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Natural Body Care Products Glossary

Natural as occurring in nature, whether of animal, vegetable or unrefined mineral origin.Usually does not refer to petroleum, it’s derivatives, or other chemically derived substances which are termed synthetic. There is no accepted standard for the word ” natural ” as it applies to a cosmetic product, so it’s presence on any label means only what the manufacturer intends it to mean. This meaning is frequently stretched to include semi-synthetics, which are a combination of a substance which occurs in nature and a wholly synthetic component. The term Organic is included in this terminology.

Fragrance includes any one of a wide range of essential oils or synthetic chemicals imparting a scent to the body or a product. Some are intended only to make a product more appealing, some are intended as a perfume for the wearer. One curious class of fragrances are those which mask the odor of a product and give the impression that the product has no fragrance called fragrance-free. Fragrance may be listed by name or simply called ” fragrance ” in the list of ingredients. It is a complex of many volatile and reactive compounds, more numerous than all the other ingredients in a cosmetic product and there is no requirement to list them all by name. Sensitivity or irritation by a product is often caused by the ” fragrance ” component and the PH of the skin itself, the skin is the largest organ of the body.

Essential oils are volatile oils obtained from the leaves, flowers, stems and other part of the plant and usually carry the odor characteristic of the plant. Some are pure, single compounds many essential oils are mixtures. Essential oils are not saponifiable, although they may be added to finished soaps and other products. Synthetic versions of many essential oils are used in many big brand cosmetic products. Ask the manufacturer or sales person whether the oils are natural or synthetic.

Humectant is a skin conditioning ingredient used in creams and lotions whose function is to prevent water loss and drying of the skin. Humectants attract and hold moisture. Moisturizers are intended to increase water content of the top layer of the skin. In very dry climates where the air contains little or no moisture use caution. The humectant will draw water out of the skin and the result will be the reverse of what is intended. The best time to apply a moisturizer is immediately after bathing, on damp skin.

PH is on a scale from 0 to 14. Measuring the acidity or alkalinity of solutions. Pure water is PH7 and considered neutral. Acidity increases as the numbers decrease. Alkalinity increases as the numbers increase. The normal PH of skin and hair is between 4 and 6 slightly acidic. The PH of a product is very important, the PH of the water used in formulations must be controlled to complete the alchemical process. If the PH of a hair shampoo is too alkaline the hair may get damaged, too acidic the product will not cleanse properly. PH adjusters are ingredients used to control the PH within a desired, narrow range to make the product Eg. shampoos effective, have the proper viscosity, thickness.

Astringent are ingredients that impart a tightening or tingling on the skin. Alum a drug astringent causes a contraction of the skin and stop secretion of fluids by coagulating protein. Some contain alcohol, and aluminium compounds. Witch hazel is an astringent and can be found alcohol free. Due to the nature of astringents tightening the skin they can protect sensitive skin from environmental effects.

Creams are emollients,emulsions of water in oil. The heavier oily layer of the cream protects the skin by holding a film of water on the skin. It is the water which softens and moisturizes the skin. The oily layer also protects from the effects of the environment. Creams reduce flaking and lubricate the skin, improving the texture and appearance.

Soap is formed by combining a fat, oil with an alkali. This is called saponification. Soaps are generally alkali of high PH and do not lather well in hard water. They form bonds with dirt, effectively removing and suspending dirt and oil from skin or fabrics. Soap is not regarded as a cosmetic by the FDA and therefore not required to listing ingredients on it’s package.

Detergent is any substance that reduces the surface tension of water. A surface active agent which concentrates at oil / water interfaces exerts emulsifying action, helping to remove soils. Common sodium fatty acid soaps are weak whilst the much stronger synthetic detergents have four subcategories.amphoteric, anionic, cationic, nonionic. It depends on their mode of chemical action.
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