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Atargatis the Aramaic mermaid is symbolic of the energies of the land and of the sea. Sign for the constellation Ophiuchus and Phoenician traders. Many years ago the fertility of the land was of great concern; so it is today. As is also the fertility of our lives. Anciently assured by ritual, people ate seasonally. As is well known most food is intensively farmed and peoples fertility is on a decline. The seasons of the earth give us a natural rhythm by which we can lead our lives. Rhythm is one of the hermetic principles listed and expounded in the Kybalion.

1. The Principle of Mentalism.

2. The Principle of Correspondence.

3. The Principle of Vibration.

4. The Principle of Polarity.

5. The Principle of Rhythm.

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect.

7. The Principle of Gender.

Everything is dual, everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites, like and unlike are the same, opposites are identical in nature but different in degree, extremes meet, all truths are half truths, all paradoxes may be reconciled. ( The Kybalion ) This is the Principle of Polarity and using dialectic measures all paradoxes can be reconciled. Thesis / anti thesis are resolved into a new form embodying both, a new thesis is produced, manifested.

Everything flows out and in, everything has its tides, all things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything, the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left, rhythm compensates. ( The Kybalion ) The Hermetist using appropriate formulas and methods learned how to escape the effects in themselves to a certain degree; instead of being used by it. ( The Principle of Rhythm and the law of Compensation )

Developing self mastery one can neutralize the rhythmic swing of the pendulum which would carry one to the other pole. This is done more or less unconsciously the mastery of self one does this consciously, by the use of the Will to attain poise, mental firmness. Quite unbelievable to the masses who swing back and forth like a pendulum. Adrift on a sea of decadence.

Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity and reasoning. Hermetic philosophy summarized in The Kybalion by The Three Initiates is part of the master key that can reconcile divergent views along with Dialectic psychology and Analytical thinking. There have always been a few initiates in each generation, in various lands of the earth and sea who kept the sacred flame of hermetic teaching a light. Tending the altar of truth upon which was kept alight The Perpetual Lamp of Wisdom. A labor of love which the poets, like Rumi, alchemists like Zarathustra call the light. Others call The Beloved. Sacred energy in alchemist, poet terminology are pearls of great wisdom, reserved for the elected, initiates, who recognize their value, ready for the truth. Hence the saying of casting pearls before swines this is not wisdom to do so.

Thus the lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding. ( The Kybalion ) Picture from Goddesses book by Sue Jennings.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Treasury Of Light

The power of dialectics is key to accessing the treasury of light. Dialectic theory, philosophy and thinking was employed by Plato, Hegel, Marx, Kant and the stoics originally Diogenes Sinope and maligned as cynics. Acting out of self motive incongruous to those at that time for their expression of questioning the status quo. Nietzsche and counter cultural rebels labelled hippies liked Diogenes. This led to those who aligned themselves with paradoxes of many kinds, having no solution but played on the fact of the dialectic impass or Aporia; so well used by Plato in his Socratic dialogues.

The absence of something is a thing in itself, like Zero. Zero was a concept demonized and associated with non existence. It seemed to contradict the concept of god and hence was rejected even the Sumerians had no concept of zero. Zero is important in understanding dialectic thinking and behavior. It is at that point the impass it can turn the tide of emotions, feelings, thinking. The middle path. A path many can not conceive of. Zenos paradox a Greek story elucidates this. A paradox is something that contradicts itself, or at least seems to contradict itself in some way. there are many paradox and understanding dialectics is very beneficial to resolve these.

Dialectic basic meaning through the art of speaking, talking through, across, that which is attained through speech as in dialogue, discourse, reason. The objective of dialectic conversation is an objective or personal truth that can be grasped together. A thesis generates an antithesis which in turn can bring a solution, new form where both are valid and accepted, a new thesis or synthesis and the pattern continues. Dialectics involves two things that seem like opposites that have nothing in common. However these two things are both true and valid at the same time.Happy / sad are both feelings of the whole ( synthesis ). In a dialogue people may enter with different or conflicting opinions but through discussion they can come to a truth, synthesis or resolution.

Balancing dialectic dilemmas is the role of a therapist, guiding you to walk the middle path. The middle analogy for the dialectic thinking rather than black / white extreme thinking. Avoiding this extreme thinking where people get stuck, polarized, limited, self denial, self indulgent, us versus them thinking is the dilemma.Mindfulness is another vital key in resolution. The therapist helps the ” client ” bring together seemingly opposites throughout therapy reconciling the conflict within themselves and their relationships. Bringing together opposites in considering what is being left out. A familiar picture of a vase / two faces combination, some see the vase some see the two faces. Identifying when a client or self gets fixed on one end or in argument immovable on a point of contention, this is where the therapist helps shift the unbalanced scale to see the big picture or the opposite perspective. Change to acceptance the mid point or impass is where the Zero of both – and lies. A transition point.

Dialectic dilemmas are behavioral patterns that are recognized and well noted in therapy, common in BPD. The client fluctuates between two ends of each dilemma like hot / cold, live / die simply put. The emotions can be under regulated or over regulated by the therapist, who identifies the dialectic dilemma and one learns to think more dialectic ally, work on validation and acceptance, learn techniques to help you make changes in behavior, diet, ways to self motivate towards the desired change.

This is done in philosophy. The dilemma situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives especially, equally undesirable ones is distressing as emotional attachment to one side ( divorces are emotionally demanding ) or invalidating the other side, unable to see other view point, black / white thinking, feeling anger born from frustration and powerlessness, rigid thinking, ” I am right demands “are signs of a dilemma. Paternal, blind belief in religiosity, Bullies, people who do not allow you to express your opinion, dictators, Stockholme syndrome victim issues , PTSD and other traumas. Dialectic thinking when you can look at both sides and integrate the whole picture uses the wiser mind that all can develop. It brings flexibility, integration, One realizes opinions are not facts, they are different not right or wrong. Explore your options and be flexible as there are many ways to solve a problem. Observe fully practicing looking at other points of view not just either / or / both. some people feel more than one emotion, energy at one time as many empaths do and people with DID dissociative identity disorder and it is not out of order. Congratulate your self for your sensitivity, validate and be your sovereign self. Avoid blame, finger pointing judgements; rephrase the energy to describe, express your feeling from that sovereign self using ” I am disappointed…..”

Expression this way or the way you can best convey it makes you adaptive, more resilient, confident, calmer, less reactive, in control and develops emotional intelligence instead of dissonance, Better relationships with self and others with fewer arguments. Marx & Engel viewed their world and environment in terms of active, interactive, constantly developing and constant processes. A few words from the parable of the sower by Butler.

All that you touch, you change. All that you change, changes you. The only lasting truth is change.

The astral doorway to the treasury of light is being open to sovereign self. When we are shut down, unable to express, thoughts, words, emotions, the energy of multi dimensional vibrations, cosmic codes embodied in crystals like Selenite, Trigonic quartz, Auralite, Azezulite, Anandalite, Ajoite and the golden healer can open the pathway, maintain the open portals. Binural beats, music of a certain frequency, singing, mantras, affirmations are all tools for ascension. For the stuck energy to ascend through the open crown chakras and vice versa for the cosmic universe to be received by you. The Zeal chakra, Alta major or mouth of the source your inner ” god / dess ” in the base of the skull at back of the neck is vital for conducting this energy. It is an anchor for multi dimensional energy structure known as the light body. Opening this chakra activates metaphysical & intuitive sight enabling vision of the bigger picture. The goal of Dialectics. It supports energies of the higher aspects of the heart. The heart being a portal of ascension to the soul. The soul stores codes, blue prints for this sovereign self, pureness of the divine some call Akasha one meaning is hidden records. A cosmic book to guide through all perceived dimensions and realms of the hero journey. The hero is you. Joseph Campbell did fine work on this and also Micheal Tsarion with his path of the fool series. Zeal chakra healing music by iNNATE and many others on you tube.

This is all conditional that one does the shadow work, look into your soul, understand what chakras are and do something about their condition; and the other energy systems in the body brain dynamic, understand the brain, bring out the best in your self, Sufi twirling is part of a practice to aid in this it clears, chakras, helps correct the spin direction, Tibetan rites exercises spinning speeds up the chakras, The exercises in Tibetan modality are done in opposite way to the Sufi method. Chakra yoga for mental balance and clarity offered by Corlunas is of great value to any on the path of light. The mysteries of heaven and earth will no longer be a mystery.

The eye is forever open to light issuing from the perpetual lamp of truth contained in the sanctuary wherein the treasury of light is. Afloat on the sea of decadence, the oil in the perpetual lamp of truth flows unceasingly.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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OM Mantra

Pronounced A-U-M. OM has three parts encompassing the three states of waking, dreaming, deep sleep. The three levels of gross, subtle and casual bodies. Three levels of consciousness, unconscious, subconscious. The three universal processes of coming, being, going. The ancient science of AUM mantra absolute silence beyond the three levels is the silence after the sounding of AUM. Part of the law of cause and effect and the creation process. Om supports reclusive lifestyle with a wish for little worldly goods or gains. Peace, harmony, clearing, protection are some blessings of OM.

Aaahh – creation in the abdomen, procreation

Uuuuu -maintenance and resonates in the heart, lungs and body parts that maintains life

Mmmm – destruction. In head and mind.

OM sound is the divine mother drawing her children back to infinity, divine presence. AUM is the bow the arrow to the soul, the target the cosmic spirit, omnipotent force propelling the soul to god, Atma, higher self, Iswara cosmic love, preserver. OM is symbolic of what is called god itself and attunes to cosmic energy of the universal soul, the stream of god’s love. When one merges with OM consciousness expands.

Listen deeply to the sound of AUM. In Bible John 1 it says in the beginning was the word. The word vibration is AUM. It is all past, present, future, beyond time, all is OM. The vibratory essence of all creation, the amen, the All of all cultures by different names, the universal code heard and taught by all those recognized as ascended for example Moses, Zarathustra, Christ, Mohammed, Shiva and many more of female gender. They all taught one truth OM gods consciousness in creation. The holy ghost is the OM vibration in Christianity.

Mantra Mana means mind and tra/ trai to protect, free the creative aspect from logic. Mantra freedom, mind expansion that dips into cosmic essence. A word of power and light from a plane of high intuition and innermost realization of truth, experience, direct tasting, of god. The sacred sound essence of the universe as we currently know it, and from whence it was formed. Divine intelligence in creation, god’s bliss, melody of love, god’s stream of consciousness vibrating through nature. Soul merges with to enter it’s own consciousness, knowledge of self and the divine within. Mantra is also speech reflecting that which upholds. Sounds impact the nervous system, heart as does light and helps manifest your own destiny creatively.

AUM captures non duality the manifested sacred sound is inaudible to the outer ear, heard as a soft hum in the intuition, whispering trees, a quiet voice, a mighty thunder called Rudra the roarer. OM divine vibration, light, divine love, ecstatic bliss, power, calmness, perfect wisdom, heavenly peace ( untroubled brain / mind )Sound manifestation of AUM in the body.

Coccyx – bumblebee is heard

Sacral -sound of the flute

Lumbar – stringed instrument being plucked

Heart – hum wind in the trees, a deep bell

Places of complete silence, waterfall, oil flowing smoothly out of a barral

Cervical – rushing waters, bell

The first three states or aspects of self. The body, physical waking state, knowledge of other states. The first sound A, the actions, senses as we breath the conscious mind returns the breath to body. In this mind in dreaming state U is part of the unconscious component, active the dreamer creates worlds entirely from U as mind shifts. M the deep sleep, latent and part of the unconscious mind process, no division, no subject or object. In Turya the fourth state is Brahma, Atma.

There are many mantras all with specific intention or purpose. Mantra for positive energy, wealth or prosperity as wealth is linked to health, the navel center. Happiness, self realization, protection against internal or external negative forces, Sanjavani mantra and Gayatri mantra Ganesh mantra, Ajai Alai ( for being in your own power ) are a few of my personal favorites and have proven to be very effective used wisely.

Har Har Mukanday mantra. Har / Hari refers to the aspect of God ( generating, organizing, destroying ) as remover of obstacles Ganesh and Hanuman does this to and are the symbols of this force. Mukanday means liberating aspect of the self. This mantra liberates one from anything they have boxed themselves into. Removes fear, gives you energy to follow your heart. Concentrate on the heart chakra while meditating with this mantra.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Natural Body Care Products Glossary

Natural as occurring in nature, whether of animal, vegetable or unrefined mineral origin.Usually does not refer to petroleum, it’s derivatives, or other chemically derived substances which are termed synthetic. There is no accepted standard for the word ” natural ” as it applies to a cosmetic product, so it’s presence on any label means only what the manufacturer intends it to mean. This meaning is frequently stretched to include semi-synthetics, which are a combination of a substance which occurs in nature and a wholly synthetic component. The term Organic is included in this terminology.

Fragrance includes any one of a wide range of essential oils or synthetic chemicals imparting a scent to the body or a product. Some are intended only to make a product more appealing, some are intended as a perfume for the wearer. One curious class of fragrances are those which mask the odor of a product and give the impression that the product has no fragrance called fragrance-free. Fragrance may be listed by name or simply called ” fragrance ” in the list of ingredients. It is a complex of many volatile and reactive compounds, more numerous than all the other ingredients in a cosmetic product and there is no requirement to list them all by name. Sensitivity or irritation by a product is often caused by the ” fragrance ” component and the PH of the skin itself, the skin is the largest organ of the body.

Essential oils are volatile oils obtained from the leaves, flowers, stems and other part of the plant and usually carry the odor characteristic of the plant. Some are pure, single compounds many essential oils are mixtures. Essential oils are not saponifiable, although they may be added to finished soaps and other products. Synthetic versions of many essential oils are used in many big brand cosmetic products. Ask the manufacturer or sales person whether the oils are natural or synthetic.

Humectant is a skin conditioning ingredient used in creams and lotions whose function is to prevent water loss and drying of the skin. Humectants attract and hold moisture. Moisturizers are intended to increase water content of the top layer of the skin. In very dry climates where the air contains little or no moisture use caution. The humectant will draw water out of the skin and the result will be the reverse of what is intended. The best time to apply a moisturizer is immediately after bathing, on damp skin.

PH is on a scale from 0 to 14. Measuring the acidity or alkalinity of solutions. Pure water is PH7 and considered neutral. Acidity increases as the numbers decrease. Alkalinity increases as the numbers increase. The normal PH of skin and hair is between 4 and 6 slightly acidic. The PH of a product is very important, the PH of the water used in formulations must be controlled to complete the alchemical process. If the PH of a hair shampoo is too alkaline the hair may get damaged, too acidic the product will not cleanse properly. PH adjusters are ingredients used to control the PH within a desired, narrow range to make the product Eg. shampoos effective, have the proper viscosity, thickness.

Astringent are ingredients that impart a tightening or tingling on the skin. Alum a drug astringent causes a contraction of the skin and stop secretion of fluids by coagulating protein. Some contain alcohol, and aluminium compounds. Witch hazel is an astringent and can be found alcohol free. Due to the nature of astringents tightening the skin they can protect sensitive skin from environmental effects.

Creams are emollients,emulsions of water in oil. The heavier oily layer of the cream protects the skin by holding a film of water on the skin. It is the water which softens and moisturizes the skin. The oily layer also protects from the effects of the environment. Creams reduce flaking and lubricate the skin, improving the texture and appearance.

Soap is formed by combining a fat, oil with an alkali. This is called saponification. Soaps are generally alkali of high PH and do not lather well in hard water. They form bonds with dirt, effectively removing and suspending dirt and oil from skin or fabrics. Soap is not regarded as a cosmetic by the FDA and therefore not required to listing ingredients on it’s package.

Detergent is any substance that reduces the surface tension of water. A surface active agent which concentrates at oil / water interfaces exerts emulsifying action, helping to remove soils. Common sodium fatty acid soaps are weak whilst the much stronger synthetic detergents have four subcategories.amphoteric, anionic, cationic, nonionic. It depends on their mode of chemical action.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Perpetual Lamp Of Wisdom

After the cataclysm harmony reigned with objective observation. Mother earths representative Ixchel listened even though Winter, darkness was abroad in the land. Tootles lost his marbles expediting the dark night of his soul as he dwelt in the outer regions of the now cold, snow covered forest. Persephone had lost her jewels, taken from her. Whilst all around was in chaos she remained calm under the mountain of pressure, went within her underworld to find a solution. Tootles reacting to his circumstances raged, rampaging through the dark forest consulting anyone who crossed his path. In his mental emotional rusty cage he was lost.

Loss, betrayal, abuse, trauma are often challenging to deal with. It is the Mehr, Medussa and many others story regardless of gender hand in hand with the Matilda effect. Observed in the myriad walks of life, work place, religious establishments, corporations, cultures, groups, home and family environment. Loss is perceived differently by all peoples but the fundamental operating system the autonomic nervous system which is sub divided into the sympathetic nervous system ( SNS ) and parasympathetic nervous system ( PNS ) governs most of the bodily functions. The vital vagus nerve is part of the PNS which deals with rest and digest. The SNS is responsible for flight and fight. The vagus nerve integrity is crucial for well being and functionality, extends throughout the brain and body. The homunculus the somatosensory organ in the head has the map to all the sensory cells throughout the brain and body. It has a still small voice. Many natural health practices including deep abdominal breathing used in yoga can stimulate activity in the PNS. Neuro linguistic programming ( NLP )can help re frame existing issues. Emotional freedom technique or tapping it is called by some is beneficial. Bach Flower and other flower remedies, crystal elixirs are aids for mental and emotional well being.

Tootles yearned for his release from his rusty caged, hellish existence resorted to a Diogenes stereotype existence.Some people take power wherever they can scavenge it, even directly out of your own hands. When the aura is weak it is east to obtain the energy one seeks for whatever purpose. Narcissists and those who exhibit these traits can be quite cunning offering sweet words like share, we are all one, it says so in holy books, obey, i am the boss, i own you, sly remarks to lure you away into their own inner night mare.

Turned to stone from the remarks of wizards and witches he had consulted as they along with Galiana moorish princess suggested chop off his head as he was suffering from multiple personality disorder. Information overloaded his homunculus or little man was triggered into a cascade of traumatic reactions. He came upon Persephone sitting, calm in her meditation. She had just consulted the runes held by The Three Norns. Urd represents the past, Verdandi the present or now in the moment and skuld the most feared as she represented the future. The future seemed bleak to him in his misery.

The light from Persephone’s world was most endearing and together The Three Norns unraveled the inner chaos and fiery anger consuming him in his mystery. It was no mystery to them. Medussa had bequeathed the all seeing eye to them, a lesser light to bring clarity to the poor unfortunate soul Tootles. He had very little power on tap they had the solution. Once what was salt of the earth had lost it’s savor.

In the words from The kybalion there have always been a few initiates in each generation. In the various lands of the earth, who kept alive the sacred flame of the Hermetic Teachings, and such have always been willing to use their lamps to relight the lesser lamps of the outside world. When the light of truth grow dim, and clouded by reason of neglect, and when the wicks became clogged with foreign matter, there are always a few to tend faithfully the altar of truth, upon which was kept alight THE PERPETUAL LAMP OF WISDOM.

The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding. They dismissed him with their diagnosis. Anxiety is handled with Bach Rescue Remedy, Trauma with Bach Star of Bethlehem. If you have no Star of Bethlehem a combination of Rock Rose, Aspen and Mimulus. A formula of Rock Rose Clematis, Impatience and Cherry Plum assists anxiety. Pine, Sweet Chestnut and Forget me not are also a good solution.

This is an excerpt form a long treatise by the author concerning Multiple personality disorder now renamed dissociative identity disorder ( DID ) using symbolic archetypes in mythology, legend and scientific findings to convey a perspective on a much maligned state of ” mind “. Mindfulness has many definitions and is expressed in many ways. The treatise explores this, the Ophanim, Spirit or more precisely translated Ruach, holy science through cognitive psychology; the study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, problem solving, creativity and reasoning.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Crystal Healing Gem Elixirs

Crystal infused elixirs are empowered water, much like floral remedies. They have been used for centuries filled with spirit essence energy of the crystal or gem. The infused water acts as a vehicle for vibrations of the crystal which interact with the persons own energy field. Directly or indirectly infused methods are used. Elixirs can be effective in the treatment of certain conditions, some crystals should not be made into elixirs.

Crystals work by balancing subtle energies known as chi, prana, universal life force energy. As those energies slowly find a point of equilibrium our state of well being improves. The symptoms reduce or are transmuted. All physical ailments have an underlying cause and crystals can tackle this directly. It is powerful, yet simple energy medicine. The crystals move your energy and often one n fell worst before feeling better. Purple fluorite helps on a deep spiritual level for most dis ease. They can cleanse and detox the chakra system as they unearth deep issues inside you; which many do not want to face.

Used in meditation, as an elixir or laying a crystal grid upon your body can make you feel unbelievably better. Cleansing, detoxing is a vital part of well being and the healing process. Toxins, pollutants and other substances are released from the body and the natural relaxation response is activated, kicks in, and tension flows away. The condition of the skin improves, many physical ailments, illnesses, long or short term dis ease seem to ease and even disappear completely. There is no one crystal for all. The qualities of each gem is well documented. Here are a few.

Aching muscles. Hold an aventurine stone to the aching muscle for at least 30 minutes. Carry rose quartz with you during the day. Argonite elixirs helps too. Knee injury or stiffness hold apache tears or smokey quartz to the knee. Lethargy Carry or wear carnelian stone, copper, coral or peridot. Hold when feeling particularly tired or alternatively hold a orange calcite stone in each hand to restore energy balance. Joint flexibility carry or wear on appropriate joints malachite, azurite. Headache hold amethyst or sugalite to the pain. Air sickness , jet lag carry hematite and turquoise as close to the skin as possible. Acidosis carry peridot, dolomite. Sinus problems carry or wear jade, or hold to your nose as required. snowflake obsidian connects the meridian from the sinuses to the stomach. Also helpful for stomach ailments. Eating disorders hold carnelian or fluorite for about one hour before eating food. Keep them on the table near you as you eat. the eating pattern will begin to change and return to your normal. Physical energy carry or wear carnelian, citrine, diamond, gold, golden ray calcite, quartz crystal, ruby, rutilated quartz, sun stone, topaz, yellow jasper. Hormone imbalance carry or wear amber, amethyst, gold, sapphire, imperial topaz. Amethyst, moonstone is particularly helpful for the female hormone energy imbalance. ( male gender has the same hormones in different proportions )

Many of these stones can be found at this site and the gem elixirs are made seasonally along with the flower remedies. Rose Quartz Elixir is presently in stock. This elixir greatly assists those on a self healing journey, mindful, truth seekers. It brings enlightenment and enhances the ability to access your own intuition. Enlightenment will unearth your higher or sovereign self, whilst intuition is the ability to listen to your higher self. Access and trust your own mind. It therefore plays a crucial role in sensing the light. There are various kriya one can perform, meditate upon whilst using the elixir. Contact Corlunas for any consultations, information is provided on this website.

Benefits are more easily derived if one has an awareness of their chakra system and they are all clear, balanced and spinning in the appropriate direction. The rose quartz elixir is a powerful assist to active creative potential as it can used wisely realize your inner G.O. D. Generating, organizing, destroying. The mind of which is the very same Homunculus. The somatosensory organ on top of the brain structure. The mind is all the body and the homunculus holds the map to all the sensory cells in the body which is linked to the brain through the Zeal chakra. Very interesting.

Even though these remedies can be subtle in nature, their impact ca be quite profound. Remembrance of our original nature is key to well being, inner strength and power to manifesting a desired lifestyle.

Picture from Lady Lavinia La Fortuna ( palm reader and healer )
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Endocannabinoid System ( ECS )

The ECS is very important for balance between body and mind. The ECS is critical for almost every aspect of every moment to moment functioning. Learning, memory, emotional processing, sleep, temperature control, pain control, inflammatory and immune responses, eating. The ECS regulates not only the peripheral mechanism of food intake, but also lipid synthesis and turnover in the liver and adipose tissue as well as glucose metabolism in the muscles. In the brain it primarily influences synaptic communication and affects biological functions, including eating, anxiety, learning, memory, reproduction, growth, development and metabolism. Endogen from Endo and the sanskrit word ananda ( Bliss ) meaning it occurs within the body, such as anandamide cannabinoid.

Essential fatty acids ( omega 6 has a role here ), chocolate, herbs, spices, chia seeds, hemo seeds oil, walnuts, flax seed oil, sardines and anchovies, pasture fed eggs, eggs enriched with omega 3. It has been found that regular exercise, managing stress levels using external cannabinoids from plants called phyto cannabinoids can boost the ECS. Even tea can naturally stimulate the ECS. This system is found also in animals and plants. Three types have thus far been identified phyto cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids.

In the human ECS endocannabinoids are produced from arachidonic acid, an omega 6 fatty acid. This along with derivatives N-arachidonylethanolamine ( AEA ) and 2- arachidonylglycerol ( 2- AG ) are well studied. The endocannabinoids are found in all tissues, organs, bodily fluids. The ECS like all systems can be thrown out of balance due to trauma, stress and toxins.Clinical deficiencies can be associated with migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory and neurological conditions, lowered pain threshold, improper regulation of digestion, mood and sleep, DID formerly multiple personality syndrome. Often a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Blood metabolites of the ECS decrease with excessive coffee consumption ( 8 cups a day ). Long term alcohol usage depletes endocannabinoid tone impacting the plethora of physiological processes that are modulated by the ECS. There is a down regulation of 2-AG and CB1 brain receptors. The awareness of cannabinoids has grown especially amongst those who use external phyto cannabinoids found in marijuana plants: Indica, sativa or hybrids / blends. Cannabinoids are not psychoactive and millions exist. Most are familiar with THC which is a psychoactive cannabinoid. CBGA or cannabigerolic acid is the precursor for all cannabinoids found in the marijuana plants. The mother of all cannabinoids. CBD, CBN to name those in the public eye and global research is ongoing as to their mode of action, usage and implementing them into a healthy balanced lifestyle regime.

Endocannabinoid receptors are also found on the skin. Receptors sites CB1 and CB2 are well documented. This where the magic occurs at the receptor sites for the cannabinoids in general. The largest amount of CB1 receptor sites is found in the brain, other organs eg. lungs,vascular system, muscles, gastrointestinal tract and reproductive organs also have these CB1 receptors. CB2 receptors found in the immune system, spleen, bone, skin, and have a much broader spectrum and influence in the body than CB1 receptors. Full spectrum CB1, CB2 combination covers all the system. Full spectrum products include several cannabinoids, terpenes in various combinations. how they sre combined elicits the entourage effect.

Raphael Mechoulam in 1992 discovered the ECS and isolated THC discovered the endigenous cannabinoid Anandamide that acted on both receptor sites. THC is a phytocannabinoid it acts as an agonist partially on both receptors. Cannabinoids increase dopamine neurotransmitter activity through a CB1 receptor – dependant mechanism. Increasing the tonic and phasic dopamine release. CBG interacts with the ECS system by binding with C1 and C2 receptors increasing dopamine levels. Boosts your mood, sleep is better, appetite is regulated. The entourage effect is a theory and marketing tool, that different compounds in cannabis work synergistic ally to createuniquely beneficial effects.

Research studies in cannabinoids have mixed results. CBD is very well documented, CBN,CBC and CBG studies are on the rise. New cannabinoids are being studied. CBD or cannabidiol, a molecular compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. Research suggests that CBD modulates many physiological functions in the brain and body and potentially effective as a treatment for a wide range of health conditions. Mental health, athletes, neuroprotection, migraines, anxiety,digestive system, diabetes, harm reduction, epilepsy, cardiovascular health, womens health. Yoga and CBD is a growing market.

A interesting and informative reference is a book CBD What does the science say? by Linda A. Parker, Erin M. Rock and Raphael Mechoulam. MIT Press ISBN 978-0-262-54405-4 Book Number 5300. Price ~$40 CDN / $30 USA. CBD Transformational healing with Cannabidiol By Colleen Quinn. ISBN 978-1-3988-2083-8. Arcturus publishing company, London UK.

CBD or cannabidiol found in the sativa plant, non psychoactive has found to have no direct effect on receptors but rather ensures that the endocannabinoid 2 -AG is increasingly released. It slows down the natural break down of anandamide, by blocking the enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter anandamide. Anandamide is produced when our brain experiences good, exhilarating sensations of joy, bliss, delight, positive affirmations. Anandamide and THC are very similar as they attach to same receptor sites but much weaker ( 10 X weaker ). Used in pain, anxiety, depression products. Found to have potential side effects of drowsiness when combined with melatonin. CBD used in pain relief, wound healing and strengthening of the nerve cells and bones. CBD supports the ECS in it’s natural function. It brings homeostasis to a depleted system. In contrast to THC which is able to dock at receptor sites and create effects itself. That is one reason CBD does not get you ” high “. External, fed in cannabinoids have effect over a longer time period compared to the body’s own endocannabinoids. Thus strengthening the ECS in phases. CBD simply enhances the positive effects of yoga as a metabolism boosting supplement. Clears mental blocks to allow you to stay in a better state of mind and manage fears, anxiety. Along with breathing properly there is an increase in calming effects. Microscopic tears in muscle fibers can increase inflammation, leading to muscle soreness, stiffness. Pat of resistance training once they heal muscles get bigger and stronger. Hence the use of CBD with athletes as CBD increases recovery time. CBD relieves pain associated with muscle growth and the yoga asanas, kriyas practiced will be mastered. CBD converts white fat cells into the good brown fat cells. Stimulates fat breakdown and burns fat to a small extent. CBD has been shown to eliminate harmful free radicles. This inhibits the breakdown of collagen.

This however is due to another cannabinoid CBN that works to protect the mitochondrial cells. Mitochondria are the power houses within all cells. All cells have DNA. The mitochondrial DNA is what is inherited from the female family line according to standard genetics and microbiology. In damaged ( oxidation ) cells the curl up like donuts. A change that has been seen in aging cells taken from the brains of people with Alzheimers. CBD is a powerful antioxidant and can prevent premature skin aging. Part of the basis for anti aging products along with Vitamin A and retinol, they have anti inflammatory effect by reducing sebum.

CBN a natural sleep aid alternative according to some laboratory’s it promotes sleep indirectly through reducing the psychological arousal sources of stress and pain., no tolerance build up over time. Stimulates appetite, treats pain, neuro protective. CBN is produced synthetically when THC degrades due to exposure to heat, air and light. CBD, CBN, CBG are incorporated into gummies usually 10mg total per packet.Many companies globally offer them. However the high sugar content in some can contribute to the haze of glucoma, switching to an oil can be beneficial. Some companies have greater than 10mg. ( 5mg -20mg ) CBN gummies made with CBN isolate will only contain CBN cannabinoid.Full spectrum CBN gummies do contain additional cannabinoids like CBD, THC. CBN isolate or cannabinol isolate is usually a pink color, crystalline solid in it’s pure state. Isolated from the cannabis plant, a metabolite of THC ( Tetrahydrocannabiol ) it binds to CB2 receptors which is expressed in a variety of immune cells, T cells, B cells, macrophages and dendritic cells.

CBG cannabigerol the mother cannabinoid. Modulates emotion and emotional memory processing. It’s precursor CBGA and the cascade of it’s breakdown products include THCA converts to THC. This is the psychoactive element. Prevents an increase in serotonin levels which assist with sadness, Aspergers syndrome. Extremely high doses can leave you feeling, fatigued, groggy due to it’s nature. ( compare sitting in the hot sun for too long ). CBG works to fight inflammation, pain, nausea and also works to slow proliferation of cancer cells. Reduces intra ocular eye pressure caused by glaucoma. Strains high in CBG are beneficial for focus and productivity, irritable bowel syndrome, crohn’s and some cancers.

Cannabinoid hypermesis ( CHS ) is a syndrome that leads to repeated and severe bouts of vomitting. It is rare and found in long term daily use of marijuana. Regular detoxing of the body can prevent this, understanding how cannabinoids work, knowing thyself and one’s disposition, understanding the half life of the compounds, relaxing dosage on occasion and understanding how over the counter pharmaceuticals impact the ECS system. Pseudobulbar affect (PBA ) or random giggles, episodes of uncontrollable and inappropriate laughing, crying, occurs in people with neurological conditions / injuries which may affect the way the brain controls emotions. The terpene pinene is incorporated into products as it assists in neurological damaged states, oxidative stress, inflammation, calming, sedating, a muscle relaxant, anti inflammatory, anti fungal and anti bacterial.

CBC cannabichromene is a powerful, non psychoactive phyto cannabinoid. It encourages neurogenesis, increasing the viability of developing brain cells. It is, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, anti viral and the oil has been shown to have health benefits. CBC interacts with TRPV1 receptors and is a CB2 receptor agonist. That makes it neuroprotective and inhibits inflammation in this way. A full spectrum CBD oil contains CBC. Full spectrum means all the essential cannabinoids are present. Broad spectrum oils remove some of the cannabinoids including THCA so there is a negligible amount of THC present. CBC might affect the brain, nerves and reduce swelling, pain, depression. It is implicated in skin benefits to clear up skin issues, dry skin and rashes. Bone health is being studied, it can assist in bone growth as well as repair. It is a proposed supplement after injury that lead to break or fractured bones. The antibacterial properties studied at University of Mississippi 1981. Mental stability and mood supplementing with CBC and CBD is still being investigated. While CBC is not as potent and powerful as THC it is being used as a pain reliever.

To stay healthy afloat on a sea of decadence is an inner alchemical opus magnus. Otherwise one can be engulfed with paranoia and off with the fairies! Used with understanding of one’s own body state ( hormones, PH also affect, effect what is supplemented ) and wisdom external supplementation with cannabinoids, terpenes, whole foods can greatly assist one’s life force energy to flow harmoniously. Chakra yoga for mental clarity and balance, understanding and implementing the entourage effect appropriately create life long benefits.

References and product companies for further enlightenment: Picture Zoroaster the alchemist.,,,,,,,,,, the cannabis spa at home by sandra hinchcliffe. CBD What does the science say? Linda A. Parker, Erin M. Rock, Raphael Mechoulam. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-54405-4. CBD Transformational healing by Colleen Quinn. ISBN 978-1-3988-2083-8. Arcturus Publishing, London UK.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Clootie The Ragged Tree

A clootie, cloutie is from a Scottish name for a piece of cloth, leather, a patch, an item of clothing. It also refers to fabric used in the patching of clothes and the making of clootie mats called proddy rigs. The name comes from the cloth that dumplings or puddings is cooked in. Preferably a large piece of white cotton, linen or muslin.

Clootie dumplings gained their name from the method of cooking where they are boiled in a cloot. Unlike the Christmas pudding the clootie dumpling is more plain, not as rich and share a common origin. An uncut clootie can be stored for about two months. A silver sixpence was placed into the pudding mix and every member of the household gave the mix a stir. Whilst stirring made a wish, a prayer, an aspiration or intent. Whoever found the sixpence in their own piece of the pudding on Christmas day would see it as a sign that they would enjoy wealth and good luck in the coming year.

Stirring the mixture clockwise has special significance. Stirring from East to West, clockwise is a homage to the journey made by the wise men. The Christmas pudding would traditionally contain thirteen ingredients to represent Jesus and the twelve disciples. Some of the ingredients are black treacle, golden syrup, dark brown sugar, oatmeal, cinnamon, milk, self raising flour, ginger, suet.

The Clootie well has pre Christian roots and many still exist in Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Siberia the Shaman trees of the Evenki people. Tibetan prayer flags traditionally hung on a Wednesday. France, Paris the Pont des Arts hang love locks a modern day rendition. The cloots of the clootie well are scraps of cloth hung from trees surrounding a sacred well or spring. These sources of clean water have been places of healing for millenia. The ancient Celtic beliefs i spirits and nature was re appropriated, absorbed by the churches. Sprites and local gods replaced by saints.

Traditionally the well would be visited at special times of the year like Beltane, May day festival of Spring or when someone required a cure for an illness, a good harvest, relief from an affliction, love interests. The cloth was dipped in the well and the person washed or example the body part then attached the clootie to the tree or bush as they made their intent, wish, prayer. The intent being as the clootie rotted away, faded so did their affliction. A Spell binding Practice. In child birth metaphysical practices some women retain and plant the placenta in a sacred place, some have their placenta dried out and is eaten afterwards.

In 1581 an act of parliament in Scotland outlawed pilgrims visiting the wells. so the practice diminished some what. 1769 Thomas Pennant recorded how he saw many places tapestried with rags. 1869 in the book of days Robert Chambers his sightings. The practice still continues, despite the rise in synthetic fabrics and cheap sweat shop productions which do not rot as natural fibers being used; Authorities do not remove the clootie as it is viewed as bad luck. The forestry commission in UK recommends wool or cotton cloots.

Original picture supplied by Mehregan Didier Hassansin
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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The Nine Dimensions

Dimensions means to measure. It has been said clothes are the measure of a man or woman. How do you measure up? The skin is the biggest organ of the body. The body in some theories is clothing for the spirit or soul and houses your internal musculature, skeleton and organelles. Negotiating other worlds, like the terrain of the brain and beyond the now perceived reality requires knowledge, a map to chart your course. That map of all the sensory cells is in the somatosensory living entity called the Homunculus in the brain. This is a brief synopsis of a much deeper topic. The full version can be accessed when you contact me.

The nine dimensions and understanding of the seven laws outlined in the Kybalion, will greatly assist your developing consciousness and make decision making, manifesting less doubtful and more seamless. Understand your purpose in your life. The dimensions are dynamic, experienced simultaneously and are levels of consciousness. The dimensions, vibrational states and forms, including your words you say, touch or tap into changes what is perceived, changes your brain patterning and physical, mental, emotional realities. What and how you understand to be karma, which is energy happening not happening to you plays a part.

The dynamic flow of energy in the dimensional system is much like the cerebral spinal fluid in the brain. It flows around the brain and spine clothing it in cosmic encoded energy or light. one flows to nine and nine to one. Above and below is the axiom part of the dynamic interplay of light. Each dimension is one aspect or measurement of the one thing often referred to as ” god, the system, universe ” The chakra system is connected to this dynamic interplay of energy.

First dimension. The first form, first sound, first word. In the beginning was the word from the holy bible and part of many creation, mythological interpretations of energy. RUDRA means the roarer, the first sound. The first consciousness,awareness of self as in ego formation. I am something, alive, experiencing one’s own awareness. The crown chakra and Mentalism in the kybalion. Light, the core and perfect felt in other dimensions.

Second dimension. Duality. Polarity is here as opposites. Hot / cold, dark / light, positive / negative etc. Two eyes of the body. This is the dimension to create, there is movement of light. Light comes into the eyes registered at brain stem. The old brain, neck, spinal cord, ears. Distortions of light are manifested in the somatosensory and vagus nerves that innervates every organ when the body brain , chakra dynamic is compromised be it by trauma, or otherwise. This affects, effects the view or perspective of a person. This is dissolution in alchemy and memory imprints it as termed by ” Dianetics ” engrams. This is also where the Fates, Norns energy is in effect.

Third dimension. The third and all seeing eye. Time space continuum form the triangle symbol and different perspective, different awareness. There is height, depth, light. Past present and future. Three points of view. This concept used in divination, predictive phase of analytical thinking to reach a diagnosis or action plan. It is not linear but a spiral of events.

Fourth dimension. This is part of a system of learning. A process controlled by the third dimension and connected to dimension eight by light, sound and where psychedelics can assist the journey. Learning how to integrate, express the third dimensional self. Experimenting, boundary pushing, asserting self and honing in on one’s skill sets. Finding how things happen, or work. Transcendence. Symbol of the cube and heart chakra. The law of rhythm and the vibration of the heart is valuable here. The higher the vibration of the heat which is an electromagnetic being. The more energetic, shorter and faster to manifest your desires and same energy returns to you in the dynamic flow of the dimensional system. This is also the hell realm where many demons/ angles of light can beset you for transformation. Where many sages, shamans, masters of their universes received their visions, perspectives some we call myths some philosophy, some holy books, Vedas and Gathas. Part of collective consciousness they created and tapped into as all can who understand and implement what is now termed ancient ways, alchemy.

Fifth dimension. A prism is formed, a pyramid some call the Merkaba. One sees a higher perspective, as understanding you are a co creator your inner world and outer world, becoming godlike. Positive and negative work together for balance, harmony. Destruction is part of the alchemy process towards evolving better consciousness and reconstruction of a compromised psyche and perspective. Light expands and the third, fourth dimension is retained in the aforementioned engrams if any damage is incurred in the somatosensory, vagus nerve system, as revealed in cases of PTSD, Stockholme syndrome, child hood neglect, abuse and many more ills. This is the realm of astral travel and those ascribed as masters.

Sixth dimension. Seen by some as the creator itself acting on it’s own creation.The astral realm, time space continuum is different here in form. The dark night of the soul , there is shadow, there is light, is accessed here for transformation. All ideas, feelings, thought forms, everything manifested takes on a unique form that is a unique vibration. Something triggers an awakening to find your real purpose to shift, move on, evolve consciousness. ( pandemics, music, fragrances ). It is when the telomeres are cut, the Norns measure and cut the threads of life. The 0 fools tarot card is significant here as a new journey has begun. A division not separation is created. This is where words to describe the dimensional construct in regards to the operation of light itself or ” god ” do not concur. Limiting expression. There are many models of six dimensional management control and manipulation of light force energy. Some are constraining others less so. Yoga is one of the many.

Seventh dimension. Enlightenment. All the chakras are in clear aligned shapes with their major organelles. One is understanding and living the laws that govern their universe. The chrysalis is transformed into the butterfly, feeling the bliss, living the life desires you have manifested. Willing what you have within you is manifest externally. Meditation and many esoteric practices enhance the chosen lifestyle. Inner peace. Words you use with intention have power and shape your reality. The law of attraction is active. I want is not a positive word of self empowerment. Put that out and you will get exactly that want, lack. Understanding and implementing the seven laws as outlined in the kybalion are very crucial to maintain the higher self at this juncture.

Eighth dimension. Everything is possible is the outlook here for the alchemist. All timelines can exist here. This is the so called matrix, the illusion, collective consciousness, Akashic records of your and others personal history. A soul journey or history of data you can access to assist you in the present. Meditation, quiet mind, contemplation get you closer as in integrated, infused with the abundance here. Tapping into your own and others always available abundant source of cosmic energy. What are you going to make of it? Do you realize and understand you are more than the concept of what religion calls god?

Ninth dimension. This is not the beginning or the end. It is a dynamic system. Some view it as a black hole, the void, creation itself, source, god from which all emanates. You a reality creating new, more realities, worlds, forms. Knowledge is wealth, brings wealth and like unto wisdom use wisely The law of use is universal, violation of which incurs suffering by reason of conflict with natural forces. The alienists of 1900s, precursors for what is psychiatry, psychology correlated mental health issues as those persons devoid or far from their true natures. Their contributions and ancient ways of understanding of the life force energy and the laws governing the universe still benefits all in any age and time.

The seven laws of creation as outlined in The Kybalion, by the three initiates. A study of The hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece:

1: The principle of mental ism. 2: The principle of correspondence. 3: The principle of vibration. 4: The principle of polarity. 5: The principle of rhythm. 6: The principle of cause and effect. 7: The principle of gender.

The twelve universal laws extant in many cultures:

1: Law of divine oneness: 2. Law of vibration: 3. Law of correspondence. 4: Law of attraction. 5: Law of inspired action. 6: Law of perpetual transmutation of energy. 7: Law of cause and effect. 8: Law of compensation. 9: Law of relativity. 10: Law of polarity. 11: Law of perpetual motion. 12: Law of giving and receiving.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

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Angels of the Sephirot

Angels or angles of light or vibration are represented symbolically as the sephirot. Ten are traditionally named and also relate to the chakra system in the Sanskrit tradition. The ten illustrate the levels of creation in the kabbalah tradition. The runes and other divination systems. The angels of traditions world wide are often given gender and colors similar to the vibration quality and tone of the angle of light. Crystals and essential oils are also appropriately attributed to them. The toroid shape in science along with the structure of DNA all encompass the fundamentals of the tree of life.

A Kabbalah system with bodily correspondences is outlined here. Ein sof being the divine light from which all emanates. The Archangel of light or Orphiel divine purity. The elements or in Buddhist tradition Dakini. Element of Fire, truth, red,yellow or blue and represented by Micheal, Tiferet. The element Air, the messenger Gabriel associated with purple and Yesod. The element of water, healer Raphael, orange and the sephirot Hod. The earth element is represented by Uriel, Oriel, insight, the light of god close to Malkuth and the color black, brown. Other angels exist within the tree of life concept and the colors, attributes associated with them and the elemental four differs according to perceptions of the past. Jophiel (orange), Chamiel (blue & white), Gabriel (green), Zadkiel (purple), Uriel (turquoise), Micheal (blue), Barachiel (red & white).

The sephirot are idealized forms with schematic pathways that feed to and from each other. The head being Kether or Metatron the archangel, associated with white and encompassing the crown of the head, the duramater to be specific. The angel of life and death, in scripture the angel that Jacob fought with, sent plaques, divine scribe. Metatron’s cube contains 13 circles another realm of subconscious contemplation. Akin to the crown chakra in yoga tradition. Fed by the ein sof through the central axis the spine or axis mundi to Malkuth the transformer of energy or womb. another mindful place. Often inverted the tree of life has Malkuth at the top of the tree. Malkuth represents kingship associated with the mouth and feet, speech and revelation.

Kether has 72 different names. The angel that connects you to your spiritual potential. Gods secretary or angel. His knowledge unites all religions and philosophers. This was the fire walking in front of the Israelite’s. Metatron is believed to have been an ancient human who became an angel and others created accordingly. This stems back to Sumerian writings and there predecessors.

Chochmah , gray, Raziel, left brain. Reveals your spiritual destiny. Divine wisdom in the 1,500 keys or secrets of creation to help deal with the world. Hidden knowledge about the universe, ability to share wisdom only with whom is deemed worthy.

Binah, black and the angel Tzifkiel. Clears darkness to cultivate understanding, helps one to grow through discovery and promote study, connecting to truth. The heart and right brain are correspondences here with the tourmaline crystal, Apache tears and other black semi precious stones.

Da’at. Knowledge, central brain and da’at tachon. Often symbol is the underworld and on the central axis. An important hub for the upper and lower energies.

Chesod, hesed, blue, the angel Tzidikiel. The quality of mercy and kindness is here. The left arm and 10 fingers are bodily associations. The angel of abundance, gentle, loving, gives equally as resources split. Defends weak energies and children and these energies are part of the Nordic rune Algiz. Algiz incurs protection, divinity, higher self, the listening state. Strengthens the “hamingja” or personal gravity, luck to some, the life force through facing shadow aspects of the self. Banishing the fear of death as the confronted shadows are clarified. Mystical and or religious communication with non human sentient beings. These are simply crystals, incense and other tools to relax the body and brain. Chesod also assists with forgiveness, learning how to forgive self or others; allows one to move on , let go and free up deep entrenched energy to flow giving vitality to one’s life. This same angelic energy or force rescued Issac from being sacrificed by Abraham on the altar (the actual event as noted in scripture is not to be read literally as so often ” holy” works are).

Gevurah. Strength, often red color. Right arm and the 10 fingers, the back of the body is indicated here. The angel Khamel here will help with challenges. The mars energy is here and can be a strict task master or parent with rewards. The tasks may be emotional, spiritual to help one move on from what is conceived as misdirection or mistake. The emperor tarot card embodies this.

Tiferet is beauty. The torso of the body, internally the front primlut. Micheal the angel that can help you lead. Appeared as the burning bush to Moses. Leadership, authority, responsibility. The prince of light that leads against darkness that takes many forms. Paves the way back to god to unite with the original creator (This is an important angle of light that along with understanding of light, energy, the body, the yoga system this is the fire the navel point where one generates the fire, determination, build resilience, fortitude to clear, cosmic understanding of self).

Netzach, victory, green, left leg with 10 toes, left kidney and left side sexual organs. The angle of light is Haniel involved with relationships and can bring love into your life. A clear distinction is called for when stating love as it is often corrupted into sex and twin flame nonsense of finding the love in your life of an opposing gender. This is one part of many of the great alchemy that unites above and below. Within and without and has absolutely nothing to do with love as the mass media ” psychics ” advocate. It is the opus magus of the life force journey becoming one with itself. The bliss or ananda, the beloved of Rumi. Inner peace and harmony within ones self. The external seeking of an opposite to fulfill, unite oneself is a fear based heresy. Lifts the mood, tunes you into nature often assigned a feminine quality. Given bird like associations and flower bouquets. Awareness of universal love and divine connected feeling, emotions and pleasures.

Hod, orange, splendor, glory. The right leg and 10 toes, right kidney and right sexual organs testes, ovaries. The angel Raphael of medicine, science, knowledge, healer, friendly, sense of humor, laughter is a great healer in itself. Protects the blind, weak traveler or energies , emotions, feelings in motion. Fear resides in the kidneys and anger, rage in the liver. Yoga kriyas can transform this fear, rage in the liver. These are root and second chakra energies that if left unattended can cause internal and external bodily damage. Especially when overcompensated in this area of the body.

Yesod, the foundation associated with the angel Gabriel. Bodily correspondences are the sexual organs, holy covenant and male / female partzufim. The foundation text of the kabbalah and alternate name of sephirot. Gabriel the messenger can bring strength and bridge spirituality to daily life. the power to heal and destroy. This is the root chakra where the kundalini, life force energy resides. Meditations to awaken the energy and achieve enlightenment through a combination of ancient systematic techniques such as deep breathing, mudras (yoga hand positions), mantras and physical positions or asanas in yoga in sets called kriyas. Greatly assist the energy transformation and movement through the body. Trauma can be released safely using these techniques. This is the snake Moses used that devoured the 2 snakes of duality of the Pharaohs henchmen. Not a snake as such it is symbolic. It was knowledge, reasoning that fire, snake or power. The ancient technology of Yoga system is gold. Yesod also conveys dream interpretation, self esteem,strength and courage in areas you feel helpless. The rune Othala is vibrant here when all chakras aligned, clear and life force is activated appropriately.

Oriel, Uriel. The light or flame of god. Close to Malkuth the transforming vessel. Earth angle of light. Unlocks 6 other dimensions above and their inner qualities. Sharpens the senses to understand what to do, sees things clearer, shows how to turn negative to positive. The angel that can light your way to show you the path to follow. Often depicted as an open hand with a flame. Can warn you before disaster strikes as Noah was forewarned about the flood ( a Sumerian creation story with Gilgamesh in key role adapted by post Sumerian period writers of the narrative.

The tree of life and other technologies used anciently can help one develop a mind. The brain is not a mind. The mind is a combination of energies. In yoga it is a combination of three types. Tri gunas that make our mental constitution. Satva are harmonious energies equivalent to intelligence, calm and stability. Rajas and tamas. Each present in different food types. This is the fundamental basis of Ayurveda rasayana. Medical herbalism Eastern style. The Ayurverdic view of health and disease, law of nature, health, clarity and spiritual wisdom are blessings indeed.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)