” in a gentle way. Awakening from one level and dimension to the next. Harmonious rewiring.

Even though these remedies can be subtle in nature, their impact can be quite profound. Remembrance of our original nature is key to well being and power to manifest a desired life style.


Bach flower 38 remedies.

Druids herbal by Ellen Hopman, Destiny Books.

Energy medicine Sabina Pettitt.

FES Quintessentials

Information from personal gnosis. Picture courtesy of Rose Kelly.

Consultations available please contact or at email provided for further details.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Thoughts create your reality. Quantum physics has now proved what many have realized through the process of alchemy. The process they may have not been known to them but it occurs naturally. The process is fueled by intention, desire, the thought. ( What the bleep do we know? a book and on you tube will help one understand the quantum mechanics of the observer effect and singularity ) This is the final and lasting fusion of spirit and soul. Lasting when one activates the stone formed and nurtures it continually like a plant. Here the world tarot card, judgement tarot card and sun symbols are pertinent symbols of one’s progress. The coagulate, the stone, the refined material is what will impact the world. The world card reveals a woman at the center with a green garland of protection and success. Meaning a man must see himself in the woman to understand the world, and a woman must see herself in the world to understand herself.

We all have the best guides within us if only we would listen. French alchemist Francois Trojani states ” the opposing forces of light and darkness come together in the marriage of heaven and hell, the higher marriage to produce the androgyny, the stone ” This is the Norse Rune DEGAZ and the MEGIN a force innately imbued in it. all the stages of alchemy are perfectly represented in the making of Cold pressed Soap. The outcome using the appropriate ingredients manifests the stone, the soap, your initial desire soap. That can further be utilized to consecrate the stone formed, the astral stone, the star or stellar stone. Invigorating mind and body to a living body, the living stone with the ability to manifest itself on different levels. This is the MEGIN, a doppelganger to some, The immortal soul joining with the spirit above forms this” Gold ” body. The mystery begins as this transcendent body to alchemist is an idealized state of consciousness that combines thought and feeling. Zoroaster advised ” If your meditation prolongs itself you can unite all these symbols ” Traveling wherever thou will some alchemist are not bound by body, space or time. This is astral travel. Coagulation is often called MULTIPLICATION. ( Corpus Hermeticum )

Forming the philosophers stone is not the end. It has to be nourished, cared for for the second stone to thrive and be of use to one’s self. It is caring for the tools one has. Washing, drying, polishing etc. A coagulated person is confident, a super em path. Has a unique presence often seen as unconventional with strong opinions and very creative. Some attribute this to the Aquarius zodiac sign and their virtues / vices. Yet that determination is not purely accurate. Starting with the head of the zodiac Aries to Aquarius it is a possibility but lacking the insight of Spirit or Ophiuchus the snake bearer; the virtues / vices aforementioned are seen in a different light of over standing and clarity can be enjoyed!

These stages of alchemy are dynamic, continuously in their operation on many levels. From the smallest cell to the gross matter. Meditation within, observation of the inner environment will reveal to one the stages one is currently and has previously experienced in some degree or totality. Opening up windows and doors of opportunity to the next stage of one’s self transformation. These synchronized opportunities occur sometimes without our awareness. Once one is more aware, clear and have desire to improve one’s circumstances at whatever level that may be. The door is opened like the heart opens to receive the light of unconditional love, the life force with no gender, clearly transparent but one recognizes” it “and ” it ” recognizes one, you, true self.

Flower essences, essential oils, hand crafted soap and other branded soaps can be bought in the shop, alchemist apothecary section.

For further information and how to apply these wisdom teachings in your life.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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This is the stage where one goes through the ongoing process of self realization. The distillation process is yet another phase of purification of the bodily faculties. Towards the alchemists gold, self individuation and actualization. The base substances that make the self, the appearance are the salt, the earth, the issue to be transformed. The issue the substance the input into the vessel of the alchemists flask is heated. This determines the outcome. What is put into the world, what one will find in the flask after the distillation process. The base input is it love or fear? That determines the quality of the stone achieved, if any at all.

The substance is heated there is no air. The vapors condense, impurities remain as you retain ignorance, confusions and contradictions. Distillation is to remove these contradictions and inner conflict. Freedom from anarchy, external control and inner / outer slavery. Transmuted the outcome is behaving in wisdom or foolishness. Foolishness requires further purification. Everyone can actualize themselves in truth, given the procedures and protocols or discovered through meditation and contemplation. Here in lies the wisdom of the alchemist dialectic axiom ” Solve et Coagula ” The answer to any seemingly unanswerable question. The grand questions in life eg. Who am I ? can be satisfied, truth obtained, stone formed. The solution to any question lies within itself, and the question itself. The individuated person.

During chemical distillation mercury is recaptured. Mercury represents spirit, mind. Part of the trinity of sulfur / soul, mercury / spirit, Salt / earth, body to produce the ” Mother Stone “. The mind is not the brain and vice versa. The mind is being formed the brain is one of the vessels in the dynamic distillation process. The process of distillation reduces all solid bodies in a person’s experience into their elemental water, hence the tears, crying in people especially at menopause when hormones transforming. This also includes the males gender. Meditation allows is part of the energy fueling the process to continue. Whilst distillation can reveal the desired outcome. It is one of four noted levels of awakening. Sodapana ( Buddhist tradition ) The body is a hologram of one’s own projection. One reveals the essential innermost nature. The first matter Prima material is called ” man ” him / her self. The philosopher’s stone. Solve et Coagula is thus satisfied.

The life force, liquid gold, a semi crystalline conducting fluid flows around the skull down the spine and upward continually. Cerebral spinal fluid. The physical changes in the ” Fire “, fire is what it is as it is distilled and purified one can observe changes in the body. The metabolism changes, a healthier appetite for better quality food. Cleaner supportive environments including acquaintances, uplifting and empowering conversation. As one drinks and eats of the “Elixir of life “. These lifestyle changes one put’s into place to allow the sovereign self to thrive. No longer diluted in distractions and illusions of a baser nature; one may find the self ostracized by former acquaintances and their pleasures that no longer enhance, support or allow the sovereign self to be. This is the dross left behind. That is where remains belong. Leave the past where it is, especially if it is a hill of detritus.

Alchemy practices have been noted from around ~3000BC and earlier. Distillation means to drip down. The alchemist used this art chemically to make pigments for paints and dyes for fabric, refine metals like copper for jewelry, essential oils for perfumes, tinctures, wine, beer. Flowers for skin care eg. Rose water. Many remedies from this ancient practice were formulated from the forerunners of industrialization practices. Alchemists’ included Marie prophetessa, created the Bain- Marie double boiler, Cleopatra of Egypt, Melhhua of Mesopotamia, Zozimos of Panopolis, Zoroaster created the alembic used in distillation. Their aim was to obtain the sulfur, mercury and salt in it’s purest form not to make alcohol or gold itself. These fundamental elements were further used to refine other elements meaning to ” color them gold ” Arsenic now known to be poisonous at a certain level was used in alchemy; as evidenced in Egypt with the ” god ” PTAH. A god of craftsmen. and equally partnered with SESHET goddess of medicine and mistress of the house of books. Taught writing to Ptah usually depicted in green. Color of arsenic. Ptah and Seshet are like the anima/ animus. Adam / Eve energy system, Ida / Pingala system, Ying / Yang system. Arsenic of < 7% was added to copper to make it stronger and is called arsenic copper. this practice has continued in metallurgy. The English Edwardian / Victorian era abused Arsenic and many millions of people reaped the consequences of death by poison.

The white rose of the fool tarot card. A English Tudor rose, peculiar to Yorkshire in UK is a symbol of distillation and the ” Mother Stone “. The famous Rider Waite tarot deck was drawn by Pamela Colman Smith a grandmother of this writer. Purple clover flower essence and Scleranthus flower essence combined help with the inner distillation of emotions. Dissolving the blocking entities, old worn out paradigms as one agitates the ” kundalini ” / Life force or fire, meditation and stimulates the ” little grey cells ” ( Hercule Poirot ). Thus one can Rise like the phoenix, Go beyond a feeling to one’s personal GOLD / GOAL.

Flower essences can be purchased at the shop in the alchemist apothecary. Along with other useful items to assist you on your journey.

NEXT: Coagulation.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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This stage is a odorous one. Characterized by the purification or rotting of matter and the ego. If anything sits long enough it can only change. The deep hidden issues of ego are brought out, purified with inner sulfur and mercury working together. One observes color changes from black, white and yellow. Signalling one is closer to the gold of transformed inflamed, wounded, repressed ego. The peacock’s tail a thin oily film on the rotting matter and fumes of sulfur indicate one is making a connection with the divine mind through imagination, the below. Golden warmth of fermentation is from inspiration, the above. Fantasy and imagination are often confused by people. Here the subconscious is integrating into the psyche. Meditation, contemplation greatly assists this transformation. It is a ongoing process. ( Divinely human. love )

During the rotting phase a liquid and leavening agent is introduced to further the process. Just like making alcohol from rotten fruit with yeast. The sugars eaten by the yeast and make alcohol, spirit, essence. Alcohol evaporates to an invisible material releasing it’s spirit. Meditation is the leavening agent, by letting a thing be it can rise expand through the chakra system; opening up the pathway through the crown to receive from the above. Activating and igniting the inner fire with dragon breath the oxygen stokes the inner flame. The lower chakras cascade upward to the crown / Leo / Sun. The fire signs are Leo, Aries / head, locality in body, Sagittarius / ignites wisdom and creativity. Stoking Aries and Sagittarius fire within oneself allows space for the higher chakra to influence the lower chakras.

Regarding imagination and the chakra. The ancient Rishi , Sages of Hindu, Vedanta yoga taught the way to ignite the inner fire, serpent, kundalini. To free one’s self from suffering, remove ignorance and discover the innate spiritual being within. The divine nature of consciousness. Through knowledge ( Fire ) and practicing yoga. They had no teachings or written works for a chakra system. This chakra system and the colors attributed to them were superimposed on the mind- body system they developed anciently. This system was to assist the seeker to visualize this colorless energy, feel the warmth of the inner fire as they contemplated the divine connectivity, in their pursuit of self transformation. All yogas are derivatives of the original cultural forms. The first splitting of source is in the three fire signs aforementioned. There are many chakra the Rishi mentioned 20 Upanishads / teachings and warned about transcendent sensation seekers. Flower power, psychedelic drug movement alone can not obtain a lasting spiritual connection with the divine. Both spiritual knowledge ( Fire ) first and yoga practice second (a tool to manifest ) is the uniting way. The colors seen anywhere for example Red, only red is reflected and everything else is held back. Red is given away, shows, is your quality you perceive and adds to your aura. A protective sheath seen around the body. Black holds everything back or blocks out other colors.

The secret fire is true imagination and this process takes patience, diligence and resilience. Meditation or inner pilgrimage ( Sadhguru on Samadi you tube ) using the chakra system placed upon the body is beneficial. The power of this symbolism for visualization is often underestimated. So now Pandora’s box is open exposing the deepest and most clinging psychic component, our hidden self. This lesser stone of conjunction is exposed to heat, fire. The ego is on the point of destruction and one may be moody, in the dark night of the soul, wounded and resistant, lack energy to proceed, passive and inflamed. ( D.W.Hauk, Paul Foster Case ) This is not the time to give up and sink into depression. Keep your eye on the prize, that which one desires to obtain, the true self. Let the outdoors infuse and inspire with pure chi, prana, life essence, sunshine, rain. The ego transforming occurs on every level, individually, communities, societies. It is a dynamic process as a new psychic center, ego consciousness is being formed ( Sweat lodges are a great place to be )

The symbol of the green lion, green emerald, The magician and the Hierophant, hermit and many death, mutilated images and paranormal events may arise. This is the part of the process uniting body / salt, soul / sulfur, and spirit / mercury into a trinity, represented by a triangle. Hermes Trismegistus the thrice great. The female equivalent from whom Hermes took instruction on the art of alchemy was Marie ( Miriam ) Prophetess. She invented the double boiler, Bain-Marie. As the will power is purified by the father of the metals, Sulfur. Hot and dry, fire and earth. The mother of the metals Mercury ( spirit or mind ) Solid, liquid and gas; moist or watery earth. ” Mokosh ” in sanskrit meaning liberation, merging with deity ( moksa ). Russian mokri / wet. Mokosh is a ancient fertility, earth goddess who protects women in child birth and children. ( Russian Mythology by Pyotr Simonov )

These flower remedies may help ease this phase. Impatiens, Cherry Plum, Lilac essence ( I make Lilac wine that’s good too! ) Eat the best quality nutrient rich food one can buy or make, Detox the liver, spleen, kidneys, Go out for a walk and experience nature and breath in the sun it will invigorate you. There are many ways to get through this. Surround one self with truly good people is a bonus. Flower essences can be found here in the store under alchemist apothecary.

Next: Distillation

Picture from Rider Waite Colman tarot deck. ( Pamela Colman Smith the artist for the deck is one of my grandmothers )
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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At this stage one has sorted out the essential parts of self that one would like to integrate into the new, real you. One has to call upon the will to be and do. This stage is often called digestion. A recombination of saved elements into new substances , a sacred marriage of make and female principles, a new system. A new and lesser stone. The final stage of coagulation is the stone. Once made it has to be maintained. That is when it takes all you have to hold onto that new found self. One experiences an increase in confidence and integrity, a calmer approach to life as you come to truly know thyself. Symbolically it is the union of sun and moon. The very essence of Hatha yoga. A balance of the spiritual and material aspects of self. The marriage of the inner king ( Spirit, intuition, god consciousness and the feminine aspect called soul, mind , emotions will, self consciousness, the inner queen and how we relate to others )

All this is above and below is the earth, symbolic alchemy salt, physiology and world consciousness. All ideas coming from the mind or spirit. The soul is the activating cause of everything. It equates to the prima materia of alchemy. The one thing. Everything is related through the mind, mercury. The bridge is mercury. The messenger of the ” gods “. The prima materia is expressed as three principles. Soul / sulfur being the first, Spirit / mind / mercury the second, Salt / body the third. Forming a trinity. The lesser stone is further purified in the next ongoing dynamic of alchemy. Self love is a must and in doing so one can withstand the onslaught of the external world. ( Bible of Mitra presented on you tube has concrete insight on maintaining this new found integrity, self ).

One can achieve this perfection / divine mind in this earth bound life time without a guru, or savior despite religious fervor. “god is within you “. Thus one needs to know what that means for each individual and it is not taught in traditional schools or places of worship. In fact one will find knowing the true nature of self and what god is will broaden, deepen and clarify some of the perpetuated tenants of religious systems. The alchemy formula Solve et Coagulum. Dissolve the body coagulate spirit essence back into that body. Science defined as E = MC squared. It is the miracle of making water into wine. ( 5thKind.TV on Youtube excellent source for newly discovered meaning of the Holy Bible names, places )

Alchemy is the understanding of the relationship between consciousness and matter. A language that is now corrupted and partially lost because people have separated themselves from the fundamental laws of the universe / nature. A language that was widely understood up until the 1600 / 1700 when ill intended individuals misinterpreted ; what scripts were left to the world from a massive burning of books from earlier times. Part of the global ” witch hunt ” instigated by fear by those in falsely perceived power positions.

Egyptian Akenaten was a trail blazer for a new belief system less tied to the conventional beliefs at the time in Egypt. In Eastern tradition we have male principle Shiva and feminine principle Shakti, Sun and Moon in conjunction. Many rituals from many disciplines can cultivate this true you as signified by the quintessence when all four elements come together. In doing so one starts to clearly perceive spirit / mind, essence in all things. This is the zodiac sign of Taurus and the meaning of life, value of life. The bull tends to be unscrupulous in their objectives, overly possessive, less kind to others prior to this partial self transformation. One can see how dialectic reasoning has been used in this stage and other philosophies even yoga and the trinity concept of religion. ( see the post on this site )

Maintaining the stone requires further purification. Jungian Alchemy reveals four stages: 1. Nigredo / Shadow work involved. 2. Albedo / illumination and establishing a dialogue between conscious and unconscious. 3. Citrinas / can trigger ” dark night of the soul “. 4. Rubedo / Seat of transformation and has correspondences to conjunction. There are many resources in the library / online presence to dive in deeper and empower the new self or remind the self that need a little pick me up!

When one is exhausted most of cognitive energy. Try Oak flower essence it strengthen the mind process. Purple or red clover flower essence strengthens self awareness so one can think in calm, steady way from a center of truth, amplifies intentions and softens rebounds in life. Mixed with scleranthus flower essence it makes clear your path. Distances you from the ” collective noise ” so you can determine what is / is not yours. Lilac flower essence helps align one’s spirit and nourish it with more positive thoughts. Flower essences made from organic local flowers are sold at the alchemists apothecary shop at


RA – Sun energy / MA – Moon energy / DA – Earth energy / SA – Infinite energy / JIO – Affectionate. The nature of the universe is user friendly. Breathe like words spoken subtle impressions on the ether, water crystals images by Dr Masaru Emoto all make an impression.

NEXT: Fermentation
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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This is where one gets the opportunity to confront the true self, part of the mining for gold, extracting the personal essence. Realizing the components of the self and filtering, sifting, purifying the desired parts. The final marriage, unity and manifestation of that self occurs in totality at the last stage of coagulation. It is in bio energy parlance the meeting of the anti matter self. Polarities of matter/ anti matter come together. The concept of “black Holes ” which is a operative mechanism in all systems within and outside of self, in the cosmos. Black holes have an infinite, undifferentiated center that is bright, light not dark as old theories propagated in the theories initial conception. ( Dr. Manjir Samanta-Loughton books ” Punk Science and ” The Genius Groove ” updated conceptualizations ) Alchemy symbol of black crow with three feet is active here, even though it is present in the previous stages. Denotes sulfur,Mercury, salt. The three manifestations of the sun: dawn, mid day, dusk. These three elements are attributed to how Hermes became thrice great.

The alchemist employs the separation chemically and it also occurs psychologically. There is a complete refurbishing of belief system, break down of personality and illusions of the unconscious mind. This allows one to become aware of opposites within and without and can be separated from the contaminating, unwanted unconscious complexes and elements. This identifying, containing, regulating and uniting is part of creating consciousness. Allows more life essence to flow once integrated. Then the loss, pain, issues that got one on the journey of self transformation can be dealt with in the next stage. The body has a wisdom and innate capacity to heal itself. The nervous system supports he awakening and quells the chemical storms ( hormones, diet you eat, liquid you drink ) as we can register as feelings, emotions. Severe anxiety, not grounded, don’t feel good, adrenaline overload from worry, even from animal products. These energies do little good if any for the fragmented body psyche dynamic. This is the Air element and Scorpio stage. Proper deep breathing is crucial here to activate and harness the chi,prana, life force for self transformation. Until one can accomplish embryonic / Primordial breathing. A sensation of breathing in contact with pranic force. Breathing with the universe or reciprocation of it’s breath energy, essence. A sacred, secret power of heaven above and sacred secret power of earth moving below.

Those not in separation stage are controlling, over assertive, uncompromising, most driven by fear, anger and frustrations, cruel in their projections on others and can be violent. These are the things separation can do for those projecting such issues. Learning to control the breath is essential. Scorpios are known as the beautiful people in the astrological zodiac. Courage, daring, will power and have potential to make major world, life changes in self and others. Empathic and often descend into the underworld / within to bring back useful information and insights. ( Persephone’s of many different names underworld journey is common to many mystic philosophies, Melusine, ” Constantine ” the movie ) Their lifelong search is for spiritual transformation and in that process no matter which sign you are introspection is required, self control and persistence. However in that pursuit not to the point where one tramples on other’s feeling.

The Air element or esoteric wind, divine will, thoughts from the “one mind “, spirit, (Enlil of Mesopotamia )are refreshers to the traumatized personality.

Brings fresh insight and meaning to life or life now has a meaning. Materialism is often de emphasized and world of spirit embraced. Meditation, prayer, breathing exercises, near death experiences, hypnotic states ( psychedelics / DMT ) promote separation and bring forward the better virtues. Breaking through the illusion ( of Hindu concept of Maya ), symbolic tools used are swords for intellect or mind, knives to cut away, scissors, surgery / operations, decapitation ( Goddess Kali and death ), divorce, apocalypse, scenes and night mares of mutilation. Develop second attention like shamans and this will assist you and Impatiens flower remedy, Crab apple flower remedy, St. John’s wort, Yarrow tincture, Sepia for the tears and put self in a safe environment for heart opening techniques. The Aramaic prayer. Breath in holy spirit, breath out heavenly kingdom ( See Lars Muhl books Gateway to heaven and The law of light also on you tube )

The alchemists apothecary at sells flower remedies and accessories for meditation, relaxation, yoga or whatever discipline yo choose to transform the self.

Next: Conjunction. Picture of Pandora opening the box, what did she find when all the demons were let go ? Hope.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)