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The Valley Of Love

The principle ingredient of life is LOVE. Akin to an ongoing state of atunement with what considers god to be, that truth and deep level of inner knowledge, marifah / gnosis. The heart sees deeper than the eye. In the Sufi circle where love leads your soul (altar of Nishapur) I will always lean my heart as close to your soul as I can ( Hafiz Persian Sufi Philosopher) The philosopher poet Rumi is always quoted when love is mentioned. Be not misunderstood as this is not a physical / sexual love, It is THE LOVE OF THE BELOVED.

Sometimes we feel the divine presence, the beloved, god, energy that flows from above to below and below to above. The cerebral spinal fluid flow is analagous to this cosmic energy. Love is the divine presence and the FIELD, symbolized as part of the angelic presence in religiosity. More often than not indirectly as an opening of the heart, a burst of joy, an expansion of feelings of deep compassion. It is also experienced in sorrow, loss and “spiritual experiences”

The heart is the treasury in which divine mysteries are stored. Seek the purpose of both the worlds through the heart for that is the point of it (Lahiji) What ever one wishes to know well, love is essential, be it any field of study, or the self. Study without love leads to a shallow, superficial understanding. Real mastery comes from love. When the eyes of the heart open, one can see the inner realities hidden behind the outer forms of the word; one can hear truth. All hearts are temples and to open ones heart is to allow in this divine presence.

As ones heart opens, one becomes more in touch with wisdom, love, joy and inspiration from the divine spark within. All wisdom is already within us, all love is already within as is all joy. Yet they are hidden until the heart opens. Many are afraid to love, give or receive and express it. Disappointed not only by romantic loves, but friends, family and oneself; one has loved. Afraid to open up and love again. Many fear love because it can transform anyone as love and the beloved become one. The ego is afraid of loosing control and even more afraid of dissolving, finding reason after reason for refusing to let go, refusing to let oneself love fully. Loving fully means many things to many people. This one has to determine for oneself.

“Dear friend, your heart is a polished mirror. You must wipe it clean of the veil of dust that has gathered upon it, because it is destined to reflect the light of divine secrets. (al-Ghazzali)” Enheduanna is a scribe from 2285BCE From the Sumerian temple hymns, she is called ” The lady of the largest heart” and aside from all the literature she made. She was “the sorcerer “recorded in The holy bible in the book of Soloman (The soul of man) as the witch of Endor. The heart is a thousand stringed instrument that can only be tuned with love (HAFIZ Persian philosopher poet)

The heart is an electro-magnetic and center of ones being. A source of light, love and quantum field of infinite possibilities. Love is the source of power behind the quantum field. To be conscious, present in ones body to explore pure presence, ones core of being meditation and breath work is key. as one is on a journey meeting the moon shadows, dark side of ones self. The dark night of the soul, the abyss, the underworld, are other words all conveying the same thing. When you understand what MIND is, the heart brain and how to align to the higher self, divine presence, god to many; manifesting becomes a natural process and magical to the unenlightened. Surrender, shed limited beliefs, let go of self imposed limitations and outmoded beliefs, restrictions.

This transformed self perception and true expansive self is intrinsic to the opening of ones heart. Focused intent with clarity of purpose makes a more conscious connection with the quantum field (world womb) where things develop, this environment, the quantum field is crucial for development, manifesting desires for the vision to take shape this reciprocation occurs in the 5D or fifth dimension. Be clear in what one desires / ask and you shall receive is the parlance of holy bible. The FIELD, Love is the divine presence that surrounds us as the “christos oil, golden oil, sacred secretion” The only atunement one has to seek is this deep spiritual connection of heart-brain with the field. No one else can do this for anyone, it is akin to the Simon wanting the power Jesus had demonstrated, offered money but it can not be bought. Be aware of those who offer endless atunements, codes, inductions to whatever they are peddling!

Emotions are profound messages and part of ones evolution and the language of the inner self. They illuminate ones journey. They can be viewed as angels, guides, gurus to some. Emotions are fuel that can power ones intentions for a desired outcome. Emotions have to be processed regularly as they can become too overwhelming, internal blocks to the life force flow can occur, emotions pushed aside, buried cause physical ailments. Emotions processed incorrectly can destruction to the heart -brain coherence system, the trauma incurred is not desirable for well being. The practice of mindfulness or careful consideration with awareness aids in the processing of emotions. It can any form. Talk, journaling, connect with nature as the nature world rejuvenates it has unlimited prana, chi, ki, life force. It allows one to atune to the authentic self, realign ones energy, Deep breathing in this divine presence opens the self to its grounding cosmic presence, relieving overwhelming, negative energies, de – stress, ignite ones creativity and channel it into a daily routine where the life force flows, cognitive fluidity is enhanced. This simple exercise in nature is like self cloning, self enhancement on many levels of perspective.

Thoroughly ground one self in higher dimensions so every cell in self resonates at this “higher”, vibrant frequency. It is a journey of self transformation, determination, focus and joyful effort align with the unique, creative self that one is becoming. Relinquish the urge to control outcomes. Trust the natural flow of ones own “ascension process”. Embrace wisdom of divine timing which is a delicate dance, ebb and flow of cosmic tides. Allow yourself the time to develop, integrate. Trust and accept you have taken inspired actions and a balance of the flow of synchronicities will be. Love is the serene spirit. Even Enoch went on celestial journeys. Some questions in the valley of Love. What is my relationship with solitude? Do i take time out for myself, away from the noise of the outer world?

The seven / 7 Essene mirrors as pertaining to relationships is apt here as the relationship with self and that with the Field is applicable. They show you a pattern of behaviour, pattern of judgement in the moment. Much work has been brought forward by Gregg Braden can be viewed on You tube. Also named The seven Essene mysteries of self.

Mystery of first mirror- the mirror of the moment

Mystery of second mirror- mirror of that which is judged

Mystery of third mirror- mirror of that which is lost,given away, taken away

Mystery of fourth mirror- mirror of most forgotten love

Mystery of fifth mirror- Mirror of mother / father. The most powerful pattern.

Mystery of sixth mirror- mirror of the quest into the darkness

Mystery of seventh mirror- mirror of self perception

These mirrors or patterns are another work in itself and will be illuminated in another post.

References (picture from the Sufi Tarot)

Warrior nuns (movie)

Touched by an angel (TV series)

The Sufi tarot by Ayeda Husain

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibrain (book)

The secret language of love By Megan Tresidder

Love charms by Laura J Watts (book)

Essential Sufism by James Fadiman & Robert Frager

The Big Fisherman movie by new media company in English (You Tube)

Seven signs you are an angel inside a human body by Dolores Cannon

The Shahanameh of Ferdowsi ( Congress of the birds and the Zimurgh the 7 valleys)The Persian book of the kings.

Something phenomenal can happen when you turn 33-Sadhgurus wisdom (Shemaroo spiritual life You Tube)
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)