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Angels of the Sephirot

Angels or angles of light or vibration are represented symbolically as the sephirot. Ten are traditionally named and also relate to the chakra system in the Sanskrit tradition. The ten illustrate the levels of creation in the kabbalah tradition. The runes and other divination systems. The angels of traditions world wide are often given gender and colors similar to the vibration quality and tone of the angle of light. Crystals and essential oils are also appropriately attributed to them. The toroid shape in science along with the structure of DNA all encompass the fundamentals of the tree of life.

A Kabbalah system with bodily correspondences is outlined here. Ein sof being the divine light from which all emanates. The Archangel of light or Orphiel divine purity. The elements or in Buddhist tradition Dakini. Element of Fire, truth, red,yellow or blue and represented by Micheal, Tiferet. The element Air, the messenger Gabriel associated with purple and Yesod. The element of water, healer Raphael, orange and the sephirot Hod. The earth element is represented by Uriel, Oriel, insight, the light of god close to Malkuth and the color black, brown. Other angels exist within the tree of life concept and the colors, attributes associated with them and the elemental four differs according to perceptions of the past. Jophiel (orange), Chamiel (blue & white), Gabriel (green), Zadkiel (purple), Uriel (turquoise), Micheal (blue), Barachiel (red & white).

The sephirot are idealized forms with schematic pathways that feed to and from each other. The head being Kether or Metatron the archangel, associated with white and encompassing the crown of the head, the duramater to be specific. The angel of life and death, in scripture the angel that Jacob fought with, sent plaques, divine scribe. Metatron’s cube contains 13 circles another realm of subconscious contemplation. Akin to the crown chakra in yoga tradition. Fed by the ein sof through the central axis the spine or axis mundi to Malkuth the transformer of energy or womb. another mindful place. Often inverted the tree of life has Malkuth at the top of the tree. Malkuth represents kingship associated with the mouth and feet, speech and revelation.

Kether has 72 different names. The angel that connects you to your spiritual potential. Gods secretary or angel. His knowledge unites all religions and philosophers. This was the fire walking in front of the Israelite’s. Metatron is believed to have been an ancient human who became an angel and others created accordingly. This stems back to Sumerian writings and there predecessors.

Chochmah , gray, Raziel, left brain. Reveals your spiritual destiny. Divine wisdom in the 1,500 keys or secrets of creation to help deal with the world. Hidden knowledge about the universe, ability to share wisdom only with whom is deemed worthy.

Binah, black and the angel Tzifkiel. Clears darkness to cultivate understanding, helps one to grow through discovery and promote study, connecting to truth. The heart and right brain are correspondences here with the tourmaline crystal, Apache tears and other black semi precious stones.

Da’at. Knowledge, central brain and da’at tachon. Often symbol is the underworld and on the central axis. An important hub for the upper and lower energies.

Chesod, hesed, blue, the angel Tzidikiel. The quality of mercy and kindness is here. The left arm and 10 fingers are bodily associations. The angel of abundance, gentle, loving, gives equally as resources split. Defends weak energies and children and these energies are part of the Nordic rune Algiz. Algiz incurs protection, divinity, higher self, the listening state. Strengthens the “hamingja” or personal gravity, luck to some, the life force through facing shadow aspects of the self. Banishing the fear of death as the confronted shadows are clarified. Mystical and or religious communication with non human sentient beings. These are simply crystals, incense and other tools to relax the body and brain. Chesod also assists with forgiveness, learning how to forgive self or others; allows one to move on , let go and free up deep entrenched energy to flow giving vitality to one’s life. This same angelic energy or force rescued Issac from being sacrificed by Abraham on the altar (the actual event as noted in scripture is not to be read literally as so often ” holy” works are).

Gevurah. Strength, often red color. Right arm and the 10 fingers, the back of the body is indicated here. The angel Khamel here will help with challenges. The mars energy is here and can be a strict task master or parent with rewards. The tasks may be emotional, spiritual to help one move on from what is conceived as misdirection or mistake. The emperor tarot card embodies this.

Tiferet is beauty. The torso of the body, internally the front primlut. Micheal the angel that can help you lead. Appeared as the burning bush to Moses. Leadership, authority, responsibility. The prince of light that leads against darkness that takes many forms. Paves the way back to god to unite with the original creator (This is an important angle of light that along with understanding of light, energy, the body, the yoga system this is the fire the navel point where one generates the fire, determination, build resilience, fortitude to clear, cosmic understanding of self).

Netzach, victory, green, left leg with 10 toes, left kidney and left side sexual organs. The angle of light is Haniel involved with relationships and can bring love into your life. A clear distinction is called for when stating love as it is often corrupted into sex and twin flame nonsense of finding the love in your life of an opposing gender. This is one part of many of the great alchemy that unites above and below. Within and without and has absolutely nothing to do with love as the mass media ” psychics ” advocate. It is the opus magus of the life force journey becoming one with itself. The bliss or ananda, the beloved of Rumi. Inner peace and harmony within ones self. The external seeking of an opposite to fulfill, unite oneself is a fear based heresy. Lifts the mood, tunes you into nature often assigned a feminine quality. Given bird like associations and flower bouquets. Awareness of universal love and divine connected feeling, emotions and pleasures.

Hod, orange, splendor, glory. The right leg and 10 toes, right kidney and right sexual organs testes, ovaries. The angel Raphael of medicine, science, knowledge, healer, friendly, sense of humor, laughter is a great healer in itself. Protects the blind, weak traveler or energies , emotions, feelings in motion. Fear resides in the kidneys and anger, rage in the liver. Yoga kriyas can transform this fear, rage in the liver. These are root and second chakra energies that if left unattended can cause internal and external bodily damage. Especially when overcompensated in this area of the body.

Yesod, the foundation associated with the angel Gabriel. Bodily correspondences are the sexual organs, holy covenant and male / female partzufim. The foundation text of the kabbalah and alternate name of sephirot. Gabriel the messenger can bring strength and bridge spirituality to daily life. the power to heal and destroy. This is the root chakra where the kundalini, life force energy resides. Meditations to awaken the energy and achieve enlightenment through a combination of ancient systematic techniques such as deep breathing, mudras (yoga hand positions), mantras and physical positions or asanas in yoga in sets called kriyas. Greatly assist the energy transformation and movement through the body. Trauma can be released safely using these techniques. This is the snake Moses used that devoured the 2 snakes of duality of the Pharaohs henchmen. Not a snake as such it is symbolic. It was knowledge, reasoning that fire, snake or power. The ancient technology of Yoga system is gold. Yesod also conveys dream interpretation, self esteem,strength and courage in areas you feel helpless. The rune Othala is vibrant here when all chakras aligned, clear and life force is activated appropriately.

Oriel, Uriel. The light or flame of god. Close to Malkuth the transforming vessel. Earth angle of light. Unlocks 6 other dimensions above and their inner qualities. Sharpens the senses to understand what to do, sees things clearer, shows how to turn negative to positive. The angel that can light your way to show you the path to follow. Often depicted as an open hand with a flame. Can warn you before disaster strikes as Noah was forewarned about the flood ( a Sumerian creation story with Gilgamesh in key role adapted by post Sumerian period writers of the narrative.

The tree of life and other technologies used anciently can help one develop a mind. The brain is not a mind. The mind is a combination of energies. In yoga it is a combination of three types. Tri gunas that make our mental constitution. Satva are harmonious energies equivalent to intelligence, calm and stability. Rajas and tamas. Each present in different food types. This is the fundamental basis of Ayurveda rasayana. Medical herbalism Eastern style. The Ayurverdic view of health and disease, law of nature, health, clarity and spiritual wisdom are blessings indeed.
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