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The Valley Of Knowledge & The Valley Of Detachment

Know thyself and to that self be true. Words attributed to William Shakespeare upon deeper investigation the writer of those words was Amelia Lanier. Any journey to know thyself is what is called shadow work nowadays. On this soul journey in the valley of knowledge some are often blinded by the light. A light that according to their present state of perception can be observed in their behaviour ; a pattern of conduct as the light can reveal many wondrous things within oneself and others. Many confuse the light / message and carrier of light thereby traumatizing themselves. Much confusion in the various perspectives on the interpretation of light, energy makes this journey no shallow means. Knowing how the brain works is an underworld journey as is a visit to the shaman, psychologist, pastor, priest or sage.

The underworld has many names in many cultures. Hell in christian religiosity, The Du at in Jewish mysticism, Xibalba in Mayan culture, Dilmun, Maat, Valhalla, the deep subconscious in Jungian philosophy, Dante actualized his version in the divine comedy, Chitta in Hindu Ayurveda tradition is where one has stored, suppressed information apparent in the functionality of the muscles, joints, tissues and even bones. Pandora’s box is another analogy. To find out where one buries their energy that they have dismissed, “forgotten about” look to ones body type as everyone is different and store these energies in different areas of one’s being. Cultivating the inner dialogue, information the body is communicating, conveying knowledge for ones personal well being. Neglecting the body and brain is detrimental in every way conceivable, this is part of being blinded by ones own emotions. Not understanding feelings emotions and unable to discipline the self and sit in silence with oneself. Resisting that further compounds those energies and robs one of life / light enhancing life force.

The lack of misunderstanding is in part due to the underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex and other key areas involved in brain development. Brain injuries at any age is also a contributing factor, the environment one grows in; see Aristotle’s acorn analogy, self actualization and self realization. Some information be it belief systems or not only serve well for a while and one has to detach from it to progress in the direction best suited to thrive as a human being with good thoughts, good words, good deeds.Or whatever philosophy one chooses to incorporate in life. Detachment from toxic people, environments like work places, habits, food can be daunting but necessary to continue in a harmonious way with oneself. Therefore one has to know thyself and contrary to that think, do, be the self one desires to be and not what parents, religious leaders, social media tells yo who and what you ought to be and do.

The constant onslaught from those aforementioned “guides” leaders can be overwhelming, confusing, frustrating as this external reference (meta data) is compromised by their own egotistical interpretation and belief systems that may not serve ones current purpose and growing / waning sensibilities. Thus frustration as the brain can not yet compute it in its current state; ones own internal reference system has to be developed, integrated and maintained on a regular basis. The internal fires are compromised by escapist tactics, food,sex,drugs,alcohol,derogatory speech, unconscious / conscious biases, neglect, false compassion,lack of empathy, entitled attitudes, narcissistic behaviour, gas lighting, cloaking, many subtle and grandiose ways to accomplish self destruction, detachment.

These energy attachments that consume and dismiss, bury deep in psyche, body parts and even project onto others are the inner battle of demons. Resisting the traumatic past enhances it’s life span as it still vibrates at the frequency one feeds it. As one is still trying to understand as one transforms the fires that feed it then one can understand those feelings in a chaotic state it keeps confusion masking it’s message. It is a personalized message only the one it is intended for can decipher. A cognitive psychologist can help one clear the path to some extent. Consumed with one’s own pain, misery, demons, mishap, shame, darkness many names for those things that can bind and secrete in places. This is food with no essence, licking each others wounds misery deserves and does seek out company. Sometimes one has to be ones own doctor, guru, psychologist, inner detective or whatever label one wears.

In the valley of detachment stoicism is useful here. ” Their is no value in dichotomy of old / new free to act / not act” where schisms, doubts, conflicts, going against the grain, or against the knowledge, information, acts or pledge of secrecy.Regarding secrecy and divulging information this act of doing so is detrimental to the brain and body entire. It does not bring relief psychologically or otherwise, keeping such energies further aggravates a volatile system, entrenching the energies deeper into muscles, joints, sinews and the finest, delicate of tissues. The little understood fibromyalgia id due to this “secrecy, don’t tell any one advice” especially in regards to traumas, rape, any abuse, even disciplinary meetings in the workplace boardroom.

To know thyself is a journey it takes as long as one is putting in the appropriate effort. The human is a electromagnetic entity of many subtle systems seen and unseen of great value to understanding is the process of The Chrism, Golden oil, the chakra system. The aura that surrounds all humans is due to the state of the harmonious dynamic interaction of these numerous energetic bodies is magnetic. The magnetic field or the FIELD is one’s DNA vibrancy. One’s DNA changes with environment internal and external, even the food one consumes! See other posts at this site. Determine what self one would like to actualize, realize as that self is determined by how one interacts with the FIELD.

Further reading , viewing that covers many topics related to this post include:

The lost book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin

Annunaki the movie by Annunaki ancient mystery You Tube.

The conference of the birds by Attar many renditions on You Tube. In the Persian book of Kings The Shahanameh.

Revelations in Holy Bible

Hercule Poirot by Agatha Christie (TV series on You Tube)

Sherlock Holmes books / You Tube.

To kill a mocking bird by Harper Lee or on DVD

Go set a watchman book by Harper Lee ( Isaiah 21:6)

Touched by an angel TV series.

King Solomon ( the soul of man) consulted” the witch of Endor ” to obtain knowledge concerning two women and parentage of a baby.

The Vision of Enoch in Holy Bible

The God Seed book by Kelly Marie Kerr

The Holy Science Santos Bonnacci You Tube.

The Hierophant tarot card

How to control the energy field by philosophical Essence / You Tube

Rumi Episode one.

Yunnus Emre: Journey of love (many episodes

The power of myth by Joseph Campbell

Zoroastrian philosophy “Good thoughts, Good words, Good deeds

“Sufism philosophy on turning away from the nafs, self, ego. Annihilation of those energies that cling to worldly things.
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)