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Alchemy of the Spirit

The alchemist, transmutes energy, emotions and empaths (Often labelled as negative energy sponge, sacrificial lamb of emotional baggage). Unnecessary fears and past experiences are baggage not effective for traveling through life, physically, through the inner world or even through time and space. The difference is applying understanding of the universal laws and hermetic principles in the Kybalion to the emotional body.

Seven notable steps include; Calcination, Dissolution,Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation and Coagulation.

  1. CALCINATION When you start to see the tricks,illusions, misleading beliefs, harmful habits of your and others egos, the crack in the universe some call it, the trickster loki at work. You can begin to find out what lies beneath the glossy veneer. The unwanted and unnecessary are burnt to ashes. the process of breaking down parts of ourselves that are in the way of our own happiness. Ego, self doubt, stubbornness, self sabotaging behavior, pride, arrogance, outmoded beliefs.
  2. DISSOLUTION Intense emotions bring about intense crying. The gradual or even sudden breaking up of the formulated sense of self (exercise loosening self image, sepia homeopathic helps here). Ceasing to identify strongly with the ego form to make space for higher self energy. There is an awareness of spiritual maturity developing and emotional intelligence. The inability to take responsibility for our own faults, avoidance of traumatized memories and other deeply embedded inner tensions as they arise to the surface cause many to become aware, of how one’s behavior might be affecting others.
  3. SEPARATION Deep thinking and understanding. This process of allowing buried thoughts and conditions to surface (pirates treasure, these thoughts are your hidden potential gold, unaddressed steal your life force away) so that we can become conscious of them. It involves isolating and identifying sources of pain, discomfort, fear within so healing can occur. Become aware of our own authentic feeling or that of others if counseling, parenting. Experience the anger, frustration, disappointments; rather than reverting back to old habits and duty of forgiving and forgetting because it is the ” comfortable/ right “thing to do (K2 tapping is needed there at the very least).
  4. Empaths may want to use the hook up and zip up technique used in qui gong and energy medicine) Other life hacks for empaths whatever type you are on the Myers Briggs scale include: awareness of type of light around you that can cause headaches, dizziness, st-robing effects of LED, C.F.L bulbs. Get negative ion generators like Himalyan salt lamps that have a microbial effect and stabilize the mood. Influence serotonin levels in the brain. Air purifiers and PH your drinking water.
  5. Philips make a light therapy lamp with blue light emission for alleviating Winter blues and decreased,lack of sunlight. Energy medicine, qui gong daily routine to keep energy aligned, grounded and moving in the appropriate direction. Grounding mats and earthing sheets for beds are available for those with electro – sensitivity. Reduce cell phone, wi-fi emissions. House plants are air cleaners, organic copper and crystals are useful. All these things can help keep energy moving in appropriate direction and prevent, alleviate hadaches, muddled thinking and behavior, manic / depression cycles, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia and anxiety reduced as toxins are reduced.
  6. CONJUNCTION This stage one can begin the desired path. A stage of inner growth, inviting the light to illuminate the darkness so understanding, acceptance, unconditioned self love can grow. It provides the inner space to truly accept all aspects, parts of the authentic self. All unconscious thoughts, feelings simmer, bubble up to the surface into the light of conscious awareness. In sufi mysticism “Wakil” sees you through the dark times. A comforting presence especially in the dark night of the soul.
  7. CBD oil. Has been shown to successfully coat the brain in the endocannabinoid, cell receptor system. An essential terpene found in the body. Offering protection and optimum functionality once integrated and absorbed into the system. See post on terpenes.
  8. FERMENTATION The old begins to die and the new light is glimpsed. The beginning stages of the rebirth process. The living energy is aroused to heal and vivify (raising of Lazarus by the light personified as Jesus a common name anciently). Consciousness emerges from the darkness. The refined self, like the death of a grape becomes birth of new wine. Water into wine parable. Mere tales of the ancient alchemist.
  9. DISTILLATION Further purification after facing a series of hardships. Finding ways to thrive and live from a place of inner peace, daily routines cultivated to maintain the bliss found even in mundane circumstances. Inner illumination, enlightenment. Miracles of the blessed to obtain this stage.
  10. COAGULATION Becoming whole again. When you have freed the mind ( brain and mind are different entities ) Attaining moksha, liberation, freedom and consciousness, soul connects with spirit. The altar major in the head or Zeal chakra ( called mouth of god ) and soul star chakra 6 inches above head ( this is considered the mind is a gateway for physical, non physical integration ) are fully functional heaven and earth connected to the earth star chakras in the feet. This is the coagulation, the great marriage of religion. The physical universe is a reflection of the spiritual reality, there is no separation from mind. The divine mind or Ein Sof Ohr in kabbalah, limitless light, a series of contractions and expansions called the Sephirot on the tree of life in Jewish mysticism. Brain healing music Serotonin release happiness 1,000HZ fully restore cerebral neurons.

These are the stages of spiritual, soul alchemy for one to obtain the philosophers stone, gold. It is a dynamic process and the processes are ongoing. Their is no clear line of demarcation it is beyond a feeling. there is a relationship between kundalini, life force energy, kabbalah and alchemy and all the ancient ways.

For more information and consultations please contact Corlunas at the information on this website.

Image source unsure.
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Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)