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The zimurgh or king of the birds and in many cultures called by different names. Akin to the phoenix. In Persian mythology the mythical Sufi story of the conference of the birds by Farid-ud-din Attars, is a human centered narrative, poem of enlightenment. The Zimurgh is a metaphor for god. In the conference of the birds Hoope leads many birds to find the legendary Zimurgh. Of no gender the bird has lived for a very long time 1,700 years is quoted. The bird gendered as She possessed the knowledge of all ages hence the hierophant correlation.

She rested in the Hom tree of life which stands in the middle of the world sea. All healing plants, seeds deposited on it. When the Zimurgh took flight a thousand shoots grew from the tree. This excerpt can be found in the story of Zal and Zimurgh. When she landed the thousand shoots broke open and dropped. Carried over by the wind or breath when referring to the sacred secretion analogy. Taking roots to become every type of plant that ever is to cure all the illnesses of mankind.

There are many adventures along the way with the flock of birds going through 7 stages or 7 challenges designated the as 7 valleys. These stages are akin to the 7 chakras and the story on contemplation is linked to the raising of the sacred seed and ones’ Merkaba diamond. Many of the parables of jesus come from this text.

The valley of the quest.

The valley of love. Equated to fire, emotions, reason and smoke.

The valley of knowledge. A symbol of man of stones is here.

The valley of detachment. Stoicism is useful here. There is no value in dichotomy of old/new, free to act/not act.

The valley of unity. Everything is renounced and unified.

The valley of wonderment or bewilderment and stupefaction

The valley of poverty and anihilation

Thirty birds arrive at the Zimurghs’ hiding place., the quest started with more. The Zimurgh is the union between earth and sky, the messenger, mediator between the two. When one discovers the Merkaba or hierophant in some esoteric teachings, a symbol of great strength, fertility and purity. Hom and Zimurgh share many similarities. Hom the essence of divinity sometimes represented as a bird and messenger in Kurdish folk tales. A snake tried to eat Zimurgh’s offspring whilst she was away, a hero kills the snake and Zimurgh gives 3 feathers to the hero and tells him that he can summon her whenever he wants by burning them. This part of the story during the Islam – muslim conquest became Three Feathers and Rudaba. In the Arabian nights stories Estangiyar killed the mother of birds Simurgh.

There is a divergence in the tales ending. Zimurgh flies with the hero to a distant land, feeds him milk and pieces of sheep’s fat ( remember the time period, setting ~977-1010CE Afghanistan, Jalikastan, Persia was much more global then now it is considered to be Iran, Albruz mountains )

The conference of the birds is a fascinating look at enlightenment and the process of becoming. The original symbolic meaning has not too well understood by those unfamiliar with middle-far east poetry culture. Aligned with your souls essence, strengthens ones inner core, stress is relieved, emotional regulation is easier, and the other ‘birds’ of joy, sadness, anger, disgust, fear to name a few and however you render them, animate them as; are within the subconscious realm. Listening to ones own inner voice (ANAPHALASIA) is part of ones power to achieve mastery over the lower self, ego in the valley of knowledge and the valley of detachment. The conference of the birds can be found in SHAHNAMEH the Persian book of kings and a great testament to the power of poetry.

Other references to follow your dreams, inner voice in modern day animation.

1930s Upton and Mary Sinclair. ( Craig mental radio on You tube. Received thoughts out of nowhere, remote suggestion and telepathy, called mental radios for influencing events )

The movie INSIDE OUT part 1 and part 2.

IF about imaginary friends.

The secret of NIMH 1982 movie. Nimh in 1978 was involved with parapsychological research, dreams along with the Munroe institute USA to alter consciousness using hemi-sync technique to transcend time-space. Awarded a grant from Maimonides organization showed the environment as an effect on e.s.p ( article by Micheal Persinger Psychic activity when environment calm geomagnetic activity)

Learn to speak with your higher self by Law of insights You tube.

Song Freebird by Lynard Skynard band.

Wreckers by Empress movie on You tube with Benedict Cumberbatch ad Clair Fay.

Dr. Strange 2016 movie

Dreams are real by metaphysical on You tube.

Quantum jumping guided hypnosis by Youniverse

14 Weird signs you are going into crystalline based body. by law of insights on You tube.

God design book by Kelly Marie Kerr

The holy science Santos Bonnaci.

Men in Black 1997 movie

The Matrix movies 1999

My friend Totoro (anima movie)
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)