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Crystal Healing Gem Elixirs

Crystal infused elixirs are empowered water, much like floral remedies. They have been used for centuries filled with spirit essence energy of the crystal or gem. The infused water acts as a vehicle for vibrations of the crystal which interact with the persons own energy field. Directly or indirectly infused methods are used. Elixirs can be effective in the treatment of certain conditions, some crystals should not be made into elixirs.

Crystals work by balancing subtle energies known as chi, prana, universal life force energy. As those energies slowly find a point of equilibrium our state of well being improves. The symptoms reduce or are transmuted. All physical ailments have an underlying cause and crystals can tackle this directly. It is powerful, yet simple energy medicine. The crystals move your energy and often one n fell worst before feeling better. Purple fluorite helps on a deep spiritual level for most dis ease. They can cleanse and detox the chakra system as they unearth deep issues inside you; which many do not want to face.

Used in meditation, as an elixir or laying a crystal grid upon your body can make you feel unbelievably better. Cleansing, detoxing is a vital part of well being and the healing process. Toxins, pollutants and other substances are released from the body and the natural relaxation response is activated, kicks in, and tension flows away. The condition of the skin improves, many physical ailments, illnesses, long or short term dis ease seem to ease and even disappear completely. There is no one crystal for all. The qualities of each gem is well documented. Here are a few.

Aching muscles. Hold an aventurine stone to the aching muscle for at least 30 minutes. Carry rose quartz with you during the day. Argonite elixirs helps too. Knee injury or stiffness hold apache tears or smokey quartz to the knee. Lethargy Carry or wear carnelian stone, copper, coral or peridot. Hold when feeling particularly tired or alternatively hold a orange calcite stone in each hand to restore energy balance. Joint flexibility carry or wear on appropriate joints malachite, azurite. Headache hold amethyst or sugalite to the pain. Air sickness , jet lag carry hematite and turquoise as close to the skin as possible. Acidosis carry peridot, dolomite. Sinus problems carry or wear jade, or hold to your nose as required. snowflake obsidian connects the meridian from the sinuses to the stomach. Also helpful for stomach ailments. Eating disorders hold carnelian or fluorite for about one hour before eating food. Keep them on the table near you as you eat. the eating pattern will begin to change and return to your normal. Physical energy carry or wear carnelian, citrine, diamond, gold, golden ray calcite, quartz crystal, ruby, rutilated quartz, sun stone, topaz, yellow jasper. Hormone imbalance carry or wear amber, amethyst, gold, sapphire, imperial topaz. Amethyst, moonstone is particularly helpful for the female hormone energy imbalance. ( male gender has the same hormones in different proportions )

Many of these stones can be found at this site and the gem elixirs are made seasonally along with the flower remedies. Rose Quartz Elixir is presently in stock. This elixir greatly assists those on a self healing journey, mindful, truth seekers. It brings enlightenment and enhances the ability to access your own intuition. Enlightenment will unearth your higher or sovereign self, whilst intuition is the ability to listen to your higher self. Access and trust your own mind. It therefore plays a crucial role in sensing the light. There are various kriya one can perform, meditate upon whilst using the elixir. Contact Corlunas for any consultations, information is provided on this website.

Benefits are more easily derived if one has an awareness of their chakra system and they are all clear, balanced and spinning in the appropriate direction. The rose quartz elixir is a powerful assist to active creative potential as it can used wisely realize your inner G.O. D. Generating, organizing, destroying. The mind of which is the very same Homunculus. The somatosensory organ on top of the brain structure. The mind is all the body and the homunculus holds the map to all the sensory cells in the body which is linked to the brain through the Zeal chakra. Very interesting.

Even though these remedies can be subtle in nature, their impact ca be quite profound. Remembrance of our original nature is key to well being, inner strength and power to manifesting a desired lifestyle.

Picture from Lady Lavinia La Fortuna ( palm reader and healer )
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)