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The Golden Bowl

The golden bowl has bezels of wisdom, above and below. Rumi heard the song of the beloved as the golden bowls made in Tabriz part of the home land when on his journey to self realization. A journey of love of the divine, the joy of being, a passion beyond even the mundane lust for the element gold itself. Gold is often seen as a sign of success, but not all gold glitters like the element gold. In reference to gold here it is to the yellow, golden chakra the second chakra that houses the golden elixir from the flow of the CSF, cerebral spinal fluid. This chakra is part of the reproductive energy journey on it’s ascent upward to the crown chakra. The golden vessel or wheel, bowl is maintained in religiosity via the fear based warnings and repercussions concerned with chastity.

This chakra is fundamental for well being and is part of the ladder of lights the chakra system and the organs, meridians the innervate and feed the whole soma – sensory system. The physical body and brain is a dynamic ever changing system that is inextricably linked to the cosmological system. The magnetic quality in the air, the ether, the Field nurtures, sustains the physical,mental, emotional presence or corporeal embodiment. Seen and detected in the health of the aura of a being. There is a telepathy, it is called soul technology by some. Telepathy is not a voice in the head. It is an alignment of frequencies between two souls, being, chakras are living being and part of ones being that informs, in order to communicate with each other. Nikola Tesla frequency, vibration is energy.

What one puts into , feeds the body, brain and the many systems that comprise a person shows up in the aura and there are other subtler markers. The story of Stone soup and the little red hen are stories with deeper meaning saying just that. The pied piper of Hamelin by Robert Browning is another story conveying that subtle meaning that many can not grasp on first reading of such tales. A broken, traumatized bowl like a broken agreement or dis union with self, damage to the internal system, rape, bullying, compromised second chakra, over used and ritual cutting and circumcision, separation from source has dire consequences and malfunctioning of the system causes chaos in every sphere of life, chakra imbalances, slowing down of chakras that actually spin, vibrate and produce sound. Blocked chakras, reverse spinning, cognitive dissonance, learning, memory, emotional dis regulation and more are frozen in time, nightmares abound, psychological immaturity, DID and other dissociative disorders occur.

Extra cognitive events, conversion and outer body experiences, have been well documented and sanctioned by various religious establishments. The ones involved sainted, made prophets, muses and divine. However they are not the exception as there are many more present and in past history / her story who developed such capacities, virtues and were able to manifest such accomplishments and still do.

The origins of this manifestation stems from contact with other beings in other dimensions the veiled ordinary unenlightened person can not yet envision or sense in the present traumatized uninformed stagnant state of their life force energy. ( UFOs and religion Diana Pasulka on you tube interesting information. Dr. Micheal P. Masters “Neotony Theory”. Paul Hynek , Vermanas in Vedic culture, Ruach, Time travel, Ezekiel’ vision, St Joseph the divine of Cupertino, St Francis of Asisi, Quantum fields, Evil supernatural human trafficking, 5thKind.TV, Seba Hassamayim script and studies in parapsychology are all references to enhance your awareness of the golden bowl )

A Simulacrum is taking something from “spirit realm” into the physical realm. It is not supposed to be in the physical. It applies to ideas,energy, entity, ghosts, objects and studying the watchers, the powerful ones, mighty ones of old, the Annunaki and their creation of one race called the Ada mites,hued men and women, also in the Enuma Elish, Babylonian, Sumerian tales of origins of so may species with being later called the daughters of Eve or daughters of Adam. Nephilim, giants and many creatures, being that were de programmed, or taken up like Enoch, a Adamite and descendant of The Adamite progenitor.

The golden bowl is a analogy and symbol depicted in the World Tarot card. It is the transformative sephirot Malkuth. The Tarot card portrays a snake called the Oroborous said to be both male/ female,self impregnating, self feeding, immortal and complete. The mythic image for both god and nature. Four symbols preside over the realms of water, fire, air and earth reflect potentialities which await development in the new personality. The golden staff are connected with the magic wand of Hermes. The reborn personality can create more potently in the realms of feeling, imagination, mind and matter. The World card represents the end of a cycle or chapter in life, accomplishment, approaching personal and cosmic consciousness, awakening, change of position,recognition of an achievement and worldly success.

In a reverse card it can bring frustration, martyrdom for a cause or worldly worries., fear of death,separation, disillusionment, weakness, possible loss of worldly goods, sloth, stubbornness refusal to learn the lessons of life. In love and relationships the World card means for a man must see himself in the woman to understand the world, for a woman she must see herself in the world to understand herself. Each person is endowed with all four elements. What you make of them is your personal contribution, your participation in the world. For success and happiness don’t just ask your self what you want from the universe. Stop and think what the universe has given you and what it is asking you to do.

Duniya, the world card of The Sufi Tarot by Ayeda Husain is a coming home card signifying a return to one’s true nature or higher self after a long journey. A bridge between our earthly existence and spirituality. A celebration of success in having allowed outer circumstances to lead you to a sacred place within yourself.
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