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“The Cure For Pain Is In The Pain”….Rumi

Pain can be caused by many things, triggers that activate such responses stem from who we think we are, our old conditioned patterns and our ways of being. Relationship to self, others, the environment within and external to self. Attitude to work, money, lifestyle there are many factors. To be free we have to look deeply at ourselves. At a certain point without doing this nothing truly new can come into being and there is a perpetuation of the same old patterns revamped with a different facade. Only when we really work through and complete the old can we be available to the new and it to us in a dynamic reciprocation.

Be not afraid to look within as this is a place from which you can grow. Meet ourselves that is the many aspects of what is perceived as self. Only you can define it, as one sorts the wheat from chaff, ones own feelings, emotions from others imposed or otherwise absorbed like a sponge. If we resist this endeavor of meeting the self or what we perceive as self on all levels of what one understand as self, being; whatever we are trying and one must try, attempt to transcend to access peace, harmony, even self love, confidence, clarity of understanding. Be it through meditation, mindfulness a buzz word many use and do not understand. Yoga, Tai chi are moving meditations, almost anything one does can be a meditation, done consciously with good thoughts, good words good deeds. This pattern from Zoroastrians is a viable template to being in a flow state.

Resistance to doing the inner work, looking at the shadow self, neglected inner child, the reluctant hero or heroine afraid to rise and is the continual victim of ones inner emotions born from trauma,misunderstandings, warped empathy, over kindness, neglect, abuse, anxiety, immaturity in brain development. Frozen in time born fears. The things that ail you will keep surfacing, presenting in a different manner as fear as many faces that require attention. Mental hygiene is crucial for a harmonious lifestyle and well being of all.

To be free from entrapment in this unconscious loop of resistance and spiritual by passing, constantly hurting self, others and falling at what is experienced as a set back, seeing a empty / half empty glass or consumed with playing the victim, bored card, entitled card, loneliness and all associated fears. Learn to see the light in the dark, understand ones self, All can rise like the lotus from the mud. The phoenix is born from the flames to be the best version of what is perceived as self. To radiate, shine and be sovereign.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)