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The Vagus nerve and well being

It’s name means wanderer as it starts in the front of the head and descends like tree roots down the front of the body innervating all the organs and nourishes them with the life force energy. The nerve makes sure all organs are functioning well. It has been proposed that it mediates diverse physiological functions and responses. Vagus nerve degeneration is quite widespread and linked to many illnesses and anomalies in bodily function. Cervical instability and ligament laxity in the neck are prime contributors to loss in vagal tone. The vagus nerve is a defender, protector of the body against all enemies as quoted by Dr. Ross Hauser MD. Along with the condition of the four sinuses, the vagus nerve and the brain body dynamic shows considerable capacity to overcome any issues and it is reversible. As it has been shown the etiology of almost all diseases dead end at the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve functionality is tested using heart rate variability (HRV). Low HRV indicates the vagus nerve system is low. High HRV indicates High vagal tone and more tolerant to it’s stressors. The Vagus nerve connects to the immune system, the central nervous system and endocrine system. Indirectly regulates body temperature, heart rate and function (Stimulation of the nerve can alter cardiovascular autonomic control in healthy humans), decrease blood pressure, satiation, inflammation, stomach acidity, blood sugar regulation, bile release and production, water and sodium balance, saliva and tear production, pupil dilation, and auricular issues.

When doctors don’t know what your issue is the vagus nerve, blocked sinuses, light sensitivity are worth investigating. Cervical instability signs may include; dizziness, drop / fainting attacks, gastro-paresis, extreme sensitivity to light, touch and sound, blurry vision, nausea, vertigo, depression, brain fog, tinnitus,headache, severe neck pain, swallowing, speech difficulties, itchy eyes, grinding, clicking sounds emanating from the jaw, shoulder aches, tired, sore muscles, back ache, lack of mobility. All on a scale from mild to extreme.

Stressors include diet, environment, financial, genetic, infections, metals (heavy, nickel, tin, aluminum), radiation, relationships, past emotional traumas, loud noises, infections, pollutants and chemicals. Poor vagal tone will show itself as chronic lymph disease, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, dementia, diabetes, colitis, chronic fatigue, lack of motivation, Central sensitivity syndromes, sick building syndrome, balance issues, The nervous system is on alert. The autonomic nervous system ( ANS ) sympathetic system is high and parasympathetic low. The improved vagal tone has been shown to inhibit primitive part of the brain and the frontal cerebral cortex improves. The hyper arousal response of the primitive brain decreases. Thus one is more able to handle conflict better, less inflamed and less overweight with proper exercise.

Effects of vagus nerve degeneration can be lessened, reversed given time and some doctors are using prolotherapy to address issues. A holistic provider can determine the issue sources and prognosis. The common denominator in many cases of severe pain syndromes is the vagus nerve and to resolve it go to a specialist or help your self once diagnosed properly as proper diagnosis makes for a treatment plan that is more effective. Yin Yoga, restorative yoga postures, meditation and other forms of energy body work like Qui gong, meditation and proper breathing. All have been successful in improving HRV and increasing vagal tone.

Tissue, organ affected and the effect of Vagus nerve degeneration list. Not fully comprehensive.

Brain Depression, mental illness, decreased alertness, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease

Carotid body Increased heart rate

Ear Sound sensitivity, poor tearing, dizziness, Meniere’s disease

Eyes Blurry vision, Light sensitivity

Intestines Irritated bowels, bloody stools, malnutrition, poor digestion, leaky gut

Peripheral nerves Hyper arousal of sensory system, extreme pain when touched

Pituitary gland Endocrinopathy, low hormonal levels, diabetes insipidus

Salivary glands Decreased saliva and tears

Spleen Mast cell activation syndrome, itching, immune deficiency

Stomach Bloating, nausea, poor appetite

Sweat glands Poor temperature regulation

Sympathetic nerves Anxiety, stress feelings, O.C.D, hyperactivity

Vocal chords Hoarseness, choking, difficulty breathing

What you can do for your self or contact me here. 10 minute daily exercises that can lift the loneliness, depression and or maintain brain body system optimally. See vagus nerve activation on YouTube by Brain education TV or vagus nerve massage, yoga for brain exercises, look UP instead of constant looking down on phones, computer screens and key boards. Think ergonomically. Things to avoid: Weight of head in front of cervical spine, stretching of posterior ligament complex, Increased force on atlanto – axial ( C1 C2 ) joint, Lengthening, stretching of neck vagus nerve, avoid increased tension in brain stem. Often in yoga practice which has a heavy emphasis on lengthening the spine which includes the neck, cervical area. This is not addressed but a competent and informed mature in the practice yoga teacher can modify poses, kriyas to address any issues that may be part of vagus nerve condition. Brace the neck, vagus nerve stimulation, essential oils, lifestyle diet changes, to name a few self help strategies under the guidance of a holistic practitioner (contact for Dr.

Interested in learning more or have an issue that requires addressing? Consultations in clinical mindfulness and other modalities available through Corlunas. Contact us here.

Picture courtesy of Arbela Didier
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