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The Endocannabinoid System ( ECS )

The ECS is very important for balance between body and mind. The ECS is critical for almost every aspect of every moment to moment functioning. Learning, memory, emotional processing, sleep, temperature control, pain control, inflammatory and immune responses, eating. The ECS regulates not only the peripheral mechanism of food intake, but also lipid synthesis and turnover in the liver and adipose tissue as well as glucose metabolism in the muscles. In the brain it primarily influences synaptic communication and affects biological functions, including eating, anxiety, learning, memory, reproduction, growth, development and metabolism. Endogen from Endo and the sanskrit word ananda ( Bliss ) meaning it occurs within the body, such as anandamide cannabinoid.

Essential fatty acids ( omega 6 has a role here ), chocolate, herbs, spices, chia seeds, hemo seeds oil, walnuts, flax seed oil, sardines and anchovies, pasture fed eggs, eggs enriched with omega 3. It has been found that regular exercise, managing stress levels using external cannabinoids from plants called phyto cannabinoids can boost the ECS. Even tea can naturally stimulate the ECS. This system is found also in animals and plants. Three types have thus far been identified phyto cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids.

In the human ECS endocannabinoids are produced from arachidonic acid, an omega 6 fatty acid. This along with derivatives N-arachidonylethanolamine ( AEA ) and 2- arachidonylglycerol ( 2- AG ) are well studied. The endocannabinoids are found in all tissues, organs, bodily fluids. The ECS like all systems can be thrown out of balance due to trauma, stress and toxins.Clinical deficiencies can be associated with migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory and neurological conditions, lowered pain threshold, improper regulation of digestion, mood and sleep, DID formerly multiple personality syndrome. Often a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Blood metabolites of the ECS decrease with excessive coffee consumption ( 8 cups a day ). Long term alcohol usage depletes endocannabinoid tone impacting the plethora of physiological processes that are modulated by the ECS. There is a down regulation of 2-AG and CB1 brain receptors. The awareness of cannabinoids has grown especially amongst those who use external phyto cannabinoids found in marijuana plants: Indica, sativa or hybrids / blends. Cannabinoids are not psychoactive and millions exist. Most are familiar with THC which is a psychoactive cannabinoid. CBGA or cannabigerolic acid is the precursor for all cannabinoids found in the marijuana plants. The mother of all cannabinoids. CBD, CBN to name those in the public eye and global research is ongoing as to their mode of action, usage and implementing them into a healthy balanced lifestyle regime.

Endocannabinoid receptors are also found on the skin. Receptors sites CB1 and CB2 are well documented. This where the magic occurs at the receptor sites for the cannabinoids in general. The largest amount of CB1 receptor sites is found in the brain, other organs eg. lungs,vascular system, muscles, gastrointestinal tract and reproductive organs also have these CB1 receptors. CB2 receptors found in the immune system, spleen, bone, skin, and have a much broader spectrum and influence in the body than CB1 receptors. Full spectrum CB1, CB2 combination covers all the system. Full spectrum products include several cannabinoids, terpenes in various combinations. how they sre combined elicits the entourage effect.

Raphael Mechoulam in 1992 discovered the ECS and isolated THC discovered the endigenous cannabinoid Anandamide that acted on both receptor sites. THC is a phytocannabinoid it acts as an agonist partially on both receptors. Cannabinoids increase dopamine neurotransmitter activity through a CB1 receptor – dependant mechanism. Increasing the tonic and phasic dopamine release. CBG interacts with the ECS system by binding with C1 and C2 receptors increasing dopamine levels. Boosts your mood, sleep is better, appetite is regulated. The entourage effect is a theory and marketing tool, that different compounds in cannabis work synergistic ally to createuniquely beneficial effects.

Research studies in cannabinoids have mixed results. CBD is very well documented, CBN,CBC and CBG studies are on the rise. New cannabinoids are being studied. CBD or cannabidiol, a molecular compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. Research suggests that CBD modulates many physiological functions in the brain and body and potentially effective as a treatment for a wide range of health conditions. Mental health, athletes, neuroprotection, migraines, anxiety,digestive system, diabetes, harm reduction, epilepsy, cardiovascular health, womens health. Yoga and CBD is a growing market.

A interesting and informative reference is a book CBD What does the science say? by Linda A. Parker, Erin M. Rock and Raphael Mechoulam. MIT Press ISBN 978-0-262-54405-4 Book Number 5300. Price ~$40 CDN / $30 USA. CBD Transformational healing with Cannabidiol By Colleen Quinn. ISBN 978-1-3988-2083-8. Arcturus publishing company, London UK.

CBD or cannabidiol found in the sativa plant, non psychoactive has found to have no direct effect on receptors but rather ensures that the endocannabinoid 2 -AG is increasingly released. It slows down the natural break down of anandamide, by blocking the enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter anandamide. Anandamide is produced when our brain experiences good, exhilarating sensations of joy, bliss, delight, positive affirmations. Anandamide and THC are very similar as they attach to same receptor sites but much weaker ( 10 X weaker ). Used in pain, anxiety, depression products. Found to have potential side effects of drowsiness when combined with melatonin. CBD used in pain relief, wound healing and strengthening of the nerve cells and bones. CBD supports the ECS in it’s natural function. It brings homeostasis to a depleted system. In contrast to THC which is able to dock at receptor sites and create effects itself. That is one reason CBD does not get you ” high “. External, fed in cannabinoids have effect over a longer time period compared to the body’s own endocannabinoids. Thus strengthening the ECS in phases. CBD simply enhances the positive effects of yoga as a metabolism boosting supplement. Clears mental blocks to allow you to stay in a better state of mind and manage fears, anxiety. Along with breathing properly there is an increase in calming effects. Microscopic tears in muscle fibers can increase inflammation, leading to muscle soreness, stiffness. Pat of resistance training once they heal muscles get bigger and stronger. Hence the use of CBD with athletes as CBD increases recovery time. CBD relieves pain associated with muscle growth and the yoga asanas, kriyas practiced will be mastered. CBD converts white fat cells into the good brown fat cells. Stimulates fat breakdown and burns fat to a small extent. CBD has been shown to eliminate harmful free radicles. This inhibits the breakdown of collagen.

This however is due to another cannabinoid CBN that works to protect the mitochondrial cells. Mitochondria are the power houses within all cells. All cells have DNA. The mitochondrial DNA is what is inherited from the female family line according to standard genetics and microbiology. In damaged ( oxidation ) cells the curl up like donuts. A change that has been seen in aging cells taken from the brains of people with Alzheimers. CBD is a powerful antioxidant and can prevent premature skin aging. Part of the basis for anti aging products along with Vitamin A and retinol, they have anti inflammatory effect by reducing sebum.

CBN a natural sleep aid alternative according to some laboratory’s it promotes sleep indirectly through reducing the psychological arousal sources of stress and pain., no tolerance build up over time. Stimulates appetite, treats pain, neuro protective. CBN is produced synthetically when THC degrades due to exposure to heat, air and light. CBD, CBN, CBG are incorporated into gummies usually 10mg total per packet.Many companies globally offer them. However the high sugar content in some can contribute to the haze of glucoma, switching to an oil can be beneficial. Some companies have greater than 10mg. ( 5mg -20mg ) CBN gummies made with CBN isolate will only contain CBN cannabinoid.Full spectrum CBN gummies do contain additional cannabinoids like CBD, THC. CBN isolate or cannabinol isolate is usually a pink color, crystalline solid in it’s pure state. Isolated from the cannabis plant, a metabolite of THC ( Tetrahydrocannabiol ) it binds to CB2 receptors which is expressed in a variety of immune cells, T cells, B cells, macrophages and dendritic cells.

CBG cannabigerol the mother cannabinoid. Modulates emotion and emotional memory processing. It’s precursor CBGA and the cascade of it’s breakdown products include THCA converts to THC. This is the psychoactive element. Prevents an increase in serotonin levels which assist with sadness, Aspergers syndrome. Extremely high doses can leave you feeling, fatigued, groggy due to it’s nature. ( compare sitting in the hot sun for too long ). CBG works to fight inflammation, pain, nausea and also works to slow proliferation of cancer cells. Reduces intra ocular eye pressure caused by glaucoma. Strains high in CBG are beneficial for focus and productivity, irritable bowel syndrome, crohn’s and some cancers.

Cannabinoid hypermesis ( CHS ) is a syndrome that leads to repeated and severe bouts of vomitting. It is rare and found in long term daily use of marijuana. Regular detoxing of the body can prevent this, understanding how cannabinoids work, knowing thyself and one’s disposition, understanding the half life of the compounds, relaxing dosage on occasion and understanding how over the counter pharmaceuticals impact the ECS system. Pseudobulbar affect (PBA ) or random giggles, episodes of uncontrollable and inappropriate laughing, crying, occurs in people with neurological conditions / injuries which may affect the way the brain controls emotions. The terpene pinene is incorporated into products as it assists in neurological damaged states, oxidative stress, inflammation, calming, sedating, a muscle relaxant, anti inflammatory, anti fungal and anti bacterial.

CBC cannabichromene is a powerful, non psychoactive phyto cannabinoid. It encourages neurogenesis, increasing the viability of developing brain cells. It is, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, anti viral and the oil has been shown to have health benefits. CBC interacts with TRPV1 receptors and is a CB2 receptor agonist. That makes it neuroprotective and inhibits inflammation in this way. A full spectrum CBD oil contains CBC. Full spectrum means all the essential cannabinoids are present. Broad spectrum oils remove some of the cannabinoids including THCA so there is a negligible amount of THC present. CBC might affect the brain, nerves and reduce swelling, pain, depression. It is implicated in skin benefits to clear up skin issues, dry skin and rashes. Bone health is being studied, it can assist in bone growth as well as repair. It is a proposed supplement after injury that lead to break or fractured bones. The antibacterial properties studied at University of Mississippi 1981. Mental stability and mood supplementing with CBC and CBD is still being investigated. While CBC is not as potent and powerful as THC it is being used as a pain reliever.

To stay healthy afloat on a sea of decadence is an inner alchemical opus magnus. Otherwise one can be engulfed with paranoia and off with the fairies! Used with understanding of one’s own body state ( hormones, PH also affect, effect what is supplemented ) and wisdom external supplementation with cannabinoids, terpenes, whole foods can greatly assist one’s life force energy to flow harmoniously. Chakra yoga for mental clarity and balance, understanding and implementing the entourage effect appropriately create life long benefits.

References and product companies for further enlightenment: Picture Zoroaster the alchemist.,,,,,,,,,, the cannabis spa at home by sandra hinchcliffe. CBD What does the science say? Linda A. Parker, Erin M. Rock, Raphael Mechoulam. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-54405-4. CBD Transformational healing by Colleen Quinn. ISBN 978-1-3988-2083-8. Arcturus Publishing, London UK.
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