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OM Mantra

Pronounced A-U-M. OM has three parts encompassing the three states of waking, dreaming, deep sleep. The three levels of gross, subtle and casual bodies. Three levels of consciousness, unconscious, subconscious. The three universal processes of coming, being, going. The ancient science of AUM mantra absolute silence beyond the three levels is the silence after the sounding of AUM. Part of the law of cause and effect and the creation process. Om supports reclusive lifestyle with a wish for little worldly goods or gains. Peace, harmony, clearing, protection are some blessings of OM.

Aaahh – creation in the abdomen, procreation

Uuuuu -maintenance and resonates in the heart, lungs and body parts that maintains life

Mmmm – destruction. In head and mind.

OM sound is the divine mother drawing her children back to infinity, divine presence. AUM is the bow the arrow to the soul, the target the cosmic spirit, omnipotent force propelling the soul to god, Atma, higher self, Iswara cosmic love, preserver. OM is symbolic of what is called god itself and attunes to cosmic energy of the universal soul, the stream of god’s love. When one merges with OM consciousness expands.

Listen deeply to the sound of AUM. In Bible John 1 it says in the beginning was the word. The word vibration is AUM. It is all past, present, future, beyond time, all is OM. The vibratory essence of all creation, the amen, the All of all cultures by different names, the universal code heard and taught by all those recognized as ascended for example Moses, Zarathustra, Christ, Mohammed, Shiva and many more of female gender. They all taught one truth OM gods consciousness in creation. The holy ghost is the OM vibration in Christianity.

Mantra Mana means mind and tra/ trai to protect, free the creative aspect from logic. Mantra freedom, mind expansion that dips into cosmic essence. A word of power and light from a plane of high intuition and innermost realization of truth, experience, direct tasting, of god. The sacred sound essence of the universe as we currently know it, and from whence it was formed. Divine intelligence in creation, god’s bliss, melody of love, god’s stream of consciousness vibrating through nature. Soul merges with to enter it’s own consciousness, knowledge of self and the divine within. Mantra is also speech reflecting that which upholds. Sounds impact the nervous system, heart as does light and helps manifest your own destiny creatively.

AUM captures non duality the manifested sacred sound is inaudible to the outer ear, heard as a soft hum in the intuition, whispering trees, a quiet voice, a mighty thunder called Rudra the roarer. OM divine vibration, light, divine love, ecstatic bliss, power, calmness, perfect wisdom, heavenly peace ( untroubled brain / mind )Sound manifestation of AUM in the body.

Coccyx – bumblebee is heard

Sacral -sound of the flute

Lumbar – stringed instrument being plucked

Heart – hum wind in the trees, a deep bell

Places of complete silence, waterfall, oil flowing smoothly out of a barral

Cervical – rushing waters, bell

The first three states or aspects of self. The body, physical waking state, knowledge of other states. The first sound A, the actions, senses as we breath the conscious mind returns the breath to body. In this mind in dreaming state U is part of the unconscious component, active the dreamer creates worlds entirely from U as mind shifts. M the deep sleep, latent and part of the unconscious mind process, no division, no subject or object. In Turya the fourth state is Brahma, Atma.

There are many mantras all with specific intention or purpose. Mantra for positive energy, wealth or prosperity as wealth is linked to health, the navel center. Happiness, self realization, protection against internal or external negative forces, Sanjavani mantra and Gayatri mantra Ganesh mantra, Ajai Alai ( for being in your own power ) are a few of my personal favorites and have proven to be very effective used wisely.

Har Har Mukanday mantra. Har / Hari refers to the aspect of God ( generating, organizing, destroying ) as remover of obstacles Ganesh and Hanuman does this to and are the symbols of this force. Mukanday means liberating aspect of the self. This mantra liberates one from anything they have boxed themselves into. Removes fear, gives you energy to follow your heart. Concentrate on the heart chakra while meditating with this mantra.
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