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Naga Mudra

Using the divine feminine energy mindfully can be a challenge for many. The initial obstacle is surpassing the dualistic tendency to genderize. Then the duality that dichotomy can be confusing especially to the polarized.When ego is about to crash or fallen already as Narcissus in Greek mythological tales, all hell breaks loose. Pandora opened her box ( heart ) and found hope to her solution, Persephone went underground as her jewels were taken from her, Athena raped as a young girl turned into a Medusa according to the myths and legends. It has been said the light chases the darkness away. Light has many angles, some call angels even though some may be bright lifting one’s vibrational frequency can dissipate light of a lower vibration. All fear based energy, anxiety, doubts, depression can flee away, it takes work, it can be perceived as magic as the body, brain dynamic is a marvelous work and a wonder, magical. Persephone reclaims her jewels ( chakras ), Salome danced to activate her chakras for divination purposes. Most people can do some form of yoga and this mudra is a form of yoga.

When we have a deeper understanding or insight into a problem, issue, challenge on the chosen path, this assists one overcoming the obstacle ( Ganesh deity and Hanuman aspect of the ALL life source )to progress and fulfill the purpose of our life. ( Life energy can often get stuck or be insufficient to meet the needs ) The Naga Mudra can be successfully used to solve every day problems. The perpetual lamp of truth continues to burn on the altar of wisdom. Sitting with a straight spine, visualize a blazing flame in the pelvic floor. Inhale and allow the flame, strength and heat to rise up the spine to heart, head and clarity with each inhale you are taller as the fire grows. Exhale maintain your strong tall form.

The Stars and goddesses have been given many names in different cultures according to their understanding. She is an aspect of the Hermetic ALL, the kundalini reduced to shiva / shakti dualistic dichotomy for exoteric understanding. The Persian called source MEHR, reduced to MITHRA with Ahura Mazda / Angra Mainyu dichotomy of good / Evil. The Elyon / Elyona ( The Powerful Ones ) of Masorete Jewish scholar scribes gave them different names from the original Sumerian scribes of the Anunnaki; as many philosophies concerning life force energy have been reduced to for ease of understanding.

The Stars and goddesses stories, myths, legends are stemming from an age old Sumerian tale of Tiamat / Nibiru catastrophe that has infiltrated many cultures, civilizations and origins stories. These origins and practices are perpetuated in Shamanism, paganism, global indigenous cultures, Yogic practices and some divine feminine practices. They emphasize acquiring strength to challenge ridicule and walk away from broken promises, lies, abandonment, opening the heart, self love and appreciation, resilience and fortitude.

” Let me not be bullied away from my chosen star path”. This strength comes from the navel point in yoga fire breathing. The wheel pose opens the spine, facilitating life force energy flow, strengthens the lower back, abdominal muscles and thighs. Aids in metabolism and balancing calcium / magnesium minerals. SHE, The ALL was no consort, SHE is the great I AM, LIGHT beyond any concept of dualism.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)