
Welcome to Corlunas

All products are lovingly hand crafted on site at Anadalula Sukhavati. A sanctuary meaning the blissful place. Malula was the main trading place in ancient Mesopotamia. The Seidr Sukhavati school of mysticism and vocational pursuits and part of the cognitive research and development at the sanctuary. See post on this site. Providing tools for ascension for a self sustaining, nurturing lifestyle based on a mindfulness approach. The Ophiuchus oracles is one of those tools access by my Facebook page Yvonne Moonflower Thompson. Instagram moonflower.divine or the Alchemist Apothecary. Professional history on LinkedIn Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson.

These products are not for the masses who follow mainstream consumer brands, you will find some good brands in the apothecary. They are lovingly realized handcrafted items by the owner herself. A progressive, emotionally intelligent registered company with a view towards mindfulness, transparency and facilitating self and others on their unique empowering lifestyle journey. We all have the power within us to choose. A precious thing indeed. They are unique, different and can not be found in mass produced department stores. Made for discerning individuals and their household. From child to adult, those who cherish creative expression and quality. Concern for the environment and our collective impact on it. Your power to choose mindfully how you, where you and what you buy affects not just your self and the vendor but the global community (See post on Clothing Care).

The greatest realization and ambition is to be who we are. Genuine inner peace and harmony is possible and my wish is that these lovingly handcrafted items helps you on that path to self realization. Corlunas sources locally, uses self sustainable materials, new and gently used fabrics and yarn.

Alchemists Apothecary has Corlunas hand created products are made from plant derived sources, mostly organic and locally grown. Originally formulate for sensitive skins, all products are dermatologist tested by third party to FDA commercial standards. Great for babies to mature skin types. Lovingly made in small batches and packaging kept simple and minimal to reduce impact on the environment. We use recycled bottles and jars. No artificial colors, scents, alcohols or chemicals are used in the process. Many products are seasonal based.

A doctor of Naturopathy, cognitive psychology. and Cannabis sommelier. Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity and reasoning. Multi talented consultant and educator of soft skills. Exercise physiologist and personal trainer. Wellness therapist from the Ananda Marga Ayurveda School in Liverpool UK. Integrative cognitive behavior therapist. Continental philosophy and psychology, clinical mindfulness advocate and multi discipline yoga teacher. Lover of paper books, flowers, fabric, yarn, soap making and dance. Full time mystic. Affiliated with the Society Of Friends and The Good Samaritans Act and Law.

I produced these items from a global perspective drawing on ancestral inspiration, make- do upbringing to sustain myself and others who have like perspective. Using new, locally sourced materials when possible and gently used materials when available. Our apparel is stored with Lavender / Neem. These are antibacterial / antiviral agents. Any gently used materials are cleaned, disinfected. Corlunas does not use animal base products. Only beeswax, and wool.

Consultations/Coaching available: See post Seidr Sukhavati for more details. Interests in nutritional and preventative medicine, please advice if taking pharmaceutical medication and cannabis products, and any existing physical impediments that we need to be aware of whilst constructing your unique healing plan. Advise if under a doctors’ care, medical professional or other therapist. Some pharmaceutical medications, formulations have contraindications with herbal medicines. Consultations, coaching conducted online or in person via zoom, what’s app, Instagram. Must be 18 years minimum, proof of no criminal record to be eligible for any consultations here.

All consultations are payable safely by / Corlunas or e-transfer via The Good Samaritan Law / Act is the basis of any transaction conducted by Corlunas.

Classes, Vocational Courses, Consultations

  1. Metaphysical ( Chakras and meridian energy systems of the body – mind dynamics )
  2. Nutritional Counseling (Herbal natural remedies for health, beauty, mind, body and the home)
  3. The art of deep relaxation ( Yoga nidra )
  4. Yoga tune-ups ( Asthanga Vinyasa, Kundalini kriya yoga, kaoshikii, Chakra yoga for mental clarity and balance, Yin yoga, Mat Pilates. Mudras)
  5. Preventative Psychological First-Aid
  6. Cognitive Psychology & Dialectic Behavioral Therapy ( Identify, transform attitudes, perspectives for healthier lifestyle management )

Contact Information
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)

Available to call most evenings, weekends. Arrange a call via Email, SMS, whats app is preferred.

Regarding Store purchases

Are you in the Calgary area? Interested in a local pick-up or courier service? Corlunas is located in Northwest Calgary, Alberta. Please use the contact information provided to get touch and discuss options for your order.

International, outside of Canada shipping please use the contact information here to obtain your desired items.