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The Nine Dimensions

Dimensions means to measure. It has been said clothes are the measure of a man or woman. How do you measure up? The skin is the biggest organ of the body. The body in some theories is clothing for the spirit or soul and houses your internal musculature, skeleton and organelles. Negotiating other worlds, like the terrain of the brain and beyond the now perceived reality requires knowledge, a map to chart your course. That map of all the sensory cells is in the somatosensory living entity called the Homunculus in the brain. This is a brief synopsis of a much deeper topic. The full version can be accessed when you contact me.

The nine dimensions and understanding of the seven laws outlined in the Kybalion, will greatly assist your developing consciousness and make decision making, manifesting less doubtful and more seamless. Understand your purpose in your life. The dimensions are dynamic, experienced simultaneously and are levels of consciousness. The dimensions, vibrational states and forms, including your words you say, touch or tap into changes what is perceived, changes your brain patterning and physical, mental, emotional realities. What and how you understand to be karma, which is energy happening not happening to you plays a part.

The dynamic flow of energy in the dimensional system is much like the cerebral spinal fluid in the brain. It flows around the brain and spine clothing it in cosmic encoded energy or light. one flows to nine and nine to one. Above and below is the axiom part of the dynamic interplay of light. Each dimension is one aspect or measurement of the one thing often referred to as ” god, the system, universe ” The chakra system is connected to this dynamic interplay of energy.

First dimension. The first form, first sound, first word. In the beginning was the word from the holy bible and part of many creation, mythological interpretations of energy. RUDRA means the roarer, the first sound. The first consciousness,awareness of self as in ego formation. I am something, alive, experiencing one’s own awareness. The crown chakra and Mentalism in the kybalion. Light, the core and perfect felt in other dimensions.

Second dimension. Duality. Polarity is here as opposites. Hot / cold, dark / light, positive / negative etc. Two eyes of the body. This is the dimension to create, there is movement of light. Light comes into the eyes registered at brain stem. The old brain, neck, spinal cord, ears. Distortions of light are manifested in the somatosensory and vagus nerves that innervates every organ when the body brain , chakra dynamic is compromised be it by trauma, or otherwise. This affects, effects the view or perspective of a person. This is dissolution in alchemy and memory imprints it as termed by ” Dianetics ” engrams. This is also where the Fates, Norns energy is in effect.

Third dimension. The third and all seeing eye. Time space continuum form the triangle symbol and different perspective, different awareness. There is height, depth, light. Past present and future. Three points of view. This concept used in divination, predictive phase of analytical thinking to reach a diagnosis or action plan. It is not linear but a spiral of events.

Fourth dimension. This is part of a system of learning. A process controlled by the third dimension and connected to dimension eight by light, sound and where psychedelics can assist the journey. Learning how to integrate, express the third dimensional self. Experimenting, boundary pushing, asserting self and honing in on one’s skill sets. Finding how things happen, or work. Transcendence. Symbol of the cube and heart chakra. The law of rhythm and the vibration of the heart is valuable here. The higher the vibration of the heat which is an electromagnetic being. The more energetic, shorter and faster to manifest your desires and same energy returns to you in the dynamic flow of the dimensional system. This is also the hell realm where many demons/ angles of light can beset you for transformation. Where many sages, shamans, masters of their universes received their visions, perspectives some we call myths some philosophy, some holy books, Vedas and Gathas. Part of collective consciousness they created and tapped into as all can who understand and implement what is now termed ancient ways, alchemy.

Fifth dimension. A prism is formed, a pyramid some call the Merkaba. One sees a higher perspective, as understanding you are a co creator your inner world and outer world, becoming godlike. Positive and negative work together for balance, harmony. Destruction is part of the alchemy process towards evolving better consciousness and reconstruction of a compromised psyche and perspective. Light expands and the third, fourth dimension is retained in the aforementioned engrams if any damage is incurred in the somatosensory, vagus nerve system, as revealed in cases of PTSD, Stockholme syndrome, child hood neglect, abuse and many more ills. This is the realm of astral travel and those ascribed as masters.

Sixth dimension. Seen by some as the creator itself acting on it’s own creation.The astral realm, time space continuum is different here in form. The dark night of the soul , there is shadow, there is light, is accessed here for transformation. All ideas, feelings, thought forms, everything manifested takes on a unique form that is a unique vibration. Something triggers an awakening to find your real purpose to shift, move on, evolve consciousness. ( pandemics, music, fragrances ). It is when the telomeres are cut, the Norns measure and cut the threads of life. The 0 fools tarot card is significant here as a new journey has begun. A division not separation is created. This is where words to describe the dimensional construct in regards to the operation of light itself or ” god ” do not concur. Limiting expression. There are many models of six dimensional management control and manipulation of light force energy. Some are constraining others less so. Yoga is one of the many.

Seventh dimension. Enlightenment. All the chakras are in clear aligned shapes with their major organelles. One is understanding and living the laws that govern their universe. The chrysalis is transformed into the butterfly, feeling the bliss, living the life desires you have manifested. Willing what you have within you is manifest externally. Meditation and many esoteric practices enhance the chosen lifestyle. Inner peace. Words you use with intention have power and shape your reality. The law of attraction is active. I want is not a positive word of self empowerment. Put that out and you will get exactly that want, lack. Understanding and implementing the seven laws as outlined in the kybalion are very crucial to maintain the higher self at this juncture.

Eighth dimension. Everything is possible is the outlook here for the alchemist. All timelines can exist here. This is the so called matrix, the illusion, collective consciousness, Akashic records of your and others personal history. A soul journey or history of data you can access to assist you in the present. Meditation, quiet mind, contemplation get you closer as in integrated, infused with the abundance here. Tapping into your own and others always available abundant source of cosmic energy. What are you going to make of it? Do you realize and understand you are more than the concept of what religion calls god?

Ninth dimension. This is not the beginning or the end. It is a dynamic system. Some view it as a black hole, the void, creation itself, source, god from which all emanates. You a reality creating new, more realities, worlds, forms. Knowledge is wealth, brings wealth and like unto wisdom use wisely The law of use is universal, violation of which incurs suffering by reason of conflict with natural forces. The alienists of 1900s, precursors for what is psychiatry, psychology correlated mental health issues as those persons devoid or far from their true natures. Their contributions and ancient ways of understanding of the life force energy and the laws governing the universe still benefits all in any age and time.

The seven laws of creation as outlined in The Kybalion, by the three initiates. A study of The hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece:

1: The principle of mental ism. 2: The principle of correspondence. 3: The principle of vibration. 4: The principle of polarity. 5: The principle of rhythm. 6: The principle of cause and effect. 7: The principle of gender.

The twelve universal laws extant in many cultures:

1: Law of divine oneness: 2. Law of vibration: 3. Law of correspondence. 4: Law of attraction. 5: Law of inspired action. 6: Law of perpetual transmutation of energy. 7: Law of cause and effect. 8: Law of compensation. 9: Law of relativity. 10: Law of polarity. 11: Law of perpetual motion. 12: Law of giving and receiving.
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)