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The Good Samaritan Act and Law

Before words were written information was transmitted orally in communities that held a commonality and way of living. The Good Samaritan is a parable in the holy bible and with all stories, parables were given to teach a certain aspect of living. Luke chapter 10 verses 25 – 37 is where the parable can be found. It is a continuation of the greatest commandment stated in the book of Mark and Matthew, Love thy neighbor as thyself. In chaotic times of , fear, loss, pain, trauma; often a peoples morals, integrity and any common sense escape them. This effect is seen when the foundation of any being is shattered, broken, taken from them as in times of war, neglect, abuse, death, continuous unrelenting stress. ( )

The good Samaritan is a label often used to describe someone acting selflessly to benefit others, even a total stranger. Samaritans are one of the world’s oldest and smallest religious groups and their songs are among the most ancient in the world ( ). The good Samaritan law covers citizens, medical professionals, any volunteer giving aid to an injured person in an emergency. It offers legal protection in the form of exemption from lawsuits and liability, acting as a safeguard to those who help another in a real emergency, life-or-death situation.

The good Samaritan laws were written to encourage bystanders to get involved in these and other emergency situations without fear that they will be sued if their actions inadvertently contribute to a persons injury or death. Historically Samaritans were concentrated in Samaria from the Hebrew semetic root of the word Somerin meaning ” to watch’ guard “. The qualities or values now called soft skills of a Good Samaritan to help others imbibe them are similar to the Society Of Friends. Honesty, Integrity, Selflessness, Compassion, Kindness, Tolerance, Moral courage, upholding dignity, supporting the potential in everyone.

The Society Of Friends arose in the 17th c England and is still dedicated to living under the ” inward light or direct inward apprehension of god “. This is Gnosis as they seek religious truth via the inner experience ( Gnosis ) and place reliance on conscience as the basis of morality. Every day is sacred. Spiritual insight often called medium ship these days, testimonies tend to unite the friends or Quakers by another name worldwide. They spring from deep experience and have been reaffirmed by successive generations. The beliefs or testimonies are Integrity, equality, simplicity, community, stewardship of the earth and peace. Actively working for peace and opposing war they have no clergy, creed or great towers of hierarchy. The God within them is a cornerstone of faith and practice.

How one defines God is a basis of contention in any rigidly controlled hierarchical establishments. Quakers believe there is something of God in everybody and each human being is of unique worth. Each person is valued equally and they oppose anything that may harm or threaten them. Courage is not the absence of fear or despair but the strength to conquer them. In the parable the thieves represent hostile forces in the world, the priest who passes the man in need represents the law at that time, the Levite represents the prophets. The Samaritan represents Christ. Christ in Gnostic terms is the light. ( See Elohim by 5thKind You tube for great illumination on The bible by Paul Wallis and Mauro Biglino translator of ancient biblical texts )

The parable of the Samaritan woman at the well having the dialogue with Jesus about how to attain eternal life. The Good Samaritan parable reflect Jesus’s attitude toward the marginalized, the foreigner. The Jews and Samaritans were enemies at the time of writing or the actual event. The Samaritans were viewed as half breeds by the Jews. This is a ancient story written hundreds of years after the fact and the names of these contrary sects, groups were given hundred of years later when written. Jesus or the one who wrote of the parable used dialectic reasoning to resolve a challenge by a lawyer concerning the Jewish scriptures which had not been set in stone then; as we have now. ( written by the Masoretes scholars ) He told the parable of The Good Samaritan. The woman at the well is an example of love, truth, redemption and acceptance of self and the good news. She was given the name Photini and made a saint venerated by the Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox churches and the Cathars belief state that they identify her as the Samaritan woman at the well written in John 4:7-30, John 8:2-11 in the Holy Bible ).

The man from the earth, The man from earth part 2 Holocene ( You tube movie ) What if god was one of us ( song by Alanis Morisette )
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